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What Book Are You Currently Reading?

Guest loO4la

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Guest deceitful.reverie

The hunger games trilogy by Suzanne Collins

Finished reading this book, and I thought it was poorly written. It was an interesting read though.

The love act between Peeta and Katniss was annoying too. It's easy to predict that the next books will show a very indecisive Katniss who's stuck in Twilight-ish love triangle between Gale and Peeta.

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I just finished reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and I can definitely say that I love the book. Although Heathcliff's personality was portrayed as villainous, I can't help but feel for him.

Now currently I am onto reading 1984 by George Orwell. So far I am enjoying the storyline for it is very unique.

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Guest innocia

^ Good choice! 1984 is a really good read.

I'm waiting to receive my copy of Mockingjay. Heard it was bad, but I still want to complete the series.

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Guest Ender's Girl

I'm waiting to receive my copy of Mockingjay. Heard it was bad, but I still want to complete the series.

I finished this a few days ago. Wouldn't say it's BAD, but still a bit of a disappointment coming on the heels of the excellent "The Hunger Games" and the still-compelling "Catching Fire." When the story canvas got bigger that's when Suzanne Collins lost her way a little, IMO. The focus of the 3rd book was no longer on just 2 or 3 main characters like it was in the first 2 books. I felt "Mockingjay" lost a lot of its emotional momentum by introducing or expanding on many other secondary characters and story arcs. And for a hardcore Team Gale shipper such as myself...

...I hated the ending. Bless that Baker Boy's heart, but... Gale.

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The Count of Monte Cristo! It might be a tome but its the best! So informative on the history of France and also I love the plot -its so intricate <3

Dantes is drool-worthy

Haha, i guess this should be in the Recommendation Thread instead. :P

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Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut

It's my first time reading any piece from Vonnegut but his writing technique is very interesting in Slaughterhouse Five. After I finish reading this one, I'll probably check out his other books.

- Kyu

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Guest teatendrils

Interview With The Vampire by Anne Rice

- Discovered a movie had been made out of this particular book.

- After listening to someone describe the movie with excruciating details, I was scarred for life.

- You can bet on your life that I won't be watching it.

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Guest xxiaoMEI

Can anyone recommend me a good, short, fictional book that has a philosophical concept or just a passage or a quote?

For my philosophy assignment, we have to choose a passage from a book that relates to philosophy but I'm slumped cause I usually only read romance books :(

Also it could be any book, it could even be a children's book or a short story ;s

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Guest deceitful.reverie

Can anyone recommend me a good, short, fictional book that has a philosophical concept or just a passage or a quote?

For my philosophy assignment, we have to choose a passage from a book that relates to philosophy but I'm slumped cause I usually only read romance books :(

Also it could be any book, it could even be a children's book or a short story ;s

The Secret Magdalene by Ki Longfellow.

It's one of my favorite books, and it has a lot of good reviews too. It's only 448 pages, and it has some romance too, but not like the romance in romance novels. It's still pretty good nonetheless; it was actually more than enough to satisfy the romance-novel freak in me. LOL I've taken 2 philosophy classes, and the book talked about a lot of the topics we've discussed in class, but not to the point that it will bore you to death, so I'm sure you won't have a hard time looking for a passage that you need/


Ki Longfellow's novel, The Secret Magdalene, tells of a Magdalene who was not only the Beloved Disciple of Jesus, but was also "THE WOMAN WHO KNEW THE ALL"—the "mystery" behind the Mystery Teaching.


Raised like sisters, Mariamne and Salome are indulged with riches, position, and learning-a rare thing for females in Jerusalem. But Mariamne has a further gift: an illness has left her with visions; she has the power of prophecy. It is her prophesying that drives the two girls to flee to Egypt, where they study philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy in the Great Library of Alexandria.

After seven years they return to a Judaea where many now believe John the Baptizer is the messiah. Salome too begins to believe, but Mariamne, now called Magdalene, is drawn to his cousin, Yeshu’a, a man touched by the divine in the same way she was during her days of illness. Together they speak of sharing their direct experience of God; but Yeshu’a unexpectedly gains a reputation as a healer, and as the ill and the troubled flock to him, he and Magdalene are forced to make a terrible decision.

This radical retelling of the greatest story ever told brings Mary Magdalene to life-not as a prostitute or demon-possessed-but as an educated woman who was truly the “apostle to the apostles.”


and you don't have to be Catholic to enjoy this book. You don't even have to know who Jesus is. You can just read it as you read any other novel. :)

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Guest bubblepeach

Does anyone here read the millennium trilogy (girl with dragon tattoo, girl who played with fire, girl who kicked hornet's nest) yet? Is it good?

I'm in the mood for some good crime novels.....

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