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Guest coreana

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i was quite happy with 21.

i mean i havent seen a WATCHABLE episode for a long time;

although it wasnt tHATT great; it was so much ebtter than before

gahhhhh. shin made me cry when he was crying ):

why does YUL have to ruin everything? & his mom?! GET OUT of goong.

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Guest valandy

I just came from the Chinese thread. It seems that at the end of episode 22, Shin got an sms from CG's phone asking him to come over to Yul's place.

He went and he saw the sketch that Yul did for CG. Then suddenly, a fire broke out behind him. Episode 22 ends like that, with him caught in the fire.

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Guest what?

Dang! That ep 22 pics better be a dream or imma slap myself in the face! Come on now!!! How the hell can you do that to your husband?!!!! Those two are so shameless!!! :( I'm beginning to hate goong now......from now on, it's kim sam soon and my girl!! I'd rather re watch these two dramas than continue on with goong.....it's pissing me off dammit!!!!!! Although on a lighter note, it seems Shin's fashion sense is rubbing off of CG....hehehe look at those poka dot dress!!! :) Wayyyyy lamo!!!

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Guest smartee012

Okay, I'm going to get killed, and I know he's just starting out, but I think JJH's acting is really poor. I just can't get any feeling from him in the scenes where he's supposed to be emoting and it makes me want to just turn off the drama (oh, wait, I already did that! :P) Stiff, yes, he's totally stiff all the time and it makes his character appear to be very arrogant CONSTANTLY. Either that, or he's constipated. I know he has a lot of fans here and I'm going to get bashed for saying it. I hope he can improve in the next drama he does, but he hasn't impressed me enough for me to watch his career.

And I agree, KJH's performance has been improving. For a while in the middle it seemed like he was using the same expression over and over (the "oh I'm so sad feel sorry for me" look!) But once his character got more intense I saw him expressing pretty good range.

ok...i won't kill you! :D

i think that YEH acting has improved...but that's just my opinion. especially in episode 21, sure i have seen her not act very well for most of the 1st half, but recently, i think it has gotten better. KJH's acting has come a lot as well i think.

JJH; i personally find the whole "not talking, brooding, snooty, stiff posture" thing very hott...go figure! :crazy: but i can see how others don't...and find it too stiff. i just thought it was hott...therefore done on purpose for the character (you know...b/c lots of male leads in thos fic/manga things are snooty, hott, and just cool while the girl leads ditty/cute) and i found the emotions for ep 21 to be really great, when he cried...i cried too! :sweatingbullets: actually, all the acting in sp 21 was pretty good in my opinion.

oh//now i want to rant a little b/c i read everyone else's...and they were so interesting!!! [i agreed with a lot actually!]]

i think CG has extreme problems with double standards, from the beginning. i understand that in the beginning most of the reason was due to the fact that she believed that Shin loved HR and CK didn't love Yul. However, this really doesn't stand in its arguement because she sure as *h-e-double hockey sticks* knew that Yul loved her. Regardless of this, while married to Shin, she kept running to Yul, knowing fully that she would never, could never reciprocate his feelings...leading him on! ahhhhhh---! this always pissed me off. she's always going on and on about Shin and HR but she's there leading Yul on! that just motivates the guy, thinks he has a chance...makes him EviL! grrrrr---

Oh! and Shin's father! what a butthead. really. he chose to love more the son of his love and his brother than his own. and when CG said all that stuff about Shin and he defended himself, I understand...however, shouldn't a father show a little compassion for their children as well? give encouragement and not only criticism. Criticism of the positive kind are welcomed as well. Teaching the right ways insteads of just scolding. Maybe trying to spark a competition between Shin and Yul to motivate Shin isn't a bad idea...but that isn't his idea! he deliberately chooses Yul over Shin (by even suggesting Yul be the crown prince).

ok, i'm finished! woooooooooo...that's long...sorry everyone :sweatingbullets:

PS*that song that's on when shin's crying and CGs talking to Shin's dad about how Shin loves him...what is it? it's so nice!!! :blush:

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Guest AznGrlz

Hey everyone before we go on with more cg-hatin for announcing that she wants to divorce shin...may i plz ask if that happen before or after shin confessed his love? :i don't know korean: :tears:

did you guys noticed how low shin's voice went when he asked if cg was going to leave the palace with yul? that proves how hurt he is and how much he loves her plus if you listen carefully he's kinda pleading her to say that she wouldn't : or is it just me?: forgive me, i think goong is making me crazy :sweatingbullets:

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Guest SukarDrops

I just came from the Chinese thread. It seems that at the end of episode 22, Shin got an sms from CG's phone asking him to come over to Yul's place.

He went and he saw the sketch that Yul did for CG. Then suddenly, a fire broke out behind him. Episode 22 ends like that, with him caught in the fire.

so was that yul trapping him??? mmhmmm mmmhmmm using CG's phone lol psycho piece of crappp <_<

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Guest uberquirkiness

ahhhhhhhh yul's such a jerk. but he's so cute. . . i think he looks good sans lip gloss. :D (i like shin too) but .... when halma mama asked CG if she loved yul back. . . did CG NOD? is she trying to get out of goong by lying that she loves yul? NOOO!!! poor, poor shin. stupid stupid stupid STTTTTTUUUUUPPPPIIIIDDDD CG!!!

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Guest ViEt_AnGeL

after reading all this, this is so.... so... man i can't even explain this.... every one in this series got a problem, .... how... who... would do that to shin? that is just .... how could they started the fire with shin in it....

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Guest girl5

I hate CG she's soo stupid and she acts soo bad.That scene where she kneels down and begs for forgiveness was soo funny. It was supposed to be sad, but it made me laugh b.c how she acts it is so awkward. She can't act sad. And her new bubba lips are annoying, it seems to inflate cuz she got botox. It's annoying she talks like a bubba. And the PD is dragging the drama!

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Guest valandy

I have been reading all the posts here. Think everybody has different views about everything that is happening in Goong :D

Just want to voice out my opinion, not saying that I am right. Putting myself in SHin's position, I would think that he has the right to be angry with CG. Before the talk show, he did tell her not to mention DIVORCE. If she really wanted to leave the palace, he would do it for her in the future but NOT NOW!!!! :vicx: Maybe CG was really sonfused at the moment but she should know that by mentioning that word, you are causing a lot of trouble not just for SHin but for the whole palace. Furthermore, Shin already gave his word that he would let her go, the least you could do is to trust him since so far, he had never lied to her. During the talk show, he confessed his feelings to her in front of the whole country. He might not be sincere but to throw the word DIVORCE right back into his face after his confession was too much!!! Nobody will be able to accept rejection straight away :angry: and he still had to think of something to make it sound acceptable to the whole nation. If it were me, I would be stunned instead of trying to think of things to say....... :sweatingbullets:

If you look at what Yul said when he was confessing his LOVE to CG, you would know that he was looking for a mornachy that has more authorities in the politics. He told CG to leave Shin and he would take her back as her Queen. He told her not to worry about what others would say because by that time, nobody would dare to oppose what he was doing. If that was his kingdom, I don't think I would be happy staying there at all. :tongue2: :tongue2:

Those are just my opinions. Might not be true but it's what I think. :) :blush:

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Guest yamikaze
:sweatingbullets: I'm very behind in goong....... I just don't know where to download the goong episodes after 16...... Yes yes...... I'm very behind like I said. Is it not there to download or do I have no choice in the matter in trying to download the episodes after 16? Sorry about this annoyance....... :blush:
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Guest echoRy

I hate CG she's soo stupid and she acts soo bad.That scene where she kneels down and begs for forgiveness was soo funny. It was supposed to be sad, but it made me laugh b.c how she acts it is so awkward. She can't act sad. And her new bubba lips are annoying, it seems to inflate cuz she got botox. It's annoying she talks like a bubba. And the PD is dragging the drama!

ur not even commenting about the show itself, ur just making fun!

everyone is allowed to voice their opinions...and hate who they want to hate,

but please do so in a constructive manner.

what is the point of just bashing...




---but anyways in the show---

i guess we'll see the fire in the last scenes. i think Yul's mother started it, atleast i hope so.

i'm hoping Yul won't be the culprit this time.

as for the photos of yul in Chae's house...yeah it sounds probable that since he was kicked out,

maybe Chae felt bad and invited him over...idk. everything is speculation at this point.

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Guest your_sheroe

I really hope Yul isn't responsible for the fire. I would really would love to see his character be redeemed either slowly towards the end or by end of the series. I know a lot of people don't really like his character. But IMO his heart is in the right place, it's just he goes about it in the wrong way. I just wish if CG and Yul can't be together, then maybe CG can have a twin or something and that will love him the way he wants to be loved.

FIRE :o WHAT FIRE? OMG I'M MISSIN OUT ON SO MUCH EP... :tears::tears::tears:

i just finished ep.17 b/c it had sub... havent even started 18 yet and ep. 22 is coming out (today & tomorrow)... :tears::tears::tears: this ep. must be good... there so much... drama happening... <_<

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:) cheer up everybody ;););)

especially for Angeline...yeah...fighting!!!!! I've seen someone else with us.













I think they have been posted, but I would like to put them together, hoping you forget for a moment all the troubles causing by the idiots in Goong now...

(I don't know if I miss some pics. I cant' find the 17eps's one :( )

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PHEW i thot those yul pics were real!

theyre only ck's parent's imagination if CK married yul

as for episode 21.

i would like to rant on and on about how ck is being very ignorant and thoughtless of everyone except herself, but i wont say anything since it's been pretty much said already.

but seriously...

she needs to open her eyes and see the trap that yul's mom has created for her

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Guest nikesma

after reading this thread, i cant help myself but to butt in and give my own opinion... if you guys watch again goong from ep 1.. you'll agree withme...

cg is not stupid or anything.. she act base on what she knew... though shin did somehow say sweets word :P but right after that he ran straight to hr... cg is an inocent gurl.. from start she tought that she came between shin n hr love... thats why she act that way.. she felt guilty... by the way shin never clearify that hr is not his lover nor he says otherwise... :fury:

as for shin.. since the day he marrid cg.. he know that he didnt treat her well.. and he sees that cg is happier with yul... as first he tought that its ok but leter he realize that he starts falling for her.. though cg says he did not love yul :D but yul says directly to him that he love her :excl: ... then he sees that cg can smile when he is with yul.. something that he cant do :( ... so he tought that maybe deep down cg like yul better then him... :tears::tears:

though we know everything but the caracter didnt... thats why they act the way they did.... :blink:

as for shin dad.. he is just the typical man who cant forget his first love.. with yul mom seducing, he cant help himself but to reminice about the old days he have with her... thanks to shin mom love and tender he didnt direcly go to yul mom again.. still as a married man and a father, he relly should throw away yul mom from his life... i think it must be something bout his bro death that makes him act like what he is acting right now...

my theory is yul dad find out bout yul mom and shin dad affair.. he was so sad that he drive away from palace to take some air.. then he meet with the deadly acident.. that why shin dad felt so guilty B)

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Guest SukarDrops

PHEW i thot those yul pics were real!

theyre only ck's parent's imagination if CK married yul

OH ME GOD that was a life saver loooooooooool.....they need to stop playing b4 they give the great queen a heart attacke.....the sister is sooo layed back i think she knew everything already... and she just sat with her mouth shut not expecting it to get out..she was minding her busness bigups to her loool..

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Guest porcelet

PHEW i thot those yul pics were real!

theyre only ck's parent's imagination if CK married yul

Hi lilshinhwafreak, how do u know it's CG's parent's imagination?

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