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Guest lovedrama

u mean i misTRANSLATE.

i didnt? because i translated from chinese to english


this is wad the chinese one said.


so if its mistranslation, it is the chinese one that is abit wrong.

Don't be too hard on Liquidfir. Liquidfir was kind enough to translate for all you us. So thank you Liquidfir. I really apprecated.

Love Drama :P

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Wow, looks like I missed out on Shenny's "wink ;) " and some goodies.

Thanks for the subs, dears! Also, t hanks to all who translated the BTS and the long preview, muchos appreciated!

Golly-gee-wizards! Forgot who posted the cap of the part where Shin's jades were falling, but gosh...it made me tear. How can you not know that he loves you, Chae? I know that Shin was cruel and mean to her before, but dang, seeing him go through this is torture.

Just hours away, everyone...get your tissue boxes ready :tears: !

PS: Dang, JJH even looks good when he cries.

Some caps from the long preview of eppie 21: :tears::tears::tears: (this is going to be a good eppie. creds to imbc.com for the caps)


v *waves* Hi, Shenny, hun!

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*waves to Jess* (pstt, you didn't miss my wink, it was kinda an 'urgent' urge release to make up for the tardiness hehe!)

Thank you for everyone for the kind words (about the subs) ^_^

Please keep giving your warm supports to our subbing team (WITH S2) for their hard work and dedications.

I'm sure at time like this, when our feelings have been in such roller-coaster motions these past few weeks with Goong,

all of the subbers need your supports to keep on going in subbing this beloved series :)

Also, *huggles Amanda* thank u for the preview translations sweetie..

And also for ppl who translated the rest of the preview, muah! ^_^

Can't wait to see that 'jade drops' (*ai unni hehe!) from Shin.... it's gonna be so overwhelming...aaah~~ Shin :wub::tears:

I remember last time I said it myself, "i wanna see him begging for CG forgiveness!", and now the table is turned.

Now, I wanna see CG begs her life out for forgiveness. *sigh*

That 'D' bomb is just too much CG.. too much. *sigh*

Hmm, nonetheless... the last 4 eppies are gonna be just 'awesome'

*tissue box + doggy bag ready ;)*

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Guest taiping

I think its in his personality not to directly say how he feels... because he was brought up like that. I mean, not being able to call your mother "mom" was hard for a kid... i think it was like that from him in the beginning. but throughout the drama, he likes to give little hints or several lines to CG. I mean there are already several times Shin asked CG for her not to leave him... even if he is not the Crown Prince. When she mentioned it before in Jeju Island he got mad at her, when she said the divorce thing after Shin took her from Yul, he suddenly hugged her, and when they went on a vacation at the beach he told her how about living together for 100 years, then when she got back from the hotel after meeting HR, he told CG not to leave him even if hes not the Crown Prince.

I mean, he has been telling CG not to leave him even if he is not the Crown Prince. And then CG will just blurt out the divorce thing on TV. I think its too much for CG to do that. At least she should ask him first before doing it right? I think CG have been listening to Yul too much.

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Guest kimtoa

As for the translation part of during shin and CG

Shin said

"For the 1st time in my life, i expressed wad i truely feel, not as a crown prince but as a man to a woman. My first confession was trampled on by u."

--did he refer to the interview that during that time he actually confess to her on the national TV and this is how she repay him by announce the devorce???

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Good News!

I just read in DAUM site that Shin-goon will appear on the Special that will air after the last episode. He delayed/changed his schedule so that he can appear on the show.

He said there's couple of reasons why he changed his mind. One is that he wants to thank all the fans and the other is that all the older casts (Shin's mom, dad, grandmother, etc) will appear on the show.

And in another article in DAUM, it said Yul will NOT be going to Macau with Shin & CG so his last filming will be 25th(?) since Shin & CG will be leaving for Macau. I'm not sure on this part but it sounded like eventhough Yul will not going to Macau, he will stay in palace and continue on with his plans. (???) Maybe this will be the setup for the next year's season?


P.S. I know I'm not allowed to ask but I hope someone uploads the Special Show after the last episodes on the clubbox so that we can all see more of Goong.

P.S.S. I want to thank all of you who have shared all the Goong episodes/comments with us. You gals are wonderful and I really appreciate all your efforts.

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amdlin from Koreanwind translated the Korean transcript of Ep 20 BTS to chinese. Credits to tsubomi of KDOCN forum for cross-posting. My english translation in orange:

으네 : 기분 좋아졌어요?

心情好了嗎 (YEH: Feeling better?)

지훈 : 끄덕

智勛: 恩 (JJH: yes)

으네: (웃으면서 기분좋아졌어 ㅋㅋㅋ 아 ~ 미치겠다 ㅋㅋ

(笑著) 心情好了喔 哈哈..我快瘋了 (YEH (laughs): Better mood ohh.. haha...I'm going crazy)

으네: A형 안단순한데 ㅋㅋ

A型真得很單純 (YEH: A types are so innocent)

지훈: 근데 이렇게 벗어날 수 없는 손아귀에서 벗어나서 (좋다

智勛: anyway ~ 逃出魔掌的感覺很好喔 (JJH: anyway, it feels good to escape from the clutches of the devil)

으네: 해방된거 같애 ㅋㅋ

解放的感覺 哈哈 (YEH: a feeling of release, haha)

지훈: 살것같애

智勛: 現在才能呼吸了 (JJH: Now I can breathe)

으네: 하하하~ 미치겠다 ㅋㅋ

哈哈 我快瘋了 .. (YEH: haha, I'm going crazy...)

언니~언니 터프하게 울어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

姊姊 你要哭的很酷 哈哈 (dunno who's speaking here): sister, you must cry in a cool manner. haha

지훈: 아 짜증..~

智勛: 你好煩喔 (JJH: You're so bothersome)

으네지훈보면서 왜 갑자기 또 짜증내요~ 아~성격진짜~~ 아 ~~~~ 옆에서 진짜 답답해서 죽는줄 알았어

幹嘛有發脾氣 …個性好奇怪奇怪 .. 我在你的方便悶的要命了ㄟ (YEH: Why get angry? Such weird personality.) I dun understand the last sentence,so didnt translate

으네등에 마이크 빠지고)엇...

( 在背後的麥克風不小心拔掉了) YEH's microphone on her back dropped

지훈: 이럴줄 알.. 벌받을줄 알았.. 히이~~~~.....(놀라는거)

智勛: 我早就知道了 …你被懲罰 嘿嘿 (JJH: I knew it....you're being punished...hehe)

둘이 수군수군

으네: 뭐래는 줄 알아요?

你知道她說什麼嗎 (YEH: do u know what she's saying?)

지훈팔꿈치로 으네 툭 치고)

智勛: (用手筆打一下 恩惠 ) (JJH hits YEH'S arm wth the back of his hand)

으네: 아~ 자꾸 때려 ㅠㅠ

幹嘛又打我 (YEH: Why do u hit me again?)

지훈: 내가 언제 -_-+

智勛: 什麼時候 (JJH: When??)

으네: 떄려~ 아~~~

好痛 好痛 (YEH: so painful, so painful.)

으네: (카메라보면서 말 할려고 하자)

(對著攝影機想講出來的時候) (YEH turns to the camera, wanting to complain)

지훈: (으네 어깨를 잡고...돌려세우려는 듯)

智勛: (抓恩惠的肩膀,讓他坐好) (JJH grabs hold of her shoulders to turn her around)

으네: (지훈 손 떼네면서) 만지지마요~ 어딜만져요!

幹嘛摸我啊… (YEH: Oppa, why r u touching me?)

지훈: (팔꿈치로 으네 밀면서) 안만져!

智勛: (用手比推開她) 不摸你了 (JJH elbows her: not touching u any more)

PD : 무슨 얘기 했어요?

你們聊什麼 (PD: What r u talking about?)

으네: 아니에요. 이거 한달가요 한달. 아~ 한달동안 우리 볼 일이 없겠구나? 인제, 어~ 뭐냐면요 ㅋㅋㅋ

沒有啊.. 這個..到一個月 一個月以內我們看不見…那是因為…. (YEH: Nothing. This...for one month....we won't be seeing one other for one month. That's because..)

지훈: 마카오 가잖아~ㅋㅋㅋ 비행기 안에서 몇시간 걸려가잖아.

智勛: 我們去澳門 …坐飛機幾小時ㄚ (JJH: WE're going to Macau. A few hours flight)

으네: 옆자리 아니잖아.

我們不坐隔壁位啊 (YEH: We're not sitting next to each other.)

지훈: 네 찾고있습니다. /레디액션/ 저는 그때의 제 결정에 감사합니다.

........ 그리고 사랑하게 됐습니다. ㄕ!

智勛: 我在找 / ready ! action !!/ 我覺得那時候的決定是對的 (JJH: I'm searching) Director: ready, action! (Shin: I feel that the decision then was correct)

다들: 우하하하하하하ㅏㅏㅏㅏㅏ

大家: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 (Everyone: hahahaha......)

으네: 미치겠다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 我快瘋掉了 (YEH: I'm going crazy)

으네: 못봤죠? 沒看到吧 (U didn't see it?)

으네: (지훈에게 익위사 흉내)

으네: 아~ 연습하는 척 하자고 연습하는 척 ~~~~~

哈..假裝練習吧,練習 (YEH: ha, pretendind to practise, practise)

지훈: 헉 !

智勛: 屁 (JJH: s**t)

으네: 아~~~ 답답해 ㅠㅠ! 好悶喔 (YEH: So boring)

지훈: 나 연습했어~ 자기는 연습하는 척 했나봐?

智勛: 我真的練習了..我的寶貝假裝了嗎 (JJH: I really practised! Did my dear pretend?)

(카메라보며) 전 연습했어요! 저 오늘 피보는거 보셨죠? ㅠㅠ

(看著攝影機) 我真的練習了..你看到吧 (JJH looks at camera: I really practised, u saw it right?)

이런 날이 있어요. 너무 힘들어요. .... 떡 드실래요? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

有時候這樣啊 ,你想吃年糕嗎 (Sometimes during such occasions, don't u feel like eating glutinous cake?)

으네: 이런 날 왜 와가꾸 찍으세요

你們幹嘛拍我這個樣子 (YEH: Why do u shoot me in such appearance?)

Q. 신채커플 진짜 사귈 생각은?

問 : 你們有沒有打算真的交往 (Q: Have the 2 of u considered being a real couple?)

PD:실제신채커플 진짜 사겨라~..

PD: 祝你們真的交往 (PD: Wish the 2 of u really become a couple)

으네: 근데!! 성격이 너무 안좋은것 같애요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

可是呢..他的個性真的很差 (YEH: But...he has such bad personality)

PD: 그래? 真的嗎 (PD: really?)

지훈: (으네 입에 떡 주면서) 아~~~

智勛: (把年糕拿給恩惠) 嘴巴張開 (JJH gives cake to YEH: ah...open your mouth)

으네: 제가 솔직히 와~ 이제 남자 잘 만나야 될 때가 오거든요? 하도 남자들한테 맞아가꾸 멍이들구요!

實際上 哈..我要跟人真的人見面 .. 我以前玩的時候被打了不少 (YEH: Actually..ha...I really want to meet with someone. I was hit so much last time in game shows.)

지훈: 지금 너무 의식적인게 평소에는 주면 먹거든요? 근데 카메라 있으니까~ 지금

智勛: 現在她很在意攝影機 , 平常我給的時候她會很高興的吃 .. 現在攝影機面前.. (JJH: Now, she's very concerned abt the camera. Usually when I give, she'll eat happily. Now in front of the camera...)

으네: 아~~~(입벌리면서 떡 달라고)

阿 (嘴巴張開著要年糕) (YEH: ahh....(opens mouth to eat cake))

지훈: 8년차에요 8년차.. 불여시!!(으네의 보복이 두려워자리를 뜨고)

智勛: 8年老的狐狸 啊 (JJH: 8 yrs old vixen) (NB: vixen= pretty n seductive woman) (JJH escapes)

으네: 저(게) 선배한테 불여시라니!!!!!

你這個傢伙 . 我是你的長輩ㄟ (YEH: You! This fellow.... I'm your senior!!!)

지훈: 불여시!!

智勛: 狐狸 (JJH: vixen!!)

으네: 아 ~ 왜 친한척이야!-_-+ 어~진짜~

我們很熟嗎 .. 好笑喔 (YEH: R we very familiar? Such a joke)

여기서 잠깐~!

現在等一下 (Wait for a moment)

이민기씨가 응원메시지를 보냈는데....

李民基 留了message 給你 (Lee Myung Kee has left a message)

Q. 신(주지훈)에게응원메세지... to 智勛 (Q: to JJH)

- 저번주꺼 봤는데요 형. 벽 빡~ 때리고! 돌아서는거! 넘 멋있어요 ㅋㅋ

이정도 얘기하면 밥이라도 하나 사주겠지 ㅋㅋ

그 말투를 흉내내줘야하는데.. "걱정하쥐마~"

我上個禮拜看連戲劇 . 哥哥打了以後轉身的畫面..真的好帥 哈哈 (I saw the drama last week. Bro turned around after giving a punch. Very stylish, haha.)

我這樣講的話你會請我吃飯吧 哈哈 (What I said, you'll treat me to a meal right? haha?)

我好想模仿你的語調 “ 不要擔~~心 “ (I so want to imitate your tone "do not worry...")

지훈: 민기야. 형 너 배고프고 돈없을때 먹여살렸잖아 형이 너를.응?

술사주고 밥사주고.응? 근데. 일좀 했다고 형한테 말을 놔?

뭐? 같이 늙어가는 처지에~? ㅋㅋㅋ

형 드라마 4월달에 끝난다. 엉? 너 우리 옆집 살잖아 ㅋㅋ 조심하고 있어!

조사하면 다 나와 ~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

智勛: 民基 !! 你記得你沒有錢的時候我一直照顧你嗎..?買酒買飯餵你 (JJH: Myung Kee!! Do u remember how when u were short of money, I took care of u, bought rice n wine to feed u.)

可是我發覺你不再用敬語喔 … (but I discovere u no longer talk in the respectful language)

對了我們一起老的樣子 哈哈 (oh yes, our appearance when we grow old together, haha)

哥哥 4月剛好結束這部連戲劇 , 知道嗎? 你小心一點..你住我的隔壁嘛 .調查的話我就可以找出來你在做什麼壞事. (Brother will be finishing this drama in April, u know? U be careful..u live next to me. Some investigation n I will find out what u r doing.)

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I 'm always hoping that you don't blame CG and Shin anymore (esp CG, she has enough stress :D ) yeah , they are really silly, but they're still so young, and blind because of love_ Shin can't see CG's love (now it's so hard for him to see it) and CG can't see Shin's love ( it's always so hard for her to believe it)...both of them are crazy...but they are crazy because they love each others...so just forgive them...

I just want to blame the scripts writer, It's absolutment unusual_letting CG went away before hearing everything Shin said to Hyorin? If I were in CG situation, normaly, either I wouldn't want to know anything, or I would listen to all of their convo, no? It's really annoying! :blink:

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Guest taiping

thanks for the BTS translation...

hahaha!!! i really like how they are to each other (JJH & YEH)...

hope someone can make subs for this... hehehe.. thanks a lot!

Good News!

I just read in DAUM site that Shin-goon will appear on the Special that will air after the last episode. He delayed/changed his schedule so that he can appear on the show.

He said there's couple of reasons why he changed his mind. One is that he wants to thank all the fans and the other is that all the older casts (Shin's mom, dad, grandmother, etc) will appear on the show.

And in another article in DAUM, it said Yul will NOT be going to Macau with Shin & CG so his last filming will be 25th(?) since Shin & CG will be leaving for Macau. I'm not sure on this part but it sounded like eventhough Yul will not going to Macau, he will stay in palace and continue on with his plans. (???) Maybe this will be the setup for the next year's season?


P.S. I know I'm not allowed to ask but I hope someone uploads the Special Show after the last episodes on the clubbox so that we can all see more of Goong.

P.S.S. I want to thank all of you who have shared all the Goong episodes/comments with us. You gals are wonderful and I really appreciate all your efforts.

thanks for the news!

i also hope someone can upload the Special Show... hopefully can also have subs for them... thanks a lot to all!!!

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Aigoo, doesn't your heart just go out to him?

*hands Shenny a tissue :tears: *



PS: I loved the BTS bit with EH and JH, they're so funny! Very cute couple! Lol, even the PD wants them to get together in real life, haha! *^5's PD Hwang*

creds to: imbc.com

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Guest lovedrama

Aigoo, doesn't you heart just go out to him?

*hands Shenny a tissue :tears: *


creds: imbc.com

Not really. How can Shin demands anythings from CG? When it's he who was cold and distant to her and professes his love on TV. What is that? Telling the whole world you love her and not even look at her. What is she supposes to think, is this a stunt for show or it's for real? Instead of talking to her and telling her how he feels. Yes, once in awhile he shows some sign of affection and then turns to a dead fish. So don't blame CG for her actions. Had he told her from the beginning instead beating around the bush about it, this whole thing would not have happen. :crazy:

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THANKS SO MUCH for the translations!!!!! zinc..

so KJH is confirm not going to macau? great! no more third party.. after so many hell epis, i think we deserve a good last episode

and jess. i so agree.. i know he was an richard simmons in the start and i kinda wish cg treat him bad etctetc.. but hell that slap in epi 18 was like my heart bleeding and today when i saw tat preview21, i was crying along with him... I know it's weird but shin already have her lots of hints? like "lets grwo old together" etc etc etc...

cg is the one who shld stand by her principles? i mean yeah shin was the unfaithful one at first traveling with hotoot. but i mean as someone's wife, even though ur husband is an richard simmons, u shld practice some rules of ur own right? doesnt mean that ur husband acts like that u have to do the same thing as well? and U are the wife of the crown prince, the whole world knows that.. and that evil yul is badmouthing ur husband and all u can say is yes yes yes? wtf?

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Amanda & Jess & all Shin campers, I'm with you all the way lolz...

I mean, I understand others perspective and I'm not trying to blame all of this mess on CG. No.

CG and Shin, both has their own mistakes and they're paying for it little by little now.

I remember when Shin in Thai, and that scandal happened, I blamed Shin for his weakness... unable to resist Hyorin.

But later on, I did see that he is a guy after all. A perfectly normal guy with a soft heart on the inside, covered by his hard-shell Prince-attitudes on the outside. After all, Hyorin was the first girl he ever felt close to. While others may say she was his first love, but I beg to differ which I'm not gonna elaborate on this now.

But now, like Amanda-pandabear said above, I perfectly agree with her.

A girl has to have her own principles in doing things also.

Especially a married girl.

Yes she's still a girl, who has never been in love/in relationship before.

So, who can blame her if she's confused? I know I can't blame her for being so darn confused.

But nonetheless, declaring the 'D' word on National TV is just plain cruel.

I blame it on the writer though (Miss In Eun-Ah, you -_-), coz I think like Apple and mj07 mentioned before, I think they kinda rush it at the end, coz in the beginning it was like comical and whatnot.

The relationship between Shin & CG was not well developed enough, thus we were kinda 'shock' to see the big changes after that icebreaker-hug after Shin found CG at the attic with Yul (even though we may say, "it's about time!" hehe!)

So let's just enjoy the rest of the show and not blame each other's campers because no matter what, there's always gonna be different campers (yes, all 4 of them) until this Goongness-madness died down (which I think it's gonna be a loooong way lolz) :D

*sniffs on Jess' tissue* :tears:

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