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Guest coreana

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that all i really have to say..








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Guest linatan

i just love this pic!!! i think Yul told the royal family that he was the one who suggested to CG about the divorce and he told them that he loves her. I think this episode and the next episode will be the most tearjerker...i mean i cried so many times in this episode! and i even cried in the ep22 preview! how sad!

in the ep22 preview, when shin told yul that yul should listen to him because its for his own good...i think because theyre already planning to kick him out of the palace when they found out yuls feelings for CG. is it just me or does it look like CG is listening to Shin and Yul's converstation?

its soo sad when shin is in his hiding place and he is wearing the shoes that CG gave him for his birthday...

i actually cant wait for ep22!! i think il be crying a lot again!

btw, did anyone see YEH's Green Tea CF? hope someone can upload it... thanks!

u mean in epsd 22, Yull will be kicked out from Palace? no wonder CG looks angry when she asks Shin about Yul. i am nt sure what CG asked but i know CG said Yul...omgg when Yul is kicked out, this will make Cg even further away from Shin cos she will feel that she is the one who responsible for this and make up her mind to leave the palace... :tears::tears:

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Guest taiping

i think too that when he told shin to be a good crown prince...that meant that yul will forsake the throne to be able for him to have CG...and i think he was meaning for shin to get that...and now that yul will be leaving the palace..i think shin is in a confusion as to what to do...to keep hold of his rightful place and be the future king?or to let go of it and run after CG,to be with her in CG's world?

i think though that when Shin is warning Yul in the preview, i think hes actually thinking of Yul...i mean being a good cousin maybe. I think that when Yul told the royal family about his feelings, his intentions are so that they can forgive CG and stop her suffering. I dont know if hes actually thinking of being kicked out of the palace to be with CG.

Anyway, i dont understand Korean but thats the impression that i got.. lets find out when subs come out... hehe...

Yul has completely redeemed himself in my eyes today. I cant believe he admitted to it even though he knew what the consequences could be.

Wow, i dont know what to say right now except GO YUL! :blink:

I just hope he doesnt have any other intentions though... i wish he would let CG and Shin be happy when he knows that CG loves Shin so much. I mean CG asked for Shin when Yul came to visit her while she was kneeling..

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Guest cheli001

u mean in epsd 22, Yull will be kicked out from Palace? no wonder CG looks angry when she asks Shin about Yul. i am nt sure what CG asked but i know CG said Yul...omgg when Yul is kicked out, this will make Cg even further away from Shin cos she will feel that she is the one who responsible for this and make up her mind to leave the palace... :tears::tears:

yup! someone translated ep 22 preview. And it seems that yul will leave the palace and cg feel sorry for him. which will lead to another fight/argument between shin and cg. CG even said that it was like her chance to leave the palace. you can find the translations a few posts back.

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Guest tehliwah

YUL making everything more complicated .... why ..

I hate YUL!!

I HATE YUL TOO.... but the idiot behind all this is CG - she is allowing herself too be manipulated. Now that shin has confessed his feelings wth more does she want. Instead she goes and say YUL is a pitiful person and brushes shin off when he tries to help her when she falls.... is this the way u treat the man u love... and she is worried Yul is to be banished from the palace!!! Whatt about Shin's crown prince status? Isn't she worried that he might not become king... urrugggh! wish i could shake her up real good!

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thanks for the preview for epi 22. Loving Goong.. & JJH & YEH , I hope they win the baeksang award!

Been seeing Goong's merchandise ard.. bt does anyone noe where can I get Alfred?

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Guest taiping


in this scene, does it seem like CG is listening to Yul and Shins conversation?

and in the last pic, im not sure but i got the impression that Shin was being asked to go on a vacation? hehe... hope someone can translate that part... thanks!

u mean in epsd 22, Yull will be kicked out from Palace? no wonder CG looks angry when she asks Shin about Yul. i am nt sure what CG asked but i know CG said Yul...omgg when Yul is kicked out, this will make Cg even further away from Shin cos she will feel that she is the one who responsible for this and make up her mind to leave the palace... :tears::tears:

i hope that wouldnt happen! if she only knew that Shin tried to stop what Yul was doing and warning him about the consequences of what hes doing...

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Guest valandy

guess that will explain the photo about Yul and CG at her place......... <_<

most probably she went to meet him after he left the palace or she left the palace together with him, but one thing for sure I don't think Shin would give up CG without a fight at all, or in fact he would never give her up. I think right now, CG is like his life support. Without her, he would be devastated.......... :tears:

Another moody week coming up, still can't see any hope in this week's episodes............. :tears:

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Guest linatan

yup! someone translated ep 22 preview. And it seems that yul will leave the palace and cg feel sorry for him. which will lead to another fight/argument between shin and cg. CG even said that it was like her chance to leave the palace. you can find the translations a few posts back.

arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh by seeing the preview although i am korean blind...i know this sure will happennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..............arrhhhhh feel like punching several person, my first list is the PD, no 2. will be Yul, no 3. will be King and no 4 is Shin.....very annoyinggggggggg :fury: :fury: :crazy:


thx cheli...

i tink i wan to modify my punching list...no 4 will be CG instead of Shin.... cos CG looks so stupidd...why she prefers frenz rather than her own love..cant imagine...

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Guest cheli001

u mean in epsd 22, Yull will be kicked out from Palace? no wonder CG looks angry when she asks Shin about Yul. i am nt sure what CG asked but i know CG said Yul...omgg when Yul is kicked out, this will make Cg even further away from Shin cos she will feel that she is the one who responsible for this and make up her mind to leave the palace... :tears::tears:

Ep. 22 preview translations on page 1535. :D hope this helps...

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Guest Cara_Sunflower

I really really hope that she won't run away after Yul!! CG is even more impulsive lately. She does things w/o even thinking!! Aiigoo Aiigooo.... Can't Shin and CG just look deeply into each other's eyes and say "Saranghaye??" haayyyy

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may i pls ask why is it that CG is kneeling down at the king? and the king is still angry at her i think...even shin...is shin being punished by the king?

According to the manhwa, it was Yul's mum who suggested to CK that she kneel down to ask for forgiveness from the King. However, it was actually a plot to put CK out of favour because if the King forgives her too easily, then it would seem like the divorce issue is not taken seriously. If the King remains angry with her and does not grant her pardon for a long time, then the King "loses face" also, because it makes him appear as a cruel n unforgiving father-in-law. Either way, it puts the King in a difficult position, which makes him even madder at CK.

i realli hate the king, how come he brought Yul around not brought the crown prince...he is so unfair

The King is bringing Yul around because Yul was in charge of regaining Korea's lost treasures back from other countries. I think the royals were showing off these recovered treasures to other important people at a exhibition or something, so the King n Yul were present.

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Guest cheli001

thanks for the preview for epi 22. Loving Goong.. & JJH & YEH , I hope they win the baeksang award!

Been seeing Goong's merchandise ard.. bt does anyone noe where can I get Alfred?

I'm also wondering where to buy alfred stuffed toy. Sooooo cute....

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episode 21 summary translations

not everything is translated... coz my friend was just typing this while watching...

so the interview thing...

cg announces divorce

shin: we thought about divorce before

shin: i fell in love with her

shin: she is not perfect though she is doing her best

shin: one thing left is for you people to forgive us

then audience clapped

the king is mad that cg mentioned divorce

shin and cg conversation after being scolded by king

shin: i asked you not to say it (divorce)

shin: i never asked anybody a favor

shin: and i did today

shin: you didn't care about my feeling

he also said that he's in love with her

shin was crying while saying this

king said that shin is not good to become king.. yul is

the queen said is it because of your feelings for yul's ,p,

then she said she's going to make him king

family and friends of cg are worried that cg might not become the queen anymore

shin's friend was telling cg's friend when he knelt down.. please be my picture

shin and cg.. cg approached shin

cg: you said you love me

cg: if you meant it

cg: please understand me

cg: isnt sorry enough?

then shin leaves

shin looking at cg's pictures when they went to the beach....

cg thinking while looking at the shin doll

cg: its too hard to be the princess

cg: i wanted to run away

cg: i just thought about myself

cg: didn't care about shin

cg: sorry. sorry

queen and king

queen: do you love me?

queen is envious of cg because she is loved by her husband

she thought that any wife who is loved by her husband can go through any hardship

queen talking to cg

queen wants to make sure of something

queen: what do you feel about yul?

queen: there cannot be any friendship between boy and girl

cg: i haven't thought about yul as more than a friend

queen: can i believe you?

cg: yes

cg and yul's mom

mom: you must have a hard time

cg: its all my fault

mom: people make mistakes

mom: what are you going to do?

cg: i don't know

cg: how can i be forgiven?

mom: it needs an extreme solution..

so yul's mom told cg to kneel until she is forgiven by the king

shin went to the king... the king asked him to go back since he will be going with yul instead...

cg kneeling down...

king saw her..

the king is asking cg if the reason for saying divorce is because of the guy in the paper

cg couldn't answer

the king asked if it was really her father who was with her

cg couldn't answer

shin telling cg that the king will not forgive her

shin talking to assistant

shin: i think i know now why the king likes yul so much

he told the assistant that he found the love letter of king to yul's mom

yul talking to the phone.. he is asking about cg

then his assistant told him that the king is looking for him

great queen talking to cg

queen: you just made a mistake

queen: you don't have to do this

queen: tell him the truth

queen: who you were with

cg: i can't tell who i was with

yul telling the king that he should forgive her... that she is too weak.. the king said its none of his business

king and cg

king: where is shin?

cg: please forgive me

cg: forgive us

cg: forgive shin too

cg: he loves you in his own way

king: do you think i hate shin?

king: there is no parent who hates his son

king: but it is the parent's role to tell him which is right or wrong

yul and shin

yul: go to cg

yul: have you ever gone to see her?

yul: if you were a little bit warmer, i could have given her up

shin: one loving cousin-in-law is enough in the palace

yul and cg

yul is saying sorry to cg for telling her to say divorce

cg is asking about shin

yul said that shin doesn't care about her

yul's mom heard everything i think...

yul found out that it was his mom who told cg to kneel until forgiven

king and queen

king wants queen to find the guy who cg is with

he is asking why is shin not going to cg

yul's mom is talking with her assistant.. telling her that her son is in love with the princess

shin and assistant

as: you are looking at the same page for hours

as: are you going to leave ck like that?

shin: you may go

cg with unnies

unnie: please stop

cg: i won't move till i'm forgiven

great queen said she has lived too long

yul asked the queen to help her

the queen called everyone in the palace

great queen: how could you leave cg like that for so long?

great queen: why don't you forgive her?

yul's mom: but she lied

yul's mom: and she is not telling who she was with

yul: it was me

yul: i saw her going out

yul: i followed her

everybody was shocked..

king: you were with her?

yul: yes

yul's mom: i think he went with her as a friend

king: do you like cg?

yul: yes, i love her very much


preview for episode 22

they found out that yul loves cg

so they are talking about making yul go away from the palace

yul telling shin

yul: let cg free and then become king

yul: i will give up the crown

sorry if its not accurate...

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Guest cheli001

According to the manhwa, it was Yul's mum who suggested to CK that she kneel down to ask for forgiveness from the King. However, it was actually a plot to put CK out of favour because if the King forgives her too easily, then it would seem like the divorce issue is not taken seriously. If the King remains angry with her and does not grant her pardon for a long time, then the King "loses face" also, because it makes him appear as a cruel n unforgiving father-in-law. Either way, it puts the King in a difficult position, which makes him even madder at CK.

The King is bringing Yul around because Yul was in charge of regaining Korea's lost treasures back from other countries. I think the royals were showing off these recovered treasures to other important people at a exhibition or something, so the King n Yul were present.

I'm hoping that before this season ends the great queen realizes or notices what an evil yul's mom is.

Does the great queen know about the affair of pyeha and yul's mom? Although, I'm sure that mr. internal officer knows about it.

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Guest SillyYun

i still likes yul though even how bad he is..i guess hes just tired too because of all these so he confessed..rather than keeping to himself..CG and shin should be together..cos YUL I WANT U! haha

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Guest cheli001

arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh by seeing the preview although i am korean blind...i know this sure will happennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..............arrhhhhh feel like punching several person, my first list is the PD, no 2. will be Yul, no 3. will be King and no 4 is Shin.....very annoyinggggggggg :fury: :fury: :crazy:


thx cheli...

i tink i wan to modify my punching list...no 4 will be CG instead of Shin.... cos CG looks so stupidd...why she prefers frenz rather than her own love..cant imagine...

HAHA! CG and Shin have been acting really stupid these past few episodes. I mean, they keep on hurting each other's feeling. But deep inside they know or at least they have an idea that they like or love each other. Cg and Shin have trust issues. They just don't trust each other. *sigh*

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Guest hsinyi069

summary translations for episode 21

thank you for sharing the summary...

I almost cried while seeing Shin staying alone in the room watching CG's photos..

those which he took for CG at the beatch

with all those beautiful memories...

I can't believe CG is so cruel to her hubby...

seriously.. how can she ask Shin to forgive her simply by saying she is sorry?

sigh... i dun't understand what's in her mind

and what she will be telling Shin in Ep.22

she surely is a dumb girl.... >_<

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