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[drama 2008] Powerful Opponents (강적들)


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Guest Cerise









Okay, EVERYONE can hate me now because I'm going to say what I've been feeling.

















As for this drama, at best, it has been entertaining. It is not great in any category. The beginning of the drama was down-right laughable. There is no way that anyone shooting 30% would be even considered for any law-enforcement training academy, let alone a Presidential Security Force. (Personal knowledge of law-enforcement hiring standards.) The reactions and response tactics of the security force were totally inept. They failed so many missions that I would be surprised if the real-life Presidential Security Force didn't file a complaint with KBS for insulting them with such poor character depictions. :angry:
































As for the cast, I like CR's acting in DJS better. As I've previously stated, I think LJW's acting in "Someday" was far superior. And, this is my first encounter with GP (whatever is his real name), so I don't have much to say about him, except he was stellar in that one scene outside the church with CR. With the exception of GN, it has been typical day-time soap opera acting for the rest of the cast. One can predict exactly when the sigh was coming, when the eyebrows would furrow, when the neck veins would pop and when the look of constipation would occur. :wacko:
















The one thing that I thought was innovative was how the director shot the flashback scenes. I do like how he juxtaposed the current and past images in the flashbacks.
















So, right from the start, this was not a show to be taken seriously, worry over or even, to think too much on. Please consider the last two episodes as nothing more than entertainment. :)































Auntie Mame, first of all, please don't stop posting. You're post are always one step ahead of us, if not many.
















I laughed so much at the 30% shooting ability... and to think that they only have 3 weeks tell graduation. It's so unbelievable, because YJ hasn't even had the basic grounds of aiming at a target. I remember thinking, shouldn't she at least get the bullet inside the big target circle, or may be 70% away from the center. :lol: But it was funny because the Chief Pyo forced the GP and YJ to work together.
















ohhh.. Chief Pyo, I love his accent btw. I don't why but I find him cute too. :lol:
















I just want to say. I agree with you 100%. This is mainly for entertainment. Romance is fun to watch but without it, it's still entertaining... I usually don't favor any couple in love triangles because it won't let me enjoy the ride. And would be disappointed even with my choices... <_< because most of the times I would change my mind about a character. It's so natural because you discover things that will soften your heart towards that character.
















Thank you Auntie Mame. I hope to see you post your thoughts for the last two episodes too. ;)









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Guest acemaverick


















That's what STALKERS DO!































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you, you guys, :D for providing me with the biggest laugh of the week!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































You guys can completely crack me up everytime you post. :lol:































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the law offices where I work - what you have just described in SH's pursuit































































































































































































































































































































































































































is enough to get a Judge to issue a Restraining Order!































































































































































































































































































































































































































You're all such a hoot! :)































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think it'll be a an open ending - which is disappointing.... :blush:































































































































































































































































































































































































































but if you want to get a really HUGE eyeful LJW - you should definitely check out































































































































































































































































































































































































































Before and After Plastic Surgery - he's the star for sure in that -































































































































































































































































































































































































































and plays a very cool doctor.... B)































































































































































































































































































































































































































and the subs have already been completed -































































































































































































































































































































































































































it was 12 episodes only - a Friday show -






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































P.S. I'm hard at work editing ep. 12 of this series.































































































































































































































































































































































































































totally agree candy! that series is great. the other lead is good too.
















































































































































































































so is the female lead.
















































































































































































































and there is a nice twist to the endin although well it is a little lacking.
















































































































































































































anyway whatever show with LJW inside is a good show haha.
















































































































































































































still can't get over AirCity.
















































































































































































































what's his next work i wonder...
















































































































































































































he's getting more and more popular i think.
















































































































































































































*pondering: is it time i change to a less popular idol?* haha. :lol:
































































































































































































I downloaded a GREAT SCREEEN SAVER for the official KBS website!















































































































































































































































































































































































































If you haven't checked out the P.O. site you really should...































































































































































































































































































































































































































I came back from a meeting today to the sight of our 3 main leads































































































































































































































































































































































































































flashing across the screen.































































































































































































































































































































































































































There are some great individual pictures, especially of LJW for all the SH shippers.































































































































































































































































































































































































































You should have a look.































































































































































































































































































































































































































is there a direct link to where to dl the wallpaper? i can't read korean so i've no idea where to load it from

















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LJW has the BEST musical theme songs in


















fantastic OST - if you guys haven't heard them....














That's why i'm disappointed that there hasn't seemed to









be a single song w/ lyrics associated with LJW in this show.














I've never seen the actor playing GP before,









but i've seen most of LJW's body of work.














the song they play in SOMEDAY is called "the Fog"









and the song they play in B&A is called "You Are Beautiful"














and i had BOTH of them on a loop CD in my car for a very long time.









You guys should really take a listen or I could upload those 2 tunes to M.U.









if anyone's interested.














EDIT: I'll go see if I can grab the SCREEN SAVER link...







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Guest babymarzy07
















^ i hope u can upload those. :)








i havent heard them yet.








though ive seen the two dramas.








yes pls the screensaver link








ive been scouring the site cant find it








i dont understand the words much..





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Guest imogene_af



Okay, EVERYONE can hate me now because I'm going to say what I've been feeling.

To be perfectly honest, one of the reasons that I stopped posting was because my opinions and explanations were not respected by a few of the SH-YJ shippers, who were so adamant in their interpretation of the SH character. Each time that I tried to explain or offer an alternative interpretation of the characters' action(s), I sensed personal negative feedback from subsequent comments.






Fortunately, these aren't real people, just characters in a television drama. So, I simply stop posting because I didn't want to participate in a useless tug-of-war over something that isn't even real.






In case, anyone is unaware, I have no vested interest in whether it is a GP-YJ or a SH-YJ coupling because I've always had my own separate category in the poll. And, if forced to change my vote, I'd changed to YJ-SK (South Korea) because I do believe her job is important enough to her that she'd turn down any guy.






As for this drama, at best, it has been entertaining. It is not great in any category. The beginning of the drama was down-right laughable. There is no way that anyone shooting 30% would be even considered for any law-enforcement training academy, let alone a Presidential Security Force. (Personal knowledge of law-enforcement hiring standards.) The reactions and response tactics of the security force were totally inept. They failed so many missions that I would be surprised if the real-life Presidential Security Force didn't file a complaint with KBS for insulting them with such poor character depictions. :angry:






Perhaps, that's why the viewers had to embellish the importance of one issue, i.e., who gets the girl. It's kind of sad that the cast and production team, who put in so much effort, is rewarded by viewers heavily centering on just the romance. (At least, for this thread, romance seems to have been the most popular topic.)






As for the cast, I like CR's acting in DJS better. As I've previously stated, I think LJW's acting in "Someday" was far superior. And, this is my first encounter with GP (whatever is his real name), so I don't have much to say about him, except he was stellar in that one scene outside the church with CR. With the exception of GN, it has been typical day-time soap opera acting for the rest of the cast. One can predict exactly when the sigh was coming, when the eyebrows would furrow, when the neck veins would pop and when the look of constipation would occur. :wacko:






The one thing that I thought was innovative was how the director shot the flashback scenes. I do like how he juxtaposed the current and past images in the flashbacks.






So, right from the start, this was not a show to be taken seriously, worry over or even, to think too much on. Please consider the last two episodes as nothing more than entertainment. :)











Couldn't agree with you more.






The drama for me started as great entertainment value with enough fluff and heart (family relations subplot) for me to sit back and enjoy it. I knew it was ridiculous but it was enough to keep me occupied.






The writing detoriorated heavily later on, almost like it took itself too seriously last minute by jamming it all in with the forced drama, but I still watched. Mostly, for the characters and not for the contrived plot directions.






But the way this thread is getting into too much shipper wars kind of leaving a bad taste in the mouth, you know? Considering it's hardly a romance.






I hope we just sit back and enjoy the show for its pure entertainment value (whatever is left of it) by now.



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^ i hope u can upload those. :)

i havent heard them yet.




though ive seen the two dramas.




yes pls the screensaver link




ive been scouring the site cant find it




i dont understand the words much..







I'll upload both of them....they're the kind of beautiful melodies







that haunt you after you hear them...







almost to the point of making you cry - even friends at work asked me to







record the tunes for them...











the screen saver was a COMPLETE SURPRISE!!!







Thot i'd downloaded one of the previews....went to lunch one day and







came back and YJ and GP were pointing guns at me when I sat at my desk...







Scared the c-r-a-* out of me!!!







but then....as the pixs started to roll through - they are so wonderfully done!!!


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I don't know how many times I watched the dancing scene of SH and YJ and every time I laugh especially when they were caught unaware by YJ's family.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The look of suspicion on their faces, especially the grandpa is just pricesless.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YJ and SH were trying to explain themselves while still holding onto each other; so funny
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think the ajumma pointed it out to them and they suddenly let go of each other.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gosh, I am going to miss these two when the series ends, they have so many hilarious moments.

































































































































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Guest acemaverick
















































































































































































































































ah, jealous already...
















































































































































































































candy, where's the link for the screensaver? i want it too! haha.
















































































































































































































haven't got to watch PO 13,14 yet.
















































































































































































































but this pic on the kbs web was great!
















































































































































































































the two dads and got nim!

































































































































































































































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Here is LJW's love theme from Before and After...







it has to be one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard...







He has the best music that follows him in series...







To those of you who are LJW followers - imagine him in love,







looking at the girl he loves - and yes,,,, there was a sunset involved too!







a perfect cinematic moment of our SH/LJW !!











You Are Beautiful - Park Byung Moo.mp3 (5.78 MB)

























and here is LJW's love theme from SOMEDAY.







It's called 'The Fog' - and if you've never seen one minute of this series,







it's worth it for the last episode - LJW makes you fall in love with him all







over again.... he is a gorgeous man!







only this time there's an empty street and an early morning FOG....
































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QUOTE (ovette @ May 28 2008, 07:48 PM)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lol i have been looking for hints from YJ. the date from the rooftop, YJ's face looks shocked, wondering why SH was there. just like how she reacted at the party and the same goes for the dancing lesson haha

thanks for these hints, coz I think they prove her changing atittude towards him

it started with showting & beating, then shocking, after that confused & ombarrassed, finaly and hopefuly melting :blush:B)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































That's a very good observation regarding the changing attitude of YJ towards SH. From episode 8 onwards, her demeanor towards SH somehow gradually softened. I hope YJ's heart melts for SH at the end.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hi Canyayasis, could you upload it in sendspace. For some reason I can never download any stuff from megaupload. Thank you.







I"ve never used Sendspace - but I will head over there and try.







the song is THAT worth it!!!







it is haunting!















EDIT: see if this works.







File Name: 02. You Are Beautiful - Park Byung Moo.mp3







Size: 5MB | Description: You Are Beautiful - LJW love theme B&A


















You can use the following link to retrieve your file:


















I'm unfamiliar with Sendspace - they gave me 3 links, so i just posted all three!







Sorry if this is overkill!!!!!










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ppl, plz try to be careful not to make any personal attack(s) on your fellow poster(s). play nice. words can hurt. (i'm sure it wasn't done intentionally)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































there are several articles out on LJW. in one, they asked him for his ideal ending. here's what he had to say.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































what's your preferred ending?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































LJW: GP becomes my brother. that way, GN will naturally becomes my daughter, GP is then the uncle? YJ and I get married (laughing)...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for sharing fashionista. There was an earlier posting also regarding an interview asking Chae Rim that if she were to choose between GP and SH, who will she pick? Her answer was SH because he is able to express his feelings (or something to that effect).

































































































































































































































































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Guest Cerise
































canyayasis Thanks for sharing the files.
















Very nice music.









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Guest babymarzy07








Here is LJW's love theme from Before and After...











it has to be one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard...















He has the best music that follows him in series...















To those of you who are LJW followers - imagine him in love,















looking at the girl he loves - and yes,,,, there was a sunset involved too!















a perfect cinematic moment of our SH/LJW !!


























You Are Beautiful - Park Byung Moo.mp3 (5.78 MB)
























































and here is LJW's love theme from SOMEDAY.















It's called 'The Fog' - and if you've never seen one minute of this series,















it's worth it for the last episode - LJW makes you fall in love with him all















over again.... he is a gorgeous man!















only this time there's an empty street and an early morning FOG....

























































































canyayasis, i loved it!!!








omg, so beautiful.








i can just imagine LJW!!








i wanna go watch someday all over again..
















thank you thank you!! ^^








u just made my day and week.








oh btw, which preview did u dl with the screensaver?








im looking at all of them now.





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Guest jtranla
































































































Episodes 13 & 14 (1.5gb) MU links are available at AIGOO









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Okay, EVERYONE can hate me now because I'm going to say what I've been feeling.

To be perfectly honest, one of the reasons that I stopped posting was because my opinions and explanations were not respected by a few of the SH-YJ shippers, who were so adamant in their interpretation of the SH character. Each time that I tried to explain or offer an alternative interpretation of the characters' action(s), I sensed personal negative feedback from subsequent comments.
































































I am an SH/YJ shipper and since you did not mention any names, let me give my own comments on behalf of the other SH/YJ shippers. The reason I am doing this is that there are a lot of us who post in this forum and I don't want any innocent SH/YJ shipper to feel bad thinking that you were referring to them.
































































So far, I have not read any derogatory comments made by any member of the SH/YJ shippers againts anyone from the GP/YJ camp. True, we post our opinions and disagree if we have a valid argument but we never resorted to insulting anyone by launching personal attacks.
































































If we disagree, it is not meant to disrespect you, its part and parcel of the fact that in this forum there are two sides; one in favor of SH, the other in favor of GP. Of course, both sides will try to put in their own opinions that is favourable to their chosen candidate. As long as we stay within that perimeter, please don't get offended or insulted.
































































If you think that anyone of us is out of bounds with our opinions, please let us know and we will gladly apologize.









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Guest devylann

okie so imma trying to catch up now... jus finished ep10 and wow... this is actually really interesting... i love chae rim! and these are two new actors for me... so... i wasnt sure.. but...truly not a bad story line... and chae rim looks good... her acting in here is a refresher from other girls...hahaha... and it's nice to see chae rim trying new looks and diff characters...

can't wait to see more... it's like 3am and imma watch more hahahaa...oh well.. forget sleep....:D

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