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Guest coreana

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Guest the one

but seriously guys...it's a DRAMA..

So actors and actresses go around spending time at the studios to just say...

"Hey, my career is just a drama. It's all fake and people should know it's fake."

It's real people filming real things around them.

They had to actually make everything for these people.

What are you saying? They work for fake factory or what the frog?

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Guest AznGrlz

i'll come back and edit this post so it won't be spam!

but if anyone's wondering i pmd ^^^ and called him the latter part of a donkey's anatomy.

starts with an a and ends with an s!

wait... so she's a he? :blush: omg! whoa... i take back all the grls i added in my post...i'm so sorry i didn't know omg...:runs away: i'm sorry, so so so so so so so sorry....but really calm down everyone its just a show...the characters are fake...and if u want to talk about reality...reality is 10 no 100 times worst.

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Guest the one

...and if u want to talk about reality...reality is 10 no 100 times worst.

Of course, it'd be... Shin wouldn't be with Chae Kyung, if it was real life.

Would you be with a whiner?

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THATS IT!!! i dont kno if ur doing this to make our blood boil or if ur doing this just because ur plain ignorant, but u seriously need to leave. u give us ur opinions, fine then we give ours. lets make a peace treaty ok? i kno that sounds so stupid but its the only way for this sto STOP!!!

here it is: YOU stop being ignorant and telling people what they think and WE stop bashing on you and let you say what you have to say as long as its releveant and not condescending because half of wat u've said in hte past 20-30mins have been condescending. got it???

shes a HE??? i never knew. he talks like a girl that i couldnt tell, but it now it makes sense. his avatar has a picture of Go Ara (who i love) that says the one. if he was a girl who had that, i'd be a little worried

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Guest AznGrlz

So actors and actresses go around spending time at the studios to just say...

"Hey, my career is just a drama. It's all fake and people should know it's fake."

It's real people filming real things around them.

They had to actually make everything for these people.

What are you saying? They work for fake factory or what the frog?

U wanna talk about reality? sure...lets have a reality check for you...ITS ALL FAKE!!!!!! sorry for shouting, but get it! ITS ALL FAKE! the screaming, the shouting, the playing, the scenes :some: the hitting, punching, bed scenes, crying, dying, ripping hair, giving birth...ITS ALL FAKE!!!!!! wake up!!! ITS ALL FAKE!!!! and yes, their career is *acting* they go to *acting school* to learn how to *act* so its all fake!!!!!

sorry for screaming everyone...

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Guest piano4112000

Now that was uncalled for. It seems you like to pick fights don't you. Why do you say things like that. I think the best thing to do now is let this discussion die already and stop trying to get the other goonger's wild up PLEASE!

I'm asking you THE ONE to stop this and move on.

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Guest the one

sorry for screaming everyone...

Why are you screaming at me?

Hunnie...go outside. make some friends. Read a book. Go exercise.

dramas aren't EVERYTHING.

But really, why make dramas everything in your life?

...There is so much more to life. Don't waste your time away by only watching dramas.

I have friends. I do read a book. I do exercise. Dramas are fun.

Life is all the same, there's nothing better or nothing will get better.

I don't waste time watching dramas, I just watch it for fun.

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who here goes around spilling water on peoples shoes? who here goes around getting married at the age of 19? who here goes around punching their cousin for flirting with their wife? who here goes to extravaggent parties on Jeju Island? Who here has a father who still loves their first love?

i sure do!

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it's the same for me, i love JiHyo the actress, but i hated Hyorin.

i'm just glad she had a chance to redeem herself at the end.

yul though, more and more seems like there's no turning back.

though i'm sure i'm wrong and somehow the PD's will find a way.

this is the last that i'll ever respond to a comment u make...

don't u dare be condescending to the readers/posters and members of this thread!!!

we all have learned many lessons from coming together even before the show started,

we learn a lot from the show itself and have learned a lot from each other as well.

it is u who should go and learn something...something about common decency!

~~~apologies to the thread for my tone...it'll be the last of ^^^ promise~~~

^^ i agree with you.

we all learn many lesson from coming all together.

but there shouldnt be anything wrong if the people are wanting to open up how cg and hyorin feels.

there no need to bash on others. no need to correct people.

it only a drama like the other people say. we all learn sometime from drama.

there is noo need to be all heated up for this.

-- angeline. your apologies is accetped by me. BRAVO for you.


to keep everything off the mind of everyone. here a little shin + cg wallpaper. i just made.

click on thumbnail picture for full version. it only 800x600


to get everything off the mind..i just made this shin, cg wallpapaer. hopefully you all like it.

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Guest ketchupgurl

=_= ive been lurking in this thread and i feel a lot of negative energy going on

ahaa why dont you just ignore him?

Arguing causes spam 0_0

-well after thinking about it this would be spam too so...

i guess i should write something goong related?

-I cant believe this drama is so long...i wonder how many volumes it will be (the manhwa)

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oOOoo JINA i luv it! its very very cute! i'm gonna use it..even tho i already have a Goong WP on my desktop. hehehe

we are so heated up rite now! its kinda sad! i bet Joo Ji Hoon Oppa and Yoon Eun Hye Unni would be so dissapointed if they saw what was going on just because of a drama. Lets stop...for Ji Hoon Oppa and Eun Hye Unni!

my post is spam..darn! ahh its so hard not to spam.

I think Hyo Rin left the show in a good way! She made peace with everyone which is something i respect. Who knows maybe in Season 2 she and Chae Gyung will become best friends! I think they understand each other now. Now we just need to get our Shinny and Chae Gyung to understand each other

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Guest the one

I think someone should tell the moderator to get him to leave the thread.

I already stopped and why are you bringing mods here.

I think your communities looking for some fights.

I really didn't do anything, I just speaked for some people who agrees with me.

That is all.

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Guest AznGrlz

Why are you screaming at me?

i don't know...i'm sorry, i'm really sorry...just want to tell you that its all fake. Don't take it to seriously :but i myself went overboard: i'm sorry. Okay, every opinion is respected. I'm sorry for not doing that, hope you're not mad at me, but i just want to make a point why some of us don't like hyorin and that dramas are fake. However, i do agree with you the things we learn from it are real and yes, i do think in reality shin will go for cg 'cause she makes him happy. Hyorin can be smart, hot, burning, rich, talented, but love is all about happiness, tolerating, forgiving, and helping each other through hardships...two people of different personalities tend to attract each other like postive and negative...they make each other happy/sad/mad/ and happy again....its just the way love goes...how boring would it be if you and your lover just sit around all day and tell each other how sad life has been for you and how lonely you are...

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Guest douming

It takes so long to report all these spams, so tired.

I was re-watching the episode where Yul's mom slapped Shin, and and my friend translated what Shin was saying " Because that place is filled with dirty memories " something along those lines (I also get a feeling that Yul's mom knows that Shin knows too) maybe that's why she was so mad and slapped Shin, because he called those memories (of her and the king) dirty. I wonder if there'll be a random photographer to reveal that scandal (the slap), and I really don't like Shin's dad. He keeps meeting with Yul and his mom >_>... And I agree with what some people said earlier ages ago, I think Shin's sister should be queen (someone that the queen (i think, not sure, thread is tooo big) mentioned before that the palace has to keep up with modern times)

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Guest roujin

Haha so much angriness int he last couple pages but since I don't post often and the topic came up just posting my opinions on Hyorin and what has been happening in Goong. Hope it don't sound angry. Just random thoughts :)

This is my feelings for Hyorin...

It seems all a little unfair for her...I mean they are all still in school and she was forced to choose between her only dream and the man she loves? How at that age and emotional/hormonal(ops did I spell that right?) time is she supposed to know which to give up? It is still apparent she has a passion for ballet and yet when she had that dream in her hands after the audition (what a week or so..maybe less after?) she dropped everything to go back to him.

At the time of her return, whether or not Shin was liking CG or not at the time he sure didn't show it. So I kind of can understand her desperation and willingness to do what she has to do to get him back. She must like him a lot. I'm sort of making the relation to My Girl where PSY left LDW after his parent's passed away and didn't say anything for two years. Hyorin said no about marrying Shin then he goes and gets engaged right away (and just before she leaves)...and she returned after she realized that he meant more to her than her dream.

MBC has tried too hard to add in all these funny scenes in the beginning and because of it they lost a lot of the development of Shin and CG's relationship. Though I've been rooting for Shin, I would say at least I can see CG and Yul's growing relationship over the episodes. For me Shin and CG liking each other happened too abruptly...I can't find which episode they start realizing maybe this is more than an arranged marriage.

That is why it is frustrating now. In the manhwa I could see a reason for them needing each other (CG saw how lonely Shin was on the inside and Shin began to find someone who cared for Shin the person not the prince) but now it's like...I don't even know what they are fighting for anymore in the drama. All this Hyorin and Yul story seems so insignificant since the only thing keeping Shin and CG apart is themselves. Shin is a cold and isolated person who doesn't even really have a mom...what does CG expect. He's trying. Give the guy a break.

Alrighty thats the end of my thoughts :phew: I have to say though, the beach scene and cooking scene and the bed scene were the highlight of this drama. I love that episode. Will always be a memorable moment in my k-drama list.

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Guest YOONA_x3

i know this may sound really random...

but does anyone know where i can get contact information for NOT the cast of goong, but the staff of goong (like director, camerman, etc)


i found out about this through my dad

and one of his CLOSEST childhood friends is actually the audio recording person (you know, the people who hold the really big microphone thingies over the actor's heads) for goong

and my dad also knows the guy that acts as the hyeoyeol prince through a friend

and my dad said that if i can get contact for his friend, mr. yoo gwang-wook [유광욱], the audio recorder person, i can be able to meet some of the cast of goong and get autographs;;

so if someone's willing to help;;; can anyone find out contact information for the staff of goong?

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