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[Drama 2008] East Of Eden 에덴의 동쪽

Guest kdramafanusa

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^ thanks Sure .Do agree that YJH rocks in this episode. May be the PD team should take note of his performance and let us viewers see his great acting skill. Pity is, it took too long for them to reveal this side of YJH. He clearly is the hero in this episode. They might just miss another opportunity to use a great professional actor with amazing talent. Specially now with the neck to neck rating with BOF.My personal view is they should deepen the post MH DW plot as well as the impact on the Lees and Shin. Both mothers are great here.The team should exploit the emotions of these 2 great actresses.

BTW News out there is BOF ost is selling like hot cakes now. EoE would be wise to find their niche market now and not focus on the same market and viewer group captured by BOF.

BOF ost news:From the news thread-source: kbs world

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Guest jasonduck

Is it just me?

I feel most pity for Shin Myung-hoon, feel so sad and sorry for him. So far it seems no one is on his side, and no truly loves him besides Tae Ho and perhaps his mom who raised him.

I hope he has a happy ending, regarding DW i feel bad for him too, but not too bad compared to MH. At least he is surrounded by a loving family!

i agree with you. dong chul and dongchul's mom nor the other members of the lee family displayed any interest or any ' blood leaping' emotion towards

MH. i feel pity for him too

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Guest savingwork

I think DW is the most pityful character, he is the one who try to catch his own father, his real father was the one he hated since he was young, the one made his family suffered ever since he was young...he is a righteous guy, a prosecutor who catches bad people and now realised that who his father was, he even said to his bro bad blood run in him he will kill himself,

MH is not that pityful compare to DW...at least he is not trying to catch his own father, at least his real father was the one he respected, it didnt say it out but he is readily accept the Lee family...he didnt said it out but when they were young he envied DC and DW that tells it. Whether as DW is NOT that readily accept Shin Tae Kwan ....

let me ask you who is more pityful?? DW like his real mom and grandfather not like his dad...I hope he wont turned bad

Exactly my thoughts!! I could not agree more.

Personally, I find DW confronted with the greatest dilemma, as he now has to face the reality of being part of the man whom he despises the most in this world, aka STH. That fact alone drives him crazy!!

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Guest savingwork

^That'll be so sad if someone has to die.

Myunghun and Dongwook are good guys. I hope neither one dies.

The only person that I don't care dies is Shin TaeHwan.

Actually I don’t want STH to die. It would be too easy for him, don’t you think? He needs to get punished and suffer the consequences of all the evil deeds he committed throughout his life. His death would never pay for that. If anyone remembers in the earliest episodes (2?) Rebecca stated to him that if he dies, she would dig his grave and *cut* off his head. Similarly in the recent episodes (39-40) when STH wife went crazy against him/wanted a divorce, I believe STH told her something like “even my death cannot give you relief?”

Yet, many of the events in EOE were unpredictable, so let’s hope that the writers would continue surprise us with their twists. ^_^

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Guest edenlove

BTW News out there is BOF ost is selling like hot cakes now. EoE would be wise to find their niche market now and not focus on the same market and viewer group captured by BOF.

Not sure how hot is "hot cakes" for BOF OST...

but EOE OST1 has 60,000 copies order from Japan alone last Aug, not counting Korea and others (as per news).

With the success of OST1, EOE released OST2 with Lee Seung Chul's main theme causing a big hit last Nov.

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I have a question. Now that DW knows the truth, can he still prosecute STH? Apart from the emotional damage aspect part, what about conflict of interest in terms of handling the cases on STH?

hi chasen8888...

twising your question a bit...does DW even have the mental fortitude and capacity to continue and prosecute STH?? if you remember he said to DC, "if STH's blood flows in my vein, i will kill myself"...what he needs is the support of the LEEs to continue and love him no less than before the birth revelation was revealed...

the only concern is...if DW feels a slight transferred of love and care from him to MH...that's when i fear he'll turn dark/evil...


and i wasn't sure about this...the scene when STH visited Guk and having a conversation regarding them to join forces and be allies...all that time was Guk reading the Bible?? Guk is really a scary individual...

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Guest mikasaranghae

except shin tae hwan, no one should made to die in this drama; if not, it's not right. but i think they will make rebecca die.... when she tries to kill him.... what a sad life rebecca has.

i feel sorry for her....

MH's mom is right; they should forget about bloodline and live as before. someone raised you up for your whole life must count for something.... lee dong wook must prosecute shin tae hwan, regardless...because it's his career and duties...in real life, even if shin tae hwan were his father from the beginning, he still has to do his legal duties, so i see no problem here if everyone just lives as if they don't know about the truth. shin tae hwan should be in jail ...no one dies, end of drama.

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MH's mom is right; they should forget about bloodline and live as before. someone raised you up for your whole life must count for something.... lee dong wook must prosecute shin tae hwan, regardless...because it's his career and duties...in real life, even if shin tae hwan were his father from the beginning, he still has to do his legal duties, so i see no problem here if everyone just lives as if they don't know about the truth. shin tae hwan should be in jail ...no one dies, end of drama.

i agree with you...

but in an asian country like Korea...bloodline has a stigma that carries weight of perception...when you're born in a decent, loving, and noble family...communities will respect you because you carry that name of merit that your family create...

the other side of the coin...if you're born in a family that people despise and disgust of...you will bare shame and regret...STH is the head of the household of the SHINs, his name bears clout of the merits that he did in his past whether that'd be good or bad...in this case he is a murderer, liar and a deceiver...even though his wife OYH is kind and gentle hearted...her merit disappears in the shadow of STH, due to Korea's patriarchal society...

that's why the coal-mining community respected and loved Lee Ki Chul, the head household of YCH, DC, and DW...people came to their aid when MH (still bad back then) tried to destroy their home and came to their aid when the land was about to be torn down due to land development...LKC cared about the workers, he uses his title as the Union Leader to fight the cause for the common workers...and the people loved him immensedly...and despised the man that murdered him...STH...

it is easier said than done...

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“Let there be light” (and probably less about rating…)

12 more episodes to reach its final mark, if EoE production team and writer fail to recognize the last chance to inject the humanistic depth and literature beauty that original structure promises. That will be more devastating for me as an EoE watcher than its decline in rating rank.

A holistic reconciliation is what I hope to see. Though, it requires the artists’ consciences, bravery and courage from the production team, not to be defeated by the loss of rating nor distracted by the division noise from different fan/watcher bases.

Just a (and probably a very terrible one, LOL) personal two cent …

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Guest edenlove

A holistic reconciliation is what I hope to see.

Is this really your expectation? If so, what a nice coincidence. B)

That's exactly what PD Kim said in recent interviews...

that the remaining episodes is a process of disputes to reconciliation, a message the writer wants to convey.

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Is this really your expectation? If so, what a nice coincidence. B)

That's exactly what PD Kim said in recent interviews...

that the remaining episodes is a process of disputes to reconciliation, a message the writer wants to convey.

Edenlove, it has always been my primary expectation. I started EoE for LMS and did have many strong doubts on those forced climaxes making in initial few episodes until one of LKC’s lines strike the core of its content – as writer Na puts it down like this “The real courage is to be able to accommodate both bad and good. ” (Don’t remember the exact wording.) From that point, I was expecting a humanistic victory of non-conformity over the tragic boundaries.

To most of ambitious script play writers, EoE is probably one luxurious material to craft their art. Writer Na has fabricated a solid structure and complexity in the beginning disregarding its middle static development. And now it is time to show how EoE is more than a trendy drama if new writer is daring and capable.

Anyway, being a monstrous Noh Hee Kyung fan (script writer whose dramas are consistently below 10%), I am trained to be “rating” indifferent. One thing I learn is that the intrinsic, aesthetic, artistic and humanistic values of later Noh Hee Kyung’s pieces never diminish by its poor rating. But a viewer type like me is such a minority to form a so-called EoE “niche market.” So I can only wait and see…

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Edenlove, it has always been my primary expectation. I started EoE for LMS and did have many strong doubts on those forced climaxes making in initial few episodes until one of LKC’s lines strike the core of its content – as writer Na puts it down like this “The real courage is to be able to accommodate both bad and good. ” (Don’t remember the exact wording.)

wahhhhh yup that line is very significant...i really love the serious conversation between DC and his father...very touching moment and full of meaning...it really influenced DC's character all through the drama...


after the fight with STH...LKC and little DC walking home together...

LDC: (sobbing)

LKC: DC are you crying??...today you were more braver than me (DC bit STH's leg that was stepping on LKC's face)

LDC: appa, why does he hate you?? why does he forbid them (the miners) to sing the song (arirang song)...why??

LKC: because he's scared...he's a coward...a coward only cares about himself...a coward threatens and attacks others...(LKC picks up DC and have him sat on his shoulders)

LKC: DC...look at that mountain there...that's Tae Bak mountain...can you see it??

LDC: yes

LKC: a truly brave man is able to embrace a big mountain like that...

LDC: a big moutain like that?? how??...when i become big like you, i will beat all the bad guys up...

LKC: DC...

LDC: yes?

LKC: a truly brave man should be able to embrace both good and bad guys...

LDC: bad guys too??

LKC: unng (yes)

LDC: then appa, you don't hate the boss??

LKC: that's a tough one...haha...but i am trying...




at the moment when STH was DC's for the kill...LDC remembered those words by his father...LDC couldn't find it in his heart to kill STH...


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at the end of ep42...

after STH got shot...i like how his bodyguard/driver just sit there...

oh hey, my boss just got shot...*stays in the car* :lol:

Haha, I noticed that too.

I hope Dongwook, Dongchul and Myunghoon all stay alive and well. I'm also hoping Rebecca does too.. Eventhough she sinned, she has a very painful past as well.

I was crying buckets when Dongwook came back to his family... T______T Touching, sad moment. Power of family, though not blood related, will overcome all<3 I hope.

But as for who is the most sad, I think DW... At least Myunghoon accepts Lee Kichul's family as his own. LKC has a good family full of love and purity. DW's real family, STH? Wow... If I were him, I'd kill myself.

The only one in this entire series that deserves to die is Shin Taehwan. But I'm also starting to hate Jihyun. Myunghoon's right. She's changing...

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Guest hafsa23

wahhhhh yup that line is very significant...i really love the serious conversation between DC and his father...very touching moment and full of meaning...it really influenced DC's character all through the drama...


after the fight with STH...LKC and little DC walking home together...

LDC: (sobbing)

LKC: DC are you crying??...today you were more braver than me (DC bit STH's leg that was stepping on LKC's face)

LDC: appa, why does he hate you?? why does he forbid them (the miners) to sing the song (arirang song)...why??

LKC: because he's scared...he's a coward...a coward only cares about himself...a coward threatens and attacks others...(LKC picks up DC and have him sat on his shoulders)

LKC: DC...look at that mountain there...that's Tae Bak mountain...can you see it??

LDC: yes

LKC: a truly brave man is able to embrace a big mountain like that...

LDC: a big moutain like that?? how??...when i become big like you, i will beat all the bad guys up...

LKC: DC...

LDC: yes?

LKC: a truly brave man should be able to embrace both good and bad guys...

LDC: bad guys too??

LKC: unng (yes)

LDC: then appa, you don't hate the boss??

LKC: that's a tough one...haha...but i am trying...




at the moment when STH was DC's for the kill...LDC remembered those words by his father...LDC couldn't find it in his heart to kill STH...


Yeah, you are right, DC's character is really influenced by his father....it was very touching when DC found out about DW not being his real brother, when he came home all crying, he was so much in pain from knowing the truth that he was calling for his father....so sad and heartbreaking...

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Guest LolitaMan

at the end of ep42...

after STH got shot...i like how his bodyguard/driver just sit there...

oh hey, my boss just got shot...*stays in the car* :lol:

lol I know man. If I saw an obsessed crazy woman out for my blood with a gun pointed at me, I'd duck and get the hell out of there! He just stood there and got shot lol.

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BTW News out there is BOF ost is selling like hot cakes now. EoE would be wise to find their niche market now and not focus on the same market and viewer group captured by BOF.

Im sorry to cut your post short but last time i saw.... EoE had higher ratings than BOF. Teens (including me =]) watch BOF and EoE is watched by older ladies....

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Episode 42 – “The blood which flows in our body doesn’t control our destiny.” – from priest to DW

I just watched episodes 42 – an episode that has been long waited and it doesn’t disappoint at all. After few episodes of tricks, the new writer exhibits a surprising scale of substances. It is one of very fine eposide writing.

It started with a mother’s heartache and end with DC shouted at DW for not returning home at night. It has been a long lone one-day journey for DW in this episode. Heartbreaking but absolutely breath-taking.

YCH collapses, for the past she can’t fathom and for the future she fears. And in between, it is that mother and son bounding even not biological that doesn’t come with a cut-off line or even a cut-off day.

DW is trying to grasp his existence that seems slipping away. He searched places and facts to confirm that self identity he is composed of up to now but the reality challenges him. Between visiting the childhood hometown he grew up with DC and running lost in the traffic at that dark dark night, he denies, protests and in quest of some light from the priest. – “The blood which flows in our body doesn’t control our destiny.” That is the line said to DW.

A lost soul finds a temporary shelter. The new joined actress seems walking into the scene from nowhere. Though, the arrangement has its kind presence since DW can really use some warmth extended from a people who are safe from these entire dark secret. And hopefully it become a force leading DW out of suffocation.

Next morning DW finally returns to Lee’s place after one night exile. And what DC said to his run-away brother is simply touching. But most of all, it is DW’s “I am sorry” to a near gone-mad YCH that breaks my heart...

Hat off to Yun Jung Hoon for his outstanding acting range in this episode. An actor among the younger set of cast, at the critical scenes, charges each emotion with right punctuation – no overflowed, no dragging and no under-acted. The result is simply powerful.


2uss, thanks for finding that line of LKC and repost of Luv’s captures -- son and father and all that extended mountain. The early EoE has very wonderful scene filming and setting that compliments the storyline so well.

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