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[jp Upcoming Drama] 絶対彼氏。 Zettai Kareshi. Absolute Boyfriend

Guest cee.jay

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Guest 76xhxh

soo sad...but I think it's a very well done ending! :tears: :blush: This is on my rare rewatchable list of dorama.

I dont think Riko ended up with Soshi as in romantically, they just went to Paris together to fulfill her dreams of being a patissier. Aibu did a great job in this ep, her Riko is not nec likable till very recent eps of the drama, but today, I do smile when she smiles, cry when she cries.

I watched the last half live streaming, and the others in the chat said in Night's letter to Soshi, he asked Soshi to take care of Riko esp when she cries. That's why although he hesitated, didnt want to intrude when she's crying heartbreakingly in her apt, he thought of Night's words and wanted to just be with Riko. (I think he also accepted the fact that Riko loves Night not him with their talk earlier on)

Also, I'm beggin for some dearie to translate this promo they did before the launch of the drama, at least what Aibu wrote on the board, it's sth concerning Hiro and Moco, her remark on Hiro made him happy, but Moco was pretending he's bugged and he stood up to do an imitation (very hot AND cute)....I'm very very dying to know. :sweatingbullets:


Me too! I have been looking for the sub of this promo. Can anyone help us?

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Guest leaves


i LOVE this drama...

hayamii is sooo handsome and cute in zettai kareshi~

im waitin for da final ep.~~


cuz they are really cute tgt..and

night is realllly kind and nice ..omg..

-dont really like soshi-

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Guest xxshootingstar

Drama is pretty cute. i've only watched a couple eps

Night makes me 8X aka vomit

maybe because he looks like this perverted man at school xPP iono

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soo sad...but I think it's a very well done ending! :tears: :blush: This is on my rare rewatchable list of dorama.

Couldn't agree more! I can just imagine the number of mortals crying over a robot in the last episode. Just wished there were more sweet Riko and Nighto moments. Although the last episode sort of tied everything up, I think there's a possibility of a Zettai Kareshi 2

Nighto is still intact, and Riko has his micro chip. Don't you guys think that Nighto's curled up position a la foetus, might indicate possibility of a reborn, er reactivation?

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Guest xxaznnaturalxx

i can't wait to watch the final.From looking more into the spoiler caps im already starting to cry.oh man

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Also, I'm beggin for some dearie to translate this promo they did before the launch of the drama, at least what Aibu wrote on the board, it's sth concerning Hiro and Moco, her remark on Hiro made him happy, but Moco was pretending he's bugged and he stood up to do an imitation (very hot AND cute)....I'm very very dying to know. :sweatingbullets:


I think Aibu said Hiro's character is frank (straight forward) and Mokomichi is good at imitation. And they got him to do an imitation.

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Guest 76xhxh

Hi! I heard the full OST of Zettai Kareshi was out. But i could not find it, anyone know where to get the download? Thanks a lot!

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Guest epique.

I've had a look at the latest posts and it seems people loovvee Night.

To tell you the truth I don't really like Night, only Soshi. Dunno whyy?

Maybe because I'm on episode 6. =] Just recently heard about the drama less then 2 weeks ago.

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Guest Star*Light


episode 10 recently came out right?

i think it comes out today with subs :]

ahhh~~ cant wait~

Hiro is sooo hott. He reminds me of Matsumoto Jun from Hana Yori Dango.

or maybe thats just me.

but either way i love thiss drama~~

Hayami is sooo cutee~ he is really good at acting too. ahh~ night~~ :D

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Guest dionne_wu

If the drama has been annoying the past few episodes, then I'd say all was redeemed at this episode. I hope all of you have enjoyed my summaries (even though I only started writing them for the later episodes). I enjoyed writing them as much as I enjoyed watching Zettai Kareshi. It has been a pleasure, even if short. :)


"The Love Forever"

Part 1

Namikiri fails to stop the initialization of Night. He becomes hysterical. Overcome with grief and anger he grabs his colleague by the shirt collar. "Why must you initialize Night? You got rid of him just like that! Why!"

Meanwhile, Riiko runs the race of her life. She dashes into Kronos Heaven and nothing stops her, not even a security guard. "Namikiri, you're too exaggerated! It is just an appliance." the engineer pushes the defeated Namikiri away. Riiko arrives. She sees Night lying in the glass capsule and demands an explanation. The Director tries to pacify her saying that Night is dangerous and it is better for him to be scrapped. Riiko refuses to back down. "Return him to me, return my Night to me!" Suddenly, Namikiri's apprentice speaks up. There is something not right. The computer screen flashes. Initialize Error. The initialization has failed. "What is going on?!" While they wonder, the supposedly dead robot comes to life again. Night has managed to reactivate himself. Sitting up, he responses miraculously when Riiko calls him. "Riiko." It is truly a miracle for the rest watch in utter amazement. Shocked, the engineer and director call for security but Namikiri's apprentice holds them back while Namikiri escapes with Riiko and Night. As they run, Namikiri tries to divert attention. He ends up falling like a log onto the floor when he decides to fight it out with the guards chasing after them. Night pulls back and goes to Namikiri, unable to leave him alone. "Catch 01!" the director shouts. Riiko objects. "Wait! What has Night done to all of you?" The director is adamant. "This robot is an inferior product. Taking care of a faulty product is part of a businessman's responsibility." Namikiri cuts in. "It's us who underestimated the power of love. Yes, he is just a robot. But now he has his own set of feelings and emotions. 01 is not just something that we can deal with any way we want to anymore..." "I cannot leave a dangerous robot lying around!" A look of resolution crosses Riiko's face. Speaking from the heart, she says, "Night is not dangerous." When I'm down, he is by my side, embracing me. When I was giving up my dreams, he encouraged me. "Compared to all of us, Night has such a pure heart. Therefore, I will never give him back to you." She turns and smiles at her robot, promising to protect him no matter what happens. Namikiri begs for Night to be let off. The director finally relents. "01 is not the robot that I want. Namikiri, you can do as you please." Namikiri takes off the wrist sensor. Night is a product of Kronos Heaven no more. "Riiko, I thought you were going to Paris?" "Not anymore, all I want is just for you to be by my side."

All becomes well again as Namikiri attends to Night. He promises to try to fix Night and explains to Riiko the reason for the failure of the initialization. Riiko grins in contentment but turns slightly stunned when Soshi appears. The two head out for a walk. They decide to talk. Soshi is concerned about Riiko giving up her dreams for Night. However, it is otherwise. Riiko says her decision is for herself, and not for Night. "Whether I'm happy or sad, the one always beside me is Night. So, I will not go to Paris." She excuses herself and leaves. Soshi is unable to accept her decision. The magnitude of his feelings towards Riiko is evident as he struggles to keep calm. He pleads. "But, that guy is a robot! I'm then the one whom you can grow old with! I may not die on the same day as you, but we can go on with life together!" Still, Riiko rejects him.

When she returns home, Night welcomes her. Okaeri, Riiko. Unknown to her, his system's temperature rages and he receives her with malfunctioning functions. Lying in bed, he apologises for her not being able to go to Paris and thanks her for rushing to save him. It is a blessing to be here with her and to see her smile. Moved, Riiko leans forward and pecks him gently on the lips. Night looks at her glassy-eyed and unable to react. "It is just a goodnight kiss. Good night." Embarrassed, Riiko retreats back to her corner. A smile forms on Night's face. His high temperature subsides.

Meanwhile, the heartbroken Soshi wanders into Liberte upset that he couldn't do more for Riiko.

The next morning, the sprightly Night wakes Riiko up and is even well enough to carry her princess-style. Because of her kiss of life, he is well again. Riiko is glad to see him back to his usual jolly self. "Riiko, how about a good morning kiss?" "No way, put me down!" Namikiri arrives to do checks and he is astonished at Night's normalcy. He asks for the reason for Night's positive progress. "It's because of Riiko." "Izawa?" Riiko stutters, "Er...nothing. I didn't do anything..." Night lapses into a dreamlike state as he caresses his lips. "Riiko did..." Namikiri pumps the air with delirious joy. "Izawa, you finally did it! Congratulations! Ha ha ha ha ha!" Beside him, Night claps his hands in glee. "You've misunderstood!" "Never! So, does it feel good? Ha ha ha ha!" "No! It is not like that! I only kissed him and he got better." "Oh, must be the love between you that has created a miracle. Oh love, how great you are! Ha ha ha ha ha!" More comic moments happen when the land lady butts in. As a first, Riiko fights with her over a plate of omelette rice Night made her.

At Asamoto, Masashi berates Soshi for letting Paris go and tells him no matter what he will always be considered as a part of Asamoto whether Soshi likes it or not. He tells Lady Boss that he will quite working for Liberte and go to Paris since Chef Lucian has extended invitation to him. He wants to train at the place his grandfather did and if Riiko decides to go to Paris, he can help her as well. "Looks like you really like her, huh." He concedes the statement with a slight smile and sigh. Just then, Namikiri pops in and Soshi asks for an explanation regarding Night. "That is what I am here for." Namikiri lets them in on Night. "Even though this is against science, the two of them have very deep feelings for each other." Later, Lady Boss visits Riiko at home and speaks to her. She urges Riiko to consider seriously the consequences of choosing to stay with Night. Riiko replies that she will never regret her decision. Convinced (albeit a little reluctantly), Lady Boss gives her blessings ultimately. She tells Riiko to be happy always. Night returns from buying groceries. "Night, I leave Riiko in your care." The lovey-dovey couple decide to go on a date. Lady Boss chuckles, "Now, I also feel like falling in love." The 3 share a good laugh.

On the day of their date, as Night waits for Riiko, his condition deteriorates but the robot manages to remain energetic. His main IC operation rate is only 53%. Sensing his nearing end, he reminds Riiko that he loves her. Unsuspecting, she is puzzled as to why he suddenly tells her that. She walks ahead of him but he asks to hold hands. She gives in with a smile and they walk away, hands clasped. They have a good time playing frisbee and when Riiko sees an elderly couple walking by, she muses at how she will be the only one growing old. Night tells her that even if she is an obachan, he will still love her all the same. 10 years later, 30 years later, 100 years later. Riiko returns his pledge as they look up at the immense sky. "Even when I'm up in heaven, I will look out for Night."

If only we could stay this way forever. We will never separate.

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Guest dionne_wu

"The Love Forever"

Part 2

At night, Night asks if Riiko had a good time. As she replies him, "Yes, because I was with Night", his IC operation rate dips to 39%. The effects start to show but he hides it from Riiko. Heartened by her words, Night hugs her when she says they will continue to make many more memories. Behind closed doors, however, Night is clear about the time he has left.

Soshi informs of his decision to go to Paris alone. Night hears him. Masashi seems to acknowledge his brother's actions finally but because it is cool Masashi, words come out a different way. Their father tells Soshi of Masashi's help and love for the company. Soshi develops newfound respect for his sibling. In the presence of the Asamoto staff, Soshi holds his farewell at Liberte. Turns out Mika is invited as well. Inadvertently, the time comes for Night to tell the truth about himself. Riiko reveals, "Night is a robot." All look in stunned silence but they quickly dismiss it as pure gibberish (because of the alcohol). One thing is for sure though - they all love Night.

After the party, Soshi grabs an opportunity to have a heart-to-heart with Night as Riiko sleeps. The two talk about the woman they love fondly. Soshi tells Night to take care of Riiko. Night does it back to him, saying, "I take back what I said previously about you not being able to give her happiness." Soshi turns in surprise. "Because Soshi loves her as much as I do." Soshi laughs in defeat. How can he not lose to Night when he is such a perfect person? "I really lose to you." He offers a handshake in all graciousness. Night returns the handshake and bids a soft goodbye as Soshi disappears. "Goodbye, Soshi." It is the last Night will ever see of him.

Night hands a letter over to Lady Boss and requests her to hand it over to Soshi once he returns back from his stroll. He apologises to her. "Sorry for causing any inconvenience and giving you trouble." She does not know why he says that for she merely laughs at him sounding like he is leaving. It is in fact, the very truth. Night is consoled when she tells him that you are the best that Riiko can ever have.

As he carries the sleeping Riiko on his back, she awakes. He tells her that perhaps she should go to Paris. After all, it is better for her. Better for her to realise her dreams. She tells him the topic is over and that she wants to be with him. "My only boyfriend is Night." Making him close his eyes, she proceeds to string a handmade scarf around him. Night is elated to receive his very own initialed ("N") scarf while Riiko happily rattles of about knitting him gloves, sweaters, and hats for the coming years. Gazing into the starlit sky, they are about to make their wishes just as a shooting star streams across. Riiko grumbles about missing her wish but Night has made his. "My wish is to let Riiko be happy always." "Im already very happy." "Me too."

Soshi is handed over Night's letter. He reads it. While Riiko sleeps, Night is up by her side. He watches her faithfully as his IC operation rate flashes 2% down to 1%. He whispers, "I love you, Riiko." As a final goodbye, he leans over and gives her a kiss. I will love you forever. Clutching the red scarf, he leaves home to call Namikiri out. Night explains that his total operation will cease soon. Namikiri cannot accept the truth. He vows to get him fixed eventually but it is no use. Night's battery source has been burnt, damaged by high temperatures. There is no way he can be repaired. "Namikiri, thank you for creating me." "01..." Namikiri turns and catches the tears brimming on Night's eyes. "...are you crying?" "I'm very happy, just to be able to love Riiko. Riiko..." he looks at the scarf a final time as the screen flashes 0%.

Everything turns to a black.

When Riiko wakes up the next day, she fails to find Night. Namikiri arrives to be the bearer of bad news. "Night has just gone out..." "01 is not coming back." "Eh?" "He was very happy to be able to know you." Puzzled, Riiko does not get the meaning behind Namikiri's words. She remains happily-puzzled even after he tells her Night has ceased operation. The Riiko on cloud 9 still asks Namikiri, "But he can still be repaired, no?" Namikiri looks on with lingering sadness. He breaks the news as gently as he can. "I'm sorry, he cannot move anymore." He hands Riiko Night's IC chip. "Night's message for you is in this chip. Usually the chip will not be as damaged but this is the proof of Night living out his entire existence for you. Repair is impossible."

Riiko watches as Night's familiar face appears on screen. The message was recorded as he was waiting for her on their date. Tears stream down her face.

I am now waiting for Riiko to go on our date.

As expected, Riiko is late again. But she must be late dolling herself up for me, right?

Riiko, I said I will always be at your side. I'm really sorry.

No matter how or what Riiko is like, I still like her.

The Riiko who sleeps soundly with her mouth open,

The Riiko who is angry,

The Riiko who is laughing,

The Riiko who bakes,

The Riiko who works hard,

I love her all; her everything.

Riiko, you must be confident and go on with life.

Go to Paris with Soshi, for everything will be alright.

Don't cry!

Riiko, you must remember to smile,

Your smile will make everyone happy.

I will be protecting you from heaven,

Always praying for your happiness.

Riiko cries as Namikiri looks on, equally emotional. She regrets not being good/gentle enough to Night in his final moments. "I could have given him more happy memories." "01 was contented to be loved by you. For his sake, please carry on living with a smile."

As Namikiri leaves, he finds Soshi at the door. Soshi has seen everything. He recalls Night's letter to him. "Soshi, if Riiko cries, please be with her. You can definitely go on with life with her." He reaches out to go to Riiko but he cannot bring himself to turn the doorknob as she weeps and mourns the loss of her beloved robot. We see the different items Night has given her - her uniform, the shooting star gazing ticket, etc.

3 weeks pass. Riiko holds her passport in one hand and the shooting star gazing ticket in another. The Land Lady bids her farewell and tells her she will save the apartment unit for her and Night when he comes back. "Actually he..." "He's your boyfriend, right?" "How did you know?" "Anybody who sees his smile will know. The smile that says he obviously likes you." With Night in their hearts, they break out into giggles. At Kronos Heaven, Namikiri is back. "Director, you once said that love is bitter. I disagree. Love is the beginning of miracles." Straight face slowly breaking into smile, the Director replies that Namikiri is still the same. At the airport, Masashi nags at Soshi even as his younger brother prepares to leave. He tears up Soshi's resignation and the two brothers acknowledge one another and even share a brief bonding moment. Lady Boss tells Riiko to call her if she's sad. Riiko says she's fine; Night is the reason for her to carry on living with a smile. Arming herself with Night's IC chip, Riiko leaves to pursue her dreams, carrying him in her heart.

It is a perfect end to 11 episodes of laughter and tears as we catch a final glimpse of those who started it all - Namikiri the creator and the absolute boyfriend Night.

"Sweet dreams, 01."

The end.

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Guest ethopia

its soooo tempting to read the spoilers of epi 11.. but i stopped myself hehehe ^_^ .. this is the 1st time i wont read dionne_wu summaries (but tnx though for all the effort on summarizing the last few episodes B) )... i will be patient and wait for it to come out next week... actually i havent seen epi 9 and 10 yet... coz i want to watch it at one go ^_^ ...

but im preparing myself for the finale.... im gonna buy lots lots of tissue box hahahhaa :lol::P

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Guest sabchy

dionne_wu thank you

your synopsis made me cry again

but there is a part I dont understand

3 weeks pass. Riiko holds her passport in one hand and the shooting star gazing ticket in another. The Land Lady bids her farewell and tells her she will save the apartment unit for her and Night when he comes back. "Actually he..." "He's your boyfriend, right?" "How did you know?" "Anybody who sees his smile will know. The smile that says he obviously likes you."

are they talking bout Night ? or Soshi ?

hope its not Soshi cuz I didnt want her to end up with him...

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