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Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew


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Guest A-I-Z-A

yea let's wait and see if MTV will pull a "Status quo got the most votes again!! their 2,500 fans win over 70,000 jabba voters!! woohoo" biggrin.gif (cuz kaba's fans will be votin for jabba)

Just kidding. but i thought the judges would pick out the winner??

If MTV did pull shiet like that

i wood hunt em down

and beat em up


If the show is rigged as everyone says/believes it then that's not impossible to happen.

But I'm still voting for jabba just in case.

To all jabba fans, your vote counts... so vote.hahaha:D

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Guest x.yoru

I'm so sad that KM left. :[ I actually really liked their perf. I'm a majorly huge fan. >o<

I don't mind SQ, but it should be Kaba & Jabba this week. I find SQ interesting to watch, but as someone said I always feel as if they're all over the place. Their flips and stuff are cool, but I watch one person, and feel as if I missed something. >___<;;

Just like the carnival and their latest one, I had to rewatch it again and again because i wanted to see everything that went on.


I love this weeks perf. :]<3

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Guest love!mvmt

^ sigh, i know im still heart-broken that kaba modern left :[ i liked watching them way more than status quo. when i watched status quo, i couldnt even focus on much of what they were doing because they were just doing.. so much stunts and were everywhere, it was just hard for me to watch. they are good dancers, i mean they DID make it on the show, but i just dont find myself wanting to watch their performance more than once as opposed to how i did with kaba and jabba. but i suppose this will make it easier to choose who to vote for since its not between kaba and jabba? since most people thought they'd be in the final 2, plus a majority of kaba fans are voting for jabba now.

but anyways, im not sure but i remember someone posting somewhere that if for any reason necessary mtv had the rights to cancel or terminate votes to determine the winner :unsure:

oh well, ill still be voting anyways

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If the show is rigged as everyone says/believes it then that's not impossible to happen.

But I'm still voting for jabba just in case.

To all jabba fans, your vote counts... so vote.hahaha:D

Imma be voting all week

even in my classes


everyone who is sad that KM left

no worries their performing next week


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Guest Kushi

As a jabba fan in this competition I have no reason to support Kaba, so I'll try to be unbiased as possible... ah hamburgers who am I trying to kid? This dance show is probably one of the biggest farces I have ever seen..

I just watched episode 7 on MTV and it was not pretty. They did such a bad job editing the SQ parts...you can clearly see that there was barely anyone cheering for them, and yet they tried to edit in a huge racket when they got the top spot..

Also not only that, they also did a bad job on editing the judges part. Like whenever kaba or jabba got even a slightly bad negative comment you hear boos louder than the sky. Shane AND JC pretty much ripped SQ on their whole performance about how they're sloppy and had bad choregraphy and there wasn't even a single boo, infact there was light applause.

Now how did a crew like that get into the top 2? They not really bad or whatnot, but they just aren't as good as kaba or jabba.

Yeah, so this is probably the last episode I'll ever watch, since I honestly 100% believe this show is rigged I won't even bother watching any other seasons of it.

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Guest green.tea.is.love

awww. i wanted KM and JW to be in the finals.

but as someone said, it'll probably be West vs. East not West vs. West

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Guest ubergooberxx

I really want to see this incredibly incredible encore Kaba Modern performance that everyone's talking about =(

I've been voting for Jabbawockeez alot.

JABBA FTW. I'm going to slit my wrists if they lose. Lol. Just kidding :P But yeah. I really hope they win.


I'm so glad all the crews are going to be performing at the Finale. It's going to be so dope! (:


I miss Tony Tran and Mike Song<3

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Guest erinfinite
As a jabba fan in this competition I have no reason to support Kaba, so I'll try to be unbiased as possible... ah hamburgers who am I trying to kid? This dance show is probably one of the biggest farces I have ever seen..

I just watched episode 7 on MTV and it was not pretty. They did such a bad job editing the SQ parts...you can clearly see that there was barely anyone cheering for them, and yet they tried to edit in a huge racket when they got the top spot..

Also not only that, they also did a bad job on editing the judges part. Like whenever kaba or jabba got even a slightly bad negative comment you hear boos louder than the sky. Shane AND JC pretty much ripped SQ on their whole performance about how they're sloppy and had bad choregraphy and there wasn't even a single boo, infact there was light applause.

Now how did a crew like that get into the top 2? They not really bad or whatnot, but they just aren't as good as kaba or jabba.

Yeah, so this is probably the last episode I'll ever watch, since I honestly 100% believe this show is rigged I won't even bother watching any other seasons of it.

You can't really judge America's reaction to SQ based on the audience.

Remember, it's filmed in LA, a.k.a. Kaba & Jabba territory.

I don't think East Coast fans of SQ can fly over just to cheer for them in the taping.

I'm not saying Kaba & Jabba do or don't have a bigger fan base, but their fans aren't limited to the audience.

Anyway, even if our votes doesn't count, I'm getting all my friends to vote for Jabba too ;P

As much as I enjoy watching SQ's energy, Jabba's #1 for me.

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Guest Bonnie

i have a question.. how do you vote?

i really want to vote for jabbawockeez.

i saw many of their videos recently

and they are really good (=


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Guest pattylee

I don't care about people's race or whateva. In the beginning i wanted kaba to win. now I want Jabba to win. My sister, parents and brother said that they would be sooooooo mad if SQ wins. yo this show is crazy. I wanted SQ to leave before Kaba.

Plz Vote for Jabba :D

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Guest Mz-Descamento86
I found this on Kaba's disscussion board:

"why can't the show just leave it to the judges to decide?"

Cause if they did that then Kaba Modern and Jabbawockeez would be the last two teams and that would mean a loss of almost all the show's black fans. F**k Randy Jackson and MTV cause they most definitely rigged the show. Status Quo doesn't deserve to be there because they're not good enough

All I'm wondering is where ARE the black fans? I see ton of azn fans but not a lot of black fans...for either groups (SQ, JW, and KM). I have to say my friends don't care about the show (black/white/azn/hispanic) so I dont think there are as many ppl as we think that care THAT much. Still I do wonder where the black fans are....prob doing the danciNg and not watching it. lol

i mean damn! i go away trying to serve the lord and have a good easter and i come back this sunday afternoon and find that kaba modern fans are still mad that they lost? LET IT GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! omg! i mean for real! and those people on facebook are some losers! thats why they gotta do that crap online..they dont have the basketBALLS to say that ishh offline

damn those asians on facebook are EMBRASSING! what is wrong with them? GET A LIFE..u wanna play or pull the race card? then why arent the other races such as black or white doing all this crying and bullishh about the show? maybe cus they have a life and they dont give a crap about the show or its outcome??

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Guest jeniez

Found these two posts at another forum (http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=149197&page=31), just thought I share......

Someone on Offtopic.com is claiming to be an MTV intern and says that Status Quo is going to win, and this might have already been decided by episode two. Take this with a grain of salt, of course.

Here's a quote from the thread, from an unconfirmed source:


InSider405 said:

Status Quo will win the competition no matter how many votes get submitted! I have inside info that Status Quo should of been in the bottom two but producers knew if they went head to head with Kaba Modern or Jabbawockeez they would of lost. Status Quo is a very atheletic and talented crew but when it comes down to creativity and consistency producers and judges knew Kaba and Jaba are better hands down! Producers and Randy Jackson will plan on Status Quo to win the competition because they have a more compelling story (Guys that came from the street with nothing and followed their passion for dancing that became winners) and they do not want the last 2 crews that are predominantly Asian to win because Randy Jackson is African American.

3/22/2008 11:21:30 AM

Statushoe (03.21.08 | 1:15 PM)

PLEASE READ THIS SINCE IT HAS TO DO WITH THE SHOW "America’s Best Dance Crew" . There are a few things everyone should know about this dance group STATUS QUO before voting them as so called "America’s Best Dance Crew" The following Information is not made up and can be backed up with solid evidence. But before I tell you about Status Quo, I must break down some very brief history that is related to the information you are about to find out on the following dance group. In the Hiphop dance scene there is a term for street performance called "Hitting" as in ’Hitting the Streets to make money’. (This term is more commonly used in the BBoy/Break-Dance scene) Well known hitters in the bboy world as well as the Dance Industry are people such as Klown and KMel (’Step Up 2’ for those who are not familiar with the BBoy scene). Street performing has been around for thousands of years so in terms of the structure of the actual performance, the tradition of ’Hitting’ started in NYC. This includes the talking lines used to get an audience as well as the traditional hitting routines used when performing. The whole tradition of hitting has been passed down from the original hitting crews such as the FLOAT COMMITTEE and LOCKATRON, just to name a few. I have been told by Universal of the Original Float Committee, that Hitting started in the very early 70s. If you are interested in learning more about the history of Hitting, I suggest you talk to the Klown, Breeze Team, Zone-TDK, KMel, etc... If you are from New York City you are probably very familiar with Hitting. There are street performers all over NYC. Performing outside in the streets, in the train stations, and even in the actual trains itself! Now here’s where that group STATUS QUO comes into play. During the summer time, several well respected NYC Hitting crews go to Boston to perform, since NYC has becoming harder and harder to perform in. (Police cracking down on street performers) The hitting crews that come to Boston consist of: The BREEZE TEAM, TRANSFORMERZ, and Y.A.K The areas in Boston that these crews would perform at and still do perform at are: Downtown Boston, Fanueil Hall, Boston Commons, and even Havard Sq! About 2 years ago, there were these young group of kids called Status Quo and they started watching these 3 Hitting crews every summer. After every performance they would praise each hitting crew about their amazing routines and their acrobatic skills in general. Little did the Hitting Crews know was that Status Quo were secretly stealing the Hitting routines to make a name for themselves in the Boston dance scene (Not in the BBoy/Break-Dance scene). What the group Status Quo does not understand is that for these Hitting Crews, street performing is a way of life. This is how the BREEZE TEAM, TRANSFORMERZ, and Y.A.K make a living. They ’Hit’ 7 days a week, all year long, even during the winter! They made up these hitting routines as a way to make enough income to eat, pay rent, phone bills, child support, etc. You can truly say that dancing is their life. Now MTV comes up with this show "America’s Best Dance Crew", and Status Quo has used Hitting routines to make it through every week, all the way to the finals! For most viewers watching this show, they do not know where the routines used by Status Quo originated from. So right away the majority of the viewers believe that Status Quo’s routines are made up entirely on their own and that the the routines are authentic, in other words original. This may seem ok to everyone watching this show, but in the long run it will affect the dance crews who originated those routines to make a living. More and more people will start thinking that the Hitters took those routines from Status Quo, and less income will be generated for these Hitting crews to make a living off of what they created. In my opinion... Plagiarizing in any form is a crime and should not be tolerated! ! BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO VOTE FOR "America’s Best Dance Crew" JUST THINK ABOUT THIS. If you were to create something up entirely on your own, whether it be a poem or a painting. Wouldn’t you be angry if someone took what you originated and claimed it to be theirs, as well as make a profit off of your hard work? I hope everyone reads this with an open mind and understands that I do not hate Status Quo as people but I do believe that they are way too talented to have to steal routines. -JET LIEM Problemz Kru | NBW Allstars | Y.A.K Repping the entire state of Massachusetts

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Guest Mz-Descamento86

Found these two posts at another forum (http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=149197&page=31), just thought I share......

Someone on Offtopic.com is claiming to be an MTV intern and says that Status Quo is going to win, and this might have already been decided by episode two. Take this with a grain of salt, of course.

Here's a quote from the thread, from an unconfirmed source:


InSider405 said:

Status Quo will win the competition no matter how many votes get submitted! I have inside info that Status Quo should of been in the bottom two but producers knew if they went head to head with Kaba Modern or Jabbawockeez they would of lost. Status Quo is a very atheletic and talented crew but when it comes down to creativity and consistency producers and judges knew Kaba and Jaba are better hands down! Producers and Randy Jackson will plan on Status Quo to win the competition because they have a more compelling story (Guys that came from the street with nothing and followed their passion for dancing that became winners) and they do not want the last 2 crews that are predominantly Asian to win because Randy Jackson is African American.

3/22/2008 11:21:30 AM

Statushoe (03.21.08 | 1:15 PM)

PLEASE READ THIS SINCE IT HAS TO DO WITH THE SHOW "America’s Best Dance Crew" . There are a few things everyone should know about this dance group STATUS QUO before voting them as so called "America’s Best Dance Crew" The following Information is not made up and can be backed up with solid evidence. But before I tell you about Status Quo, I must break down some very brief history that is related to the information you are about to find out on the following dance group. In the Hiphop dance scene there is a term for street performance called "Hitting" as in ’Hitting the Streets to make money’. (This term is more commonly used in the BBoy/Break-Dance scene) Well known hitters in the bboy world as well as the Dance Industry are people such as Klown and KMel (’Step Up 2’ for those who are not familiar with the BBoy scene). Street performing has been around for thousands of years so in terms of the structure of the actual performance, the tradition of ’Hitting’ started in NYC. This includes the talking lines used to get an audience as well as the traditional hitting routines used when performing. The whole tradition of hitting has been passed down from the original hitting crews such as the FLOAT COMMITTEE and LOCKATRON, just to name a few. I have been told by Universal of the Original Float Committee, that Hitting started in the very early 70s. If you are interested in learning more about the history of Hitting, I suggest you talk to the Klown, Breeze Team, Zone-TDK, KMel, etc... If you are from New York City you are probably very familiar with Hitting. There are street performers all over NYC. Performing outside in the streets, in the train stations, and even in the actual trains itself! Now here’s where that group STATUS QUO comes into play. During the summer time, several well respected NYC Hitting crews go to Boston to perform, since NYC has becoming harder and harder to perform in. (Police cracking down on street performers) The hitting crews that come to Boston consist of: The BREEZE TEAM, TRANSFORMERZ, and Y.A.K The areas in Boston that these crews would perform at and still do perform at are: Downtown Boston, Fanueil Hall, Boston Commons, and even Havard Sq! About 2 years ago, there were these young group of kids called Status Quo and they started watching these 3 Hitting crews every summer. After every performance they would praise each hitting crew about their amazing routines and their acrobatic skills in general. Little did the Hitting Crews know was that Status Quo were secretly stealing the Hitting routines to make a name for themselves in the Boston dance scene (Not in the BBoy/Break-Dance scene). What the group Status Quo does not understand is that for these Hitting Crews, street performing is a way of life. This is how the BREEZE TEAM, TRANSFORMERZ, and Y.A.K make a living. They ’Hit’ 7 days a week, all year long, even during the winter! They made up these hitting routines as a way to make enough income to eat, pay rent, phone bills, child support, etc. You can truly say that dancing is their life. Now MTV comes up with this show "America’s Best Dance Crew", and Status Quo has used Hitting routines to make it through every week, all the way to the finals! For most viewers watching this show, they do not know where the routines used by Status Quo originated from. So right away the majority of the viewers believe that Status Quo’s routines are made up entirely on their own and that the the routines are authentic, in other words original. This may seem ok to everyone watching this show, but in the long run it will affect the dance crews who originated those routines to make a living. More and more people will start thinking that the Hitters took those routines from Status Quo, and less income will be generated for these Hitting crews to make a living off of what they created. In my opinion... Plagiarizing in any form is a crime and should not be tolerated! ! BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO VOTE FOR "America’s Best Dance Crew" JUST THINK ABOUT THIS. If you were to create something up entirely on your own, whether it be a poem or a painting. Wouldn’t you be angry if someone took what you originated and claimed it to be theirs, as well as make a profit off of your hard work? I hope everyone reads this with an open mind and understands that I do not hate Status Quo as people but I do believe that they are way too talented to have to steal routines. -JET LIEM Problemz Kru | NBW Allstars | Y.A.K Repping the entire state of Massachusetts

LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO i dont not believe those articles at all! the stunts that status does NOBODY OWNS THEM. its something that nobody can take credit for. Think about it all those moves that they do such as backflips, juking and etc NOBODY can say oh ur stealing that from me! Cus its a common move! whateva people are still sore losers about the whole finals thing

and randy didnt want 2 asian crews b/c hes black? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i wish people would shut da cow poop up! if that was the case then the whole show would have been entirely BLACK! ughh i swear this show is really showing peoples true colors! bunch of crybabies i tell ya...and no im not directing this towards you (the person who i quoted) im just saying in general to people who are still stuck on stupid about kaba losing and the people who still disrespect status. GET OVER IT!

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Guest Mz-Descamento86

you know what i hate what im about to say but after seening all these lame booty comments from people i dont even want status to win [even if they did get alot of votes and people rallied behind them & if they did win in a fair way] even tho i dont really give a damn bout who wins b/c after the show nikki is still going to have a life LOL but if status did win those boys probably wouldnt even be able to come on the internet without seening some big babies crying & bitchin about the show.

& people who post in this thread knows i like jabba but please can the jabba fanatics calm down? i go on youtube lookin at some other hip hop dance videos and you got people on their claiming that these people who dont even live in the states are stealing jabbas moves. LMFAOO please!

like i said before america needs to open this up to the world. cus there are some crews from south africa, land down under, philippines, korea, japan, london & trinidad that could put the top 3 teams on ABDC to shame. forreal...

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Guest trinity1418

I really want to see this incredibly incredible encore Kaba Modern performance that everyone's talking about =(

I'm thinking Kaba Modern's encore performance was the one they performed at KTLA...it makes sense. It was about the time limit for the encore performance and their theme made perfect sense....about it being the final battle and whatnot! I personally loved it! It was HOT!

Happy Easter everyone...to those who celebrate it!

Oh and Ben Chung is super nice and sweet! Someone else mentioned that he replies back on myspace and he does! He replied back to me which is SO sweet since so many message and comment him...he is my favorite even though I love all the Jabbawockeez!

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Guest .moony.

i mean damn! i go away trying to serve the lord and have a good easter and i come back this sunday afternoon and find that kaba modern fans are still mad that they lost? LET IT GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! omg! i mean for real! and those people on facebook are some losers! thats why they gotta do that crap online..they dont have the basketBALLS to say that ishh offline

damn those asians on facebook are EMBRASSING! what is wrong with them? GET A LIFE..u wanna play or pull the race card? then why arent the other races such as black or white doing all this crying and bullishh about the show? maybe cus they have a life and they dont give a crap about the show or its outcome??

I think you are the one who needs to chill also :unsure: You seem so loud and angry that people still commented on the incident.

1. Not everyone watched it on the day it was aired and had the effort to go online and "pinkberry" (like you think people do) right away.

2. When unfairness was displayed, it is important to make a big deal out of it so hopefully talented people wouldn't be cheated out again in the next show. You may think "who caresssssssssss if they got voted off OMG OMG" but it is a big deal to them as performers. Their life is about dancing and when their dream is taken away because of some stupid mini cooper MTV pulled, then of course their fans would be enraged. It is easy for you to let it go cuz u dont care about Kaba modern, or dont care in general because you have "a life." But for some people it matters because it's part of their morale.

I do agree some posts on fb were harsh...i just skimmed over. But I don't think you have any right to tell people to move on. If they still complain (when they obviously have a reason to do so,) then let them and dont read if you dont like it. GEez how hard is that.

Now from the article someone posted, I want to see if SQ will win.

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