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Guest coreana

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Guest q12345

someone mentioned that Hyo Rin stopped Shin frmo drinking champagne since it contained peaches, which he was allergic to. something like that. :o

Yeah, and I think she tries to show up CG with her intimate knowledge of Shin with comments like "Oh didn't he tell you about his allergy to peanuts?" Basically, HR is saying that she knows so much more about Shin than CG. If CG had some wisdom, she would have countered that she had the rest of their lives to find out each others idiosyncracies.

And what's with CG's stupidity (I can't think of a more euphemistic word) in always isolating herself with Yul when she knows that he's obsessed with her and that he tries to discredit Shin. Sheesh, for a girl who's professed her love to her husband, she sure has a funny way of showing it! :wacko:

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I agree with everyone who said that Shin's got to stop acting like a cave-man and dragging CG around all the time. It's really a bullying kind of behavior, when you think about it, and personally I don't think he has any excuse!

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Guest q12345

i translated that part a few hundred pages back.. lOlx.

the late king told yul's mum to bring yul and get as far away as possible from the palace and never to come back. never to appear infront of him again.

then the mo-toot aka yul's mum said : why are u so cruel.

the late king : U think i dunno ur relationship between the hyolyo tae jar(her husband, supposedly yul's dad) and tae goon aka shin's dad.

Are u puppeting the royal family and the citizens of korea?

i can never imagine how evil u are from ur looks.

then the late king walked away.

the royal officer told the mo-toot that if she choose to stay in korea nO $$ will be given to her. but if she choose to go overseas, a considerate amount of $$ will be given and asked her to choose wisely.

wow there mUST be some huge secret going on here. but we wun know till the end.

Thx for the translation gurl - u da bomb!!! :D

U really in Singapore?

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yes i did, and then i watched it again and then again! the PD's are mean though,

to release pics like the ones we first saw and then leave all the good parts in the latter ep.

---aahhh i hated Hyorin in the beginning with a passion!!! cause it wasn't just the things

that she did to get Shin back, it was how smug she was to Chae everytime they had a confrontation!

Hyorin was a b***h, she deliberately, shamefully and egotistically went about hurting tons of people

to get what she wanted---

and this isn't meant to be mean, but i don't think how hyorin went about getting Shin back

was smart at all. a lot of what she did was just pathetic! i mean feeding ur ex infront of his

new wife?!! she needed to be slapped right then and there!!! IMHO


and ugghhh i've finally decided, me don't like my picture. i'm taking it off!

Oh i rem that part with a vengence!

she feed him tiramisu rIGHT! that ho-toot.

i really hated her. i mean why do all the evil characters give up after 20 epis -.-

they shld have gave up from the start but there wun be anything interesting if that were to happen lOlx..

Yeah, and I think she tries to show up CG with her intimate knowledge of Shin with comments like "Oh didn't he tell you about his allergy to peanuts?" Basically, HR is saying that she knows so much more about Shin than CG. If CG had some wisdom, she would have countered that she had the rest of their lives to find out each others idiosyncracies.

And what's with CG's stupidity (I can't think of a more euphemistic word) in always isolating herself with Yul when she knows that he's obsessed with her and that he tries to discredit Shin. Sheesh, for a girl who's professed her love to her husband, she sure has a funny way of showing it! :wacko:

i totally agree.. she is abit weird.. but i guess she treats Yul as a friend. she always mentioned it to Yul that she treats him as a fren..

and u know shin has a weird temper.. whenever he blows up like a volcano, cg will be sad etc etc.. and yul is always there to confort her.

and yeah~i am 100% singaporean

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YES she was very sarcastic!! she wasnt helping cg AT ALL..

i hated her from then on.

yes, that's the word I am looking for! hyorin was being very sarcastic when she was talking in english (bad english!) with the three stooges. If she's really helping CG, she should be talking in Korean as she's aware that CG is uncomfortable.

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Guest starrysmile

from the previews, i feel so bad for shin's mom. like she tries so hard to be a good and caring wife and the king really doesn't take notice of that. i hope something will happen to make him realize how much he loves and treasures his wife.

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Guest Pikachu

And what's with CG's stupidity (I can't think of a more euphemistic word) in always isolating herself with Yul when she knows that he's obsessed with her and that he tries to discredit Shin. Sheesh, for a girl who's professed her love to her husband, she sure has a funny way of showing it! :wacko:

I think naive is a better term for CG always hanging around Yul, but she has always emphasized the fact that they are frineds.. and I guess it's just part of Chae Gyeong's personality to want to be with her friends and spend time with them. and as for what you said about CG having a funny way of showing her love for Shin.. @_@ I don't know. She's always tried to talk to him and want to listen to his troubles, but it's just before Shin dind't want to accept her yet, and only now is he starting to accept it. She's always showed Shin she loves her o_O in a good way. XD

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Guest insideMYheart

someone mentioned that Hyo Rin stopped Shin frmo drinking champagne since it contained peaches, which he was allergic to. something like that. :o

Ah, so that's the reason she stopped him from drinking.

Yeah, and I think she tries to show up CG with her intimate knowledge of Shin with comments like "Oh didn't he tell you about his allergy to peanuts?" Basically, HR is saying that she knows so much more about Shin than CG. If CG had some wisdom, she would have countered that she had the rest of their lives to find out each others idiosyncracies.

Oh ok, thanks for the clarification. I had the feeling that was it by looking at her expression when she addressed CG but I wasn't sure.

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yes, that's the word I am looking for! hyorin was being very sarcastic when she was talking in english (bad english!) with the three stooges. If she's really helping CG, she should be talking in Korean as she's aware that CG is uncomfortable.

Not to mentioned i didnt quite understand a word of english they were sprouting.


and yeah i think shin's mum shld juz tell the king she wants a divorce. i bet that will scare the living life out of him. she cares for him as a wife while he is sick and he dares to care more about that MAD PSYCHO yul's mum? OMG. he must be sicker than i thought. if that is the case, pls die quickly and shin can juz take over the position as king asap

outsider: i think it was 25.8% ONLY.

lousy mbc PDs..

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Guest __laine

sooo i have a lingering suspicion that yul will commit suicide by the end of the drama. i don't know why, but i can feel it!!

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Oh i rem that part with a vengence!

she feed him tiramisu rIGHT! that ho-toot.

i really hated her. i mean why do all the evil characters give up after 20 epis -.-

they shld have gave up from the start but there wun be anything interesting if that were to happen lOlx..

i totally agree.. she is abit weird.. but i guess she treats Yul as a friend. she always mentioned it to Yul that she treats him as a fren..

and u know shin has a weird temper.. whenever he blows up like a volcano, cg will be sad etc etc.. and yul is always there to confort her.

and yeah~i am 100% singaporean

ah yes, the cake feeding scene. urgh. i wanted to bomb her at that moment :ph34r: i wanted to bomb shin also for accepting the cake :ph34r:

anyway, what goes around comes around.. when CG was feeding shin in ep 17, i was so gleeful because hyorin is there to witness it too. huahaha... at least she knows how CG felt that that cake feeding scene :D:D

but back to CG-yul-shin triangle, i do admit she's kinda dense as well, always turning to yul whenever shin bullies her. but if she does not turn to yul, who can she turn to? maybe choi sanggong?

from the previews, i feel so bad for shin's mom. like she tries so hard to be a good and caring wife and the king really doesn't take notice of that. i hope something will happen to make him realize how much he loves and treasures his wife.

like Rebby likes to say, he's a pea-brained king so i don't think he is ever going to realise what a wonderful wife he has until she left him OR until yul's mom shows her true colours. :ph34r: dense king!

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Guest rukia05

rukia05, the latest sub that's out is for ep 14. You can also get it here (d-addicts): Goong Subtitles. Originally posted by ay_link.


and thanks for whoever's posting up the goong eps in youtube!!!

Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!

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Guest Pikachu

sooo i have a lingering suspicion that yul will commit suicide by the end of the drama. i don't know why, but i can feel it!!

I don't think so.. I mean.. he has Kang Hyun to run away with. :ph34r:

In all honesty, I still don't think so. XDDD He ust doesn't seem like the really desperate type to me... I think what he's showing us right now is already the peak of his desperation to have Chae Gyeong.. XD I don't think it will increase....... to suicide. XD

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Guest insideMYheart

sooo i have a lingering suspicion that yul will commit suicide by the end of the drama. i don't know why, but i can feel it!!

Whaaat, I hope that doesn't happen... I don't dislike Yul that much to want that to happen.

Watching it live doesn't contribute to the ratings, right?

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noted some obvious changes from shin,

1. when CG elbowed his knees from behind after their beach trip, shin sort of shouted at her for doing that to him, but within split seconds, he's all smiles & playful and hit her with his camera :lol: he would hv given her a hard time or sulk and don't-bother-me if it were in the past... i think.

2. when teaching CG how to drive.. shin is a man of little patience.. but he swallowed whatever frastrations he have after shouting at her and continued to teach her... i reckon he would hv got off the car immediately and give her a good verbal bashing if it were in the past... haha!

3. he accepted the lettuce-wrapped-meat from CG's hands (she fed him from her hands!!) knowing everyone would be watching - with his character i think he would be pretty afraid to admit in front to the 3 stooges that he's falling in love with his wife :lol:

i think so far shin hasn't admitted to anyone that he's in love with CG now besides subtly to HR rite??

wonder how or when would that fella admit publicly... hopefully not following the manhwa in this sense cuz that would mean CG is considering asking for a divorce then... :tears:

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Guest vignette

The present king needs to have his head checked. I hate his indecisiveness towards Shin as the next in line to the throne.

But I'm loving what little development there is in the relationship of Shin and CG. I can't understand a word their saying in their room when they were about to change but they were close enough to be playful in touching each others legs with their foot ~ so cute and I can just imagine what's going through the minds of their friends when they were the last to arrive for lunch.

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