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Guest coreana

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Guest AznGrlz

yes i definitely say that shin is having or does have feelings for CG now

i remember a scene where CG asked Shin why he agreed to the marriage

then SHIN said: do you think I will let some one I LIKE chained to the palace as a princess and let her suffer

then CG said: then what about me?

SHIN: that is right, you do not concern me so I am marrying you.

** but now he steadfastly tells CG that if she cant take the palace life anymore

he will let her go

so that when they meet again

they can greet each other happily w/o regret

that for me is an indirect confession of love =)

Omg! you're right! i've never thought of it that way...gosh love how you all point out details in the drama...so sweet :D

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Guest chubbyone

im not so sure that he was attracted to CK in the beginning, more like fascinated and a source of amusement as he aptly put it to Yul when asked why he was marrying her. Like a toy that you can have fun with but can talk and walk. I think what he said in ep 15 was right, although i dont recall her ever mentioning things to him that made him question his beliefs in the goong and his way of life.

She just made him laugh and i do think that what you said about him and Hyorin, it was more of "misery loves company sort of thing". I think more than anything, they had a very real and strong friendship but also held that forbidden aspect to it as well too because i think he knew about her background but liked her even more for it.

CK is different in the fact that she is very ordinary, has a very loving family and has her own ambitions and lives for herself and not others. I personally think that he started to like her when he realized early on that she might like Yul and not him. I think it happened in those scenes when he always caught the two of them talking and such. So in a way, im glad Yul was the one who finally ticked something off in that boy! I personally think it started at his bday party and she gave him those shoes/caught her playing around with her friends and Yul. Like it was the first time he saw her as someone that is not a doll or a toy but someone who he can probably care for and love and actually be a human instead of this bored, rich boy with nothing to do.

I find it hard to have any sympathy for Shin. :fury:

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Guest manderley_angel

omo... for some reason i cant edit my last post >.< sorry for spamming you guys...

here's a cleaner version of the previous wallpaper i posted:


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Guest qtbeautygirl

hello!! I am dreading what Yul would do in the upcoming episode. No!!! *cries*

For your viewing pleasures:

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I find it hard to have any sympathy for Shin. :fury:

I'm not having any sympathy for him after ep 16. There's no reason for him to turn his back on CG after he has that fight with his father and leave her with Yul. There's also no reason I can think of for him to go to a hotel room to meet Hyorin. I don't believe he's wanting to get back together with her, but it's stupid to meet in a place like that to talk.He doesn't need to tell her it's over anymore. He hasn't really done ANYTHING to encourage her to pursue him. Sure, he's been kind of non-confrontational, but he also married someone else, spends all his time with that someone else, and has told Hyorin to her face that he's falling for his wife. I just don't see that there's anything left for him to say.

And, if the hotel room stuff was arranged by Shin's mom, well, I'll just have to trust she knows what she's doing. I still think it's really lame, though, and they're dragging it on and on and on.... grh...

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Guest beautifulxmess

Ooo..thanks for the info Telly and to download for the pic..

Jang Kyung is actually my favourite out of the three monkeys...despite his awful engrish and 'nosiness'..heheee..but he's rather cute..i remember someone also mentioned he was in 'Hello Francesca' too or something. As for MBITB....gota go back and search for him...

Samgirl, wow...i love your observation..thanks for pointing that out...makes us look at Shin's love for CG at another angle. Ehehee...he's falling deep and hard for her. Hope he doesn't do something stupid in the upcoming episodes.

As for the speculations as to why Shin's holding Hotoot's jacket...I think it might just be an 'off-set' thing...

Manderley_Angel...i swear, all of my desktop wallpaper rotations ar eof yours..lol..once again, thank u forsuch beautiful art!

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Guest graciexbaby

hehe, yes you may save it =D

james blunt rocks my socks!

also, i find this superliciously cute =)


>> if you take it, credit daum tv forums [i didn't make it] =D

and i remember being so excited to see this particular scene when the drama started:


>> whatever happened to it? hrmmm =p

i was really excited about this part too. how weird cuz i kept thinking about it recently too. i guess they cut it out seeing as how yul's hair's still orange here. man. i wonder what the scene was about...

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I find it hard to have any sympathy for Shin. :fury:

Agreed. Although I'm a Shin camper, it's annoying watching him run around and around with this whole affair. I think he should just stop it and choose someone, CG or Hyorin. I kind of feel for Hyorin since she was the one that was originally with him first and I think part of her hurt stems from the fact that had something taken from her. From the scenes with Hyorin lately, she appears not as fortunate as everyone thinks she is and if they are following the manga on that then we'll actually get to see the dismal side of her life.

The whole suicide thing was all so stupid though. It was just DUMB of Hyorin to do that. Jeebus, that annoyed the heck out of me but I still feel sorry for her. It's pity though so meh...

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Guest chubbyone

I'm not having any sympathy for him after ep 16. There's no reason for him to turn his back on CG after he has that fight with his father and leave her with Yul. There's also no reason I can think of for him to go to a hotel room to meet Hyorin. I don't believe he's wanting to get back together with her, but it's stupid to meet in a place like that to talk.He doesn't need to tell her it's over anymore. He hasn't really done ANYTHING to encourage her to pursue him. Sure, he's been kind of non-confrontational, but he also married someone else, spends all his time with that someone else, and has told Hyorin to her face that he's falling for his wife. I just don't see that there's anything left for him to say.

And, if the hotel room stuff was arranged by Shin's mom, well, I'll just have to trust she knows what she's doing. I still think it's really lame, though, and they're dragging it on and on and on.... grh...

Well said! Exactly what I was thinking. As muh as I still like Shin, I think it will be stupid of him to go to

the hotel to see Hyorin. Whatever for? :crazy:

Agreed. Although I'm a Shin camper, it's annoying watching him run around and around with this whole affair. I think he should just stop it and choose someone, CG or Hyorin. I kind of feel for Hyorin since she was the one that was originally with him first and I think part of her hurt stems from the fact that had something taken from her. From the scenes with Hyorin lately, she appears not as fortunate as everyone thinks she is and if they are following the manga on that then we'll actually get to see the dismal side of her life.

The whole suicide thing was all so stupid though. It was just DUMB of Hyorin to do that. Jeebus, that annoyed the heck out of me but I still feel sorry for her. It's pity though so meh...

I feel for Hyorin too but she has to accept the fact that she was the one who turned down Shin's proposal.

She has to face reality and get on with her life and leave the newly weds alone. :angry:

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Guest sungaaah


I just noticed how GOONG is like opening the way for the supporting cast!



keke i agree w/ yoO !

didnt telly make a thread for the guy who plays kangin, btw ?

i think thats why 'goong' is so popular even w/out big name actors/actresses :

fresh, young, HOT actors all in one show ? who can resist ! ^^

ugh .. rewatched 16 and i *never* skipped scenes EXCEPT

this time w/ hotoot .. i seriously cannot stand her anymore.

iono whats going thru her head and i dont wanna sympathize or

think anything about her. i juss go back to the lovely

shin/cg scenes on the beach =]]

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Guest echoRy

don't think there's a thread for this other hot dude yet?


thanx REB for the pics, his character's annoying but he is kinda HOT! and he's a good actor from everything i've seen him in. really funny in Hello F.

---i think we pretty much all agree about Shin. where he's heading in the story, or atleast where it seems like he's heading, doesn't make any sense. it doesn't flow with the story and everything that's happened so far, specially in the last 2 eps.

i don't know if the PD's are just trying to make it as suspenseful as possibly or if there's actually a point to all of it...but whichever it may be, me no likey!

there's no valid reason why they should still be apart at this point in time...none!---

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Guest samgirl

My pleasure all :)

Honestly , this drama took over my life

and sometimes out of nowhere Id remember particular scenes from the past eps and just connect it to the current ones, and it does show me how beautifully this drama evolves. You have to be really a n observer to appreciate the drama even more because there are bits and pieces link to each other.

and it gave me goosebumps when I remembered when Shin was talking about divorce , and how it shows in his face, that the thought of it feels like he's dying ,that he doesnt want to do it anymore and wants them to grow old together.

but if it will make CG free and happy he is willing to do it (thinking that the palace life tortures her)

coz unwillingly, unknowingly CG slowly crept in to his heart.

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Guest AznGrlz

My pleasure all :)

Honestly , this drama took over my life

and sometimes out of nowhere Id remember particular scenes from the past eps and just connect it to the current ones, and it does show me how beautifully this drama evolves. You have to be really a n observer to appreciate the drama even more because there are bits and pieces link to each other.

and it gave me goosebumps when I remembered when Shin was talking about divorce , and how it shows in his face, that the thought of it feels like he's dying ,that he doesnt want to do it anymore and wants them to grow old together.

but if it will make CG free and happy he is willing to do it (thinking that the palace life tortures her)

coz unwillingly, unknowingly CG slowly crept in to his heart.

*off topic- doesn't this drama sort of remind you of *Full House* its so similiar...the whole square love, contract :politic=sweet 18: marriage, slowly falls in love...they like link together...weird :rolleyes:

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Here's my take on Ep 17...

Shin is NOT at the hotel on his own device to netiher apologise nor reconcile with HR - NO WAY!!!!

He definitely wants to grow old with CG and he's not wishy-washy about HR either - he's never getting back with her!!

He's there to defend his position as Crown Prince!!!!

the Queen must have explained (and i believe he must have been smart enuf to guess it himself too)

that all the recent events were strategically planned & the intended action is to discredit and possibly dethrone him

the Queen must have told him to stand up to the challenge - fight for his right to the throne, protect the Queen's position AND fight for the girl whom he loves!!!!

the Queen must have arranged for HoToot to be transferred to the hotel and posted guards outside to prevent all possible interaction with MoToot

Also, she must have arranged for Shin to confront HoToot to have her own up and pinpoint the real culprit

and maybe even solicit her as a counter-spy!!

(remember that SHIN jap interview where he was asked if he would make a good SPY actor?! haha!)

wadya think?

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Guest iluvkdrama

hey fellow goongers,

first off i would like to thank all those who contributed the wonderful fanart and pictures. It was just what i need to by pass the time waiting for the next episode and subtitles to come out. I do have a question though. i was wondering if anyone knows of any goong based fanfics. if you do please let me know cuz reading goong relating fanfics is fun to do when there are no recent episodes.



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*off topic- doesn't this drama sort of remind you of *Full House* its so similiar...the whole square love, contract :politic=sweet 18: marriage, slowly falls in love...they like link together...weird :rolleyes:

This occurred to me when I was telling a friend about Goong.

1. Both marriages do not start out as "real" marriages, as in they were not really wanted by both sides.

2. Third wheels on both sides. Both male leads have a girl they knew longer than the girl they're with currently and had some kind of special relationship with them.

3. Both female leads have another male chasing after them.

4. Boy+girl falling in love with each other, girl realises it first.


5. Both girls are cute bubbly type characters who always get annoyed easily.

6. Both male leads are mean to the girl.

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