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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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Guest jiwoneex3

WOAH (after looking at the wedding pictures) <3 !

i'm so happpy.

but i keep thinking about who'll be the best man, even though it's unimportant, and idk if they even have those.

but god, imagine it was MH, i'd be so mad ):

although DW would refuse and also be a pain in the richard simmons.

okay, i'll stop thinking about it.

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WOAH (after looking at the wedding pictures) <3 !

i'm so happpy.

but i keep thinking about who'll be the best man, even though it's unimportant, and idk if they even have those.

but god, imagine it was MH, i'd be so mad ):

although DW would refuse and also be a pain in the richard simmons.

okay, i'll stop thinking about it.

i think it will be a quite wedding with GUK, DC n YR.. or it can just be the two of them. , or just GUK's imagination of his daughter getting married..

but a grand wedding would b nice just before the finale of this long series

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Daily TV Rating - [Monday 2009-02-23]


Nationwide Rank / Show / Network / Nationwide Rating / Seoul Rating + Rank {if different from Nationwide}

Boys Over Flower <꽃보다 남자> episode 15 (KBS2) - 32.4%

East Of Eden <에덴의동쪽> (MBC) - 23.2%


Nationwide Rank / Show / Network / Nationwide Rating / Seoul Rating + Rank {if different from Nationwide}

1. Cruel Temptation / Lure Of Wife <아내의유혹> (SBS) - 34.4%, 32.8%

2. Boys Over Flower <꽃보다 남자> episode 15 (KBS2) - 29.2%, 28.5%

3. East Of Eden <에덴의동쪽> (MBC) - 24.7%, 26.5%

4. The Road Home <집으로가는길> (KBS1) - 21.8%, 21.4%

5. KBS 9 News (KBS1) - 15.6%, 15.2% (#6)

6. White Lie <하얀거짓말> (MBC) - 15.3%, 16.2% (#5)

7. Don't Cry My Love / I Love You, Don't Cry <사랑해울지마> (MBC) - 13.4%, 14.5%

8. SBS 8 News (SBS) - 13.3%, 14.2%

9. Yasimmanman 2 야심만만2 (SBS) - 12.8%, 13.2% (#10)

10. Korean Language Competition 우리말겨루기 (KBS1) - 12.5%, 12.5% (#12)

11. Innocent You / Purity <순결한당신> (SBS) - 12.0%, 13.2% (#10)

11. TV Law Firm Solomon TV로펌솔로몬 (SBS) - 12.0%, 12.2% (#13)

13. MBC News Desk (MBC) - 11.7%, 13.3% (#9)

14. Global Talk Show / Beauty Talks 미녀들의수다 (KBS2) - 11.3%, 11.3% (#16)

15. 6 Hour (KBS1) - 11.2.%, 11.5% (#14)

16. Yoo Jae-Seok Kim Won-Hee Come To Play 유재석김원희의놀러와 (MBC) - 11.0%, 11.3%

17. Crisis Escape Number One 위기탈출넘버원 (KBS2) - 10.9%, 10.7% (#19)

18. Splendor Of Youth / Glory Of Youth <청춘예찬> (KBS1) - 10.2%, % (BT20)

18. Wife And Woman <아내와여자> ( KBS2) - 10.2%, 10.8% (#18)

20. MBC Sports News (MBC) - 10.1%, 11.5% (#14)

Here He Comes / He Is Coming Back <그분이오신다> (MBC) - % (BT20), 9.8% (#20)

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Guest tn.serendipity

DC and YR deserve their happiness...

I want to see DC punch DW ... actually this drama should end up by DW regretting his acts and saves DC for 1 time....he has got everything from DC and others...he needs to pay off right now..especially after all the stupid, selfish things he has done toward DC and the Lee's family.

Happy ending is a must...because we dont spend time to watch a 50 episodes drama to see a terrible or melodramatic ending. I can understand if it's a 16 ep love story and the girl ends up dying bc of cancer or sth (like Autumn in my heart, etc) but this is different. DC has suffered for so long...he has to be happy at last with YR..the only happiness he has wanted the most. No one will want to watch a so long drama to see a disappointed ending >"< PLZ writer...end this drama perfectly so that I dont regret watching it. Kim Bum started this drama amazingly, and then with SSH ... which kept me continue to support this drama until now. Except the middle part of the drama kinda lost and draggy, but the main story and actors are very good.

MH either will be with JH and TH , JH cant come back to DW bc it will be extremely awkward and miserable to all 3 of them.

The brothers reunite...and DW must spend time to learn his lessons...

YR has a baby for DC :)

I really want the end of the drama with a new life of DC and YR... a whole happy episode :)

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We are still on track to wrap up at 54 right? Not sure where there is sudden news of extension.

I don't know if DC& YR wedding is real. I mean, it either happens before her father dying (will she have a mood for wedding) and after her father's death (usually people don't do weddings right after death of a family). I hope this is not some kind of dream.

Anyway, I prefer it to happen at the last episode because have a wedding not early...I am afraid to celebrate yet!

But seeing the wedding pictures made my day :)

EOE is extended by another 2 more episodes. So it is going to be finished at 56.
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Guest savingwork

Luv and cute girl thanks a lot for the pictures and torrent link. :D

like i said Guk and DC is one step ahead of DW. When that hidden recorder is reveal............. omgoshhhhhhhh DW will get it big time.

DW: loose his job, possible charges against him, embarassment.

The prosecution team man................ the boss and the under boss of DW who was warning him, both might have to quit on top of that the case will have to be drop. haha goooooo DC smart boy.

unless DC saves DW...but on EOE who knows whats going to happen next.

That's true kchild702. I also love how at least DC character is smart enough and has the power to spy on STH. It keeps the story from dragging on as things are resolved and we move on.

I am sick and tired of DW being saved by DC. I was hoping that DW would give back to DC by saving him at least for once. After all, DC deserves that from DW, doesn't he?

As Dong Wook's supposed or rumored wife made an appearance yet? I would have thought they would have used her to calm his anger, but as the previews kind of show he's anything but calm.

You are so right semi-fly. Was her casting a mistake?? Maybe writers changed the story again and she was no longer needed? who knows..She seems to disappear as fast as she appeared. Also I really want Nurse YM back on the screen. STH is having a lot of fun without her to get on his nerve, don't' you think?

After looking at the ep 52 previrew and what they saw during the taping of the wedding on the other boards could't this just be GUK seeing the wedding before he dies in like his mind or vision. Why just those cast people at the filming? and why the hazy picture....also in the preview isn't it a motocycle flying over the car...hence they are escaping again? Call me crazy but we may be disappointed tomorrow.

Also now is DW the darling of the proscectors office becasue that thug guy and STH gave him more amunition against GUK and DC? Haven't they figured out who is giving DW the information? I can't wait for the translations UGH I love this show and live for Mon and Tues.

I really hope it is not just a dream tendoclan. It would be a great move by the writers to make the wedding, if it really existed, before the final episode. In that way, we get to see DC& YR happy for more than one episode^^

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Guest kchild702

Luv and cute girl thanks a lot for the pictures and torrent link. :D

That's true kchild702. I also love how at least DC character is smart enough and has the power to spy on STH. It keeps the story from dragging on as things are resolved and we move on.

I am sick and tired of DW being saved by DC. I was hoping that DW would give back to DC by saving him at least for once. After all, DC deserves that from DW, doesn't he?

yea that would b nice if DW saves him, but the way things r going and the way things r playing it's impossible for DW to save DC.

kuzz that tape leaks out.....BANG! the whole case could clallapse in a blink of an eye.

That tape an his spy is like worth blillion dollars! kuzz that is his secret weapon and the tape could shake up the special prosecution team.

Wow! STH really trying to set up JIhyun and DW completely ignores her.

Can u belive the conversation beteween STH and OYH? man STH is evil..... what ever happen to "Oh Ji Hyun and DW aren't u guy's first lover's? now

STH: I'm sure Ji Hyun know's for our DW to succed, she'll have to understand the fact he have to marry someone important. how dirty is that?

Guk wasn't worried at all and told his YR "daddy's hidden card is still hidden with me"

let's not worry 2uss about that wedding..... but the looks of it...... it could b GUK seeing one last happy moment.

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Guest savingwork

A picture is worth a thousand words..I'm kind of obsessed with images :sweatingbullets: ,as they capture, to some degree, the emotions and superb acting.

Some highlights of ep 51

Earlier prediction of Guk given WG back the casino might be true.


Following STH adamantly seems to have led to JH's downfall. Her dilemma has just started.


The sadness, fear and suffering of JH is very well depicted in this episode. Great acting by HJH.

I love the dark makeup and clothing, which match the mood very well.

STH is not smart enough for DC.


DC spy buried the recording tape to indict STH. Smart move DC.

On the other hand, DW seems to be celebrating his success without knowing what is in store for him.


It's kind of annoying how he gets all these information without questioning the man. why is his character depicted as thick-headed. I thought a prosecutor should be smarter than that?

The episode cannot be complete without the brotherly(?) cold stare.


This is getting quite annoying!!

Preview 52

DC to the rescue..again.

Smart DC is showing stubborn DW the tape recordings, I believe indicating STH involvement in his case.


But of course the writers are as stubborn as DW in depicting his character as ungrateful, evil, obnoxious person, who was once upon a time a very decent brother and son... :huh::lol: I would give him a punch or two as well.. <_< Go DC.

By the way I wonder what the writer have in store for us as they took the brotherly love into the next level...fist fighting. I actually LOL during the scene instead of being angry or sad. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest kchild702

u know this case they r trying to bring out is the same case of samsung's former chairman,ceo. I think the writer is trying to portray the fact that is hard to bring a giant down.

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Ep 51 is showcasing HJH's professional acting skill. You really can see and feel the different acting standard of JH and YR interaction in the opening scene.Their on screen emotions depicting their characters are on vastly different scale.HJH has really come a long way since summer scent. Kudos to her for bringing a classic protrayal of jH character to the screen.Now I understand what HJH meant in her message about not understanding her character. The writer and PD have mess up who JH really stand for. Is she going to be a villian or a victim?The last few episodes have been mixed. I think the writers and PD are just as mixed up in the first place.Clearly they do not have any idea themselves and which direction to take!At this late stage, it makes more sense for JH to leave the country with TH at the end.

As for the plot, the way the spy was planted at the hospital is not realistic and clever from the point of the script. People at that level especially when there are evidenly lots of mistrust and power struggle within their secret criminal organisation will never discuss their betrayal plan like that.. Just cannot buy that plot I am afraid. The PD could do better I think.

Also the plot where DW got information from (Jedu crime boss) is also flawed. People in the DA office do not work like that in real life? There is a system for such information to filter through in the DA office and not like that.These concern high profile people and very sensitive information.Definitely no no the way it is done. only in EOE.Is it the intention of the script to make DW stupid and careless?Then it has achieved its goal.

After finishing ep51,this has been a very disappointing episode for me in terms of plot and script.Some of the dialogues are appalling too.It gives me a sense that the production team doesn't have a clear road to take. But GUK's performance at the bed scene is very professional.

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Thanks for the confirmation. I have been hearing conflicting reports. Some said it will end at Ep #55 followed by 1 special? So now we have 2 more episodes then. So I guess 2 more weeks of roller coaster ride.

When it said lack of readiness of the writer and complicated issues, do they mean the drama following East of Eden and not referring to East of Eden itself?

Regardless, I still want a good ending though....

u were right AIDAA

East Of Eden another 2 more eps added.


i'll cut it short.

Due to the lack of readiness of the writer, and some complicated issues they are adding 2 more eps.

East Of Eden will end at Eps. 56

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Guest kchild702

Thanks for the confirmation. I have been hearing conflicting reports. Some said it will end at Ep #55 followed by 1 special? So now we have 2 more episodes then. So I guess 2 more weeks of roller coaster ride.

When it said lack of readiness of the writer and complicated issues, do they mean the drama following East of Eden and not referring to East of Eden itself?

Regardless, I still want a good ending though....

no problem.

they r having some problems right now eh, not so goody.

man i'm just hoping DC will unlease the secrect weapon so DW can get smack! that ungreatful ba...!

the tape, the tape so Athorney general fired.

DW- fired. DW's boss-fire, DW's underboss-fired

they meant East Of Eden.

u know how this drama don't go on details that need to be told, i think the last few eps they want to tell the details properly.

It's saying writer is having some difficult time on how to tell the last few eps straight.

Fans in korea r complaining more and more. I was reading some statements and they said.

I really enjoyed it on earlier eps but all of a sudden bang, they're heading differnet direction.

The worst enemies DW and STH are together.....just bla bla bla complaining.

How come the mother didnt stop dear almighty DW?

This drama is lagging so much.

they're just complaining. maybe the writer is wondering what's the best way to end this story?

I dunno.

this is for ppeople who might be wondering what that message in the beginning is about.

The korean broadcasting commite warned about too much violence on Eps.36.

they were told to be more cautious.

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