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Guest coreana

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There are loads of links to the LQ a couple (lol) of pages back. :)

My biggest concern for this episode is actually the lack of preview. :lol: I think this episode was fine, better than yesterday, definitely. The drama elements are cliche but still amazing. Now, if only that kiss lead to another one...which lead to another thing, then we get ourself the sehson in 9 months time. :lol:

Oh, and Yul... he looked like Lee Jun Ki in one scene. When Chaegyung returned from hearing Shin & Hyorin's convo, from the side, Yul's over-volumed hair made him looked like Lee Jun Ki, minus the earings though.

And there was a blooper on yesterday's episode!!! The silver board/sheet they used to sparkle up the scenes was reflected from on Shin's car window, after the night club scene. I love bloopers :lol:

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Guest cilik

but if you like/love someone, you should do everything you can to win them. if you don't, you would only regret later on. even if you guys don't end up in the end, at least you have no regrets. love is not first come first serve....let's just be greatful that yul is here, because of him, shin and cg's feelings for each other has grown faster. you really need a push to speed things up lol.

you're right, i see nothing wrong in trying to win chae's heart. but i personally don't like his methods of going about it, especially when he speaks of shin's feelings as if he's speaking on shin's behalf when he's really not (i.e., yul trying to convince chae that shin's heart is elsewhere when he knows, or at least has some idea, that both shin & chae have feelings for each other).

and despite my rant, i'm grateful too that yul's there to bring them closer. i just want to see the old yul back eventually :lol:

EDIT: rie, pervy mode back on? kekekeke... and hi audrey! *waves back*

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Guest q12345

she slaps him after the kiss huh? WHYY??? :wacko:

You know how CG's mouth is so sensitive - like when she bit her tongue during the royal family dinner and drew blood. I think Shin stabbed her mouth with his tongue and hurt her, so she slapped him! (it's PG-15 now right?) :lol:

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Guest yansi

you're right, i see nothing wrong in trying to win chae's heart. but i personally don't like his methods of going about it, especially when he speaks of shin's feelings as if he's speaking on shin's behalf when he's really not (i.e., yul trying to convince chae that shin's heart is elsewhere when he knows, or at least has some idea, that both shin & chae have feelings for each other).

and despite my rant, i'm grateful too that yul's there to bring them closer. i just want to see the old yul back eventually :lol:

EDIT: rie, pervy mode back on? kekekeke...

i remember reading a quote in the fanfic suicide note 'a game? if it's a game why lose when you can cheat' (don't remember the exact quote) well love is like a game and yul is cheating by saying false things into cg's ear. he's a big cheater..but a very cute one! hahahaha.. i miss the old yul too. has he finished all his harry potter books yet? maybe he should finish reading them LOL.

i just really hope he gets a happy ending. the guy never get what he wants T_T

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Guest Pikachu

"dirty, dirty, dirty" right back at ya, yul! MBC PDs, i demand the cute adorable le-petit-prince-and-harry-potter-reading yul back!

He can go dirty dirty dirty too when he finds out he has serious competition for Kang Hyun's affections.. and again, someone else got to the girl before he did. Man Yul.. you have rotten luck in women... starting with your mother. :B

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not to mention shin forces a kiss on her.. omg.. make that 2 kisses..

he came up for air ONCE and kisses her again.. kekekeke

:lol: "came up for air" Amanda sweetie,... you're so darn cute :wub:

when I read that, picture of a gold fish came to mind :huh::lol:

Just finish backlogging, and boy... you guys are all awesome writers! haha...

MBC should really visit this thread anytime now.

Hi girlssss (waves to Jess, Manda, audrey *mangoicy* & everyone! ^^)

Thank you for all the pic caps, spoilers, spot translations, comments, rants, thoughts and opinions hehehee...

All of your rants and comments help slowing down my eagerness to just step out of my office and go home lolz...

Based on all of that, I come to a conclusion: there will be a sweet reconciliation "youknowhowmuchIloveyou" type a thing next week. It's about time Shin finally say "I love you" in a sweet, proper, touching manner.

I have quite a sense of feeling that when that actually happen, we will all have tears in our eyes!

Yep. Goong PD really likes to play this roller-coaster emotions with us, and all this chaos and misunderstandings between Shin and Chae is just too much... perhaps almost to the climax.

That's why I think next week we'll see how it turns out, and we'll breathe easy.

We did in these last 4 episodes, didn't we?

Just when we thought it's gonna be a lousy eppy, then bam! the honeymoon scene. lolz...

and just when some of us thought the worse of that hotel scene, then, they show us something else.

Now I really need to try and sit back to see what the PD has in stored for us.

Come on Hwang In-Roi sshi,... surprise us!! kekekeke...

CG is not completely at fault here, She cant help it if shes coming to conclusions considering that Dummy Shin hasnt said how he feels about her. All he does is act like a cave man from the stone ages and forcefuly pushes her around only when hes mad if she talks to Yul or if Yul pulls something, like the kiss. Shin needs to just admit his feelings...then everything would not be as confusing for CG. Although CG is partly to blame since she needs to talk to Shin too. They are both dummies.

Edit: AFTER watching that kissing Clip...I'm surprised she didnt slap him harder. He was literaly jumpin on her..WTH...I'm a married women and if my hubby did that to me, I'de kick his richard simmons. Dont get me wrong, I love my hubby but if he even thought of jumping me like that especialy if he was pissed...no i would stop it.

I'm with you on this actually. At first I thought, "why did our chae slap him?? why? why?"

But then I understand her perfectly. Our Chae still feels soooo insecure, but can't blame her. That babo Shin hasn't done a good job either in making her feel more secure, especially after that sweet lovey-dovey honeymoon scene (which I still adore so much up until now) and all of that princey-pride of his really needs to go!

And now, after careful readings, my conclusion is this: Bad Timing. (smart PD to be using this, but I expect some reconciliation later on, or else this is going to be so draggy.)

This is all because of all the misunderstandings and really, the timing is just awful.

What is that... CG overheard everything (shin & hyorin scene), but the last sentence?? Bad timing #1.

Then Shin just happened to walk in and witnessed what Yul just did to his wife? Bad timing #2. .

Ah~~ his temper! Dee, I'm with you, let's call Goong Nae sshi to enroll Shin into an anger management class! haha...

Plus again the forced kiss after CG actually said that "at least Yul is honest. If you're honest, we'll not be in this situation right now." Yes!! if Shin is honest and just tell her that he's jealous seeing Yul and his wife together like that, then we won't have all this drama! lolz... I sound like a frustrated drama queen *grins*


oops.. I just see Ririe *waves waves* ^_^


A Big "Thank YOU" to whoever posted the link to the "House of The Mind" ! ^^

I just check out the site and really falling in love with the place *sigh*

It is one friggin Gorgeous place with a capital G! aaaahhh~~~

Goong definitely has shown me some of the most beautiful places of Korea (Teddy Bear Museum, and now this...)

The landscape, the architectural design..... I'm still in awe. :o

*hehe pardon my excitement, I used to be an architect major*

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EDIT: rie, pervy mode back on? kekekeke...

Of course it's back on, ahahahaha. I really want a sehson or two. It wouldn't hurt if Yul also get hitched and start a family on his own, have a baby or babies :lol:

But seriously, this episode is actually a cool & sassy one, ignoring the horrible image of Stupid!King and Ebil!Mo-toot. Coz the dreamy look on Jangkyung face, the Drag!Shin, the video, Halmamama's cuteness and basically every ChaeShin scenes here rock. Not to mention the kiss (tongues were there, check the picture, there's saliva exchange there, thank gawd!!) and the slap.

Oh, I remember what I dislike about this episode..!! Yul's over-volumed hair. :lol:

Hello Shenny!! *huggles*

Audrey...!!! *huggles too*

Aww... so many people here... hihihihihi

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You know how CG's mouth is so sensitive - like when she bit her tongue during the royal family dinner and drew blood. I think Shin stabbed her mouth with his tongue and hurt her, so she slapped him! (it's PG-15 now right?) :lol:

Bwuahahaha :lol: This is the funniest comment about the kiss I've read so far.. So this whole PG-15 is a biggie, huh?! Now we're keeping our hopes waaay up *FYI to those who are not as perverted as the rest of us, I'm talking about potential intimate scenes :D*

I'm not sure if they're really going to add the part about the fire in the palace.. we only have 6 more episodes, and that particular part is loooong and winding in the manhwa.. I thought they already replaced that part with the affair-in-Thailand. I hope we get to see the preview for next episode pretty soon.

Creidesca, I am in LOVE with your CB. Thanks so much for uploading it so fast!

EDIT: *Wave back at Shenny aka ay_link :)*

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Guest cilik

He can go dirty dirty dirty too when he finds out he has serious competition for Kang Hyun's affections.. and again, someone else got to the girl before he did. Man Yul.. you have rotten luck in women... starting with your mother. :B

Pika, your comments never fail to crack me up. hahaahahaha.

"came up for air" Amanda sweetie,... you're so darn cute

when I read that, picture of a gold fish came to mind.

I'm with you on this actually. At first I thought, "why did our chae slap him?? why? why?"

But then I understand her perfectly. Our Chae still feels soooo insecure, but can't blame her. That babo Shin hasn't done a good job either in making her feel more secure, especially after that sweet lovey-dovey honeymoon scene (which I still adore so much up until now) and all of that princey-pride of his really needs to go!

Plus again the forced kiss after CG actually said that "at least Yul is honest. If you're honest, we'll not be in this situation right now." Yes!! if Shin is honest and just tell her that he's jealous seeing Yul and his wife together like that, then we won't have all this drama! lolz... I sound like a frustrated drama queen *grins*

hi shenny! i think everyone here sounds like a frustrated drama queen. hehehe...

and yeah, i agree with you and haydee. i don't think i'd be too happy if a guy came and forcefully kissed me in the middle of an argument <_<.

in fact, instead of slapping him, i'd probably kick him where it'd hurt the most :ph34r:

and i didn't notice amanda's post about shin coming up for air. now that i think about it, it is pretty funny. a goldfish coming up for air...ahahahhahahah! i'll have to re-watch the kissing scene when my HQ download is done :P

Oh, I remember what I dislike about this episode..!! Yul's over-volumed hair. :lol:

:w00t: what? where was this?

has he finished all his harry potter books yet? maybe he should finish reading them LOL.

i just really hope he gets a happy ending. the guy never get what he wants T_T

i don't know if he's finished them, but i remember him having a LOT of them :lol:

and i want a happy ending for him too. that's why some of us are trying to push him towards kang hyun >3<

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Guest yansi

yul and kang hyun is not a bad pairing..but kang hyun and jang kyung are cute together..*crossroad!! LOL*

yul better not end up with hyorin. he's too good for her ~_~

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Guest sophendo

Goong Ep 18 - 50 mb - YSI Links

I own page 1409!!! ;)


If you still need this episode, find me on IRC. If you know how to use mIRC, you can get the lq versions of Episode 1-20 if you connect to the ircHIGHWAY server and join the #ambrosia channel. heh. I'm usually "sophendo|bot" or "afk|sophe." Just send me a message on irc :D Or ask on the channel. I'm sure 'tenchimal' won't bite you. XD


Thanks for the comments! *sophendo gobbles them up and gains 20 pounds* @_@

See you later this evening with Ep 18 (bigger lq version) YSI links! Go, go Goong fever!!!

v Check my signature for archive links (they may have expired...^^;;) and please PLEASE PM me if a mirror becomes blocked so I can scratch it out! Plus, it will tell me that I need to upload more!

GIVE ME LOVE AND I WILL LOVE YOU BACK! It takes me several hours to get these up.


<3 Why? 'Cuz I love you guys.

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hi shenny! i think everyone here sounds like a frustrated drama queen. hehehe...

and yeah, i agree with you and haydee. i don't think i'd be too happy if a guy came and forcefully kissed me in the middle of an argument <_<.

in fact, instead of slapping him, i'd probably kick him where it'd hurt the most :ph34r:

:w00t: what? where was this?

The kiss was rather awkward though, borrowing amanda's decription, Goldfish!Shin. The kiss was hot but not sexy enough, *dramatic sigh* And I still want a continuation of that kiss!!! :lol:

And if I were CG, I wouldn't only slap him or kick him "there"... but I would also bite his tongue... kekekee

The over-volumed hair? After CG overheard Shin's stupid convo, she returned to Yul, right? (Stupid CG for doing that...*sigh*) Anyway, from the side, you can see the over-volumed hair, on his left side hair. Like Lee Jun Ki in My Girl, just before the end of ep 14. :D

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Guest yansi

He can go dirty dirty dirty too when he finds out he has serious competition for Kang Hyun's affections.. and again, someone else got to the girl before he did. Man Yul.. you have rotten luck in women... starting with your mother. :B

LOL!!! it's going to be funny watching jang kyung pine over kang hyun. a comic relief is just what we all need in a depressing time like this!

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The kiss was rather awkward though, borrowing amanda's decription, Goldfish!Shin. The kiss was hot but not sexy enough, *dramatic sigh* And I still want a continuation of that kiss!!! :lol:

And if I were CG, I wouldn't only slap him or kick him "there"... but I would also bite his tongue... kekekee

O God, guyssss!! Now i'm daydreaming about kissing him.. You need to stop this over-detailed kiss scene, right now!! *Ahn dwae, Ahn dwae.... Dwae.. Dwae...* BWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :lol:

I forgot to mention this, but one thing I just realized from watching Goong live is that they have a pretty good opening theme.. I had always thought it was just that hallway with the pink Goong sign and that's it.. instead it was a longer *probably over 1 mins* opening, with 4 of the main characters.. Just thought it was pwetty intewesting... :P

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Guest Pikachu

LOL!!! it's going to be funny watching jang kyung pine over kang hyun. a comic relief is just what we all need in a depressing time like this!

XDDD I was telling rie how Jang Kyung will keep getting rejected cause he always uses the "I AM RICH AND HANDSOME WHY WON'T YOU WANT ME" line XDDDD on Kang Hyun. She obviously hates those types. XDDDDD and then will follow her around school like a pest. XD

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Guest yansi

O God, guyssss!! Now i'm daydreaming about kissing him.. You need to stop this over-detailed kiss scene, right now!! *Ahn dwae, Ahn dwae.... Dwae.. Dwae...* BWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :lol:

I forgot to mention this, but one thing I just realized from watching Goong live is that they have a pretty good opening theme.. I had always thought it was just that hallway with the pink Goong sign and that's it.. instead it was a longer *probably over 1 mins* opening, with 4 of the main characters.. Just thought it was pwetty intewesting... :P

you're right! the opening theme is very nice. one of the best opening scenes i've seen from any dramas. even the hallyway with the pink goong sign is nicer than a lot of other drama's full opening theme lol.

i can't stop staring at the bears......they're soo adorable!

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