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Guest coreana

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Guest mmmlove

they will probably make the ending like meteor garden 1.. were the main characters get together, but in the second season they encounter a second problem that will make them apart...

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Guest sweet_maple

:fury: I can't belive it ><,what is on the earth called an opened-end?

Is it clearly that Shin and Chea Young relly love each other?I hate the film with opened-end,why do they make it so complicated?

I want to go to MBS 's station and give PDs a bomb no as many as I can carry !!!!@#$$%^8*&^%

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but for sure...no one's gonna wait 10 years for that...not even the PD's mom, i think...

lol so true... i didn't watch the whole episodes of friends until it ended. i hate cliffy and if mbc wants to push this through, i don't want to see it until it finally ends. but 10 years... lol that's too much... :lol:

*joins angeline, sitting, waiting, wishing for the dvd*

but, don't you guys think we should give them a chance? even MG2 received many attention despite the horrible script ~_~

{edit} i can't make up my mind... i'll sign the petition...!!! :D

thanks ange... did shin wear a swimming trunk or a brief? *runs to watch* I wanna see bloopers!!

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Guest echoRy

okay frustrations aside...and anger!!!

people with passwords & id, the BTS for 18 is out.

watching it now, before i go beddy bye!

ririe- happy uu with me <3

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Guest sesami


i mean if they conclude Cg and shin's love story like forexample they let them consumate their marriage and the next season will be about how they get along as a REAL COUPLE. and then they will focus on how yul finds new love.. etc etc..

then perhaps i will continue the drama else i will boycott all MBC dramas altogether arg. they keep disappointin me. first with Lovers in paris and NOW with MY FAV MANHWA IN MY LIFE?

they playin with me?

go to @#$%^&*()

MBC MUST give us a satisfactory ending of CG & Shin's love story at the end of season 1. If it is a cliffhanger ending like what some of you predicted, then it will definitely richard simmons off alot of us off. No body will bother to watch or support season 2.

If that happens, then I will feel very sorry for you, Liquidfir (Amanda)... because I know that you are one of the biggest Goong's supporters.. You had bought practically most of the Goong's mechandise that's available. I can imagine you'll feel most cheated/betrayed whenever you look at the mechandise after that if this is true...

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an open-ended ending????? i'm starting to think it would be something like at the end of the last episode, shin and cg will see each other.. probably they were looking for each other since they got separated.. coz of all the conflict... then when they see each other, their just going to stare then smile... then the series would end...... or something like they would see each other, run to the other then hug... then the series will end... something like that.. since it is an open ending....

why why why!!!!!!

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if i am good at chemistry i would make a bomb and bomb MBC.

i mean I HOPE those netizian SHLD stomp outside MBC.

PLS.. any koreans here.. spread the message around

i heard goong is one of the most popular drama online..

i hope they kill all the PDs

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Guest chaesorim

Plainly ridiculous! This is not a way to generate more revenue, but to chase away supporters of Goong!

Wat the Goong is That??!!

I mean, I do not want to see the story degrade till it becomes a long and draggy sappy tear-jerker with new characters destroying their relationship, and destroying our interest in Goong! :wacko:

Why can't things be snappy and quick? :angry:

Urgh, fed up with the PDs. :tongue2:

But still, I have to say that 'Life Tastes Goong'.

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Guest hsinyi069

I wonder how the korean fans' react to this.

I thought the anti-groups' power are pretty strong over there??

Then, can someone please tell MBC that we don't want a open-ending??!!??!!

Not to mention there'll probably be season 3 or 4...

Gosh! I dun't understand what's in their mind... :wacko:

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MBC MUST give us a satisfactory ending of CG & Shin's love story at the end of season 1. If it is a cliffhanger ending like what some of you predicted, then it will definitely richard simmons off alot of us off. No body will bother to watch or support season 2.

If that happens, then I will feel very sorry for you, Liquidfir (Amanda)... because I know that you are one of the biggest Goong's supporters.. You had bought practically most of the Goong's mechandise that's available. I can imagine you'll feel most cheated/betrayed whenever you look at the mechandise after that if this is true...

YES!! i look at my CG hp strap i wanna slap the PDS! my HP straps juz arrived today.. of all days to break the news of them havin multiple seasons to me..


i picked up my korean bcause of this manhwa i was so happy that it was made into a drama.. well i guess i am takin back that senteNCE NOW>

if they end it like wad AVID suggested i will STOP watching it altogether.. no more supportin season 2.

I JUST dun care right now seriously. i just want shin and cg to end up together. wadever happens in the backfground i couldnt care less now.

i am in major depression.

tmr korean class.. i am off to study...


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on second thot... if all the seasons feature the same cast, i don't mind watching it all, as long as there is JJH :P and YEH :)

but i don't think i can make it through, taking taxis to work thurs & fris - so worn out from the anxiety of watching it live; taxis rushing home to logon to webtv early on weds & thurs.... before i die of exhaustion my pocket would hv burnt a BIG hole on these commutation costs!!

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Guest _yinsyung*--

^ i don't think i could survive through uni having to live with watching goong live every wed and thurs...

i'm only my second week into uni and i already feel as if i'm behind because i'm stuck on this thread :x

and i seriously think; that if us Goong fans are so admantly against it - the MBC PDs will have to see the light!

what i want is a complete season 1; and they can make a season two if they want as long as they give me a complete season one. but season two would be the last straw - no american drama like fiasco going on..it doesn't suit asian drams.


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Guest marie_n

ey.. just my opinion.. i think the ending of season one will leave us hanging like in mnikss.. they are together but not really.. if u know what i mean... maybe the season two is about them going back to the palace and be the king... i dont know just speculating hahaha

anyways, shin is so funny and pervy to video his wife and kiss her.. hahah he was probably fantasizing about videotaping her and him kissing since the first time they kissed and he imagined the kiss on his friends videocam hahaha... shin and his sexual thoughts haahaahah

hehe did anyone of you noticed that when cg ran after showing the video of them kissing that she was wearing socks?? but the scene where she went to the bedroom holding the videocam she wasn't wearing any?? hahaha wonder what happened to the sock.. hehehe

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Credit from: www2.kdocn.com


Actually, I think that things might not be as bad as everyone thinks.

Although they are considering more seasons of the drama, this report does NOT say that there definitely won't be a final answer to the question of Shin and CG's relationship.

What the article DOES say is that the ending to season one will be one that's in "-ING" rather than "-ED," with the 4 main character's emotions and relationships with each other being even more complicated, which could simply mean that the writers will leave story threads for season 2, which I think everyone expected already since the announcement of season 2.

I mean, they still could have Shin and CG together at the end of season 1, but still keep Yul and Hyorin around. (If I remember correctly from this week's episode, Hyorin did tell CG that she'd always be waiting for Shin, right?) So I guess what I'm saying is that, we might still get that happy ending that we want to see, just one that leaves the writers something to work with in latter seasons.

Also, regarding the coming seasons (if they really do make seasons 3 and 4), the article says that latter seasons may concentrate on the other characters, (i.e. the Kang-in and CG's friend relationship) and give them more developed storylines, rather than only revolving around Shin/CG/Yul/Hyorin.

Personally I look forward to a season 2.

I hope they bring back Shin's sister, the Gong-ju, and give her a good storyline-- IMHO, if it's up to QueenGrandmommy to pick the next ruling figure, she should make Gong-Ju the Crown Princess (though there are probably succession rules against it and stuff but hey it's a drama, so it's all fiction thus anything goes, right? I mean, some people in Japan want to consider changing their laws to let Princess Aiko become Crown Princess) And if Gong-Ju becomes the Empress, she can make Shin/CG/Yul her diplomats, (thus playing into the Shin wants to study abroad thing, and also isn't it CG's dream to be a designer? I mean, the writers can bring that in too, and maybe a latter season can be in Europe, they're studying abroad while being 'diplomats' they have the three of them travel the world, meet up with Hyorin in Paris or wherever she's studying ballet, and it'll give us great settings + new storylines to explore.)

So cross your fingers everyone!

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Guest christiane

instead of making a second season why don t they write a new story with the same actors but a new story line...season 2 that s seems weird for a korean drama..

american series is ok to watch with multiseason cos it is more easy to see guys jumping into a relation and another but seing that in an asian drama seems a lil weird..you know asian culture....

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Guest narutaru

If there is a cliffhanger end I will just give up on season 2. One of the things I love about Asian dramas is the fact that you get a sense of closure unlike western shows.

Hopefully by the time the second season airs, I will be in Korea so at least I am be drowned with Shin and Yul stuff :D

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Guest DallasE

What's this about multiple seasons for Goong??! *shudders* Need to read these ever growing backlogs.

MBC is certifiably deranged if they are even considering going down this path.

Hopefully it won't be a case of MBC has bitten off more than it can chew.

Seriously, how do they propose pulling it off??

I don't even fancy a Season II as I'm fairly certain they'll leave us with a less than satisfactory ending.

I'm refraining from saying the big "L" word in case it comes true.

Frankly, I don't think the 4 lead actors want to risk being stereotyped and would consider staying

on for more than 2 seasons as it is.

In fact, with their skyrocketing popularity these days, they definitely have other fish to fry too!

I hope I'm not alone but can MBC please give the current writer the boot??? Whoever he or she is,

the writing is sooooooooooo uninspiring!

If not for the manhwa adaptation and the cute actors, I wouldn't bother watching this to save my life.

Perhaps they can get the writer of "My Girl" to do the writing for season II.

Amanda, lookie here. Don't you want to know what happened here?

Dang! I'm dying to find out and hope they'll show us the making in the later part of the week.

Why is JiHoon grabbing EunHye's ankle & hand????

Wow! They are so familiar with each other now!!!!!


Credits to miclub

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My upload didn't fail this time :sweatingbullets: Finally, here it is: :)

Goong Ep. 18 [HQ] 700mb SendSpace

Also, a New mirror of episode 16, and two old, but still active links for episode 14 & 17. Although, ep. 17 is nearing its bandwidth limit of 50GB.

Goong Ep. 14 [HQ] 700mb SendSpace - SendSpace description says 13, but it IS ep. 14. (Copy & Paste Error :P)

Goong Ep. 16 [HQ] 700mb SendSpace

Goong Ep. 17 [HQ] 700mb SendSpace

If anyone who downloads these has the time & bandwidth, please consider re-uploading these to share with others. My upload speed caps at around 30KB/sec, which is horrible. 7+ hours per 700mb episode upload. So if I can upload, please consider helping out too . ;)

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Guest mmmlove

I don't think Hyorin will be in another season. I don't think the Pd's are that stupid to keep Hyurin especially when she knows how Shin really feels. I think that a new antagonist will arise in season two or Yul might be up to something. But, I really doubt Hyorin would be back. It seems that they will leave a cliffhanger, but not regards to Shin and CG's relationship. Maybe they won't say if CG is daydreaming, or what not regarding about the whole story.....

I love the fact that their making a season two. I don't mind the story, what ever they do, just make the main lead end up together -- I don't care how they do it.. Just as long as the end they end up together. I personally want to see Chin+CG again next year, it will be exciting. If they do switch the main actors/actress, that's another problem, it's really hard to visualize another person playing them.. so as long as they keep everyone in, except HYORIN -- they can kick her out, then SEASON 2 is something that I would long/wait for.

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