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How Late Do Your Parents Let You Stay Out?

Guest michikocolatte

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Guest dudeilovefood

the latest ive been out with friends is like 10.

err, my mom trusts me.

the only reason she doesnt let me out later is because shes too lazy to drive me home at later times.

its been this way sicne ive been 12.

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Guest vera-gEE

If my older brother is with me, then anytime I want... which is pretty much okay because I'm close to my brother's friends.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, so I live across the streets from my boyfriend. We decided to walk out at around 10 or so and we just hung out at the park.

My mom started calling, got angry and demanded I go back home because it's already 11 PM. I acquiesce and he walks me home.

(I was gonna be home by 11 anyway.)

Today she comes home and tells me that she just found out that it's illegal for anyone under 18 to be outside after 10 PM without an accompanying adult. Is this true? I tried googling this, but it was really vague and I'm not sure if it's applicable for everyone.

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Guest sethsegel

There are night curfews but most of the time cops wont do anything about it unless you're obviously in a place you shouldn't be super super late.

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Guest kmalancer

pretty sure thats just for driving. just tell her to richard simmons off because she's just making it up. parents will make up things just to scare you.

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Guest Aikie

I never heard about it.

I remember watching a commercial saying, "It's 10pm, do you know where your kids are?" (something like that). Didn't say it was illegal.

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Guest dancingbymyself

Depends on where you live. Some towns/counties actually do

have curfews. I'm not totally sure about the specifics or what the punishments/

how strictly they are enforced though.

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Guest aznsweetie143

this is true in some places. if your mum told you that, most likely it's true.

Have you ever seen George Lopez? Or read an FML? Parents don't always tell the truth.

Curfew laws depend on the city.

For example, On Sundays - Thursdays, curfew's 10:30, but Friday-Saturday, it's midnight.

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Guest xqtpi

It's like that where I live. The police don't really do much, though. They just ask why your out so late, and if you're legit they'll escort you home.

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Guest Hongki.love

I think it depends on where you live.

But for me, it's true. & I live in southern California.

10 PM is the curfew for people under the age of 18...you have to be with someone 18 or older.

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I live in California (San Jose) and it's true here. I thought everyone knew? My sister (20 and looks young) was walking home from a friends home past 10pm and a cop pulled over and asked for her ID and asked what school she went to and all since it was past curfew.

Even my cheerleading coach almost got in trouble. She was walking with a group of friends and a cop saw her. The police told her "isn't it past your curfew?" But she showed him that she's an adult with her ID.

I'm surprised most of you don't know :mellow: My friends always hangout past midnight but a few of them stopped because they got caught by cops and didn't want to go through the hassle anymore

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Guest daulism

yeah, in some places it is.

in my case, i go out that late all the time and never get stopped by the popos XD

either i look old or i just dont look suspicious

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yeah, in some places it is.

in my case, i go out that late all the time and never get stopped by the popos XD

either i look old or i just dont look suspicious

Same here. LOL

Me and my friends are always out late. I've noticed that people who get stopped by cops and questioned are the ones that are walking around at night.

We always drive so I guess cops assume that we are older.

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Guest qkrcjdfla

yeah, in my area the curfew for minors is either 10 or 11. but I think they only enforce that if you're loitering or doing something bad...nobody I know has ever gotten caught

probably because we all drive, but yeah...haha

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Guest &&TiFF;ANY.

In Sacramento/EG I think the curfew is ten.

My friend got caught once, but the cops didn't do anything.

Also....apparently parks close one hour after sunset?

LOL, I almost got cited for being at a park with my friends at like 12

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