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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest silentmeteor

ok, its 56 now. O_o

i love the scene of Lee's family. altough its kinda sad (+depressing) because theres no presence of Dong Wook.

the acceptance of Lee's to Myung Hyun is something that i admire of.

not to forget the scene of our guk ja and dong chul.

waaa, n they're getting married!

im the happiest person on earth! lol!

thinking eoe is about to end, my heart aches.

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Guest beibe87

Ep 51 is showcasing HJH's professional acting skill. You really can see and feel the different acting standard of JH and YR interaction in the opening scene.Their on screen emotions depicting their characters are on vastly different scale.HJH has really come a long way since summer scent. Kudos to her for bringing a classic protrayal of jH character to the screen.Now I understand what HJH meant in her message about not understanding her character. The writer and PD have mess up who JH really stand for. Is she going to be a villian or a victim?The last few episodes have been mixed. I think the writers and PD are just as mixed up in the first place.Clearly they do not have any idea themselves and which direction to take!At this late stage, it makes more sense for JH to leave the country with TH at the end.

i'm disagree with that..for me, i see the improvement acting of LYH..in the scene when she acts with HJH, u might think that she looks emotionless and shows her cold emote..but that's part of her acting..and i was impressed with that.. she can deliver the msgs to the audience bout the character of YR..she portray YR character greatly..thus, we got the feeling how cold his heart or how stubborn she is tru her face expression and they way she speak to other..

when i saw the scene when she speak with JH, i couldn't help myself to get intense with their conversation..i love how she checkmate JH tru her words..simple but quite hurting actually..and i was impressed with her expression while saying those lines..i said to myself : "HIGH FIVE FOR YOU YR! U HAVE TO SAY MORE HURTFUL WORDS TO HER AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE IN THE FUTURE" lol

as for HJH, we all knew how great she is, but it doesn't mean that LYH can't do that well neither..coz both of them have different character..which means that each character has different expression to express their own emotion..as for JH, she quite open to show her emotion, she scream and crying hardly when she has to, and she also show how great her pain is tru his evil-look whenever she saw DC' mom..

in contrast with HJH, LYH plays YR character which a bit cold-hearted, lonely, rude, thus she acts emotionless tru her facial expression eventhough she curse some1 or saying bad words..but when she need to shout her heart out, she scream it out greatly..when she crying, she can show us how painful she is, same thing happen when see feel sad whenever she see DC's family, she show her lonely expression greatly as well..

thus, personally i dont think that she didn't acted well on that scene..it simply because her expression on that scene is part of her act as YR..

thanks a lot! u made my day..really.. :blush:

u were right AIDAA

East Of Eden another 2 more eps added.


i'll cut it short.

Due to the lack of readiness of the writer, and some complicated issues they are adding 2 more eps.

East Of Eden will end at Eps. 56

OMG! i can't wait to see the ending..why he need to add some episodes again?? :wacko: ..it make me curious bout the end even more.. <_<

thanks for the info

ahhhhhhhhh now i understand when EOE fans who were present at the shooting described LYH..."she looks like an angel" :blush:

they were 100% rite! she looks sooooooooooo pretty!

i admire her natural looks

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u know this case they r trying to bring out is the same case of samsung's former chairman,ceo. I think the writer is trying to portray the fact that is hard to bring a giant down.

i was a bit curious about it too...maybe... :blink:

i think that is just Guk's dream of LDC & GYR getting married.

and what did LDW do to GYR in the preview that make LDC hit him?

and LDW mentioned YR's name at the end of the preview of next episode. anyone care to translate?

"i can forgive you for other things...but don't ever touch (hurt??) YR!! "

something to that context...sorry i'm still a newbie in understanding korean

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Guest edenlove

thus, personally i dont think that she didn't acted well on that scene..it simply because her expression on that scene is part of her act as YR..

Agreed. At this part of the drama, actors and actresses of EOE put in a great job in their characters.


Due to the lack of readiness of the writer, and some complicated issues they are adding 2 more eps.

East Of Eden will end at Eps. 56

Lack of readiness refer to the follow-up drama?


Per MyDaily/Sina news today, the other explanations given were:

- TV rating (I guess they mean EOE's consistent rating earned good advertisements)

- the new drama is not ready (being a replacement of earlier planned drama which did not materialise)

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Guest kchild702

Agreed. At this part of the drama, actors and actresses of EOE put in a great job in their characters.

Lack of readiness refer to the follow-up drama?


Per MyDaily/Sina news today, the other explanations given were:

- TV rating (I guess they mean EOE's consistent rating earned good advertisements)

- the new drama is not ready (being a replacement of earlier planned drama which did not materialise)

is that what that site say?

TV ratings they had a meeting, and its stil lnot enough. they r still loosing $25-30grand per eps. some advertisers r regreting what they have signed up for.

IF thats what it say.... i'll just leave it at that. we might talk too much about this issue.

the yahoo is saying EDEN have lots of excuses for this and that and extending it. oh and they said they had a meeting on weather they should extended for 2 more or not a month ago, and the said we'll SEE. they r basically saying 56 can change again to 58 or who knows.

ooooo thats chinese website didnt know about that. maybe they have better 411 on this.

oh and 2uss,

i'm telling u this case is just like samsungs former chairman, and ceo Lee Kun Lee case.

you know how samsung bribed hundreds of high ranking people. Special prosecutors, the boss, judges, atorney general, senators. u name it.......they bribed it.

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Though it's not a real wedding ceremony but it's really symbolic to me. A father's dream to see his only princess handed to the right man, right person. Who will always by her side and replace him to protect her. And before he closes his eyes, he saw it in DC's eyes. I wish he can say those words to them.




I really get pissed of with LDW's act. He so reckless in his act and he even now become so means just like STH. How could on earth he drag dying man and forcedly took him out from his beds. Which is can caused his death instantly. Is he out of his minds?? Is he insane now?? Oh God … please let our old LDW, who is very kind hearted and fight for true justice come back!!


"DC .. live well … I'm sorry … and thank you"


He so angry when he heard the tape, but at same time he still cannot justify which is right and wrong. He is now lead by his anger, his hatred and demon, the other dark side of him is the dominant and control our LDW from to think properly.

STH received the same copy of the tape (gosh .. really miss so much old times, when I used tape to record my fav song from radio, I still have my old back street boys tape … and it's so good to recall it back … kekeke) and same time DW rush to his place and burst out angry at him


He told STH, it's over .. LDW prosecutor is over .. and when he say those words .. now I got confused .. actually who Is against too … I thought it should be STH .. but now he .. this is so confuse to me. And I can't read his minds anymore or predict what he is thinking actually. Is he getting revenge over LDC because he accepts and approved Shin Myung-Hun as hi blood brother? Is he getting revenge over LDC because he accept SMH who stole his loves (JH) and his family (Lee's family) and make him an "orphan" and give him the title "STH the Lee Ki-Chul's killer's son" and make him as "villain and an evil" too? Is this the reason now??


He asked STH what he gonna to do with the tape thingy? (well so obvious he wants STH destroy the tape/proof)

Poor JH, she must be scared so much in the room. It took all her brave to surrender herself for investigation.


And STH didn't do anything. At same time STH is plan to kidnap Young-Ran. And at hospital, DW pay a "visit" and handed to DC a warrant to arrest YR (I think it's a warrant) but DC make a deal with him. He will not mentioned and expose the tape but with condition he will let YR go and as well to release some man (work in casino and arrested by LDW).



Okay this is actually one of important scene today. President Gook has whispered something to DW and from his expression I know it must be a big secret. But I really couldn't get what he said. So … any soulmate there can give translation of this scene .. will be so much appreciate.



Looking forward on SMH confession and told JH "I love you" .. i hope she will accept his love completely now ..

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really pretty..in a snow with the ppl you love the most..

they seem to have fun shooting the scene..

I can c that YOON HEE is very close with the guy that plays her father ..MBC Awards she gave him flowers after he received the awards..

n with SEUNGHEON..she seems friendly.. we wish for more ..eeehehe..

cant wait 4 2days ep..

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Guest savingwork

Some highlights of ep 52

Very disappointing to say the least, and very sad as well.

DC is getting pressure from both sides as Jacky is telling him to stop his brother DW from indicting his workers at the casino for drug smuggling charges or else YR life will be in danger.

DC says he cannot do that precisely because DW is his brother. Why do I have a bad feeling that DW will lead DC to his death. :crazy:

Yet DW is rejecting DC who was showing him proof of STH involvement. DW tore the tape and still ordered the carrying of almost dead Guk. But Guk died on the way in the ambulance. DC ordered them to turn to the hospital. When they arrived, DW went crazy because they went off course. DC gets really angry and punched him. DW punched back with no regret and that really made DC very sad… :tears: DW is completely possessed with his ambition :fury:

DW went to STH office, where STH had a meeting with the guy from Macau( the one betraying Guk), and DW was angry at STH because of the tapes. Screaming shouting… I don’t know but I think STH tells DW something important as DW regains himself and listens?

Whatever is going on DW is really being evil and only seeking after his own self interest. I wonder what Guk whisperd into DW ears before he passed away; whatever it was DW behavior hasn't changed. The SON has surpassed the FATHER. <_<, hasn't he? Even JH was left alone in the cold facing criminal charges regarding TS; of course its STH dirty methods that got her there, but where is he to take the blame? he sends JH :tears:

During Guk funeral(?):

Again the guy form Macau and his men trying to hurt YR (cannot they give her a break so that she can properly grieve her dad, so inconsiderate :angry: ). Anyway of course DC and YR were able to escape. They went to the church where they were met by the priest. I though they were going to get married!! :sweatingbullets:silly me! But no; Pres. Guk body was there in the coffin. I’m happy for YR gets to grieve properly for her father. DC YR cried and a dream of them getting married and Guk approving them and everyone looks so happy. Why must it be a dream??? SOrry Guys, NO REAL WEDDING :tears: .

Preview 53

DC YR in burial site for Guk and they remember all the happy times they spent together with him.

JH in jail, MH visit and said he loves her.

MH is in DA office (is he willing to take blame instead of JH?)

YCH meets STH, DC and DW hurry to see them (?)

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