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What Book Are You Currently Reading?

Guest loO4la

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Guest ovovoovo

Just finished reading The Hunger Games and now The Catching Fire. It's addictive, here am I, up at 3am trying to finish it.

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Guest Kathy K.

ShangHai Girls by Lisa See

Best book I've ever read so far. ^^

I've read three Lisa's books so far, and she is a gorgeous writer. Have you read Snow Flower and the secret fan? This is my favourite of her. It's definitely different from Shanghai Girls, but I find it more, er, magical. A bit sad and sometimes difficult (feet-bounding process, gosh, it was a horror for all those girls!), but overall very beautiful and a bit poetic. As for me.

By now, I'm reading Mr. Muo's Traveling Couch by Dai Sijie, the one who directed (and wrote) Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress :)

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Guest RemixeD2ice

Since I've heard such good things about The Hunger Games and its sequels, I went and bought it today. I was begging my mom for money, lol.

Wow, a lot of people seem to like it. I haven't started it yet, but I will very soon.

I recently finished The Book Thief, and I'm not kidding, it was a LIFE CHANGING book. I bawled in it too, and I've never cried reading a book before. I stayed up until 4 in the morning reading it. OH MY GOD, I highly recommend it to anyone and EVERYONE.

I'm reading 1984 at the moment. I never had the chance to finish it over the last summer holidays.

I read that recently too. OH MY GOODNESS, it was just....there isn't even an adjective for it. Towards the end (I won't spoil anything), some very psychological thought-provoking ideas are presented, and I was left there thinking "WHAT THE HELL?" but in a very good way. MUST READ

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I just finished a trilogy romance novel! They were sooo great.

Sugar Daddy

Blue Eyed Devil

Smooth Talking Stranger.

by Lisa Kleypas.

I worked my way up backwards. I first started with Smooth Talking Stranger; I ended up loving the novel which then lead me to read Blue Eyed Devil. At first I didn't want to read Sugar Daddy since I thought it would be like "a sugar daddy story" buuuuuut I fell in love with Blue Eyed Devil. The main guy was related to the first novel and I had to get to know him more through Sugar Daddy; totally worth of my time. Of the trilogy, Blue Eyed Devil is my favourite.

The main plot involved with this famous and wealthy family from Houston. The Travises. Churchill Travis was a father of four children. Gage, Jack, Joe and Haven. Gage and Churchill were the Sugar Daddy's centre characters, Haven was Blue Eyed Devil's main character while Jack was the focus in Smooth Talking Stranger. The writer said she has only meant to write a trilogy series but if she gets the motivation, she might write about Joe. I enjoyed understanding what the Travis family is like. I became more attached to Haven's character as her story had it worse. I was just so proud of what she became of by the book ended.

And a Young Adult book I recently read was Along for the ride by Sarah Dessen.

I somehow found connections with Twilight and this book as they had similar plot; girl moving in to a new town, trying to comprehend with the new environment, story was told in a 1st person based, met a mystery guy. Only difference is Twilight has vampires. lol. Anyways I kind of enjoy it but I just wished it wasn't told in 1st person POV, that way I would have known more about the guy that the main girl liked, what is he thinking and such. He was barely described and developed and their romance didn't really start not until half way through the story.

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Guest ovovoovo

Since I've heard such good things about The Hunger Games and its sequels, I went and bought it today. I was begging my mom for money, lol.

Wow, a lot of people seem to like it. I haven't started it yet, but I will very soon.

I recently finished The Book Thief, and I'm not kidding, it was a LIFE CHANGING book. I bawled in it too, and I've never cried reading a book before. I stayed up until 4 in the morning reading it. OH MY GOD, I highly recommend it to anyone and EVERYONE.

I read that recently too. OH MY GOODNESS, it was just....there isn't even an adjective for it. Towards the end (I won't spoil anything), some very psychological thought-provoking ideas are presented, and I was left there thinking "WHAT THE HELL?" but in a very good way. MUST READ

Book Thief was so good.. I love how the author wrote it from a grim reaper's view!

At the moment, I'm reading Mockingjay... must finish!

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What romance novels do you guys suggest? don't give me twilight and stuff like that please. LOL xD

I'm craving something lovey dovey :3

1984 was such a good book for me. I read it in 9th grade and it blew me away O.O the plot is strange, but it helps you understand more about the conditions during Stalin's propaganda and dictatorship O___O it's crazy.

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Guest miiloverx2

Just finished Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol and currently juggling between Haruki Murakami's Kafka on the Shore and Charlaine Harris' Dead as a Doornail (#5 of the Sookie Stackhouse series)..

I'm also halfway through David Hewson's A Season for the Dead but I haven't been reading that since last summer so I've forgotten about the story :/ Don't know if I should pick it up again.

All you guys talking about The Hunger Games trilogy is making me want to buy it!!

But I think I should just finish the books I'm reading at the moment haha.

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Just finished Mockingjay.

Holy crap. It was so raw and emotional. I just had to close my eyes and sit there for a while after reading it. It kind of lacked the suspense and the playfulness of the romance the first two books had, but it was so powerful.

I liked the ending. I mean, I liked it as much as I could. There was just so much loss and destruction that it's really hard to you know, "like" it.

Still working on The Time Traveler's Wife.

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Guest cofioca

I'm currently reading Diary by Chuck Palahniuk. I like that there's some kind of enigma that not only surrounds the story or the characters but ultimately, how it is narrated. Fresh chronicling is really engaging. 

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Guest wantcookie

I am reading In Cold Blood right now but yesterday i was at barnes and nobles i saw mocking jay and I was dieing to get it! But I only brought 20 bucks since I thought I only needed one book....

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Guest krung2x

i'm on the road in finishing mockingjay, i can't seem to put it down

but i still got things to do, so i guess it'll have to wait before i finish it

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Re-reading The Mortal Instruments again. I just love the series and I can't wait for the next three books. Team Jace <3

I tried reading Catching Fire after The Hunger Games but I don't know, didn't keep me on my toes interested like TMI did.

Oh well. Maybe I can give it another go when I'm free.

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Guest iamvick

packing for mars, by mary roach

one day, by David Nicholls

I loved 'One Day' by David Nicholls.. how are you finding it? I think the unusal chapter structure kept me really interested.

Still working on The Time Traveler's Wife.

Just started The Time Traveler's Wife too! Read 50 pages and loving it so far! How about you?

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Guest RemixeD2ice

Highly disappointed with The Hunger Games.

I don't think I'm going to finish it, I don't like it.

And worst of all, I think I'm the only person in the world who doesn't like it.

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I've read all of Palahniuk's books. Rant is really great (and of course Fight Club). I used to love the guy but I noticed he repeats a lot of lines and philosophies throughout his books. I thought Haunted was hilarious, personally. Heheh but I have a sick sense of humor so ..

I shall finish Rant soon enough - I tend to lose interest when I don't know the plot of something but then knowing the plot would ruin books. Haunted is strange in the way that he describes the various acts in such specific and detailed manners. The fat guy in the hot springs, the bowling ball, and the pool story.


Maltese Falcon (starting soon for English class)

It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis

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Guest marasshi

I'm reading Death in Venice and Seven Other Stories by Thomas Mann. I've just finished with the second one, Tonio Kröger, and it took me a while to finish that and Death in Venice -- they're both so...exhaustive on their respective themes. I especially liked Death in Venice and how it delved into Aschenbach's feelings of obsession towards the little boy. My own feelings of obsession toward this guy mirrored what I was reading and the experience was much more rewarding, I should say.

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