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[drama 2008] Spotlight 스포트라이트

Guest f0reveralways

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Guest shuky

Hummmm, this tread has been soooo quiet today, where have all the reporters gone?? Guyz are you on special missions or what????

Hey babe day dreaming lol.........yah seriously i'm in for winter classes at the corean cultural center :D

Hahahaha...Shuky reporting...**hiccups....it's the weekend!!! Just finished the c-subs for episode 7. Will crank something out in a short while...:)

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Guest shuky

Highlights of Episode 7 (based on c-subs, for more accurate translations, pls wait for the english subs as my chinese translations may be iffy)

The argument in the lift

SWJ retorted OTS and asked why couldn't she become an anchor.She didn't understand why OTS had to treat her this way (his sarcastic remark before). Did he hate to see her become an anchor or did he just hate her. OTS remarked that perhaps she didn't understand what he was trying to say earlier. SWJ, in defiance, said that what she understood was that if OTS was really a sunbae, he should be more encouraging and give his full support to his junior, especially when they were given such good opportunities. When she got off on the wrong floor and trudged up the stairs to the office, OTS was there waiting for her. He asked for her opinion on what kind of person could become an anchor. "Why do you want to be an anchor? Do you have an opinion on this/have you thought about it? Is it because your superior told you to go for the audition? If that is the case, why didn't you turn it down?" OTS went on to say that others have criticised the team as not being "real" journalists as they loved the exposure on TV more. They were more like celebrities than journalists. OTS ended by saying that perhaps SWJ wanted to be a star, not an anchor.

Why SWJ was the best candidate in the second round of audition

The second round of audition was to test the candidates' ability to think on their feet in breaking news situation. They will be given three minutes to fill air time, with no prepared scripts. OTS will act as a studio director who will periodically shout updates for them to update the viewers.

SWJ's topic was on the fire that destroyed Sungnyemun (popularly known as Namdaemun) in Feb this year. She had no info other than the fact that there was a fire. She expanded on it to talk about the historical and cultural significance of the gate. As the country's no. 1 national treasure, it was the symbol and face of Seoul. As such, SWJ said that many people would be saddened upon hearing the news. When OTS told her that 30 fire trucks had been dispatched, she talked about how at 7pm, it would be peak hour traffic and the traffic gridlock could hamper the work of the firefighters. In giving running commentary on the latest pictures of the fire, she didn't state the obvious (firefighters were trying to put out the fire), rather she talked about how the raging fire could prove to be tricky for the fire fighters and onlookers seemed very worried. SWJ did well because she didn't repeat herself that much, her mind did not go blank under pressure and was able to spin a credible story out of very little info.

The evil senior (CME), however, did badly as she allowed her nerves to get to her (perhaps she was more fluent in French?...ok,ok...I take it back, that was wicked..just can't resist it :)) Her topic was on the collapse on some shopping mall. She sounded stupid when she said that if the building had collapsed, it meant that the building was flattened! A shopping mall was a place where a lot of people congregate!

Will stop here and be back in while ....

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Guest shuky

Part 2 of episode 7:

CME and SWJ on the roof top, a.k.a as the "Crying Square"

CME accused SWJ of showing off in front of her (earlier, SWJ had innocently remarked that the audition was tough and not everyone was cut out to be anchors) as she had powerful backing in the form of the President. (This was unfair as CME's father, Ambassador Chae, tried to lobby for votes in the selection committee during the lunch meeting with Political Editor Mr Jung in episode 6 I think) She accused SWJ of always pretending to be clueless (SWJ was clueless as she didn't know the background to her selection) but when her back was turned, she would become calculative. CME accused SWJ of trying to bribe OTS when she gave him a bottle of wine (but that was to show her appreciation for his help during the JJG saga).

A jealous vice cap?

There was naturally gossip in the office when it was discovered that OTS gave SWJ the highest marks for round two of the audition (23 out of 25). This was even more illogical considering how he was so unsupportive of her audition earlier. CME concluded that this only showed that they were dating. The funny sunbae remarked that vice cap should not be happy about this as all along, she had played the role of OTS "woman". But from now onwards, she would be replaced by SWJ. This "jealous" thread surfaced again in the second half of the episode when she asked OTS if he had in mind who he wanted for the new weekend programme. OTS said that SWJ would be first choice. She said SWJ was closer to her and she would want to look after her. OTS said that SWJ would only give her more headaches and she would be better off with him.

SWJ and OTS outside the editing suite, when she realised that he had given her the highest marks for the audition

When asked why he gave her such high marks, OTS replied by saying that he only gave her what she deserved. He went on to say that not everyone could handle breaking news. Even experienced anchors could make mistakes. During the second round of audition, she was the best, hence the high marks. (Indeed, SWJ was the most impressive. Love the audition clips of Shirley's Mr Core Power, Mr Ahn and Mr Jung. Each took sarcastic swipes at each other. Mr Ahn teased Mr Jung for his mousy voice, so lacking in authority and Mr Jung criticised Mr Ahn for having one arm broken as he had his right arm resting on the table while reading the news. What comic relief! ok, back to OTS and SWJ) That was when SWJ asked OTS why he treated her so badly before and was so adamant that she shouldn't go for the audition. OTS replied that he saw potential in her to be a good reporter.

What did the President say to SWJ at the lift lobby and lift?

In the President's mind, it was a forgone conclusion that SWJ would become an anchor. Therefore, he addressed her as SWJ anchor, not SWJ reporter. Why? Because he had grand plans for her. He asked SWJ, "Aren't you a star?" He wanted to make her a star to front the station, GBS. He continued to say that he saw SWJ's potential to be a star and at this day and age, one didn't have to be an actor to be a star. A reporter or anchor could become one too.

What did the President ask SWJ during the interview?

He asked her what would be her first news item when she became an anchor. SWJ explained that many people assumed that news was all about reporting incidents. While this was true, she wished to tell viewers news that would give hope to ordinary people. Although these ordinary folks may not have done anything significant, she wanted to tell viewers that they could not do without them, just like salt. These people were near them, around them but their news didn't seem to care about these people. SWJ was tearing as she was saying these and she concluded by apologising that she had to go as she didn't seem to be suited to be at that place (she spurned the opportunity to be a star anchor and chose to be a self-respecting journalist worth her salt, living up to her potential)

The human interest story that tugged at heart strings

The 87 year old granny was no billionaire business woman. After losing her husband and children during the Korean War, she worked as a hawker in a market. While she was thrifty and didn't spend on herself, she was most generous on others, especially the poor. Throughout her life and in death, she had given away several tens of billions. Those crying at her wake were her "adopted" children who had benefited from her kindness. Her voice-over in the story said that she would be ashamed to die as a billionaire. She had no regrets and she was happy to give when she could. To her, that was the greatest happiness. In fact, when she realised that her cancer was terminal, she rejected treatment as she didn't want to waste any money on herself. No wonder most of SWJ's colleagues were touched by the story in the newsroom.

This proved that not only could SWJ deliver major news event like the JJG saga, and putting her life at risk in the process of getting the story, she could also move viewers with stories on ordinary people doing extraordinary deeds. This in turn, won her respect and approval from OTS . And for OTS, I think, he must first cross this psychological hurdle (see her as an equal, stretching her full potential) before falling for her. His feelings may not be apparent to him right now but he will be forced to confront them with the introduction of a potential competitor in episode 8. Just my speculation here......

The handshake

SWJ wasn't sure if she had made the right choice (not to be an anchor), that was when OTS offered her his hand and said that she had done well, just as she did in the past and now. He welcomed her back to the fold.

That's all folks...Enjoy!... need to crash.....

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Guest melodia

i've been pretty silent for some time, but i feel this topic needs more replies so i will do my part and hopefully not clutter it with my rambles.

i'm just really baffled as to why spotlight's ratings are not soaring.

it is extremely well written (the writer is same person, who wrote white tower) and portrays the lives of everyone quite fairly. accuracy is a matter of perception and the writer's literary license. there is definitely more drama within spotlight regarding the lives of the reporters, but according to people i know who actually were mbc journalists... the drama is not too far fetched.

many viewers have been linking this drama to on air, and indeed there are some similarities, but this is a totally different world and should not be simply dismissed as a copy of on air on a different subject matter. (although i do have laughing fits when the broadcasting companies indirectly bash each other. i.e. in on air, the rival drama network is mbs's shim chung. in spotlight it is sns news that blows SOJ's cover as a journalist putting her in danger with JJK)

furthermore, in a korean drama i have yet to see female lead not be either extremely cutesty/damesel in distress mode or a career woman, with a dark secret past. yet, SOJ is relateable, practical, tenacious, and very real.

the commentary about korean society itself is worthy to be addressed!

actually, come to think of it... ratings do not matter. they are just a bunch of numbers.

what i wish for this drama is APPRECIATION.

i wish more people would watch spotlight and see how the media

both manipulates society. exhibits society. beautifies society.

happy watching and many thanks to those who keep this topic going with captures, updates, summaries, and comments!

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Guest acemaverick

i only watched up to 6 and i'm hooked on this drama. i agree too i can appreciate what it's like for the reporters. not easy being one.

having watch 6, i think that TS is ruining WJ's chances of becoming the anchor.

either he wants to keep her in his team for personal reasons,

or he thinks that she's a very good reporter and don't want to lose her

or maybe he thinks that she's not fix to be an anchor.

i hope the story turns out good.

hangin on for epi 8 subs!~

btw, maybe i din read in the first few pages, why is TS called Cap? cap as in captain?

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sorry babe aurostica LOLLLL i have been sleeping off the stress of the exams LOLLLL if u can believe it. itz 3pm here and i juz woke up.

i will check for future updates on the drama and see f any preview is out. i will be the 1st to do a review promise LOLL

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Guest seal824

Has anyone noticed that the actors in this show in some scenes wear more lipstick make up than the actresses :D . I think in one scene, Mr Ahn was wearing a thick glossy, pearly pink liptick. generally, I like the make ups for actors in Kdrama - light and subtle but this show has a few exceptions.

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Guest aurostica

Thanks shuky for the hard work and efforts you put in giving us such excellent summaries

shuky' date='Jun 6 2008, 11:07 PM' post='9839460']

The evil senior (CME), however, did badly as she allowed her nerves to get to her (perhaps she was more fluent in French?...ok,ok...I take it back, that was wicked..just can't resist it :))

:huh::angry: yeah wicked....:lol:


color="#F5DEB3"]CME accused SWJ of showing off in front of her (earlier, SWJ had innocently remarked that the audition was tough and not everyone was cut out to be anchors) as she had powerful backing in the form of the President. (This was unfair as CME's father, Ambassador Chae, tried to lobby for votes in the selection committee during the lunch meeting with Political Editor Mr Jung in episode 6 I think) She accused SWJ of always pretending to be clueless (SWJ was clueless as she didn't know the background to her selection) but when her back was turned, she would become calculative. CME accused SWJ of trying to bribe OTS when she gave him a bottle of wine (but that was to show her appreciation for his help during the JJG saga).

WOAH...politic games are omnipresent in every sphere, likely is seems quite widespread in the media world

SWJ wasn't sure if she had made the right choice (not to be an anchor), that was when OTS offered her his hand and said that she had done well, just as she did in the past and now. He welcomed her back to the fold.[/color

I simply loved that part , even for a non korean speaker, i could get the whole feeling, acknowledging her as been a good reporter,..... winning his respect was quite a tough task.....hope in the future episodes, he "roars" less...I dont understand Y he gets so worked up whenever she's concerned ;)

'melodia' date='Jun 7 2008, 12:30 AM' post='9840086']

i'm just really baffled as to why spotlight's ratings are not soaring.

actually, come to think of it... ratings do not matter. they are just a bunch of numbers.

what i wish for this drama is APPRECIATION.

i wish more people would watch spotlight and see how the media

both manipulates society. exhibits society. beautifies society.

Yeah...It seems underrated...but honestly ratings never influenced my choices.The "subject "was fascinating, that's what drew me in ......and confessing that the lead is hot :wub:

cherylinguyen , thank you so much for the BTS pics....

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Guest zacey


have been popping in and out for quite some time... enjoying all the info here... juz wanna show my support to this thread!!

and of course, thanks to all the contributors... :blush:

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Guest santa007

I'm not a big fan of SYJ but after watching her in The Art of Seduction with SIK and April Snow with BYJ I 've changed my thought that she's not that bad in Summer Scent! Right now after watching Spotlight till episode 8 I think she's great and I'm hooked with the drama especially when JJH and her appear together on screen! Wow, I like this pairing of Cap and The Beauty! Ha.. Fighting Spotlight ! I don't care about the ratings of dramas as long as it is my cup of tea! I think they really want to show the viewers how hard work reporters are but I'm not sure whether they exaggerate or not cause I'm not a reporter ! :blush: Anyway I like this drama like On Air! Yes it's true that though it has some similarity with On Air like working at the TV station, it is still different from On Air cause the plot and story lines are different! That's my point of view!

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Guest oc-ca

I'm watching On Air and Spotlight at the same time and I think both have excellent production values and storyline. Personally I think the acting on Spotlight is superior and that enhances its appeal. I stayed away from watching kdrama for about 6 months and Spotlight is the one that drew me back. And it worth it.

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Guest beauwhale

SYJ didnt inpress me through her Summer scent years ago. I didnt like the way she was. But in this drama, she is improving very much. GOod drama to see...

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Guest shuky

I'm watching On Air and Spotlight at the same time and I think both have excellent production values and storyline. Personally I think the acting on Spotlight is superior and that enhances its appeal. I stayed away from watching kdrama for about 6 months and Spotlight is the one that drew me back. And it worth it.

Welcome aboard Melodia, oc-ca, beauwhale and santa007! Do join us in our mad-cap discussion of Spotlight (actually, most of the time, we are most sober and sane!! hoho). Hey, Zacey, thought you've left us in the lurch now that you've discovered and become a registered member of Tianshi's hallowed site!

Thanks so much cherylnguyen for the lovely caps. I've always admired people who can post caps as I still haven't figured out how it's done!!! (hoho...you're looking at a computer illiterate from Mars!!)

Seal824, haven't noticed the make-up bit, but will pay closer attention next time.

And aurostica, OTS did roar much less in episode 8. Have finished the episode with c-subs but after two hours of rewinding and rewinding, I still can't quite figure out the web of political intricacies of the construction company (the baddie). I need a rocket scientist who understand Korean and has intimate knowledge of the system to help!!! Anyone out there????

Give me another 24 hours and see if I could see the light by then. (*crosses fingers) Actually, in episode 8, the writer has dropped more clues on OTS/SWJ's budding romance, and it's not one-sided. (*leaps on sofa as SWJ's subconsciously interested, as first pointed out by liquidfir in episode 7. I promise, more to come later).

I leave you with the conversation between OTS and SWJ in THE TOUCH and THE LOOK sequence. (Thanks markho for the caps, sorry, can't remember the nos. behind) Disclaimer: I'm no expert in translations. For more accurate translations, pls wait for the english subs. If you can't, discount about 50% from what you read.

OTS: Who did this to you last night?

SWJ: How did you know?

OTS: Why didn't you report to me that this had happened? WHy did you keep quiet? Are you a fool? This can't go on. We need to take some measures.

SWJ: I'm ok.

OTS: You call this ok? Look at your face.

Enters Mister Competition a.k.a Mr Pink Shirt. He was SWJ's senior in college, where he was the chief of the broadcast station (I guess it's run by students). SWJ was the anchor. During the interview with the magazine where she was the cover girl, SWJ mentioned that it was Shim Jae Ho (don't know how to spell his name. Liquidfir, is this correct?) who influenced her tremendously. The decision to become a journalist stemmed from this influence. SJH is now a junior executive working for Yong Wan Chemicals, a subsidary of Yong Wan Group of companies, which also owns Yong Wan Construction (again, not sure if this is spelt correctly), the subject of SWJ's investigation (the baddie's the CEO (?)... not sure if that's his title). Shirley, now we know why SWJ behaved as though she had seen her prince, totally smitten. Unfortunately, he was sent by Mr Baddie to stop SWJ from doing the story on the construction company, with promises of future promotions within the Group.

ok...am off to look for my Yoda and try to solve the complex web of corruption mysteries!!! Hey, but whoever can solve the mystery first, pls don't hesitate. Do enlighten me/us!! :)

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Guest shuky

As promised.....highlights of episode 8: (SPOILERS AHEAD)

What struck me about episode 8 are:

a. The practice of bribery

b. News can be bought after all

c. The budding romance between SWJ and OTS

The budding romance

SWJ had shown signs of interest/concern for OTS in:

a. At about 8 mins, in the basement carpark of the office. OTS had given CME the task of hanging out in the hospital where the injured Member of Parliament was warded to gather more information since she had wide political contacts through her ambassador father. OTS sent SWJ to the Central Police station to gather more news on the attack and to do a live report from there. After giving them the tasks, he rushed off to the office and SWJ had a worried look, with eyes following the departing cap, after telling him to work hard.

b. At about 23 mins, both of them were at the editing suite working on the story when SWJ asked with concern if cap was tired. She drank from a fancy mug, and after putting it down, OTS drank from a similar looking mug. (Could it be that perhaps they have two separate but similar mugs issued by GBS? No?! They were drinking from the same mug?!! Further proof of their growing closeness??)

c. (At about 32 mins) After returning from her undercover investigative work in the construction site, SWJ reported to cap about her findings and possible follow-up actions. Cap was impressed and praised her for doing well. SWJ was taken by surprise and asked if that was a compliment. OTS said it was and asked in return if that was not enough. SWJ said no. It was just that it sounded strange. (Anyone would be stumped by the new, not roaring but quite gentle OTS! Takes some getting use to)

d. In episode 7, SWJ was worried that OTS was not able to join the team for their retreat to celebrate the rookies' graduation when he was called back to the office by the station chief. SWJ asked the vice-cap if he was coming along on the coach. This was highlighted by Liquidfir earlier.

Of course, we have analysed to death OTS growing affection for SWJ in viewing the dance routine and THE TOUCH and THE LOOK sequence highlighted earlier.

News can be bought. Surprise ! Surprise!

In his debriefing to the station chief at about 14:32 mins, OTS told him that the real story was NOT the stabbing of the three-term Member of Parliament outside a restaurant at Myeongdong, downtown Seoul. Indeed, the 35 year old man (said to be mentally unstable) who allegedly stabbed the MP on the chest and leg, and seriously wounding him, was arrested shortly after the incident. The case seemed closed. Rather, OTS argued that the REAL story was the sale of the New City project to Yong Wan Construction at purportedly bargain prices. Apparently, the injured MP had backed YW Construction in his capacity as a member of the construction and transport parliamentary group/or some approving committee for the award of tender (???? Facts need further confirmation after I see the light, if at all!!! ) There seemed to be suggestion that the MP was on the take and in the pocket of YW Construction. Instead of encouraging OTS to pursue what could be an explosive scoop, the chief told him to drop the story and work on his weekend investigative programme as the launch date was brought forward by a week. His reasons? YW Group of companies wielded extensive political influence through their connections and many important, top-ranking officials were in their pocket. YW was also GBS' largest advertiser and sponsor. The chief was hinting to OTS that he must know where his bread was buttered.

This was brought up again when YW group held an emergency meeting to discuss ways to stop SWJ's story on the New City Development. One of the executives suggested bringing pressure to bear by withdrawing all YW advertisement and sponsorship with GBS. (The construction foreman (?) suggested killing her off to silence her. If you think this is shocking, wait till you hear what the CEO had to say. He said this was so 1980s!!! The President of the company tasked the CEO to look into the legal aspect (using their arsenal of legal heavyweights to sue SWJ into compliance and subsequently, silence) Meanwhile, they would look into her family and network of friends and colleagues and see if they could in anyway, try to stop the story. Hence, the introduction of SJH/Mr Pink shirt)


Will be back with the practice of bribery in a while......(I feel like the blind leading the blind).

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