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Guest coreana

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Guest hsinyi069


Shin surely has pretty legs...


nice body


credit dolla from koreanwind~

*** Can't wait for tonite's epi~~ hee hee

Pls do not hotlink~~~~~

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nice body

credit dolla from koreanwind~

*** Can't wait for tonite's epi~~ hee hee

Pls do not hotlink~~~~~

omg... can we skip epi 17 and go straight for epi 18?!?! :ph34r::lol:

shin campers (nah.. its just me, amanda, jess and angeline? i know cheryl is somewhere secretly raising her hands!!! :vicx: ) turning perverty eh... :sweatingbullets:

** edit **

omo omo.. whatever JJH wore for the scene.... must hv been pulled damn low to create the 'i'm naked' look :w00t:

** edit 2 **

i'm on my way home now!!!! yay!!!!

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Guest amane86

Hahahha! looks like everybody cant wait to watch episod 18 heh?

They always do this to us... the nicest part they put it on thursday...

then the ending make us CANT SLEEP AT ALL! ADDICTED!


what happen after CG saw Shin ?

i think Shin want to see too .

and they ........


Looks like someting is flooded in someone's mind??


Well, i think they will be so embarased to see each other?

Then there will be lots of blushing scene!



Typical Shin and CG style~!

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omg... can we skip epi 17 and go straight for epi 18?!?! :ph34r::lol:

shin campers (nah.. its just me, amanda, jess and angeline? i know cheryl is somewhere secretly raising her hands!!! :vicx: ) turning perverty eh... :sweatingbullets:

** edit **

omo omo.. whatever JJH wore for the scene.... must hv been pulled damn low to create the 'i'm naked' look :w00t:

** edit 2 **

i'm on my way home now!!!! yay!!!!

HAHAHAH!!! yeah. i thot so too.. it's really now.. i mean the way Eh is sitting down.. the moment she looks straight ahead it is... -.- ehem..

ok i am openly pervertic about this

and angeline..

i was telling my mum.. when Cg fell down.. shin should have stood straight up and go to cg, carries her up and say : U are so clumsy.

i bet this will send Ho-toot and YUl into sHOCK

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Guest echoRy

what happen after CG saw Shin ?

i think Shin want to see too .

and they ........

hahaha, well hello! oh my it's scandalous where u leave off trailing there nic...lolxxxooo

if only, but most likely she or he will run screaming from the bathroom.

REBBY - hands WAY UP!!!

and angeline..

i was telling my mum.. when Cg fell down.. shin should have stood straight up and go to cg, carries her up and say : U are so clumsy.

i bet this will send Ho-toot and YUl into sHOCK

oh that would have been SWEET! i think if Shin did that everyone's mouths would be gaped open!

and it would definetly shut TOOT up for sure!

--- :lol: okay, this was all really fun, but i should get to bed so i can wake up

early and get ep 17---

my <33 PandaBear, Rebby dear, Shenny too and zinc i c u as well!

Gnight GOONGERS one and all!

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Guest haruka

I thought it was weird that he tried to cover his chest first. LOL. More time for CG to stare at it. :blush:

Also... I just watched a behind the scene of their first kiss. It seemed very awkward between the two of them. Right when they cut they pull away from each other really quick. Poop :(

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Guest Jolee

maja!!! sarap may kausap.... :lol:

you are so rite... my first time to do this as u and Brook tickle my curiousity.. MG being the operative word. :P

usually, i dont go to an unfinished drama thread coz i dont wanna be spoiled.

But due to your and Brook's ravings, i make this as exception.

So far, i'm really loving it tho there are some draggy parts or maybe becoz i'm not really interested with theo oldies... hahaha!!!

Ya!!! it was also nice to know what the song was all about.

Really adds to the mood and appreciation of the scenes.

that is so cliche in K-dramas.....the leading man only realize his love for his most hated (at first) other half when he sees her lovey-dovey with his nearest rival. :rolleyes:

in fairness, yul with cg is not a bad thought.... **ducks*** :lol:

thanks Brook hunnie for helping lilcuteeguh...

and what do i care about kingdaddy's nose??? :wacko:

it's only Shin's nose that i'm concerned about.. esp. if it's touching CG's nose.... :P

Hi .. Ella . :) .. trying my luck .. cos don't know if you'll see my post since this thread zips like no other in soompi .. went away for a few days last week when I stopped at Pg 1287 and now doing bps .. Pg 1359 now .. geezz...

Thought I'd like to comment on the "oldies" .. do you realise that there's another sad love triangle between Shin's parents and Yul's mum .. I'm disappointed with Shin's dad for his hypocritical ways.. his guilty conscience is screaming out loud and clear and Shin's mum is clearly saddened by the king's handling of his son's transgression with Hyorin .. and my liking and admiration for her grows by the episode .. especially the advice she gave to Yul during their little talk about love and having a loving marriage ..

And .. Shin didn't realise his love just because he witnesses all those YUL-CG scenes .. actually he admitted to CG that he didn't like her at first because she was an intrusion into his life .. as the arranged marriage was thrust upon him .. but he grew to like her and then to love her .. as he spent more time with her .. guess he couldn't help but be attracted to CG's lovable and sincere nature .. :D

Also called out hello to the other hunnies here .. Brooklyn ..Chula .. eons of bps back .. but guess were lost like a lot of other postings ...

Would love to discuss Goong with you gals ..

Cheers .. :)

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Guest chubbyone

hmm, i don't think i am satisfied with this 'explanation' for not helping CG.

Hello, your wife hurt her hand with the candle, fell down and you can't even lift your butt from the chair??? No matter how shocked and afraid of your wife having her-so-called-dream, that's something in the future. Shouldn't you at least make an effort of helping her when she's hurt NOW?

when CG bit her tounge, Yul was the first one to give her assistance (although Shin made the move first). He got up immediately when he saw she got hurt. Shin should take some lesson from that episode. Sheesh. I am kinda pissed with Shin right now. :fury:

Believe me, you're not the only one who's p... with Shin. :angry:

OMYGoongness! LOL! I wasn't gonna post till tomorrow, but after checking the preview (thanks Dee! and Rebby for the youtube upload), can't stop laughing at the last part... puahahaha...

MBC really likes to give us a lil heart-attack every single week with this roller-coaster stimulation wed-heaven, thursday-hell episodes.

We ask for skinship and another (possibly, hot) hapbang, but look at what we're about to get now? XD

That kingdaddy really needs to be smack real hard now, and this time I really mean it with a brick or a frying-pan or sumthin' <_<

geesh... how could he even doubt his own son???

Poor hwang-hu... must be feeling like hell living with a hubby like that, and now seeing her own husband not in favor of their own son. *sigh*

Kang In needs to slap Hyorin to awaken her right about now.

How many times does Shin need to say it or hint it over to her so that she'll get it that there is absolutely NO future for her and Shin. I mean,.. how dumb the girl can be? argh B)

*meanie mode set ON*

oh and CG,... *sigh* I'm kinda disappointed at her now...

She should know better that Shin will get jealous at the sight of her and Yul together, not to mention if she keeps on saying "gwen ja nah?" with such affectionate tone of voice. And Shin also,.... why... in the goong world does he need to talk with hyorin in private like that?? and, aren't they all among friends and their 'significant other" (yes, I'm referring Kang In as hyorin's potential significant other lolz). and rainbowbrite pointed the very same thought I had in mind. It's sad to see him just sitting down like that while eyeing them with such jealousy-eyes... *sigh* he needs to act on his jealousy like usual, rather than being like this.

Now Yul.... *deep sigh* Yul Goon is just hopeless :P he's so hopelessly and helplessly blinded by love towards CG and no man can save him rather than the cupid and Kang Hyun (I hope). *grins*

OK girls.... now, tell me again why should I be more positive and open-minded to watch ep 17-18?

o yeah... that hilarious "Shin no panty" scene is definitely the highlight for this week.

*waves to all you lovelies.... i'm goin' to bed. Can't wait to read all of you guys' spoilers for tonite's episode....

countdown: 3 hours and 10 more minutes.....*

I just love Yul for being so hopelessly in love with CG. Yul being so cute and caring is a big bonus too. :P

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Guest andie

Finally the much-awaited bathroom scene! I was sooo hoping the drama didn't miss out on this! I can't wait to wait to watch the episodes! It's going to be hilarious! :w00t:

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Guest marie_n

hahahaah hot hot hot!!! but isnt jjh a little bit skinny?? hahaah he should work out or something.. hehehe he is probably smaller than me :P hHh (hope not!!)

omg heheeh yeh's expression is really fuunnnyyy!!! hahaah the pics cracked me up so much.. too bad its still on thursday haahah... but at least we have the eppie tonight!! haha

maybe if yul becomes king he will know the hardship of being one and become nicer and kinder... hehehe and shin and cg can pursue their dreams of being a film director and designer together.... and live happily together with children.. hope they have twins, one guy who looks like shin and a girl that dresses like cg hahaahah wouldn't that be funny!! dreamsss... siigggghhss

honestly even though i dont like hyorin, i feel sad for her.. i mean we all are hoping that cg will continue to fight for her love but hyorin is doing the same also.. she thinks she loves him and shes doing everything she can to hold on.. too bad though she rejected him in the first place... maybe shin was the only good thing in her life... i mean her living with other people and her mom being a maid and all :( hope she finds happiness with kang in though and not shin!! hheeheh

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Guest lavenderorchid

OMG.Ep 18 is sooo funny.Can't wait to watch it tomorrow.Less than an hour towards ep 17.Why can't they aired ep 18 today?Haish I sure can't sleep tonight. : :D

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Guest cassiopeia

I need a help here. I'm trying to convert the epi. 13 sub from .srt to .ssa, but it said that something was error in line #20. I still put the subs in, but after the supposedly line #20, there's no subs anymore. Help! Can someone give me the correct .ssa file, or maybe the rite .srt one. Thanks for your help.

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