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Top 10 Grossest Candies!

Guest Vino de Jerez

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Guest Vino de Jerez


Grossest Candy #10 - White Chocolate Maggots

Why are these so gross? I think it’s because they are white and therefore actually look like maggots - and maggots are gross. Really gross. I get the willies just thinking about maggots and the rotting flesh/garbage/food they go along with. Plus, these are made of white chocolate, which is gross too.


Grossest Candy #9 - Hose Nose

This is a candy dispenser that looks like a nose that you strap to your face. It oozes candy slime and they encourage you to stick out your tongue and catch the drips from the nose. Some of the slogans: “It’snot what you think”, “candy slime filled”, “drippy”, and “catch it on your tongue”. Yes, snot is gross and this candy encourages you to eat candy snot.


Grossest Candy #8 - Sour Flush Candy

The candy in this is nothing special - it’s powdered candy (like Pixy Stix) and a lollipop. It’s all about the presentation though. The powdered candy comes in a realistic plastic toilet and the lollipop is flat on the end so it looks like a toilet plunger. Lick the plunger then dip it into the toilet to get some candy on it. Yum! (If you don’t want to order this online, check your local K-Mart - I saw this there last week).


Grossest Candy #7 - Harry Potter Cockroach Clusters

At #10, we had white chocolate maggots. Here at #7 we have cockroaches (and this isn’t the last bug we’ll see on the countdown). These are Harry Potter Cockroach Clusters. Each Cockroach has a juicy gummy underbelly and is covered with a crunchy candy shell that has candy cockroach wings! Each cockroach is about 2 inches in length and 1 inch wide, so they’re also a great candy to use to scare your friends.


Grossest Candy #6 - Fear Factor Candy

I used to watch Fear factor all the time and the best (worst?) part was watching them try and eat those gross things. Now, you can have all the fun of the Fear Factor eating contests at home with Fear Factor Candy. There are a ton of them too. Some of the grossest:

* Fear Factor Lollipops (seen above): Chicken Foot (lemon flavored), Pig’s Snout (bubblegum flavored), Sheep’s Eye (black cherry flavored), and Cow’s Heart (spicy cinnamon flavored)

* Fear Factor Gummy Frog Legs: Gummy sour apple frog legs that come with crunchy candy bones and gooey red dipping sauce

* Fear Factor Slimy Gummy Octopus: This super sweet slimy gummy octopus is swimming in sour ooze. The head of the octopus is lemon and the tentacles are blueberry

* Fear Factor Gooey Globs: Liquid-filled gummy balls in 2 incredibly creepy designs: Sheep Eyeballs (Mango) and Coagulated Blood Balls (Cherry)

* Fear Factor Cockroach Bites: Cola-flavored gummy roaches with crunchy icing shells - packed in sets of two


Grossest Candy #5 - Poop Candy

Poop is gross. Just ask anyone who has had to change a baby’s diaper. Once you’ve done that, you’ll never look at poop in the same way. Above, you see a prime example of poop candy - the Chocka-Ca-Ca diaper. The diaper comes in blue, pink, or yellow, but each one comes with a luscious chocolate “turdle” inside. Yum!

Other examples of poop candy include the pooping candy dispensers that are so popular around holidays. Moose, chickens, deer, cows, pigs, kitties, snowmen, penguins, easter bunnies, and even Santa himself can be had in pooping candy dispenser form. None of those tops the Chocka-Ca-Ca though.


Grossest Candy #4 - Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans

Anyone who wonders how these Harry Potter jellybeans could make our Top 10 Grossest Candy list has not tried these. They are disgusting. I reviewed them a while back and it still brings back bad memories for me. The flavors: Bacon, Black Pepper, Booger, Dirt, Earthworm, Ear Wax, Grass, Rotten Egg, Soap, and Vomit. Some of them aren’t too bad, like Black Pepper. Some of them are horrible: Earthworm, Rotten Egg, Earwax, and Vomit.

David and I actually both voted these to be #1 on the list but Victoria listed these much lower - if she had ever tried them I bet these would have taken the top spot. Try them and you’ll see that they deserve a spot on anyone’s Top 10 Grossest Candy list.


Grossest Candy #3 - Ear Wax Candy

Yes, ear wax candy. It’s a plastic ear filled with a fruity jelly-like candy that resembles ear wax. It even comes with a plastic “swab” to use to dig out the candy. I don’t know why they chose to make the ears pink though - if you’re going gross, you should go all out - they definitely should have made the ears flesh-colored.


Grossest Candy #2 - Candy With Real Bugs

I remember getting a lollipop once as a promo item at a (non-candy) convention and it had a worm inside (it was supposed to). I never tried it. I let it sit for ages until I finally just threw it away. I couldn’t bring myself to try it. You know a candy has to be gross for me not to even try it.

There is an amazing amount of candy with real bugs in it. Hotlix is probably the most well-known maker of candied bugs but you can find them made by lots of companies. You can get tequila lollipops with a worm inside, Cricket Lick-Its lollipops with a real cricket inside, lollipops with a real scorpion inside (yeah, I know a scorpion isn’t a bug), Ant Candy which has real ants and looks like a miniature ant farm, and of course, you can get all manner of bugs covered in chocolate. No matter what kind of candy and no matter what kind of bugs, candy with real bugs in it is gross. (Look for a full review of Hotlix candies coming soon).


Grossest Candy #1 - Lick Your Wounds Candy Scabs

I first found the Candy Scabs a few weeks ago and knew I had stumbled onto a candy that is really and truly gross. They come on an adhesive bandage replica that sticks to skin and encloses a candy ‘scab’ for licking so you can keep some candy on you (hidden) for licking any time. I predict they will be a huge hit with kids across the country (and parents and adults will despise their very existence). I know I will be picking up a box, even if they are gross.

Credit: CandyAddict.Com

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Guest sukixyume

Okay..xD Bugs/insects are one of my greatest fears.. So.. I will not be sticking those candies from that Hotlix company in my mouth.. I don't think I'll try most of those other candies either. :wacko:

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Guest sagejin.


The every flavor beans isn't that bad.

I tried them with a friend.

Unless you know the right colour and what flavor they are

You're safe not choosing vomit and dirt.

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white chocolate. nasty richard simmons..

i've actually eaten scorpions before..they're pretty good..but if you put them in soup..and you bite into them...tiny balls pop out..up close..they have designs on it :mellow:

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Guest tinatran_

doesnt sound that bad? i've tried chocolate covered grasshopers before and it was pretty good ^__^'' i'd probably try the maggot stuff or that cochroach thingy if i was tempted too ^______^;;

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How do they come up with these odd ideas in the first place?

Did they just wake up in the morning with a sudden urge to make something disgusting?

Eek. :crazy:

Pictures work fine for me~

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Guest simplejoy

i don't see any pictures but that's fine with me cause the description grossed me out enough =X

i would probably never ever try these candies.

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