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For The Lovers Of Lomography

Guest zsuzsaBAMBAM

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Guest the kite

^ Hot ! I would love to get my hands on that baby ! :(




Taken on my baby Shlo (L-CA+). Yes, my camera has a Jewish name :P

I think I just used Agfa pro film. I don't know anything about photography... all I do is point and shoot. I carry the "don't think, shoot" motto fairly well, just because I have no knowledge of doing it the technical way :P

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the spinner is really cool!

just when i thought horizon's 120degree is cool, there comes a 360degree.

EUR 125 is rather expensive, i think but the photos will turn out real awesome.

i think my friend will like it since she's a fan of panoramic photography.

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finally developed 2 rolls! but too bad, my photos from my universal studios singapore trip were missing because i stupidly opened the vivitar back while i was there because i thought there was something wrong with the film coz it wasn't advancing. i realised it's coz the roll's done. urgh. but my diana photos which were taken at USS turned out fine.

here's my not-so-awesome shots.


this is when my friend was in sydney. i lent her the camera.


first of all, i want to admit that i am a total NOOB about lomography but i am totally fascinated!

for those pics, how do you get the colors like that? is it some special film or flash?

i'm planning to get either

- Diana mini

- White Slim Angel

- 2Way-Vista

I know there's a large price difference between them, but they all use 35mm film.

I really want to know how to get different effects like d0ts.

Again, REALLY clueless, but what kind of films are out there that give different effects? Brands?

(I've went through all 50 pages of this thread and it's still so confusing to me :( )

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pandriuma - to achieve the kinda color like d0ts's photo, you will need to get slide films and then get to lab to cross process.

different slide films will give different kinda effect so it depends on personal preference :)

some examples of the slide films can be found here:


if you are unsure of the kinda color you will get, you may want to try what i always did.

search the film at flickr. like if i wana see the color produced by velvia 100, all i do is type 'velvia 100'.

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hahaha i kinda wanna change my display name now. LOL. i'm like cringing when i read the posts above with my display name.

but that's not the point. haha. erm, yeah pandriuma. i think the easiest way is to search the film on flickr to see what is the general/overall erm... colour of the photos produced? yeah. get slide films to cross process and you will most probably have a lot of strong colours or contrasts in your photos! oh, and remember to take photos with good sunlight. i was at the beach on a really sunny day, so i guess it helped a lot too.

I just realised that i know you! hahaha.

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Guest whiterainbowx

Oh my gosh. Okay, so I suddenly got into lomo and went on a mini spending spree to start off my lomo collection. Well, I bought quite a few things off eBay just on impulse, and I thought I bought a fisheye lens for my Holga 135 BC TLR, but it turns out that it was actually just a viewfinder for the fisheye lens, and it's already been paid for. I just wanted to know if the viewfinder actually helps when taking the pictures with the fisheye lens on my Holga...? I hope I didn't just waste money ><"

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Guest leeahh

jho i LOVE the last pic! I feel like I've been teleported to somewhere super awesome haha :D

bloo. i really like the softness of your pics!

whiterainbowx yeah it's useful coz it gives you an idea of what the photo will actually look like! it will definitely help with composition :] usually if u get the viewfinder + lens as a bundle it's cheaper but only by a few dollars.. you can explain to your seller that you made a mistake and if they're nice enough they would most likely fix it all up for you so you don't have to pay extra for shipping of both items etc etc. :] hope that helps!

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Guest Batgirl

For people in the South Bay in california. Urban Outfitters in Santanna Row, upstairs in their sale section against the far back wall corner, has lomo fish eye cameras on sale for over half off and sale for holgas. Only $19.99!

I got myself a lavendar fisheye

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Guest yummy.pockey

finally scanned the pictures wooo~ it took a long time, i think next time I will buy the CD XD!

camera : white slim angel

film : kodak 400

they are all on my blog if you wanna see more






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^ i like the last shot! haha. are those pineapple buns in the first pic? and BUBBLE TEA!!! i'm craving for it now. hahaha.

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Guest __JBM*

Mm just developed my first roll from my Diana Mini ;/ not so great pictures, but i'll get the hang of it soon (hopefully)! :)




one of the double exposures i accidentally did :x


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Guest yummy.pockey

^ i like the last shot! haha. are those pineapple buns in the first pic? and BUBBLE TEA!!! i'm craving for it now. hahaha.

thank you! : D

pineapple buns are on the third row! there were some BBQ buns & wife cakes <3333

i'm craving for some bubble tea too T_T

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Guest NO NAME?

My first test roll turned out to be crappy when I got it developed two weeks ago.

Got the second roll developed earlier today.

They're actually not as bad as I thought it would be.

4747578460_e25bfbae24_m.jpg 4747596520_1004ec630f_m.jpg 4746961379_a529ee536c_m.jpg

4746964673_f0bd1c307d_m.jpg 4747611604_b3e468945c_m.jpg

4746973611_b98e06dac0_m.jpg 4746992131_79c3b8a416_m.jpg

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Guest soogerlips

Gah, loving all the photos on here!

Now I really want to develop my photos :)

Haven't been shooting in a while.

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Guest d0ts

photos from my vivitar again! haha. i used e100vs slide film and i like the colours!



USS photos also from vivitar. it took me so long to finish the roll.





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Guest whiterainbowx

@d0ts: Your photos are absolutely stunning! I'm loving the colors. How did you get that effect in your 4th picture??

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Guest d0ts

thanks! haha. oh the 4th pic? there was a car with a reflective surface or mirror on the wheel. so i had to bend down and take the picture. it looks like a fisheye effect to me! haha.

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