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Any Hmong People Here?

Guest shoua

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just curious
Hey I just wondering if there are any Hmong people here (visit/using soompi)

and do you ever think about auditioning to any Korean entertainment....

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hello! I'm hmong ^^ hehe. I do plan on auditioning, but when I'm ready XD

I'm not sure which company yets though

do you know how to speak korean though(no offense)

because i find it hard for me to learn korean because of school and i often busy and dont have the time to, but when i do i lazy and just want to rest

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Guest itrayya

do you know how to speak korean though(no offense)

because i find it hard for me to learn korean because of school and i often busy and dont have the time to, but when i do i lazy and just want to rest


i learned to read and write korean by myself.


if ya'll need help, i can send some paper thingy i made

to practice with. and because i love korean so much,

it was easier for me to pick up.

it can happen.

i can sing along with korean lyrics okay.

it becomes a habit. YOU BECOME ONE WITH THE WORDS. :P

being hmong, heck yah i got dissed a lot for wanting to learn korean.

but boo ya suckas! joking.



take care. phoooj, yous! :P


SHAME!! i know!!!!!

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i learned to read and write korean by myself.


if ya'll need help, i can send some paper thingy i made

to practice with. and because i love korean so much,

it was easier for me to pick up.

it can happen.

i can sing along with korean lyrics okay.

it becomes a habit. YOU BECOME ONE WITH THE WORDS. :P

being hmong, heck yah i got dissed a lot for wanting to learn korean.

but boo ya suckas! joking.



take care. phoooj, yous! :P


SHAME!! i know!!!!!

sure anything would help, and are you now fluent in korean

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Nyob zoo ^^

Kuv yog Nkauj Zoo Yaj aka Annyon (not even sure if I spelt that right). xD

I'm hmong too and I like singing in japanese and korean, but I'm not too big into the whole "getting into a korean entertainment" business. I have a feeling that most korean entertainments will probably turn us down too... Even though they seem like they will take "any" type of asian, I'm sure that they aren't interested in taking in people of other asian cultures, including hmong... But it's interesting to see hmong people try and get in. :D

Anyways, I probably won't ever audition for anything korean or japanese; hell, probably not anything american either. If I were to start out a professional career out of singing, I'd start out small and individual just because I like the feeling of making your own mark before you get big or IF you get big... And even if you don't, it would be a great experience... But that's just my own personal thing, I know many other singers want to start out differently. (:

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Guest itrayya

sure anything would help, and are you now fluent in korean

^ im not fluent, yet. of course. :lol:

just read and write.

im still studying sentences.

cause there's formal and informal

ways of saying things in korean, so.. yah.

good luck cha'll!

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Nyob zoo ^^

Kuv yog Nkauj Zoo Yaj aka Annyon (not even sure if I spelt that right). xD

I'm hmong too and I like singing in japanese and korean, but I'm not too big into the whole "getting into a korean entertainment" business. I have a feeling that most korean entertainments will probably turn us down too... Even though they seem like they will take "any" type of asian, I'm sure that they aren't interested in taking in people of other asian cultures, including hmong... But it's interesting to see hmong people try and get in. :D

Anyways, I probably won't ever audition for anything korean or japanese; hell, probably not anything american either. If I were to start out a professional career out of singing, I'd start out small and individual just because I like the feeling of making your own mark before you get big or IF you get big... And even if you don't, it would be a great experience... But that's just my own personal thing, I know many other singers want to start out differently. (:

that is true but it always good to try and even if i dont get in it worth the experience^^ but it will be nice to see hmong people get in...

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I'm Hmong as well. :)

And i love singing..^^Though of course, there's a difference between loving it and being good at it. :P

I don't plan on auditioning.. but in the far future perhaps, i'd like to audition to be a background singer.

I tend to be attracted to harmonizing and background-related music etc. :wacko: weirdo me.

Same with Itrayya haha.

I can read and write in Korean, but i'm still in the process of learning to speak it.

I'm very familiar with the Korean language and dialogue. I know right off the bat when someone is talking in Korean.

I've always been mad that the university i go to didn't offer Korean as a language to study.

Or else i would've double-majored or something :P .

But i plan on going abroad to Yansei University for a summer/semester to do some studies there in my junior year or so..

Gah... I do encourage Hmong artists/talents to audition!!^^

Like i said, the furthest i'd go is the background singer.. :sweatingbullets:

I'm not into the fame and spotlight. =)

I would love to hear more Hmong soompiers post their clips as well.. =)

Perhaps we can collab even!! :lol:

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Guest iluvdonghae

nyob zoo!!

i'm hmong!!

i can't spell it very well but i can read it -.-


i am thinking about auditioning...this year...

but i dnt think i'll make it -.-

lol we shuld collab together with something hmong tho!!

that wuld b fun! lol!

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So does anyone here sing in hmong too? As in being able to read and pronounce the words right.

I'm lucky I'm a singer in my youth band at church, because then I have the opportunity to learn and read hmong and now I have no problem reading... I just suck at writing! LOL

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Guest cutemee128

Me. I'm Hmong however that didn't stop me from auditioning. I tried out for the New York SM Auditions. I didn't make it but still I don't think being Hmong should bring us down.

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yea i could sing in hmong and it seem like i sing better in hmong than english lol ^^

and i think being Hmong should not bring us down and that we should give it a try

i was thinking about auditioning but i still practicing to be a lot better than i am now and i think practice make prefect^^

also i think we should collab together it will be really fun....

but how about your guys parents are your guys parents supportive of you for wanting to become a singer ect...?

i know my mom is but not so sure about my dad since i never ask him about it and i scare that he might not let me do it...

but then i think he will let me since it my life not his and he always support me even if it hard for him to accept

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i'm hmong!!!

hahahah yeah... i have to say, i went to audition for the sm global aditions this summer, but i got rejected... it sucked, because they didn't tell me why... i was kind of disapointed, because i thought that i did pretty good, but then again, durring the auditions, when they asked this other hmong girl what country we were from, and she answered that we didn't have a country.... the looks on their faces already told me that no matter how tallented a "hmong" person is, and no matter how hard they try to get into their company, we aren't gonna make it, because we don't have an "official" country.... i think they're only recruiting other asains that have "countries", so that they can spread kpop to more places.... and i can fully understand that. but, if they were really seeking tallented asain individuals, like what they claim, they should do that.... because i sawa lot of young talented hmong people there.... otherwise they shouldn't say that it's an open audition to all asains they should put in fine print on all their advertisements that they're looking for tallented asains "with countries"..... anyhew.... um... enough about sm entertainmet... um... nope... can't speak korean worth jack... but i DO love singing their songs.... and yes.... their "celebrities" are SUPER goodlooking... !! guys and girls....!!!

anyhew... about my parents.... they're really supportive of me, and my wishing to become an international recording artist... they just hope one day that my dream will come true... even though it seems difficult right now, one day i WILL make it though.... so don't forget me K??? ^_^ hahhah i'm trying to become something not only for myself, but for all people in this world... i want to become someone that people will look up to, i want to bring together all the people in this world through my music, and i especially want to show the world and hmong people that YES WE CAN DO IT TOO.... that HMONG PEOPLE CAN make it too... so, if you guys LOVE singing, dancing, or whatever it may be... don't give up on your dreams, and join me in showing this world what we are truely made of. ^_^ia

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^ That's exactly what I mean. I don't think they really want minorities like us to try and sing for them... Even now SM only has a few Chinese and Korean-American singers, the rest are natives or of Korean decent. I'm not trying to sound pessimistic to the hmong people who want to make it into a korean entertainment, but it's probably the truth of it all whether you believe it or not. xD

Anyways, instead of working under a Korean entertainment I want to create my own hmong label... Something that can be big, so hmong people (teenage girls in specific) can look up to people of their culture now instead of Korean or Japanese pop-culture. I understand why so many of us hmong look up to the korean/japanese market, because they are thriving, big asian countries with stars and people that we can look up to since they are asian and we can relate to them more than caucasian stars here in America (or Europe, if you're a Hmong-European).

But yeah I wish we had our own country too... Then we'd get an even bigger opportunity to setup our own pop-culture and entertainments instead of always looking up to the Korean ones. Besides, our language is rapidly dying, and I'd like to at least make the newer generation (including me) that don't speak as much hmong as the elders sing in hmong so that we have that in record for future preferences. :D

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^I'm really proud of your ambition. I've always wanted to own/run a recording studio, but not my own record label.

And i really do understand how you feel about how our Hmong ethnic group have low possibilities of making it in the Asian record labels..

It's just really sad and almost deceiving when i think about it. How we admire so many Asian artists, but their labels won't consider us because we don't have a reputable country to call our own... so that saddens me... I believe in each and everyone one of you big dreamers!!

I will definitely support you guys!!~

I think that.. even if a Hmong person was to make it big in the Korean music industry and he/she was extremely successful and well-liked in the public eye, eventually, the Asian groups overseas will soon get to know the identity of the Hmong group.. If someone really admires an artist, usually they would look into their backgrounds.. and this will strongly be affected when you become a big star.. The hard part is getting into that industry and making it big.. The beginning process of it.. And i admire all you dreamers very much!!

Perhaps we should all really collab. It would esp help me [and others] with our Hmong-speaking skills as well...

And boost up our attitudes.. I know that Annyon, you want to focus on young Hmong artists more because they're the future and they can make a big difference on the future of our culture.. Not wanting our language to fade into the background. That's a really good objective you have and I'll definitely support that. It'll be a hard one..

Because i know that i am not a good Hmong speaker (nonetheless, singer) and i prefer singing in Korean more than in Hmong. So i would definitely like to see a progression... I envy other Asian groups because they have their own country where they can pinpoint where each part of their culture came from, but i have never doubted the Hmongs. Even though i've always loved Korean music, i know that i am a Hmong person in my heart and soul.

Therefore, if us Hmongs would like to go into the Asian record labels~ i think we should familiarize ourselves with their culture and language.

And when we do make it big, it will be our turn to show everyone our background and be proud of it. It's a difficult task, but we are obviously a secondary minority group within the minority group. We just have to believe and achieve.

Edit: :blink: sry for the long post.. must've lost all you guys by now..

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^ Haha no it wasn't THAT long, and you pointed out some good stuff too.

I think we should hold a SOOMPI HMONG COLLAB! OMG yeah we should! We will sing in hmong too, to top it off!

Because even though I love Korean and Japanese music, and I am waaaay stronger in singing in those languages than I am at hmong, I really want us to not forget our language and maybe even one day rise up to the stars of Korea and Japan! Instead of being a star in their land, we can be a star in our own "land". LOL

No, seriously though, it's a good idea! We should definitely do a Hmong collab, since many of us can sing really good and we want to be heard NOT as korean artists, but HMONG artists! Yeah! :D

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^oh wow!! Like... a Hmong Collaboration Group that not only sing in Hmong, but Korean, Japanese etc?? :lol:

Honestly, i'm only familiar with Korean.. :P

But definitely, i think it'll be a great project to semi-start building (or adding onto) your list of experiences to start off with your record label dream. :)

I see all these lovely singers that belong to their own collab groups and "productions" here on soompi, and how i semi-wish i belonged to one myself.. haha.

Perhaps you can start up that way.. organize a group of singers to be under a collaborative and experimental "production" .. :sweatingbullets: Just for fun.

edit: oh yes, but would that be against any rules here on soompi??

Like... limitations to only one race/ethnic group to participate? :unsure:

Not too sure.

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Wow I feel like a real producer...


I'm one of those managers/producers of those online singing collaboration groups... Mine is Stone Citadel Records. :D

I might actually be busy with my other productions, because I also co-manage DBSK Collabs as well as my own radio drama (Stone Citadel Entertainment: radio plays).... So yeah. ;-;

But I'd LOVE to help... I just can't manage anymore things right now. xDDD

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^Gee.. i didn't notice your sig. :P HAHA.

Well, looks like you're already building experience already!!^^

That's just awesome!!~

It would be nice to have someone host a Hmong collab.. and since you're an aspiring producer..??

:lol: JK. Good luck!!!

I believe in each and everyone of us. :)

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