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Do You Guys Make Your Bed When You Wake Up ? (;


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Guest jessica

no point. my dog jumps on it while i'm making it/or 5 minutes after i make it,

he starts digging on my sheets and they get messed up haha

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Guest ny-sw / ny_sw.

I neeeeeeeever make my bed. o___o

Sometimes when I feel like being super clean I do, but.. usually, no, hahaha.

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Guest starber

I H A T E making my bed .

But i do anyways because my mother is always nagging to me about it.

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Guest pallylauj

I don't make my bed; I usually do it when my bed is really messed up.

But most of the time my sister fix the bed. LOL

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Guest majorscales

I make them every other day...

Too sweep off any hair of wadever on the bed...

i dont wanna sleep on a dirty bed =P

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Guest bagalagaa

LOL i wish i did but I rarely ever do, unless i can't make my 20 blankets comfortable then i'll make it again but rarely xD although my mom nags me all the time to make it but I always say later and never get around to it haha.

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Guest oridus

Currently I'm living without my parents. so yeah I don't make my bed when I wake up.

Yeah I think that it will be all messy again soon..

when I live with my parents, my mom is the bed police. :lol:

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Occasionally, because my mom always has new friends over and sometime they would go around our house to see how big our house is. So i would like my room to be neat and tidy, unfortunately i shared a room with my sister and she never make her bed so i make it for her. :rolleyes:

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only sometimes. i usually don't care enough because i'm too sleepy. seems like there's no point if it's not too messy since i'm just going to crawl back in and fall straight to sleep in several hours. XD

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honestly, I don't make my bed at all. I'm just too lazy and beside, i don't really like the idea of making my bed look all nice when I know that, I will going to mess it up every time I lay down on it:)..

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Guest Starberriee

I make my bed during the summer since I have nothing to do during the day anyways, but during the school year I could care less.

I'm too tired to wave my bedsheets around :D

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Guest zacey

i owae make my bed in the morning cos i cant stand it being untidy... it feels good when i came home and see the place being tidy... :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Sweet_Asian819

Haah. ;)

Nope. Only sometimes lol

I'm usually in a hurry to make my bed or too lazy ^^;

Then we have the nag nag nag of the morning lol

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