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Do You Guys Make Your Bed When You Wake Up ? (;


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Guest ebolainmemphis

I only make it if I'm cleaning up my room in general or if I'm trying to study in my room... can only study if my room is clean!

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Guest .flyhigh

i used to never think of doing it until i moved to my new house and my mum is always nagging about

having to make our beds after waking up every morning. i found that at night i sleep better when my

bed is made, lol. dunno why but i always feel more comfortable =P

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Guest pyosin

I have OCD when it comes to unorder.

I clean my bed once I get up every morning. I don't know, i feel uneasy, like somethings not right. lol.

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Guest kalliy*10

i make my bed, i just always think someone is going to drop by and walk into my room and if they see it unmade they probably think i don't care. (no offense)

my parents stop telling us to make the bed when i was in the 5th grade, but i just do it cause i need to!

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Guest chloe.c

ahahahha. no.


but i do agree that if someone walks by and see it unmade, they'll probably be like =="

But then, my room is upstairs....no one goes upstairs except my family ...so it's okay!? XDD

i honestly don't really have time to make my bed in the morning, cuz i can't wake up way early.

but...i've done it before. LOL. just very rarely. and i probably do it if i know someone wants to go in my room.

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I use to hate making my bed but my mother kept on nagging me so I got into the habit of doing it.. Plus now that I'm so used to it I feel uncomfortable if I leave my bed undone ! LOL !

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Guest LiSAiSViPx3

Noope :3

I just find there's no point in making my bed, it's MY room, and I like it that way, but my dad keeps saying. "You're a girl, a girl's room is suppose to be clean and nice unlike yours" LOL

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Guest Octopus__

Ahh.. no. Haha. I don't even sleep with

sheets or a comforter. Yeah, I shoved

them in my closet since they got in my

way when I just laid on my bed, so I

decided I didn't need them anymore.

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Guest SoShi.Fan

haha I don't make my bed cause there's no point when it's gonna ge messed up again when I sleep in it later on tonight o_o seriously. unless I have visitors that would come into my room. which is like never lol.

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Guest yangri

I only do it when guests are over haha. but seriously, no one in my family makes their bed but we're all neat freaks ;p just.. not with our beds haha

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