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Another pic from the fire scene


Credit: KDOCN bbs

i just noticed, what shin is wearing is the same thing that he was wearing for the previews for episode 22 when he was with the great queen, the queen and the king...so i guess it happens right after they talked to shin??








credits to sophendo :)

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that jerk Yul set the fire didnt he?? and Shin sees him does it. I can tell by the pictures. Shin doesnt look shocked or scared in the pictures. He has that look, that look after he gets hurt. I dont know, but he looks mad?? Cant find that rite word. It also looks like hes looking straight into the eyes of the person who set the fire. Maybe Shin will get hurt in the fire while in the midst of trying to save Chae Gyung. He'll get so injured that the doctors arent sure if he'll make it or not, thus we get to see Chae Gyung run to his bed side and realize Shinny loves her and is willing to do anything to save her. Then he wakes up and the doctors say he will live, but will have to go to Macua to receive treatment for his wounds. Chae Gyung goes with him there and thats where they officially confess their love for each other, while he recovers. A honeymoo for the lovers and then the drama ends! The end...season 2 is next!

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Guest leesterrr

if YUL sets the fire in tomorrow's episode. How are they going to end it in the last two episodes? It'll be really draggy. <that's probably not a word but, oh well.> today's episode was heart breaking. especially when CG waited for two days to get the king's forgiveness. stupid king, he should just forgive her. :fury: finally, YUL confesses to the whole family. things are going to get pretty "riled up" in the palace. can't wait to watch tomorrow's or i guess tonight's episode.

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I don't think Yul's THAT evil. More like, confused and blinded.

I think it was Yul's mom. she's the devil incarnate

Ya, I think it's aout 99.9% certain it's Yul's mom who starts the fire. I think that's how it went in the manhwa (any manhwa readers here now to confirm?) Plus, it's not something Yul would do.

Like I said about 5 posts ago, seems like most likely Yul's mom is going to freak out b/c he's getting kicked out of the palace which means SHE has to leave, which means no more being the king's mom, etc. etc. I can't wait to see all of her evil plans fall to ruin!

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Guest ~*gongjunim*~

that jerk Yul set the fire didnt he?? and Shin sees him does it. I can tell by the pictures. Shin doesnt look shocked or scared in the pictures. He has that look, that look after he gets hurt. I dont know, but he looks mad?? Cant find that rite word. It also looks like hes looking straight into the eyes of the person who set the fire. Maybe Shin will get hurt in the fire while in the midst of trying to save Chae Gyung. He'll get so injured that the doctors arent sure if he'll make it or not, thus we get to see Chae Gyung run to his bed side and realize Shinny loves her and is willing to do anything to save her. Then he wakes up and the doctors say he will live, but will have to go to Macua to receive treatment for his wounds. Chae Gyung goes with him there and thats where they officially confess their love for each other, while he recovers. A honeymoo for the lovers and then the drama ends! The end...season 2 is next!

i really hope thats how they're going to end season 1. cause i've found the past 3 episodes (including todays) a HUGE dissapointment. they're dragging. and its just making me mad. they're dragging the hate between shin, chaegyung for so freaking long. its like, let them kiss and make up already!! yul should become a public speaker. he seems to be good at brain washing ppl. first chaegyung. now he tells shin to give up chaegyung and become king. gahhhhh. SixMyths08, i really hope ur right!! that would be a happy ending for me!!

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Guest thanhdda

I thought it understandable that Shin wouldnt go to CG when she was kneeling down, u wouldnt go to some1 just said publically that she wants to divorce you.....but come on...he is angry and upset as much or more than CG...and he thinks that she likes Yul...but CG...why the hell did she said it on TV and beg for forgiveness?....this prove that she doesnt have her own mind and folowing Yul's manipulation, she is really brainless....

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Even after 21 episodes, this thread is still so interesting to read! I don't think CG is stupid as some posts indicated, but just really confused. I think even though she likes Shin, she feels obligated as a friend to Yul since he was really nice to her. I think if I was in her position, I'd feel kinda obligated myself. But I think it was way wrong for CG to annouce divorce in public. That should be a personal thing between both parties. Even if Yul convinced her to do it, it should've been common sense not to!

Right now Shin is really bugging me (sorry Shin campers). He was warming up so well to CG, but now we are all back to where we started and he is so cold and snappy again! To me, he is acting like a spoiled child when he doesn't get his way. I mean I understand he is upset and jealous, but love has its ups and downs and will not always go as planned! That's why CG keeps going to Yul. Even though Yul gets jealous and mad, at least he is still respectful to CG.

I wonder if the fire will follow traditional drama storyline. Yul sets the fire, Shin gets called to the scene to be blamed, but wait... CG somehow gets in there too (and by the way she acts, it really could happen! :P ) and Shin saves her! Shin and CG finally realize their love for each other in the face of death. Yul realizes he is not worthy of CG anymore and poof! Happy ending?

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Guest leesterrr

Ya, I think it's aout 99.9% certain it's Yul's mom who starts the fire. I think that's how it went in the manhwa (any manhwa readers here now to confirm?) Plus, it's not something Yul would do.

Like I said about 5 posts ago, seems like most likely Yul's mom is going to freak out b/c he's getting kicked out of the palace which means SHE has to leave, which means no more being the king's mom, etc. etc. I can't wait to see all of her evil plans fall to ruin!

i'm pretty sure that YUL is the one who sets the fire in the episodes. i forgot who set the fire in the manhwa. it didn't really make sense. i think it was SHIN but, it might have been YUL. in the drama, im sure that it's YUL who does it. if anyone can confirm this, then that would be appreciated. =)

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i'm thinking its more like yul's mom is going to start the fire... she's going to find out that yul is asked to leave the palace because they now know about his feelings for cg... and yul's mom of course will not allow it.. and so she will go for one last resort in order to destroy shin's image by blaming him for the fire... poor shin.... and from what others have posted, cg will also think that it was him who who started the fire... maybe in the last episode, it wouldn't be cg who will first go to macau, it would be shin so that he could get away from everything thats happening.. maybe his mom will be the one to suggest it... then cg will be allowed to go back home.. but then she wants to go to shin... so she goes to macau as well....








credits to sophendo :)

REMINDER: We are not allowed to ask for uploads anymore.. please pm the person who provided the link.... they might close our thread if we do... as for the subs, don't ask for subs.. they delay the release of the subs if we continue to ask for it.. please be patient... read the first post before posting :)

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Guest AquaCherry

I dont know what is it with you guys who like Shin with CG so much. Is it it because theyre married or that he has the money and the power? Yes theyre married, but Shin reminds me of the husband who beats his wife and feels sorry for it later and brings roses and treats the wife nicely once in a while. Shin isnt physically beating CG, but he is draining her emotionally. This isnt a healthy relationship. [repeat] This isnt a healthy relationship. If this happened in real life to one of your friends, I bet you would tell her to divorce the guy, unless youre one of those highly religious people who will tell the girl to put up with it, bruises and all, for better or for worse.

I also dont like how the palace is changing CG from a carefree person to a depressed one. Shin isnt helping when he insults her and shuts her out. I really doubt Shin would change that much because he really believes in the palace rules/customs. Besides, you cant change who a person is. Some of you guys think CG can change Shin, but I believe she cant. He is who he is. I guess you have to be a little older to start believing this. Hopefully Shin can just learn to appreciate CG and actually show her his appreciation. Maybe he needs some counseling from a foreign doctor since he's surrounded by people who suck up to him.

Some of you guys seem to like Shin because he's the crown prince and has the money. Well, CG doesnt care about money or power. Shes a simple person who wants to be surrounded by people who love and care for her, and show it. Shes not like Shin's mom. Sure Shin's mom wants love, but it seems like she prefers the power more, because she stayed in the palace. I cant really blame her because shes trapped and is too deep in her hole to get out. This show is just telling people that money cant make you happy.

Anyway, Yul reminds me of Simba from The Lion King. He came back to regain his throne. I personally think he should get it back.

My opinion on the ending: Yul gets his throne and abolishes the royal system making it like England's. (After all, he was in England for a loong time, and he learned a lot about its political system). CG and Shin go away but separate for a while. Shin grows up a bit and experiences life outside the palace. CG regains some of her happy nature back. Shin is more relaxed, CG is more mature. Shin and CG unexpectedly meet each other again and start fresh, then fall in love for real with no strings attached.

But if I had what I really wanted: Yul gets his throne, Shin goes away. Shin/CG divorce. CG goes back home. Yul still changed the royal system so he doesnt force CG to marry him. He still visits her and helps her family. Though CG doesnt love Yul, she starts to fall in love with him. Shin and Hyorin meet and begin their love again. Like in real life some first loves never stay, while others do (ie CG/Shin love vs. Shin/Hyorin love).


Yul's lies caused Shin to kiss CG? I thought it was because Yul kissed CG on the forehead and Shin was there to see it. At least thats what I saw. Shin wanted to claim his territory by leaving his saliva on CG.

Ok, now Yul know how Shin cared for CG because Shin said it, but back then he didnt. We would have to see how Yul acts from now on.

Yes you would try to help them, but when you see them getting hurt you want to get them out of the unhealthy relationship, which is what I think Yul was doing.


:D:D:D Hi! ^^;; I found out about this Goong thread after episode 6 and I've been silently reading all your posts about this lovely drama hahaha...^^;;; It seems that episode 21 will be a depressing episode u_u...but of course I still want to watch it (haha can't resist =P)...Since I never posted...I thought I should say Hi!! to all of you Goongers before Season 1 ends *nod nod* I also have some thoughts about Goong that I thought I wanted to share with everyone...

1. Although I thought Yul was really nice to CG in the beginning (he was nicer than the Yul in the manhwa) but as the drama goes on...I think Yul is becoming more and more desperate to have CG...Some may disagree by saying that Yul deserves CG more than Shin because he treats CG better than Shin...but because CG is already married to Shin, I think Yul should back off. You can't steal someone's wife just because you love her. When I say stealing I'm saying that Yul brainwashes CG so that she would understand Shin less and less (then Shin and CG would be separated!!!) . If Yul really loves CG, he should try to make her and Shin patch up. If Yul worries that Shin might not be nice to her..then tell him so and friendlyly help Shin say the magic words to CG so that CG can be happy ^^!!! Besides, CG has already fallen in love with Shin so Yul can't force her to return feelings to him...CG has given her heart to Shin...Yul should make Shin be a less cold person and a more loving person so that CG can be happy!!! Making CG divorce Shin won't necessarily make CG happy!!!

....And another thing I want to point out is that Yul can't have CG either way, meaning if he becomes the Crown Prince, Shin and CG would have to move out of the Palace and if Yul doesn't become Crown Prince...CG will still be married anyway...

2. Everybody in the drama Goong has made mistakes and acted stupid, especially the main characters. Shin shouldn't have run off with Hyorin in Thailand and CG shouldn't be too stupid to realize that Yul, who she knows to love her, says bad things about Shin so that CG goes away from Shin. Yul really should not be going after someone's wife even if he thinks that Shin isn't good enough for CG. So I want to make a note to Ai, DON'T BE TOO BIASED AGAINST SOMEONE!!! I may not like Yul very much right now...but I think he's still a good person...

...Oh, and Shin is not the kind of person who is arrogant (like "he needs some counseling from a foreign doctor since he's surrounded by people who suck up to him" and "Yul's lies caused Shin to kiss CG? I thought it was because Yul kissed CG on the forehead and Shin was there to see it. At least thats what I saw. Shin wanted to claim his territory by leaving his saliva on CG.")

Anywayz, with the way the story is going right now, I really want to choke Yul for no reason (I'm a Shin + CG shipper ^^!!!). His mom is more evil but then she is always like that. Yul is supposed to be the calm and rational one...but now he is ....wahhh not his right self!!!

....But then without complications, would Goong be as good as it is????!!!! ^0^

OK, I am finished posting...Such a loooooonnnnngggg post ...Sorry...I don't mean to spam!! Please don't scold me!!!!!

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hmm... I thinking the fire scene will go more like

Yul's mom the MO-TOOT freaks out "if Yul has to leave the palace I can't take over! If I can't live here no one can"

Starts fire... somehow involves CG... Shin and Yul both come to the rescue... Yul dies to save CG, she recovers but in a fit of guilt over everything runs off to Macau (please, Macau is known for resorts and gambling, not for innovative medical treatments!) Shin follows her, they reunite, blah blah blah...

however, there will still be the loose ends of everyone wondering who started the fire, who will be king, will CG and Shin stay together, will she doubt him and think HE started the fire, blah blah blah...

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I have to say this...



I wish CG and Shin would just grow up, make like the giddy, lovesick teenagers they really are and declare their love for each other.

AND that Yul's mom would die in the fire and Yul would go back to hell or wherever.


sorry, i'm so annoyed because of them! they spoiled a perfectly good drama. =[

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Guest leesterrr

Thank you a lot a lot sophendo :w00t:

please refer to the first page of this thread. sorry i don't mean to pick on you or anything. but on the first page it says:

4) Do not quote entire posts only to say "thanx" at the end of it. Save ur thanx when u have something else to say.

so yeah. =) try to refrain from saying just thanks unless your write something else. :D

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Guest lost_kim

I agree that they are dragging it too much... too little happens in the couple last episodes, they just keep showing the tension accummulating in the whole household :crazy: ...

I feel sorry for both chae gyung and shin... Shin, because he got hurt by chae gyung announcing on live TV that they would get divorced after he asked her to wait... and chae gyung, cuz she knelt there to get forgiveness although shin had told her not to... but she told him that this was her business, so shin tells her to do whatever she wants... She's hurt that shin doesn't come to see her once, but she doesn't know that he's observing her from far away and thinking of her all the time... I guess they are both very influenced by misunderstandings, although they love each other... :blush:

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i'm pretty sure that YUL is the one who sets the fire in the episodes. i forgot who set the fire in the manhwa. it didn't really make sense. i think it was SHIN but, it might have been YUL. in the drama, im sure that it's YUL who does it. if anyone can confirm this, then that would be appreciated. =)

why would Shin set the palace on fire? If he did, that just doesnt make sense. I understand why Yul would do it. That pig headed, pycopathic, son of toot, who deserves to get his pee pee cut off! But ne ways, I hope it is Yul that sets the fire and Shin watches him doing it. My poor Shinny, all this heartbreak is really hurting is really hurting him and taking a toll on his overall being. He's never been like this...I think Chae Gyung needs to come to her senses and go comfort him because shes the only person that can save him from misery. I dont want my Shinny to become depressed and suicidal. That's juit to much!

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Guest leesterrr

why would Shin set the palace on fire? If he did, that just doesnt make sense. I understand why Yul would do it. That pig headed, pycopathic, son of toot, who deserves to get his pee pee cut off! But ne ways, I hope it is Yul that sets the fire and Shin watches him doing it. My poor Shinny, all this heartbreak is really hurting is really hurting him and taking a toll on his overall being. He's never been like this...I think Chae Gyung needs to come to her senses and go comfort him because shes the only person that can save him from misery. I dont want my Shinny to become depressed and suicidal. That's juit to much!

i meant that in the manhwa, i think it was SHIN who set the fire. but i'm not positive. in the drama, im sure its YUL. you're post is hilarious. 'That pig headed, pycopathic, son of toot, who deserves to get his pee pee cut off!' haha. =D im sure you're looking forward to tomorrows episode to figure out who set the fire, right?

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I have to say this...



I wish CG and Shin would just grow up, make like the giddy, lovesick teenagers they really are and declare their love for each other.

AND that Yul's mom would die in the fire and Yul would go back to hell or wherever.


sorry, i'm so annoyed because of them! they spoiled a perfectly good drama. =[

Welcome to the club! I couldnt agree with you more. Yul is the SPAWN of Satan. Well thats kinda mean, i guess you can say he's almost it. He's not as evil as the other spawns of satan in the real world, but in the drama world he is pretty darn close to it! I think you have the IHATEYULFORBRAINWASHINGCHAEGYUNGANDKEEPINGSHINANDCHAEGYUNGFROMCONFESSINGTHEIRLOVETOEACHOTHER Stress disorder! I have it too, so dont feel like ur not normal :lol: Anyways... I dont want Yul dieing for Chae Gyung because it means Chae Gyung will have to live with that guilt forever but a strain on her and Shin's relationship. I rather have just Yul going away back to England after realizing he wont ever be able to break up the love Shin and Chae Gyung share. But I doubt that'll happen since he is such a richard simmons. So the only other option is--being put in jail for starting the fire. All his deeds will be made known and Chae Gyun will find out Yul's true intentions and feel stupid for it. She will realize everything was a misunderstanding and false information and go back to her beloved Shin!

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