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Joo Jinmo 주진모


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BTW promotion team member from Joo Jin Mo's agency Fantagio joined MLE cafe today.
By far he's the only actor of MLE cast whose promotion team joined cafe.
I hope this would be a signal for the company to pay more attention to their actor's promotion.

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Guest meelis

Oh really? Fantagio woke up? Unbelievable. :D

Let's see what they'll do, I'm curious.

Thanks for the info, @lucy13880. >:D<

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@lucy13880 & @meelis, I'll accept this PR team only if there are (in the package):
- Two photoshoots (one solo, one with Kim Sa Rang)- Tons of BTS Stills- One interview 
I know, I'm greedy but I'm so worth it! LOL [Throw back to December when I asked the same thing during GWTW run........ Well.]
BTW, some GWTW stills shared by Seohyun's FC:[now excuse me I have to repent myself, looked too much at that hand...]

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Guest meelis

Ah, these GWTW stills are perfect, can't stop staring at them. @salijoo, IKR, this is The Hand Part II or III, or more, I don't remember. :\">
LOL, I don't have much hope about the promotion, but we shall see, maybe this time they'll surprise us.
Anyway, I wish ALL your PR dreams to come true and you get a whole truck of boxes of cookies, not just one box. :-*

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Is it funny that there is no updated information for MLE after the F group's "promotion" team joined the Cafe? 
Maybe, the job description of the team  is more like the promotion team of KGB: they reject materials that are not suitable for promotion (instead of providing information), hence promoting positive images of actors with absolutely ZERO negative information or photos.  :-B

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Guest YuanjiM

salijoo said: @meelis, I can't  =)) =)) =)) Michael K. Lee is too funny seriously, I think he even said something like the Musical is completely different from the original...  =)) =)) =)) I mean, even the songs are the same, how can he say that? LMAO. Only JJM didn't exagerate and talk about the fact the two Scarletts are different ect... 
BTW, Never saw this pic... Joo Jin Mo & Im Soo Jung for Caffe Latte:the photoshop is stong on this one but at least the pic is cute ^.^(cr: Baidu)

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[150413 OBS News] Fiestar's Linzy selects Lee Je Hoon and Joo Jin Mo as the actors she wishes to work with in a historical drama. (1/3)

— мinnie ❥ (@cheshirecat1023) April 23, 2015

Linzy: “I rly like Lee Je Hoon & there's one more, though it's quite impossible to work w/ him, I like Joo Jin Mo sunbae-nim very much.” 2/3

— мinnie ❥ (@cheshirecat1023) April 23, 2015

Linzy: “Their (Lee Je Hoon and Joo Jin Mo) acting strength is very good, the style has completely won my heart.” (3/3)

— мinnie ❥ (@cheshirecat1023) April 23, 2015

* Linzy: “I really don't look at the appearance. Although one looks handsome, but it's the demeanor of his heart that is totally my menu.”

— мinnie ❥ (@cheshirecat1023) April 23, 2015

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Guest meelis

Thank you for sharing, @salijoo, and of course to minnie for posting the translation. >:D< I've to admit that I don't know Linzy, but I approve her taste in men and actors. ;;)But why she thinks it's impossible to work with him, he has been randomly paired with so many beauty queens or singers/idols, all turned actresses, so who knows, someday they may cross paths. 

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Real Name: Im Minji (임민지)
Stage Name: Linzy (린지)
Position: Lead Vocalist, Visual
Birthdate: October 22, 1989
Height: 168cm
Weight: 48kg
Blood Type: O
Star Sign: Libra
Education: Chung-Ang University
Specialty: Always sincere and ready to show her talent

(New single) Linzy at 2:00..

Don't thank me. =; =; =;
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Finally, a longer synopsis of MLE~~~

The Great Gatsby is mentioned in the news. 


'사랑하는 은동아' 男주인공이 3명? 주진모 백성현 주니어 3인1역 캐스팅

주진모 백성현 주니어가 한 인물로 안방극장을 찾는다.

JTBC 새 금토드라마 '사랑하는 은동아'(연출 이태곤, 김재홍/극본 백미경)에서 첫 사랑을 찾기 위한 집념으로 톱스타가 된 순정남 지은호(본명 현수) 역에 주진모가 캐스팅돼 기대를 모은 가운데, 백성현과 주니어(박진영)가 각각 20대, 10대 현수를 맡아 화제다. 한 여자를 향한 20년에 걸친 순애보를 3인 1역, 각기 다른 매력으로 그려내며 시청자들의 연애 세포를 자극할 것으로 기대감을 더한다.


'사랑하는 은동아'는 두 남녀의 20년 세월에 얽힌 운명적 사랑을 그리는 서정 멜로로, 한 여자를 향한 톱스타의 지독하고 순수한 사랑을 아날로그 감성으로 녹여내 시청자들의 연애세포를 자극할 기대작으로 손꼽히고 있다.

남자주인공 지은호는 오로지 첫 사랑 은동을 찾기 위해서 톱스타가 된 집념의 남자다. 한 여자를 향한 맹목적인 열정만큼은 '위대한 개츠비' 보다 위대한(?) '순정남 끝판왕'. 겉으로는 까칠하고 도도한 철벽남이지만 사실 자상하고 귀여운 반전 매력의 소유자다. 똘기 충만한 열일곱 살에 누구보다 맑은 눈을 가진 소녀 은동과 운명적으로 만나면서 인생이 180도 달라진다. 누구에게나 사랑받는 국민배우이지만, 어린 시절 홀연히 사라진 은동에 대한 그리움을 안고 사는 남자다.

거칠지만 순수했던 10대 시절을 지나 누구보다 열띤 사랑을 나누는 20대를 거쳐 톱스타가 되기까지, 첫사랑 그녀 '은동'만을 위한 삶을 사는 입체적인 인물인 만큼, 주진모, 백성현, 주니어가 20년에 걸친 파란만장 러브 스토리를 어떻게 그려낼지 궁금증을 자아낸다.

인기 아이돌 그룹 갓세븐 멤버이자 연기자로 활약 중인 주니어는 은동과 운명적 만남으로 변모하는 똘기 충만 '반항아' 열일곱 현수를 연기한다. 20년에 걸친 길고 긴 '은동앓이'의 시작점이자, 지고지순하고 운명적인 사랑의 첫 테이프를 끊게 되는 것. 주니어는 거친 반항아와 따듯하고 풋풋한 순수남을 동시에 보여주며 시청자들에게 첫사랑의 설레임과 아련함을 전달한다. 극 초반 시청자들의 마음을 단숨에 사로잡을지 귀추가 주목된다.

주니어의 바통을 이어받아 백성현이 20대 현수를 맡는다. 은동이를 위해서라면 물불 가리지 않는 순정파이자 달콤하고 열띤 사랑을 하는 로맨틱 가이인 20대 현수를 백성현이 특유의 섬세하고 유연한 감성연기로 그려낼 예정이다.

무엇보다 30대 현수를 연기할 주진모의 색다른 연기 변신에 기대감이 높다. 주진모는 지금까지의 작품에서 보여줬던 자로 잰 듯 반듯하고 무거운 이미지에서 탈피해 한 여자만을 마음에 품고 사는 순정남과 까칠하지만 엉뚱 매력을 겸비한 톱스타를 오가며 다양한 매력을 선사, 여심 공략에 나선다.

'사랑하는 은동아'는 20년 세월에 걸친 운명적 사랑을 통해 한 뼘씩 성장하고 아파하는 지은호의 감정선이 무엇보다 중요한 작품이다. 이에 아역과 성인의 2인 1역을 보여줬던 여느 드라마와는 달리 남자주인공을 3인 1역으로 과감하게 선택해 캐릭터 설명에 깊이감을 더하겠다는 포부다. 세월의 흐름 속에 점점 더 깊어져 가는 사랑의 감정을 촘촘하게 그려내 시청자들의 몰입도를 높일 것으로 기대된다.

한편 '사랑하는 은동아'는 '네 이웃의 아내' '인수대비' '내 생애 최고의 스캔들' 등감 적인 연출이 돋보이는 이태곤 PD와 SBS 극본공모전에서 대상을 수상, 참신한 필력을 검증받은 '강구이야기'의 백미경 작가가 의기투합한 작품이다. '순정에 반하다' 후속으로 방송 된다.
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Guest adikkeluangman

Joo Jin Mo, Baek Sung Hyun, and GOT7’s Jr. to Take on 3-in-1 Role
It has been revealed that actors Joo Jin Mo and Baek Sung Hyun, as well as GOT7’s Jr. will be acting out the same character as they take on a 3-in-1 role for an upcoming drama.
On April 24, a representative of JTBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama “My Love Eun Dong” (working title) introduced the three stars that are preparing to act as the character of Ji Eun Ho, a hopeless romantic who becomes a top star for the sole purpose of finding his first love.

While Joo Jin Mo will play the adult Ji Eun Ho, Baek Sung Hyun and Jr. will be taking on the same character’s younger version in his twenties and teens, respectively.
“My Love Eun Dong” is a melodrama that will unravel the entangled and entwined relationship between a man and woman over the course of 20 years, portraying a “fated” love. It is scheduled to begin airing in June after the completion of “Falling for Innocence.”

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Joo Jin Mo's Q&A Made in 2004

1 이름: 주진모   Name: Joo Jin Mo 
2 생년월일:1974.8.11   Date of Birth: 1974.8.11 
3 키:180cm  Height: 180cm 
4 몸무게:71kg  Weight: 71kg 
5 좌우명:책임있는 말과 행동을 하자  Motto: Be a responsible person. (Honorable Person – one who honors one’s words and deeds)
6 흡연략: 담배 1갑  Smoking: 1 packet 
7 주량: 모름       Alcohol consumption limit : Don’t know 
8 잘하는요리:볶음밥  Best dish can cook: Fried Rice 
9 좋아하는과일:딸기  Favorite Fruit: Strawberry 
10 좋아하는꽃: 장미  Favorite Flowers: Roses 
11 좋아하는음악:Rock  Favorite Music: Rock

12 노래방18번:<취중진담>  Favorite Karaoke Song:  <취중진담>  
13 하루평균수면시간:6시간  Average sleeping time per day: 6 hours
14 최근가장갖고싶은것:지프 자동차  Dream Car: Jeep 
15 술벼릇: 잠들기  Habit after drinking: Sleep 
16 혈액형: O형  Blood Type: O  
17 취미:낚시,인라인스케이트  Hobby: Fishing, Skiing 
18 좋아하는숫자:13  Favorite No. 13 
19 좋아하는음식: 찌개류  Favorite Food: Fried food 
20 재미있게본영화:<쉰들러 리스트>,<사관과 신사>  Most meaningful movies seen: Schlinder’s List, An Officer & a Gentleman 
21 재미있케본책: <위대한 개츠비>  Most meaningful book read: The Great Gatsby 
22 줄겨입는옷스타일:캐주얼  Favorite Wear: Casual Clothes 
23 집에서키우던동물:요크셔테리어   Pet: Yorkshire Terrier
24 키워보고싶은동물:시베리안 하스키  Most desired pet: Husky
25 가장가고싶은나라:미국  Most desired country to visit: USA 
26 자신의성격:외향적이기도 하고 내성적이기도 하고 변화무쌍  Characteristics: Extrovert as well as Introvert, i.e. temperamental  
27 기분좋을때표현방법:행동이 평소보다 과장 되어진다  When in a good mood: Extremely exuberant than usual 
28 화가나면하는행동: 침묵  When angry: Silent 
29 제일듣기싫은말:넌 빠져  Most disliked words to hear: You get out 
30 자신의최대장점:인내와 침목  One’s Best Quality: Patience and Reticent 
31 자신의최대단점:상황판단이 빠르지 못하다  One’s worst shortcomings: Unable to make quick decision and judgment at certain trying situation
32 잠이오지않을때하는행동: TV시청  What to do when unable to sleep: Watch TV 
33 사람이동물같다고느낄때:싸올 때  At what situation do you feel when a person is like an animal? (What a question!): During a shower (What an answer!) 
34 일상에서행복을느낄때:자고 일어났을 때,밥 먹을 때  During your daily routine, when do you feel happiest? Upon waking up from bed and at mealtime. 
35 아침에일어나자마자하는행동:기지개  What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning: Stretching 
36 집에들어가자마자하는행동:편한 옷으로 갈아입기  Once back home, what would you do first: Change into comfortable clothes
37 사람들이보는나의첫인상:냉소적으로 보인다  What’s other’s first impression of you: Cynicism.
38 사람들이잘못알고있는나에대한선입견:냉정할 것이라는 선입견  What kind of impression you gave to those who do not know you personally? Cool and calm 
39 자신의외모에만족하는가:그렇다  Which part of your appearance you are most satisfied with? As it is 
40 닮았다는애기를듣는연예인과그이유:장동건,또렷한 외모와 성격이  비슷하다고들함  Which artiste do you resemble most and why? Jang Dong Gun, because most people said that he resemble me in outward appearance and character. 
41 시간나면하는일:운동,잠자기  When you have time, what would you most likely do? Exercise and Sleep 
42 스트래스해소법:운동  Best way to de-stress? Exercise 
43 자신이가장멋있어보일때:일에 집중할 때  When do you think you look most attractive/good looking? When I am seriously at work
44 연기하길잘했다는생각이들때:남들이 인정해 줄 때  When do you feel your acting is good? When my works are recognized and acknowledged by others. 
45 그만두고싶었을때: 사람들이 외면할 때  When do you feel like giving up? When people are only concerned with my appearance. 
46 요즘가장큰관심사:탄핵정국  Most concerned current affair: Impeachment of the President 
47 가장큰고민거리:작품 선정  Most vexing situation? Choosing projects 
48 어린시절의꿈:영화배우  Childhood’s dream? To be an actor
49 학창시절가장잘한등수와못한등수:1등,38등  Best and worst result in school? 1st and 38th 
50 가장잘했던과목과못했던과목:국사,윤리/수학  Best and 2nd best subjects? History, Politics and Maths 
51 학창시절별명:양코  Nickname in school: white devil (Caucasian) 
52 학창시절활동했던써클:보이스카옷  During your school days, which uniform-group you are involved in? Boy Scouts 
53 가출경험:1번  Leaving home experience? Once 
54 꼭한번쯤경험해보고싶은직업:운동선수  Which type of job would you try at least once? Be a sportsman 
55 인간관계에서가장중요한것:신뢰  What is the most important in a relationship? Trust
56 이상형:현명한 여자  Your dream girl? Intelligent, kind and gentle lady  
57 짝사랑경험:있다  Any unrequited love experience? Yes 
58 첫사랑:중2때  First love? High School 2nd year  
59 첫키스:대학교 1학년 때  First kiss: University 1st year
60 10년후의내모습:한국의 로버트 드 니로  How do you look like in ten years’ time? Korean’s Robert de Niro 
61 좋아하는배우:로버트 드 니로, 알 파치노  Favorite actors? Robert de Niro and Al Pacino 
62 어떤배우가되고싶은지:관객들이 항상 기대하는 배우  What kind of actor do you wish to become? An actor that the audience looks forward to watch 
63 인생의가장결정적순간:배우가 되었을 때  What is the biggest decision you have ever made in your life? To become an actor 
64 앞으로하고싶은작폼:느와르 장르  What kind of project would you wish to do in the future? To try out all different type of genres roles 
65 출연작풍가장기억에남는작품:<무사>  Of all the movies you have made, which left the deepest impression? Musa 
66 관객과사랑하는사람에게가장듣고싶은말:칭찬의 말보다는 진심어린  박수를받고싶다.  What do you wish to hear most from the audience and your loved one? Sincere applause rather than praises. 
67 팬들에게하고싶은말:별함 없이 지켜봐주시길......  What do you wish to say to your fans? Please give me your continuous support.
68 <라이어>는어떤영화?눈덩이처럼 볼어나는 거짓말에 관한 짜임새  있고 유쾌한 코미디  What kind of movie is Liar? It is about a lie that snowballed until it got out of hand happy comedy. 
69 코미디영화를 선택한이유? 탄탄한 시나리오와 믿음직한 감독님과  배우들  What is the reason that you choose to act in this comedy: I feel confident with the director and co-stars  
71 촬영에피소드?촬영 내내 너무 웃겨서 NG도 많이 나고,진행의  어려움이 있었다.  Any difficulty during the shooting? Many NGs caused by our laughter during the funny scenes which created many difficulties. 
72 코믹연기후 드는생각?연기하는 것이 많이 편하고 부드러워졌다.   What are your thoughts after having acted in a comedy? The acting must be natural and subtle 
73 차기작드라마<비천무>는 어떤작품?무협멜로사극으로 중국 원나라  말기를 배경으로 한  이야기.4월부터 5개월간 HD(고화질)로 촬영되어 올 연발 한국과 중국어권에서 방영될 예정이다.24부작 한중합작드라마마로 상대역  '설리'는박지윤이다.김혜린씨의 동명만화가 원작으로 2000년 신현준 김희선 주연의 영화로도 만들어졌던 작품.  What kind of drama is Bichunmo? It is a historical drama with China ancient Yuan dynasty as the background story. It started in April and took about 5 months of HD shooting. It is expected to be screened in Korea and China. The original writer of the story is Kim Hui Ling (Hanyu pinyin). During year 2000, it was shot into a movie starring Shin Hyun Joon and Kim Hee Sun.
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lyfuym said:

Joo Jin-mo, Baek Seong-hyeon and Jr. to star in “My Love Eun-dong”

Actors Joo Jin-mo, Baek Seong-hyeon and Jr. are starring in "My Love Eun-dong".

The new JTBC drama stars Ji Eun-ho (Hyeon Soo) as a man who becomes a top star with the target of finding his first love. Joo Jin-mo plays the grown up version and Baek Seong-hyeon and Jr. play the star in his 20s and teens.

Ji Eun-ho became a top star to find his first love Eun-dong. He is bad tempered and tense on the outside but he"s a cute and caring person on the inside. He is a national actor but he always misses Eun-dong who disappeared.

He passes through a rough teenage phase and loves in his 20s until he becomes a top star. He lives life only for Eun-dong.

Jr., a member of Got7 plays Hyeon Soo at age 17 when he was at his perkiest and meets Eun-dong. That"s when he starts falling for her and is expected to bring back memories of everyone"s first love.

Baek Seong-hyeon plays Hyeon-soo in his 20s. He does anything for Eun-dong and is a romantic guy whose lover for her is passionate and sweet.

Joo Jin-mo plays Hyeon-soo in his 30s. He is no longer the heavyset image he used to be and becomes an innocent lover who pretends to be bad tempered on the outside.

"My Love Eun-dong" focuses a lot on Ji Eun-ho and his emotions over a 20-year span. The drama portrays this man in three different characters unlike other dramas and helps the audience concentrate by breaking down the emotions of love.

Meanwhile, "My Love Eun-dong" is produced by Lee Tae-gon-I and written by Baek Mi-kyeong.

Source : www.tvreport.co.kr/?c...


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lyfuym said:

Joo Jin Mo, Baek Sung Hyun, And Jr. To Play The Same Character

[by Sora Ghim] The three men who can play with women’s hearts, Joo Jin Mo, Baek Sung Hyun, and Jr. will be coming to the small screen.

New JTBC Friday-Saturday drama ‘My Love Eun-Dong’ has cast Joo Jin Mo as top star, Ji Eun Ho (real name Hyun Soo), who became a celebrity in order to find his first love. Baek Sung Hyun and Jr. (Park Jin Young) will play the character in his twenties and teens respectively. Ji Eun Ho is a naïve man who has eyes for only one woman for 20 years. These three will play the same character, raising anticipation for how each will portray this character.

‘My Love Eun-Dong’ is a melodrama about a man and a woman who have a destined love through a span of a tangled 20 years. This drama plans on striking the love cells of viewers with the romantic analog love of one top star.

He became a star in order to find his first love, Eun Dong, and devotes himself to the task. An innocent man in love, as much as if not more, than ‘The Great Gatsby,’ Eun Ho appears cold on the outside but is full of cuteness for an unexpected charm. His life changed 180 degrees after his fateful encounter with bright-eyed 17-year old Eun Dong. An actor who receives love, he lives with the grief of missing Eun Dong who disappeared during their youth.

From the rough but innocent teenage years to becoming a top star in his twenties, to the life he is living now for Eun Dong, people are curious as to how Joo Jin Mo, Baek Sung Hyun, and Jr. will depict this love story.

Meanwhile, ‘My Love Eun-Dong’ will start airing after ‘Fall in Love with Soon-Jung’ ends. (photo by JTBC)

Contact: news@bntnews.co.uk


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