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Guest coreana

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Guest missy

Thanks Lena for the Epi 19 HQ. Here's a mirror:

Goong Epi 19 HQ


thanks ^_^ i'm downloading!

OH... MY GOONGNESS! those caps look HOT! i haven't even seen it yet but i love it, i don't care if they are fighting its hot!

aww man... i have to go to class in a little over an hour, no time to wait and watch goong. haha i could skip, it suppost to be icky anyways because its going to snow. *ponders* :phew:

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My apologies .. I have edited my postings .. but regarding the colour .. thought the pale yellow was light enough .. should I use white instead .. or gray .. can someone tell me which is actually the best color to use in future ? Thanks ..

nah yellow is the official color. dun worry.

and spoilers are everywhere when ppl are excited.

if u see it's yellow juz dun read it

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Guest tehliwah

aigoo sorry, i didn't mean to sound rude >_<

but yes...white is the best. because sometimes yellow can be read.

in the pictures, chaegyung looks really...lost? or is it sad?

i dunno, she looks completely befuddled, like she doesn't know how to handle a situation like this

i maybe killed for saying this ....but i think CG is retarded! Shin is opening up to her slowly inspite of his 'princely' upbringing but instead of understanding him, she opens herself to manipulation by yul. so many sweet scences in the previous epi.... she is not only retarded but blind too??? The queen is really suffering having to put up with the i can't readty two timing king, facing the possibility of her son being dethroned and having to deal with a retarded daughter in law who is causing unnecesary problems so oblivious of her position....whoa! what the heck! my 2 cents raving n ranting... better have a happy ending!

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Guest marie_n

i just hope that shin will prevail :D ... after watching the clip my hope is back... shin and cg forever... now after shin and yul saw their own parents walking and talking they might cooperate and investigate whats goin on between the two... maybe bring back their friendship, i feel sad that after years of writing to each other and keepin in touch their relationship will just fade away because of the greed of one person aka yuls mom :angry: ... and i hope that after thinking it through cg will finally realize that shin is trying to reach out to her :w00t:

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Guest gglover

anybody know which clubbox has ep 20 ready for DL?

about shin confessing his love... since cg is a retard as we all know, she's going to think shin just did it because he's acting in front of the audience.

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Guest DallasE

One of the bonus for eppy 20 is Mo-Toot fainted becoz of her precious son. I'm hoping that Yul will prove to be the death of her in the latter episodes. I'm glad the PD added this into eppy 20.

It's about time she gets hit by something!!

Furthermore, she's setting her evil plot in motion after her confrontation with Shin, her target, MingSeonDon to wipe out all lingering traces of her youthful liasion with the babo king.

She has the grace to refer to Shin as the insolent/ arrogant jerk. I'm guessing Yul will leave the palace in the end. It would be hell on him to learn the dirty truth about her mom and the King and staying on would probably be beyond him.

Shin asking a defiant Yul to keep his distance from ChaeGyung

HOT! HOT MEN nearly set my screen on fire!!!



Credits to miclub

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Guest Yanie

it does mean dream.. but what was Ck exactly dreaming about?! I love the outfits of CK/SHIN in the interview..Shin gets slapped again in ep. 20?? [from the caps]

I can't wait for todays!

I don't know what will go on in the reamining 4 ep's but SO MUCH DRAMA!

Me too. Love her dress as well :rolleyes:

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Guest junior

can someone please translate the conversation between cg and shin's mom? this scene made my day. btw, thank you cilik for upload.

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Guest cilik

Dee, i love those caps! thank you :D

*pulls hair* chae's denseness is starting to irritate me! *headdesks*

ur welcome, lovedrama and junior. and thanks to everyone who's planning on reuploading. :)

where do u dl the HQ version of goong episode 20? i cant find it newhere...

ep 20 HQ isn't out yet. ep 20 just aired a few hours ago, so the HQs aren't available yet. they will be posted once they're uploaded, so please wait patiently :)

PS: sorry, i don't mean to put you on the spot. i mean it in the friendliest way possible... :D. but there are rules in this thread, and it would be ideal if everyone can try to lessen posts containing nothing more than upload requests. such requests are to be posted in the pinned thread, and not here.

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