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[drama 2008] Spotlight 스포트라이트

Guest f0reveralways

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just finished watching EP1.. and dling EP2

it's really fast paced and i loved the humor they put in it..

i found SS501's cameo was kinda off.. but nonetheless the episode had full of action.

i already love the character SWJ. she's determined with her work but she just keeps making mistakes.

edit: Yinok's grandpa is in spotlight?? i didnt recognize him yet!

yeayea i think itz the head of the politics department LOLLL the one who is always at odds with head of department mr ahn

i think tae seok really sees past her mistakes and knows that she has talent. and woo jin is not those sort who reports certain news just for coverage.

i think woo jin and tae seok belongs to the same category. they want to report the truth. nth but the truth

but i think woo jin hasnt realize her talent yet LOLLL

poor girl she is constantly bullied.

thanks for the pictures .i wonder how reporter lee and seo got into the mess .~

LOL...true Mr Ahn is quite fun to watch just that when he deliver that slap . he was abit scary .--;;;; , but the way the conversation continue .i think it 's..just certain resentment of what he had suffered before ,it isnt like serious hate or anything ..

actually i was quite surprised Reporter Oh took to the order of "digging" out news to nail Myeong Seung Daily quite actively!! the discussion they had in the team meeting was too funnnie ....nothing was worthy .of delivering that blow .so he had to go out for external source .

..keke i love how when that team leader of the myeong seung daily was just right beside them when reporter oh was talking to reporter seo at the corridoor . .and reporter oh was making such crude remarks about their paper ...that they are just good for the TV schedule hahahaha ~~ .and then she went and give the guy standing there the paper to throw ..into the bin ..~ jeeze .that guy must be boiling mad .~!

if i were the sister . i will have throw my laptop at his head .!! i hope the brother make up for it somehow ..~ ! ..well or at least not create any more trouble

oh does he knew ? actually i think he should be able to pick it up soon ...i wonder if she will go on to lure him out ? so much risk ~~ ....and those police ..i dun really have faith in their ability --;; ..

yea!!!! i think mr ahn sort of admire tae seok for his insolence LOLLLLLLL and his talent. but he cant get over the fact that tae seok doesnt listen to him.

and is so stubborn. LOLLL

i love the scene in episode 2 where by tae seok was talking to that scheming reporter from myeong seung (wadever his name was LOL)

and at the end of the very very very sarcastic conversation, tae seok was like "MWO!!!!! (what)"

the back ground music played when he stomped out of the room smells so much like "b**tard i am going to have my revenge"

he called his subordinate and told her to get the reporters (the kids) out and dig as much news as possible and that he dont need unimportant news.

he wants something huge LOLLLLL. the smell of revenge i say.

if i had a brother like woo's jin bro. i will sstuff him with kimchi and bury him alive to get fermented LOLLL

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Guest shuky

oh does he knew ? actually i think he should be able to pick it up soon ...i wonder if she will go on to lure him out ? so much risk ~~ ....and those police ..i dun really have faith in their ability --;; ..

This was what struck me when I was watching episode 1 - how far does one go to chase after the exclusive scoop/headline to the extent of putting one's life in harm's way. And for what? To salvage falling ratings or for professional pride? To satisfy the public's need and right to know? This got me a wee bit uncomfortable about the very nature of investigative journalism that was portrayed. Or perhaps this has been the scriptwriter's intent?

But, I like what the scriptwriter has so far tried to flesh out in terms of themes and moral dilemma: professionalism vs familial ties (SWJ being betrayed by her brother who was rightly or wrongly acting as a news hound first); the bruising competition between the papers and the TV station (each out to discredit the other, not just being the first to break the latest headline); the public's right to know vs obstruction of justice and police investigation. Like someone who had mentioned earlier in the thread, I was disturbed by what the police did to cover-up their incompetence. The team leader snatched away SWJ's recording under the guise of "obstructing police investigation and justice". I'm not too familiar with the korean system, but, shouldn't SWJ make it difficult for them by asking them to produce a court order first? Granted, she did try to put up a fight by trotting out the public's right to know as reason to keep the tape and the bullying tactics of the police left her with little room to protest. But, the fact that she allowed the police to browbeat her to submission only highlighted her inexperience. Perhaps the scriptwriter needed to show her inexperience as a newbie so as to show her professional growth before reaching a career peak as a news anchor at the end of the drama?

What I look forward to seeing in future episodes is for the scriptwriter to show what really drives SWJ as a journalist. So far, there's not much of a job satisfaction to speak of. As a newbie, her existence seems to be just for her senior to vent her anger on and to work her to the core. (BTW, don't you feel that SWJ is the ONLY reporter on the beat working hard? The rest seems to be in the newsroom too often to be chasing after leads or cultivating contacts) As a journalist, she doesn't get to go home much, is married to the police station where she sleeps (very little actually), eats and pounds the floor for leads. In fact, she hardly has the time to eat and clean herself (re: super fast make-up at the back of the cab). She is constantly scolded and punished by her senior and captain (re: standing at the corner with her hands up, I sure hope this is not the case in real life!). Unless the job pays a ton, which I doubt (perhaps it should be "even if"), I would imagine anyone would have thrown in the towel long ago. SWJ did allude to the fact that in spite of these "sufferings", she still wants to be a journalist in a particularly poignant scene in the reporters' quarters in the police station. The question is, why? Just so she could be a news anchor one day for the glamour? The passion for the job so as to witness and write the first draft of history?

I am looking forward to tomorrow's episode (although without the help of subs, it's really difficult to understand this dialogue-reliant and plot-driven drama) when the lines between the reporter (to report objectively without bias) and the newsmaker are blurred. And of course, how can anyone get enough of JJH, even with his awful hairdo? :)

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This was what struck me when I was watching episode 1 - how far does one go to chase after the exclusive scoop/headline to the extent of putting one's life in harm's way. And for what? To salvage falling ratings or for professional pride? To satisfy the public's need and right to know? This got me a wee bit uncomfortable about the very nature of investigative journalism that was portrayed. Or perhaps this has been the scriptwriter's intent?

ya.sometimes i just cant get over how much this kind of investigative journalism is hindering actual crime inestigation by legal authority ? you are placing yourself at risk as well as the matter too.

^^i think that is one of the issues to question in here

.the price of exclusive news vs the right of the public to know the truth . .sometimes it is about how you cross that line ..this kind of investigative journalism ..i am not sure how much of this is happening in the real journalism world ?.but most probably wont be by someone as inexperienced as her ?

btw , i love that competition too ..i never really place newspaper journalism and TV journalism in such light before .~

. The team leader snatched away SWJ's recording under the guise of "obstructing police investigation and justice". I'm not too familiar with the korean system, but, shouldn't SWJ make it difficult for them by asking them to produce a court order first? Granted, she did try to put up a fight by trotting out the public's right to know as reason to keep the tape and the bullying tactics of the police left her with little room to protest. But, the fact that she allowed the police to browbeat her to submission only highlighted her inexperience. Perhaps the scriptwriter needed to show her inexperience as a newbie so as to show her professional growth before reaching a career peak as a news anchor at the end of the drama?

i think her inexperience attributed to the way she had handled the entire situation .but also she had been working along these police officials for too long ...to a certain extend ..she might have not think of using such "legal way to get back her tape .

The question is, why? Just so she could be a news anchor one day for the glamour? The passion for the job so as to witness and write the first draft of history?

nod* .the rest of the reporters .seem to have a decent life ? while she does really have no life or is it because of the hierarchy ..but she must have someone also at the same level .

...and to think her mother was commenting why doesnt she work as newspaper journalist then a TV reporter..her brother was saying then she has higher chance of getting married .since she can be on TV --;;..

yup , i guess we will slowly get to know about what motivated her .when i looked at journalism , it does have an appeal with the influence they have over the masses and of course that satisfaction of the job but seriously .amongst the reporters out there . when they have been in this line for long ..does that passion keep burning ?

sigh too bad .tomorrow i wont be able to watch it on line ..hope you gus keep the discussion going ^^ ..

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actually i was rather in shocked when the police officer snatched away her recorder and quoting such a stupid reason for it.

i mean woo jin risked her life (the guy's a serial killer and robber) for that. and yes totally agree. the fact that the police can just

bullied her into submission highlights her inexperience and yes her incompetence at the MOMENT. LOLL

perhaps the author is trying to portray how her character, woo jin developes from an inexperience newbie reporter to a fully grown respectable reporter.i think right now, woo jin is still a semi newbie on the go and appearance of her team captain tae seok will allow her to make use of her talent and blossom into a experience reporter. i guess this is how the storyline will go.

before the appearance of tae seok... woo jin was constantly pressured by her team mates. and in one of the scene in episode 1.

she was looking at the wallpaper of her laptop. she was smiling brightly in the picture and i think it was taken when she first entered GBS.

and she then asked herself : am i still going to be a reporter.

woo jin was thinking about giving journalism up because

1. she probably cant handle the stress any longer

2. she wonders if this is really what she wants. if this is her passion

3. she feels that she has reached her saturation point

i think she is at a crossroad at that point of time. but before she can make anyform of decision, tae seok came back and resumed his position at GBC. thatz why i think he will be the one who will push her to her limits. ^^ not to mention they will probably fall in love with each other LOL despite his ahhhh ugly hair do.



ohhh shirley u cant watch it live tmr?

i dont know if i am going to watch it live coz everytime i want to, the tvants goes nuts and i will get really mad LOL

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Guest shuky

i think she is at a crossroad at that point of time. but before she can make anyform of decision, tae seok came back and resumed his position at GBC. thatz why i think he will be the one who will push her to her limits. ^^ not to mention they will probably fall in love with each other LOL despite his ahhhh ugly hair do.



ohhh shirley u cant watch it live tmr?

i dont know if i am going to watch it live coz everytime i want to, the tvants goes nuts and i will get really mad LOL

Oh no! With Shirley and you not watching it live, who will write the quick summary for tomorrow's episode :)? BTW, the summaries are most useful especially for those of us who don't know korean.

I totally agree with you that OTS will probably stretch SWJ's potential to the fullest and groom her to be a top-notch journalist, which reminds me of Robert Redford in "Up Close and Personal". Initially, I was a bit worried that OTS gave SWJ the tip-off to expose the shenanigans of their rival newspaper because he took pity on her (re: he saw her being scolded by the senior who basically told her to commit suicide, if I remember right). I would rather he did it because he saw some unpolished gem in her. Thankfully, she rose to the occasion and proved that she's no vacuous talking head prone to disasters with her analysis of the situation. If there's one skill OTS has taught her in episodes 1/2, it would be to sharpen her analytical skills. SWJ, jia you!

And yes, can't wait for the romance angle to surface although I wish that SWJ would fall for him not because she's beholden to him for helping her cut her teeth as a self-respecting journalist but as equals, with mutual respect and admiration.

*waves to koalabear . Thanks for the lovely caps, as always.

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Guest shuky

i think her inexperience attributed to the way she had handled the entire situation .but also she had been working along these police officials for too long ...to a certain extend ..she might have not think of using such "legal way to get back her tape .

sigh too bad .tomorrow i wont be able to watch it on line ..hope you gus keep the discussion going ^^ ..

I think that's the dilemma of sharing such a cozy relationship with the newsmaker. On the one hand, you need to be pally with them in order to work with them and get your leads. On the other, there's the professional side to treat them at arm's length, especially in this instance, when the public has every right to know the ineptness of the police and how they bungled the whole investigation (if you consider journalists as the fourth estate and serve as a check on the establishment). Perhaps the scriptwriter is trying to show the danger/ramifications of this blurring of boundaries between the reporter and the newsmaker, which will be expanded in episode 3? Is like, instead of being an unbiased bystander reporting on the event objectively, SWJ has inadvertently overstepped the mark and become part of the event-making process and as a result, putting her life at unnecessary risk.

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Oh no! With Shirley and you not watching it live, who will write the quick summary for tomorrow's episode :)? BTW, the summaries are most useful especially for those of us who don't know korean.

I totally agree with you that OTS will probably stretch SWJ's potential to the fullest and groom her to be a top-notch journalist, which reminds me of Robert Redford in "Up Close and Personal". Initially, I was a bit worried that OTS gave SWJ the tip-off to expose the shenanigans of their rival newspaper because he took pity on her (re: he saw her being scolded by the senior who basically told her to commit suicide, if I remember right). I would rather he did it because he saw some unpolished gem in her. Thankfully, she rose to the occasion and proved that she's no vacuous talking head prone to disasters with her analysis of the situation. If there's one skill OTS has taught her in episodes 1/2, it would be to sharpen her analytical skills. SWJ, jia you!

And yes, can't wait for the romance angle to surface although I wish that SWJ would fall for him not because she's beholden to him for helping her cut her teeth as a self-respecting journalist but as equals, with mutual respect and admiration.

*waves to koalabear . Thanks for the lovely caps, as always.

jeheheheh u have the greatest description!!! unpolished gem!!!!

anywayz yea i think they will fall in love with each other not because tae seok helps her out but because they love each other as equals hOHOHOHO cant wait.

i think currently tae seok still feels that woojin is under performing.

but i think he will change his mind soon enough. because of the serial killer/robber thing going on with woo jin.

she will put her life on the line for this piece of news i think because the serial killer thought she was some call girl of some sort

anywayz i will try to watch it live tmr or i will download the hq to give a brief summary. provided i can understand the korean.

because this drama is really very very very scripted once u dont understand what they are talking about u cant understand a thing.


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ohhh shirley u cant watch it live tmr?

i dont know if i am going to watch it live coz everytime i want to, the tvants goes nuts and i will get really mad LOL

Oh no! With Shirley and you not watching it live, who will write the quick summary for tomorrow's episode :)? BTW, the summaries are most useful especially for those of us who don't know korean.

yes , this week wed and thurs no good for me to watch online ~~. .so i will come here to see all your comments ~!^^ and download it as soon as possible !!

liquidfir i hope your tvants dun get werid on you !! ^ *! .Fighting ...i hope the GBS get their revenge back ! lol hahaha it sounds so unprofessional and unethical .. . reporter Oh wont like it

ahem : "...we should have justice and ." ^! .let the land rights scandal be exposed

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Guest markho826

To all fellows who dun like JJH's hair...

His role Oh Tae Suk is based on the story of a real character---->


I think it's the decision of the director or the production company to let JJH wear similar hair...

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yes , this week wed and thurs no good for me to watch online ~~. .so i will come here to see all your comments ~!^^ and download it as soon as possible !!

liquidfir i hope your tvants dun get werid on you !! ^ *! .Fighting ...i hope the GBS get their revenge back ! lol hahaha it sounds so unprofessional and unethical .. . reporter Oh wont like it

ahem : "...we should have justice and ." ^! .let the land rights scandal be exposed

i will try to watch online tmr.... LOLL itz been a while since i watched online...

since twssg LOLLL. and yeah. i hope they get their revenge. sounds childish but hey an eye for an eye LOLL

To all fellows who dun like JJH's hair...

His role Oh Tae Suk is based on the story of a real character---->


I think it's the decision of the director or the production company to let JJH wear similar hair...

LOLLL this is based on a true story..... ohhhh.... ook well despite the hair i still like JJH. he is such an amazing actor.

not to mention how charismatic

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Guest shuky

i will try to watch online tmr.... LOLL itz been a while since i watched online...

since twssg LOLLL.

LOLLL this is based on a true story.....

Hey..Thanks so much!!! hmmm..what can we do to make sure your connection remains buffer-free???

Thank you Markho826 for highlighting the point. Just out of curiosity, do you know more about this person?

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Hey..Thanks so much!!! hmmm..what can we do to make sure your connection remains buffer-free???

Thank you Markho826 for highlighting the point. Just out of curiosity, do you know more about this person?


yeah yeah skuky... weird calling u skuky... my name's amanda by the way ^^

good question. markho826... do u know more about this person????? what kind of reporter is he etc.


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ok preview out

3회 ㅣ 2008-05-21 주요장면 미리보기 :

조회 :

우진과 태석이 탄 헬기가 명성일보 사주의 저택 상공에 뜨자 당장 GBS 보도국으로

전화가 걸려온다. 뉴스 스포트라이트의 특별 코너인 '탐사저널' 취재 건이 우진에게

배당되고, 우진은 순철과 함께 동대문에서 가이드가 일본인 관광객들을 데리고 짝

퉁 명품을 쇼핑시킨다는 것을 취재한다. 순철의 어색한 일어 때문에 취재를 날려버

릴 위기에 처하지만 우진의 기지로 우진과 순철은 현장을 빠져나오고, 우진은 몰래

숨겨놓았던 카메라를 보며 즐거워한다.

우진의 지독한 훈계에 열이 받은 순철은 만취상태로 경찰서에 복귀해 팬티 차림으

로 자다가 명성일보 여기자에게 고의성 없는 접촉을 한다. 성추행으로 고소 하겠다

는 여기자를 우진이 설득해보지만 여기자는 고소 취하하지 않겠다고 맞선다. 태석

은 국장에게 이 사건을 사주 비리 기사와 맞바꾸면 안 된다고 말하지만 결국 그 뉴스

는 방송되지 못한다.

4회 ㅣ 2008-05-22 주요장면 미리보기 :

조회 :

장진규로부터 연락을 받은 우진은 한참을 망설이다가 캡 태석에게 보고하고, 취재

에 성공해보이겠다는 결심을 보여주지만 태석은 우진의 안전을 담보할 수 없다며 반

대한다. 한 사내가 무인경보시스템을 피하기 위한 신종수법인 우비와 우산으로 무장

하고 금은방을 턴다. 경찰에서 CCTV를 확인한 결과 그 범인은 장진규임이 드러나

고, 이 CCTV 화면을 타 방송사인 SNS가 선독점하며 GBS는 비상이 걸린다.

태석은 우진을 비롯한 전 사회부 기자들을 집합시키고, 우진은 순철이 시경에 있으

면서도 이번 CCTV를 확보하지 않아 그에 대한 벌로 내근을 한다. 현장에 투입되지

못하고 전화만 받고 있는 상황에서 장진규에게서 전화가 오고, 우진은 혈혈단신으

로 장진규를 만나기 위해 GBS를 빠져나간다.

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Oh no! With Shirley and you not watching it live, who will write the quick summary for tomorrow's episode :)? BTW, the summaries are most useful especially for those of us who don't know korean.

I totally agree with you that OTS will probably stretch SWJ's potential to the fullest and groom her to be a top-notch journalist, which reminds me of Robert Redford in "Up Close and Personal". Initially, I was a bit worried that OTS gave SWJ the tip-off to expose the shenanigans of their rival newspaper because he took pity on her (re: he saw her being scolded by the senior who basically told her to commit suicide, if I remember right). I would rather he did it because he saw some unpolished gem in her. Thankfully, she rose to the occasion and proved that she's no vacuous talking head prone to disasters with her analysis of the situation. If there's one skill OTS has taught her in episodes 1/2, it would be to sharpen her analytical skills. SWJ, jia you!

And yes, can't wait for the romance angle to surface although I wish that SWJ would fall for him not because she's beholden to him for helping her cut her teeth as a self-respecting journalist but as equals, with mutual respect and admiration.

*waves to koalabear . Thanks for the lovely caps, as always.

I haven't seen both episode 1 and 2 in its entirety so I really have to watch it again from the start though I enjoy what you guys have been discussing so far..too bad Woojin isn't that really great yet but I'm looking forward to the episodes where she will establish herself as a good journalist...aside from Oh Tae-suk's character...I'm not sure if somebody mentioned this before but Son Ye-jin's character is also based in a real life MBC Reporter which I forgot who she is... if I could find her name though...

Shuky **waves** nice to see you here again ^ ^ I 'm wondering if you will do the summaries for us but we are both struggling with our Korean... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest ovette

wow! looks like most of those who watched On Air are in here! *waves*

i haven't gotten round to watching it yet (d/l the 1st epi), but hopefully, this will satisfy my post On Air cravings. hehe. :)

^ Haha, nice to see you here ^_^

Planning to continue with Spotlight since On Air ended (:

The first episode so far was rather good.

great to see ya here as well :) still having post symptoms. .

EP2 was as good as EP1.. it was funny when WJ applied makeup in the taxi really fast.

i dont understand why Myung Eun keeps scolding WJ.. arent they from the same batch? is she a senior of WJ?

i also believe OTS will bring back WJ's confidence and drive in broadcasting. she has been making a lot of mistakes in the past, so she considered quitting. with OTS around, WJ will be more guided.

preview looks good. seems like WJ will be praised for her work. they rode the helicopter to follow up the investigation WJ did right? what were the files that were sent to her?

i love the concept of WJ as a field reporter.. the audience could really see how tough and dirty the job is. frequenting the police stations and extents of becoming a detective and disguising in search of truth. :)

cant wait to see EP3.. i hope ratings would eventually go up!

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great to see ya here as well :) still having post symptoms. .

EP2 was as good as EP1.. it was funny when WJ applied makeup in the taxi really fast.

i dont understand why Myung Eun keeps scolding WJ.. arent they from the same batch? is she a senior of WJ?

i also believe OTS will bring back WJ's confidence and drive in broadcasting. she has been making a lot of mistakes in the past, so she considered quitting. with OTS around, WJ will be more guided.

preview looks good. seems like WJ will be praised for her work. they rode the helicopter to follow up the investigation WJ did right? what were the files that were sent to her?

i love the concept of WJ as a field reporter.. the audience could really see how tough and dirty the job is. frequenting the police stations and extents of becoming a detective and disguising in search of truth. :)

cant wait to see EP3.. i hope ratings would eventually go up!

as of now, i think my fav scene was in epi 2 when TS gave WJ leads to follow up the report. LOLLLL

they couldnt contact/find her. she off her handphone

and when she came back she smiled at him in the meeting room and he sort of smiled back.


and the cute part was when they were discussing what WJ found out.

at the end of the conversation he said : "how dare u cut of all forms of communication just because u went to check on these 'little things' "

LOLLLLL and he punished her by making her stand outside the office with her arms up LOLLLL funnie

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Guest ovette

watching live. .

LOL even WJ's oppa was suspected of being a spy.

WJ has a huge appetite and even ate some of OTS's rice. he's also gave a major lecture to WJ which i think is good for her. so she could correct her mistakes.

i really wanna see WJ outbeat ME. she's so mean and constantly looks down on her.

like was in the preview. WJ and her junior were in disguise. they disguised as japanese.. way too funny. SC didnt know how to say something in japanese and ended up saying the term in korean. good thing their cover was not blown. but he was fiddling to much with the hidden camera that the owner discovered it.. arrgg couldve went very smoothly. Seung Chul was so reckless since it was his first time :P

luckily, WJ was able to record it in her phone.

people from the two rival stations (including OTS and WJ's bro) met in the street and some tension rose.

OTS in the taxi on his way home, watches news about his father and asks the channel to be changed.

CS was extremely drunk after being a failure in his first assignment. went to the station to sleep. since it was dark he didnt see people, and slept undressed. next morning, he was holding the breast of one of the reporter sleeping there (Reporter Jang) and sent him to the police station for molestation (?). LOL.

Jang Jin Gyu calls and asks to meet her.. the meeting will be shown on tomorrow's episode! the police tried to catch Jin Gyu but caught someone who just dressed like him and also was in a phone booth

preview : WJ and criminal meets. OTS calls WJ and looks very worried. criminal gets the phone from WJ while OTS is still talking. Jin Gyu realizes who she is and pulls out a rifle ready to shoot her.. OH NO!

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poor TS got airsick LOLLLLL so funnie. and then WJ wanted to eat something and they went to a restaurant

and i think TS 'reprimanded" WJ. not exactly but i think he was giving her advice for improvement LOL. poor WJ couldnt even eat in peace in think.

WJ was worried that the news that they got might not be able to get broadcast.

TS said he will do it his way so she dont have to worry

they went back to the office and everyone congratulated them for having a huge news.

TS asked mr ahn if the news can be broad casted. mr ahn said of course. he will hit it as a headline on 'spotlight'

WJ's brother called her and told her the news cannot get out else, there will be nth left between them as siblings LOL.

WJ then said then the news HAS to get out.

I think TS mentioned something about the leads she received.

and WJ got abit pissed.

i think she told him: someone believed in me and send me the leads.



WJ is trying to get some news but nth comes up. she then thought of the serial killer jang jin gyu.

she reports this in the meeting. saying that the killer did mentioned that he will call her back.

but TS rejects the idea because he said the police is probably trying to ambush so he will not call.

(something like that LOLLL)


hahahhaha WJ's mum told her to go on a blind date. the mum told her the guy is from stanford LOLL.

then WJ said isnt that the same school tablo's from? her mum then replied: tablo?

WJ: a singer

Mum:your friend?


the junior reporter under WJ (no idea wadz his name). he got drunk after he almost ruin the task allocated to WJ by TS. (the news was about fake branded hand bags near dong dae mun i think)

while he was drink he took off all his clothes at the police station and when he woke up. he was grabbing the breast of a myeong seung daily reporter. and the lady refuses to drop the charges


after that my tv ants went mad and i had to restart my computer.


i only manage to see the preview.

HOHOHOHO WJ received a call from jang jin gyu and she is going ahead to meet her despite

the objection from TS. TS called her on the phone while she was with jang Jin Gyu.

then the scene showed Jang Jin Gyo holding a rifle pointing it at WJ.

HOIHOHOHO cant wait for tmr's epi


arhg dammmmm IMBC has no paid preview for tmr's episode yet.... WHYYYYY i cant wait...

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