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[drama 2008] Powerful Opponents (강적들)


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Written In The Heavens Subbing Squad


















































































































































































































































































































Main Translators: cutiepie, momolhasa































































Spot Translator: saturn































































Timer: julier































































Editor/QC: Suz07































































Coordinators: mily2, ay_link





























































































































































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Guest JaneSc

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I agree with you. The writer compromised what could have been a beautiful love story;

Usually, 99.9% of viewers for this type of a story are women, who as we all know, love to watch romantic stories with happy endings. Truth of the matter is that "romance sells" just like the other saying that "sex sells", whether we admit it or not.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I do agree that we watch a drama for pure enjoyment (ie with a happy ending) and escapism so if its going to be an ambiquous ending, i rather not watch it in the first place cos i will be disappointed in the end.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Cerise
































Thank you so much for ep 13 subs~!
















WITHS2 Fighting~! :wub:^_^









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Guest adikkeluangman




"Formidable Rivals" Wraps at 9.4%






The KBS2 TV Monday-Tuesday drama, "Formidable Rivals," ended on June 3rd, with the final episode ratings unable to break through 10%.


According to AGB Nielsen Media Research, the last episode of "Formidable Rivals" did, however, receive the highest rating (9.4%) of its broadcasts. The drama started airing on April 14th and its average TV ratings were calculated at 7.7%.


Starring Chae Rim, Lee Jong-hyuk and Lee Jin-wook, "Formidable Rivals" was a TV drama about the lives of Secret Service agents who worked at the Blue House. Though the plot was unique, it was overshadowed by the popularity of the MBC period piece, "Yisan, Wind of the Palace."


On June 3rd, the TV ratings of "Yisan" were 28.9% and the ratings of the SBS drama "Tokyo Sun Shower" were recorded at 4.2%.


The production filling the "Formidable Rivals" spot will be the martial arts period drama, "Chil-wu, the Mighty," starring Eric and Ku Hye-sun. Its first broadcast will be on June 9th.


c: KBS Global


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thank you for Ep.13 subs !! waiting for 3 more ... :w00t:
































































































































































komawoyo !!!

































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Guest arielcc
























Thank you for the Subs!!








I am listening to the PO OST again and I love the songs in the drama. Despite the fact that the ending sucks :( , the familiar melodies just reminded me of how excited I was and how good and promising the drama all started out. Kinda disappointed at the unrealised potential of the whole ensemble.. CR, the other cast.. even the OST is very good. What a waste!








But having said that, the drama actually has captivated me, mainly since it is a CR drama, even though there were many frustrations in between. I'd also come to like LJW and so had watched on till the end, hopelessly waiting for the SH/YJ moment to be realised :lol: .








I will miss SH/YJ :tears: GP and GN also provided a lot of heart wrenching moments.. But I will revisit the drama again esp the SH/YJ moments. :rolleyes:









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Guest alfredo
















Thanks WITH S2 for episode 13 sub.









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wud still watch out for chaerim's next drama cos she's lovely gal, no matter who her costar is. again,its the po writer who was disapppointing ...

made myself light-hearted again after rewatching clips of happy-ending drama "Pure 19" starring gu hyesun. chaerim & ghs are my only fav. ghs will act opp eric in the drama after po.

so enjoy these clips if u need some light-hearted moments -


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Guest ovette

after a day full of schoolwork, im finally back.. have also done updates to the navigation post..

havent visited this thread for one day and i was missing it already!

i don't know why but i feel that in the end, all the people went their own ways. It feels like GP is going to meet a new girl and YJ meets this new guy. Well as for SH, it seems like he will live happily ever after with GN. It's an okay ending. I have to admit, i was a bit disappointed but if we actually think about the true meaning behind the drama, then we might think it wasn't so bad after vall.
at first i also thought the ending didnt meet up to my expectations. we cant deny the fact we wanted some assurance of who YJ really liked but the writer opted for a VERY open ended one. it would also be unrealistic if she choose SH/GP over the work she loves so much. we have been expecting an open ending but somehow hoping for a possible romance at the end. i think we are just disappointed that the ending was really what we were expecting and find it hard to accept it. as i recall the ending, i thought it wasnt that bad as well. everyone ended with happy looks on their faces. the scenery where YJ was in wheelchair was shot nicely and it's nice to see our heroine spending time with her dad, opening up to him and bringing back the strong bond they once had.
I don't know if I'm the only one or not, but I acutally liked the ending... I mean korean dramas are known for people magically falling in love and meeting the person of their dreams, while also having everything else perfect as well, but I actually like the aspect of Young Jin being able to build friendships, grow as a person, and pursue her dream career without having to be romantically linked to anyone in a formal manner. There were still loose ends the writers could have tied but overall, it feels more realistic to have the drama end the way it did. On the other hand I do still sorta feel like this drama would have been better if it wasn't a miniseries ... they could have continued it further and established some more... but eh it is what it is and as of now I actually feel content with how things finished... ^_^
i was actually okay with the ending.. it may be frustrating to know that YJ didnt end up with anyone, but it just means that the drama could go on. in the near future, i wanna believe that YJ has achieved her goals.
me too. :) they really do look good together. my fave scenes are of them together. :wub:

i wasn't crazy about the 2 male leads at first, but CR managed to make it work. she's so good that it doesn't matter that much who her leading men are. she has chemistry with everyone she'd worked with so far. i was never a fan of LJW or LJH even though they are both good actors. i watched because of CR. i hope she'll do another drama soon.

i so agree. we have been discussing this in the CR thread already. she doesnt need great leading men since she has this power in bringing out the best in them and make them as charming as they used to be. she too develops great chemistry with them.
As others have mentioned, this truly was an open ending to all open endings...

Yes. I agree!

Ep. 15, was centered around YJ and GP finally getting their "romantic" scene, however subdued it was. There wasn't any big action (aside from the hug), but isn't that consistent with how they connected, from the very beginning? Their undercurrent then carries ever to episode 16 - I'll elaborate on that in a moment.

We see the story coming full circle again. In ep. 2, GP takes the "fake" bullet for YJ in the training exercise. In ep. 16, it's YJ's turn to take the bullet for him. If you notice the stand-off with Senior Nam, his gun is pointed at GP the entire time...until, YJ steps forward and distracts him. (yes, I was also a little perturbed that everyone was just standing there while YJ struggled with Senior Nam.) YJ sacrifices herself to save GP from getting shot. And if you also notice, it's their (YJ and GP's) theme instrumental (piano) song that plays during this scene. And of course, it's GP that chases after Senior Nam.

At the hospital, again we see what has been consistently shown about the characters - SH's anguish is written all over his face and actions...whereas, GP keeps his emotions hidden and subdued. Nothing unusual there.

thank you so much hjkomo for voicing out your opinion.. i can totally relate to your obsevations and interpretations since im also a YJ-GP shipper.
no. she didn't remarried. i'm not sure but the ring's been there for awhile.
lol the ring was on her index.. but now it's on her ring finger.
I am listening to the PO OST again and I love the songs in the drama. Despite the fact that the ending sucks :( , the familiar melodies just reminded me of how excited I was and how good and promising the drama all started out. Kinda disappointed at the unrealised potential of the whole ensemble.. CR, the other cast.. even the OST is very good. What a waste!

But having said that, the drama actually has captivated me, mainly since it is a CR drama, even though there were many frustrations in between. I'd also come to like LJW and so had watched on till the end, hopelessly waiting for the SH/YJ moment to be realised :lol: .

I will miss SH/YJ :tears: GP and GN also provided a lot of heart wrenching moments.. But I will revisit the drama again esp the SH/YJ moments. :rolleyes:

i agree the OST has been grand. if you would ask me what songs are the best i would say, i'll never forget, im sorry, come on baby and in the sky are my picks.. which is basically the whole OST already LOL.

it's sad to waste such a talent as CR on a drama like this. overall YJ's character wasnt given time to fully reveal itself and there are a lot of flaws in the story.

when YJ was in support and she was dreaming.. it got me really sad. i cried buckets there. i will miss this drama.. since it's a CR drama.

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The making of PO #25




























I just watched making of PO #25 and I think this was the last shooting day. After shaking hands with some of the staff and director, CR turned her back and started to cry; the crew saw it and they began teasing her. It is just too bad that the rating of this drama was low because CR actually enjoyed making it.




























Here is what she had to say:




























"CR: I should mention that over the last 10 years working in this industry, I have to say that this is the most harmonious team I have worked with…it is the best…truly for me…sometime I question myself…I would ever meet this kind of team to work with again…when I am going to meet this kind of team once again like that…even missing one day of shooting I really miss all of them…that is how much I like these people…not only the performers or co-workers…I also love all of our staff…now we have not even 10 days left to finish shooting this drama…and I am already worried…I am really worried…I even feel anxiety thinking about the moment of separation…"































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Guest cartoonangel






Just finished the drama. I dunno if it was mentioned. .but I love how Ryu jin and Han Go Eun was in the last episodes! If anyone watched Capital Scandal.. you would know that the two played their own roles as a cameo! That was kind of cute.. I like how KBS always does stuff like that haha.


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Guest Noel_Williams










So I finished with what WITHS2 subbed and read pieces of the later episodes. Yes, the open-ending was expected, with YJ married to the country. But I must admit, this drama had great potential. The writers and directors did not make use of this potential. Everything started out great, to the point I became overly obsessed with the drama and characters; but a little over the half of the drama, the story went flat, poorly executed (to me). I honestly feel a bit bad for our actors, because their talents were not given its worth in the second part of this drama. I'll miss the cast, because I had one heck of a time enjoying their acting (especially CR and her puppy eyes when she was eating chips and reading a book). Wishful thinking, but they should gather again for another drama that will deliver us some closure and depth.



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Guest theodre

i expected this ending where she ended up with noone

it was great in the beginning but the writers totally killed it

aint watching this anymore

so sad!! :tongue2: :crazy:

So I finished with what WITHS2 subbed and read pieces of the later episodes. Yes, the open-ending was expected, with YJ married to the country. But I must admit, this drama had great potential. The writers and directors did not make use of this potential. Everything started out great, to the point I became overly obsessed with the drama and characters; but a little over the half of the drama, the story went flat, poorly executed (to me). I honestly feel a bit bad for our actors, because their talents were not given its worth in the second part of this drama. I'll miss the cast, because I had one heck of a time enjoying their acting (especially CR and her puppy eyes when she was eating chips and reading a book). Wishful thinking, but they should gather again for another drama that will deliver us some closure and depth.

absolutely agree with you

the writers killed the script

sucky ending

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Guest wesa

































































So I finished with what WITHS2 subbed and read pieces of the later episodes. Yes, the open-ending was expected, with YJ married to the country. But I must admit, this drama had great potential. The writers and directors did not make use of this potential. Everything started out great, to the point I became overly obsessed with the drama and characters; but a little over the half of the drama, the story went flat, poorly executed (to me). I honestly feel a bit bad for our actors, because their talents were not given its worth in the second part of this drama. I'll miss the cast, because I had one heck of a time enjoying their acting (especially CR and her puppy eyes when she was eating chips and reading a book). Wishful thinking, but they should gather again for another drama that will deliver us some closure and depth.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I agree, this drama started great. I think the reason why the story change because of Chaerim injury. Maybe the writer is thinking not to make hard on Chaerim since she choice to work although she need to rest instead she just take a medication in order not to delay the production.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































That's the reason why I really like her, she is not only thinking of herself but also others. Let's give the writer the benegits of a doubt, anyway Chaerim shines on the first few parts of the Drama is she's really a great actress.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just wish and pray that she will be given an opportunity again to work with JDG, she deserved to be pair in a good actors like him. In fairness to the 2 leading man of Chaerim , they are also a good actors. Maybe if Chaerim did not not injured maybe this Drama might be considered as best Drama in 2008.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, lets continue to support Chaerim whatever it maybe. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

































































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Guest analine87












does anyone know where i can download powerful opponents using torrents?





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Guest blucrypton16



Surely only few would visit and read the posts on this thread...after all these, i suppose only few would appreciate watching this drama...I hate the fact that we had such great times talking about the characters and how they developed...and now, everything is shattered. It's true they started it well, but the ending really sucks...I would rather watch a drama with bad beginnings but with memorable endings...it's always the ending that makes up a good drama....coz basically it is what followers are left with - the sensations/emotions in the last episode...I won't say it is forgettable...coz it's not. It will always be remembered as the worst drama of CR...Look at what they've done!!! They left us with a bitter taste...(I really hope that CR won't work with those writers anymore...).

I would admit that the drama would allow viewers to come up with their own endings...but it has gone beyond what an open ending drama should be...(it led us to outer space...). It should at least be anchored on what the title suggests....POWERFUL OPPONENTS...were there any? Where is the YJ who is very optimistic about being the presidential bodyguard? Now we are left with YJ's image sitting on a wheelchair...I suggest that they change the title to Pursuit of Happiness... :sweatingbullets: coz they are still on their own journey toward their own happiness...

I would only commend the writers for creating such lovable characters...I adore them...but they failed to make use of the fullest potential of these well-loved characters...

In response to some who mentioned that CR's accident might have affected the story, I don't think that way...if they were really good writers, they could have fixed the script and make the most of what they presently have...I had so much faith on the potential of this drama...but the writers blew it! <_<

Ovette, hjkomo, fashionista, aunt mame, and all of you who had been posting here KUMAWO, I had a great time discussing with you...till then...I'll miss you all!


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Guest blucrypton16



If you guys really love great dramas, I suggest that you watch the Taiwan drama entitled FATED TO LOVE YOU...You won't regret it...(though it's not korean, I would say that this is one of the best if not the best drama I've known...) It is still airing in Taiwan...

For more info, just go to: http://asianfanatics.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=508837

-for a glimpse of what FTLY is all about...

or http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...112&st=1160

-to read discussions...

This drama will make you laugh, cry and fall in love...(big time). :blush:

Sorry for injecting a different drama here...just wanna share a great drama...(this is a must-see).


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