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Guest coreana

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Guest starrysmile

did ep 18 preview come out yet? if it did, can somebody upload it? @_@ there's too many pages to go through...

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Man, YEH has got some amazing curves! She looked great in that outfit in the palace, where she had that high-waisted knee-length skirt and checked b+w shirt. And Shin looked just as amazing in his black suit. :D

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Guest jingjuna

Goong Ep 17 - 111 mb - YSI Links

I own page 1372!!! ;)

Mirror 1: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1XOTC0Z2MHQ5U2H5OZQ95VNLDY

Mirror 2: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0TA8HCH8NK0XY0510IFEF4KTNR

Mirror 3: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=1YG2F4LVXS63O2OXS6DGP3SWU9

Mirror 4: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3TNIP2DM2NABE13THMN7XW86JP

Mirror 5: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3H6QW26XG70EH1E2SFDQEONXC7

Mirror 6: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2VJT23L1SNABY24JCIEG6ZK0VN

Mirror 7: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=05OKCQ86WJNAE05X1Z3KFZ3IY5

Mirror 8: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2YV2R4XUWJWKD3V8HZYOMXHQTE

Mirror 9: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3U7CWOBPXSEJP3VV4BZP8E123L

Mirror 10: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3B6Y0EIVZLDB630BMG54O07D2J

Mirror 11: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0WL5HV3IFWOIP0LGTJTMIM5P3J

Mirror 12: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2CIQGMOENWKL827UYTSQQ79EE5

Mirror 13: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=2OAVU74T7UWFP12UZQEEHGW15W

Mirror 14: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3IVTE1VDGGG3621Z1EKHEKMGZF

Mirror 15: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0GHRBPX3OLMDW2KCLE2BQBF5SA

Mirror 16: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3KGP8Z81YWXKA33MKMUGKEWNXI

Mirror 17: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0Y39JW4N0E3LP3OOE7ZAA4NP32

Mirror 18: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=3V0R3EMEXKATR1C4Y488UPAZG0

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Mirror 23: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0ILLU600TF3F83J30VLXIYIFSA

Mirror 24: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0TTQBA1MO6OWW06WANFYFTU4JI

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Mirror 27: http://s5.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0J315V2OPWYKJ21WBVD5O4G5U0

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Hey guys!! I was able to get the 111 mb version from SOME KIND SOUL WHO SENT ME A YSI LINK (;__; I accidently deleted it by mistake. Wah!! PM me again!) So... here are many MANY MAAAAANNNNYYY yousendit links to Episode 17!! Enjoy <3

Thanks for the comments! *sophendo gobbles them up and gains 20 pounds* @_@

See you tomorrow with Ep 18 YSI links! Go, go Goong fever!!!

v Check my signature for archive links (they may have expired...^^;;) and please PLEASE PM me if a mirror becomes blocked so I can scratch it out! Plus, it will tell me that I need to upload more!

GIVE ME LOVE AND I WILL LOVE YOU BACK! It takes me several hours to get these up.


<3 Why? 'Cuz I love you guys.

thank you~!!!

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Guest beauwhale

did ep 18 preview come out yet? if it did, can somebody upload it? @_@ there's too many pages to go through...

Go to p.1371, it's in there, but it's in YSI. u better fast. Hope u get it

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hello hello my goong lovelies~ ;]

sorry i haven't been here in awhile! >.<;;

i've been EXTREMELY busy with school.. and my teenage hormones were acting up xD


so today's ep 17!!<3

didn't SEE it yet, but... in about an hour i will<33

ratings didn't come out yet!! >.<!

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Oh no really? they have a hard time breaking 30%?

i think they probably will at the least few epis.

i think they would break it if the MBC Pds can have more creativity instead of the same old routine..

weds heaven thurs hell.. -.-

and the whole jealousy thing is going on for way too long.. when is shin gonna DO something or say something like "i like u."

YEHJIN. *hugz

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Guest SukarDrops

OMG!!!!!!! I cant wait till tomorrow arghhhhhhhhhh. at first i was all for yul but now shin is soooo falling for CG :w00t: and its sooooooooooooooo cute. I can understand HR's situation because she was with shin for 2 years but yul :huh: he just met CG so hes just hurting his self. I really wish he would stop pushing hisself at her. and yuls mom :crazy: that woman is out of her mind.. I wish shins mom would just smack her backwards. and does the great queen know about the whole yuls mom cheating on her husband with his bro?? man shes nasty... it seems yul wants cg to do the same thing he really could care less if she was shins wife.....EW

By the way I see ppl keep asking for this so here it is

Eppie 18 Long Preview

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i think they would break it if the MBC Pds can have more creativity instead of the same old routine..

weds heaven thurs hell.. -.-

and the whole jealousy thing is going on for way too long.. when is shin gonna DO something or say something like "i like u."

YEHJIN. *hugz

Instead of "i like you", a "sarangae" would be better.. that would boost up the rating waay over 30% *if that's even possible* kekekkekeke..

Amanda, why do you caps the "DO" ???? BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.. I know exactly what you meaaaaaaaaaaannnn!!! Perv minds think alike :lol: that's all i can say :P

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OMG!!!!!!! I cant wait till tomorrow arghhhhhhhhhh. at first i was all for yul but now shin is soooo falling for CG :w00t: and its sooooooooooooooo cute. I can understand HR's situation because she was with shin for 2 years but yul :huh: he just met CG so hes just hurting his self. I really wish he would stop pushing hisself at her. and yuls mom :crazy: that woman is out of her mind.. I wish shins mom would just smack her backwards. and does the great queen know about the whole yuls mom cheating on her husband with his bro?? man shes nasty... it seems yul wants cg to do the same thing he really could care less if she was shins wife.....EW

By the way I see ppl keep asking for this so here it is

Eppie 18 Long Preview

hahah!! i love the way u say shin's mum shld smack yul's mum. i totally agree..

i mean shin's mum shld use things like the frying pan and smack yul's mum real hard.

i think yul's mum only ever love herself? she makes use of every man in her life.

yul's dad (if he is even yul's dad afterall? we wun know until the end)

shin's dad

yul.. (poor yul, UR MUM IS PSYCHO with a capital P. do NOT follow her evil ways when u love someone u want them to be happy... and shin is treating cg gd now. u DO NOT any how kiss her on the eyes UNDERSTAND? 알았어?)


Goong is reeling in everyone isn't it?

my dear.. pls dO not quote the Entire list of ppl in here k? it's consider spamming. =D

Instead of "i like you", a "sarangae" would be better.. that would boost up the rating waay over 30% *if that's even possible* kekekkekeke..

Amanda, why do you caps the "DO" ???? BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.. I know exactly what you meaaaaaaaaaaannnn!!! Perv minds think alike :lol: that's all i can say :P

yeah~why did i use DO.

LOlx.. kekeke.. i am perverted. -.-

i wish they would seriousLY DO something duh~

i hope cg would be a young mother. lOlx

and say something like i love you to each other.

all the fans waited long enuff

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Guest SukarDrops

hahah!! i love the way u say shin's mum shld smack yul's mum. i totally agree..

i mean shin's mum shld use things like the frying pan and smack yul's mum real hard.

i think yul's mum only ever love herself? she makes use of every man in her life.

yul's dad (if he is even yul's dad afterall? we wun know until the end)

shin's dad

yul.. (poor yul, UR MUM IS PSYCHO with a capital P. do NOT follow her evil ways when u love someone u want them to be happy... and shin is treating cg gd now. u DO NOT any how kiss her on the eyes UNDERSTAND? 알았어?)

OMG I really think yul is shins brother :phew: I mean why does the dad act like he cares for yul so much???? gahhhhhhhhh shins mom needs to smack him to. I would trip yuls mom.. walking through the palace hallways like shes all that NOT ::BARF::...what the flip was HR saying when they were getting ready to drink???? I also wanna know what yul was saying that eppie when the whole family was eating lunch together or was it desert??? well the great queen put her head down and the sister was looking like :unsure: so was everybody else...AHHHHH SUBSSS MANNNN SUBSSS lol gotta wait another week for that???

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Guest Shellae

Jus wondering could someone please direct me to where I can d/l ep 17 thats around 150mb~?

I can't seem to find a link. -___-

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Jus wondering could someone please direct me to where I can d/l ep 17 thats around 150mb~?

I can't seem to find a link. -___-

Shellae, go back to page 1372 *the 1st post*, the ever super helpful sophendo is uploading it to YSI. :)

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Guest usyagitntn

guys see the ratings yet?


national: 25.8%

seoul: 26.1%

It's good but I don't think it;s the best one we have I actually was hoping for a rating in the 30s, but this ep was not really that great because there were so many dark moments, not many CG and Shin' sweet scenes :(, but I think and hope that the rating for ep 18 tomorrow will be high. Perverted minds think alike :lol: I really want to see Yul and Shin's show down too. cant' wait XD

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Guest laceytam

can someone give me a translation of epi.17???? please

like the scene when their friend says cg and shin should share a room

and the eating scene where cg force shin to eat

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Ratings for Eppie 17:

Nationwide: 25.8

Seoul: 26.1


Ninja Y beat me to it. I'll be back to edit again.

^ i thought we weren't supposed to quote all the ppl. on the forum b/c its spamming..

Yes, we aren't suppose to, it is considered spamming.

*Another reminder from Silent J here, please read thread rules on page 1. Don't want another warning from mods or our admin.

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