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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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What happened to Mr. Hwang ?? is he finally be the last criminal left standing ?? This is like the death chain of Final Destination movie...

The funny thing about eps 55 is .. DC n YR are on a run, they had nothing but the clothes on their back and a suit case. It was trivial to answer how did DC got a decent suit and HOW THE HECK DID HE AFFORD TO PUT SUCH A BIG DIAMOND ROCK ON YR FINGER ! that is hilarious .. C'mon I know they got endorsement from Swarovski but it doesn't make much sense .. I would thought they'd go for something small and sweet ..

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I think DC probably rented the suit as he left YR alone while returning her gown and in that scene, you saw he changed from that suit.

As for the diamond, it looked like they exchange the same rings as in the dream wedding ...haha..probably the production crew gets sloppy. I guess DC in a sense is established even he is on the run. So I think he can afford it but the question is has he been carrying the rings all along :D

What happened to Mr. Hwang ?? is he finally be the last criminal left standing ?? This is like the death chain of Final Destination movie...

The funny thing about eps 55 is .. DC n YR are on a run, they had nothing but the clothes on their back and a suit case. It was trivial to answer how did DC got a decent suit and HOW THE HECK DID HE AFFORD TO PUT SUCH A BIG DIAMOND ROCK ON YR FINGER ! that is hilarious .. C'mon I know they got endorsement from Swarovski but it doesn't make much sense .. I would thought they'd go for something small and sweet ..

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Guest aquala

Sad ending.....thank you to the writers for making me feel horrible that the baby won't have a father.

I thought overall the drama dragged, especially with the repeated storylines (e.g. Guk Ja kidnapped 3 times) and underdeveloped characters that were thrown in out of nowhere.

This would have probably been an excellent drama if it were cut down to 24 episodes so the story could have been better focused!

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Guest daisy_changstah

Here's what I think about East of Eden. Overall, I would have to say that I am not satisfy with this drama. There are so much that could have happened with the many draggy plots. Also, the ending felt so incomplete, and almost rush. In a way, the ending was not as I had expected. Too abrupt and sudden. Oh well... I had enjoyed this drama, but I won't be watching it a second time.

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Guest kchild702

kchild702, thanks for the translation. Appreciated it.

Seems cannot believe that the drama really ended :w00t:


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Guest crazy lulu

Just in case any of you weren't sure, Dong Chul CLEARLY dies in the end. =) The story obviously builds the drama up to end sadly, even tragically, with the great amount of violence and dark themes of betrayal, vengeance, etc. But I'm glad the characters rose above these evil themes. If the writers were dumb, which they definitely weren't, they would've made Dong Wook die, making the vengeance circle come all the way around to hit the Shin family, but the characters and storyline proved themsleves as more than just petty anger and bitterness.

Sad. If Lee Da Hae had stayed, I'm POSITIVE she would've been with Dong Wook!! They would've made a great match. If only she hadn't left. =(

Anyhow...I loved EOE, even though it got a little bit draggy. =) Definitely a Korean drama on my list of awesome k-dramas. =) Adieu, EOE. =)

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I agree with Daisy...the ending of EOE is a rush job its too abrupt. The last scene with the baby was silly to me. The first half of EOE was good. Some earlier scenes were completely unnecessary ...like bringing in the replacement of Lee Da Hae. Nothing came of it. And the scenes where DW ran from home after finding MH there that scene happened twice it makes him look stupid. The writers could have done a better job with the ending to make it memorable.

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Guest _0423

Just finished the ending, and I just feel so ugh but i'm slowly recovering and getting closure haha.

I knew from the beginning that DC was probably going to die, but I was really hoping, each and every episode that he wouldn't.

I just felt that he deserved to have happiness and live on with everyone he loves.

What i'm most upset is that he lived his whole life for others and yet he died.

Well, thank goodness this is just a drama and SSH is still alive and kicking. xD

So in my mind, DC isn't dead until SSH dies. :P

It was a long journey, I can't believe we all watched consistently for 7 long months.

It was hands down one of my most most favorites, despite all the dragginess.

Btw, I just wanted to ask, could anyone share with me the songs beyond OST2?

I really loved the new tracks but sadly there was no OST3.

Thanks in advance!

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Guest zephyr

the ending suck so bad! DW should take the bullet for DC and die not DC, hello writer! DW should die along with his evil father. yeah it was really stupid. the girl that replaced LDH came in for nothing. so many flaws here. well i'm glad it ended LOL getting too long and boring.

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For me, the ending didn't suck because DongChul died (there are a lot of series where the hero dies), but because it was so unsatisfying and unrealistic (how can DongWook become evil just like that? And after reading some papers he turns to the good side again?) and I think the NEW writer did a very sloppy job. Also how could ShinTaeHwan die just like that? And Mr. Hwang escapes with the money and lives a good life?

The ending was very unsatisfying and leaves a lot of open gaps to fill in.

Still, I enjoyed watching the whole series. I think the actors and actresses did a great job!

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Guest fjkuan

What happened to Mr. Hwang ?? is he finally be the last criminal left standing ?? This is like the death chain of Final Destination movie...

The funny thing about eps 55 is .. DC n YR are on a run, they had nothing but the clothes on their back and a suit case. It was trivial to answer how did DC got a decent suit and HOW THE HECK DID HE AFFORD TO PUT SUCH A BIG DIAMOND ROCK ON YR FINGER ! that is hilarious .. C'mon I know they got endorsement from Swarovski but it doesn't make much sense .. I would thought they'd go for something small and sweet ..

As for the ring, DC did inherit to manage Gook's fortune. The casino, and business interests. So it's not surprising DC can afford the diamond ring he put on YR. He's also gotten money from the deals he helped Gook and from the electronics company. The drama did not emphsize on DC shopping for a diamond ring. I think he could have already bought the diamond beforehand when he knew he was going to wed YR back in Roseville (where they had the "honeymoon"). Who knows, there could have been a jewelry shop where they stayed where he bought the ring. It doesn't matter.

Mr. Hwang's appearance at the end was a loose end. It was not clear what happened to him, just that he killed STH's assisstant and took his money and escaped everything. The ending was too rushed and was not tidy, sloppy.

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I would like to know what happened to DC's father dreams. It was not tied up as well. I agree that we should have a jump ahead a few years after the shooting event to see what happen to the Kwangwon-do Project, Guk's empire, Tae shing Group.

Mr. Hwang's appearance at the end was a loose end. It was not clear what happened to him, just that he killed STH's assisstant and took his money and escaped everything. The ending was too rushed and was not tidy, sloppy.
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Guest SimplyKel

I'm glad i skipped to the last episode

I'm not happy with the ending at all.

in my opinion this drama is beyond dragging.

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Guest FakeBirD

What ever happened to the daughter of Dong Wook's boss that went to work for the newspaper? She just totally disappeared from the story? There was hope that she would basically develop into something with Dong Wook, but seems she was completely just a fill in.?!!?? Or did I miss something? :angry:

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Guest fjkuan

She left the show a number of episode back. I believe her departure was both related to health issues and lack of direction of her character.

They seem to have problems throughout the drama with this character. The writers could not develope this character to amount to anything. It's ashame that some characters are brought into the drama, but it's inconclusive to what they mean to the characters they're suppose to relate to and then they just disappear without any reason. It shows that the story is not well laid out and the writing is sloppy. The ending seems like they just needed to finish for the sake of finishing.

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Guest arinkorin

finally, I have finished watching the last episode.

urgh, the ending was so sad! :(

yes, I agree that DC clearly dies in the end.

The ending was not that bad as I've seen worse endings that left me being upset more than this one. (ehem ehem, for example, 'What Happened in Bali' >_<)

to make DC die in the end was acceptable, even though it was sad!

but the way they rushed the ending was quite disappointing and the last scene where they showed DC seeing them from 'above' was unnecessary. I think it's better if they stopped the drama at the moment DC died instead.

YJH and LYH did their crying well when DC was about to die. *tears*

overall, I think this drama has a good plot.

but the way it was portrayed had some little flaws here and there.

the writer and director could have worked it better.

I am going to miss East of Eden.

don't feel to bad about the ending, let's take the good things that happened throughout the drama.

I'm sure some of us don't care that much about the controversy surrounding the drama all these while and focused on the storyline itself, right?? ;)

EoE fighting! ^^

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finally, I have finished watching the last episode.

urgh, the ending was so sad! :(

yes, I agree that DC clearly dies in the end.

The ending was not that bad as I've seen worse endings that left me being upset more than this one. (ehem ehem, for example, 'What Happened in Bali' >_<)

to make DC die in the end was acceptable, even though it was sad!

but the way they rushed the ending was quite disappointing and the last scene where they showed DC seeing them from 'above' was unnecessary. I think it's better if they stopped the drama at the moment DC died instead.

YJH and LYH did their crying well when DC was about to die. *tears*

overall, I think this drama has a good plot.

but the way it was portrayed had some little flaws here and there.

the writer and director could have worked it better.

I am going to miss East of Eden.

don't feel to bad about the ending, let's take the good things that happened throughout the drama.

I'm sure some of us don't care that much about the controversy surrounding the drama all these while and focused on the storyline itself, right?? ;)

EoE fighting! ^^

same here i'm really gonna miss EOE...the story and as well as the characters themselves...

DC's ending was really hard to accept (being a SSH fan among other things) ...especially when it was established in the same episode DW's tears of "awakening" of his hyung's sacrifice for him...at HK bank safe he held a picture of DC and YR @ their early days in Macau...that scene was really moving and powerful for me and i can picture his heart started to see the overall picture that all he was doing was hurting DC, the LEEs and ultimately himself on what he has done on the previous few episodes...

the way they present the previews of ep56 after ep55 by showing the family all happy with what seems to be the child of YR and DC...really deceived the audience including me...that it was gonna be alright...that whatever bad things may happen at the end...DC will pull thru again just like he did many times before...

but of course that wasn't the case...and it put us, the audience in an awkward spot of "trying to understand" why??? why must he die?? :tears:

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Feel strange that this weekend is not checking for previews of EOE. I am missing EOE. However I didn't have the urge to go back to watch some of the episodes because watching it brings the memory of the sad finale.

I wondered whether the Japanese fans are aware of the ending. They probably will catch wind of it somehow. Will be interested to see how they take it.

Well, I guess in April when Japan airs EOE, we will hopefully get some more EOE news then. Hope to see at least part of the cast doing some promotion event in Japan together.

EOE Fighting :)

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Guest Crichton

Well, I just watched episode #56 with subtitles, and even knowing the ending, it was even worse than I had assumed.

I mean, it was like "snap", after some words from Rebecca, of all people, DW suddenly comes to his senses. I mean, DW has been tracking STH crimes for almost all of his life...it doesn't make any sense that even for a little while he should think "his father wasn't all that bad." And his shocked reaction to Rebecca's list of his crimes..again, these are the same things DW planned to nail STH from the moment he became a prosecuter. Whatever.

And then the cheap way they practically re-wrote Rebecca's story! I mean, really, having STH kidnap Rebecca, cut her open, kill her child, and dump its remains on a cliff was actually a great motivation for driving her to the extremes she went to. But now, all that wasn't nearly as painful "as being rejected by the man she loved with all her heart". I mean, really, getting dumped was suppose to be more painful than her child's murder? The real motivation behind everything she did was STH breaking it off with her...???!!!!!

And also, I don't share the opinion with some of you that the ending is "clear". I actually would appreciate it the story more if it was clear. DC gets shot and then it fades to this horribly edited, bizarre scene where everyone is smiling goofily and talking to DC from his place in the clouds as he ascends to heaven!! In what century is that clear cut? It's a ridiculously open ended resolution. I feel like, after following these characters through over 50 episodes, we're all just left not knowing what happened to them. This isn't a hero dying in a classically tragic story, it's a copout, leave it to the viewer ending. Ugh.

I'm not one of those "in denial, die hard, DC just can't die" viewers. I was taking the whole thing seriously, crying and appreciating seeing DW back to his normal self, before they cut to that goofy, goofy, scene. It's obviously a fantasy...DC could have had it before dying, or maybe he just went into shock and is being rushed in the ambulance as he fantasizes....what was filmed is not at all conclusive. Just bizzare.

Toss in the half a dozen subplots just left by the wayside...just ridiculously poor storytelling. Whoever wrote or decided on the last 12 episode should look into another profession.

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