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Joo Jinmo 주진모


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Guest meelis

Thank you for sharing the last pic, @lucy13880, and bless the person who took this photo (a Seohyun fan I think), this is one of his best from the musical. The stage lighting only does him justice :x
@lyfuym, I think that his character in MLE underwent several changes since JJM first mentioned it, now it sounds much more interesting than the "cheerful oppa next door", there will be this aspect at some point, but I even find the other aspects that were outlined more intriguing. :)>-

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Guest meelis

@salijoo, this gif is for you:


'Don't touch my oppa's thighs" brought to a new level. :D(Who's the guy, BTW, looks like Lee Jong Hyuk to me, but I'm not sure)

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@meelis, that watermark, it hides everything....  :-w
@lyfuym, He has a bad/ rebel personnality since young, became a hopeless romantic during his 20s and comes back to his young self the moment he meets Eun Dong again (aka rude on the outside, innocent on the inside). But agree with you, it looks like the drama was written for him, too many similarities to be just a coincidence. Waiting for some interviews.

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salijoo said: @meelis, that watermark, it hides everything....  :-w
@lyfuym, He has a bad/ rebel personnality since young, became a hopeless romantic during his 20s and comes back to his young self the moment he meets Eun Dong again (aka rude on the outside, innocent on the inside). But agree with you, it looks like the drama was written for him, too many similarities to be just a coincidence. Waiting for some interviews.

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Calphurnia2007 said:

'사랑하는 은동아' 男주인공이 3명? 주진모 백성현 주니어 3인1역 캐스팅

주진모 백성현 주니어가 한 인물로 안방극장을 찾는다.

JTBC 새 금토드라마 '사랑하는 은동아'(연출 이태곤, 김재홍/극본 백미경)에서 첫 사랑을 찾기 위한 집념으로 톱스타가 된 순정남 지은호(본명 현수) 역에 주진모가 캐스팅돼 기대를 모은 가운데, 백성현과 주니어(박진영)가 각각 20대, 10대 현수를 맡아 화제다. 한 여자를 향한 20년에 걸친 순애보를 3인 1역, 각기 다른 매력으로 그려내며 시청자들의 연애 세포를 자극할 것으로 기대감을 더한다.

'사랑하는 은동아'는 두 남녀의 20년 세월에 얽힌 운명적 사랑을 그리는 서정 멜로로, 한 여자를 향한 톱스타의 지독하고 순수한 사랑을 아날로그 감성으로 녹여내 시청자들의 연애세포를 자극할 기대작으로 손꼽히고 있다.

남자주인공 지은호는 오로지 첫 사랑 은동을 찾기 위해서 톱스타가 된 집념의 남자다. 한 여자를 향한 맹목적인 열정만큼은 '위대한 개츠비' 보다 위대한(?) '순정남 끝판왕'. 겉으로는 까칠하고 도도한 철벽남이지만 사실 자상하고 귀여운 반전 매력의 소유자다. 똘기 충만한 열일곱 살에 누구보다 맑은 눈을 가진 소녀 은동과 운명적으로 만나면서 인생이 180도 달라진다. 누구에게나 사랑받는 국민배우이지만, 어린 시절 홀연히 사라진 은동에 대한 그리움을 안고 사는 남자다.

거칠지만 순수했던 10대 시절을 지나 누구보다 열띤 사랑을 나누는 20대를 거쳐 톱스타가 되기까지, 첫사랑 그녀 '은동'만을 위한 삶을 사는 입체적인 인물인 만큼, 주진모, 백성현, 주니어가 20년에 걸친 파란만장 러브 스토리를 어떻게 그려낼지 궁금증을 자아낸다.

인기 아이돌 그룹 갓세븐 멤버이자 연기자로 활약 중인 주니어는 은동과 운명적 만남으로 변모하는 똘기 충만 '반항아' 열일곱 현수를 연기한다. 20년에 걸친 길고 긴 '은동앓이'의 시작점이자, 지고지순하고 운명적인 사랑의 첫 테이프를 끊게 되는 것. 주니어는 거친 반항아와 따듯하고 풋풋한 순수남을 동시에 보여주며 시청자들에게 첫사랑의 설레임과 아련함을 전달한다. 극 초반 시청자들의 마음을 단숨에 사로잡을지 귀추가 주목된다.

주니어의 바통을 이어받아 백성현이 20대 현수를 맡는다. 은동이를 위해서라면 물불 가리지 않는 순정파이자 달콤하고 열띤 사랑을 하는 로맨틱 가이인 20대 현수를 백성현이 특유의 섬세하고 유연한 감성연기로 그려낼 예정이다.

무엇보다 30대 현수를 연기할 주진모의 색다른 연기 변신에 기대감이 높다. 주진모는 지금까지의 작품에서 보여줬던 자로 잰 듯 반듯하고 무거운 이미지에서 탈피해 한 여자만을 마음에 품고 사는 순정남과 까칠하지만 엉뚱 매력을 겸비한 톱스타를 오가며 다양한 매력을 선사, 여심 공략에 나선다.

'사랑하는 은동아'는 20년 세월에 걸친 운명적 사랑을 통해 한 뼘씩 성장하고 아파하는 지은호의 감정선이 무엇보다 중요한 작품이다. 이에 아역과 성인의 2인 1역을 보여줬던 여느 드라마와는 달리 남자주인공을 3인 1역으로 과감하게 선택해 캐릭터 설명에 깊이감을 더하겠다는 포부다. 세월의 흐름 속에 점점 더 깊어져 가는 사랑의 감정을 촘촘하게 그려내 시청자들의 몰입도를 높일 것으로 기대된다.

한편 '사랑하는 은동아'는 '네 이웃의 아내' '인수대비' '내 생애 최고의 스캔들' 등감 적인 연출이 돋보이는 이태곤 PD와 SBS 극본공모전에서 대상을 수상, 참신한 필력을 검증받은 '강구이야기'의 백미경 작가가 의기투합한 작품이다. '순정에 반하다' 후속으로 방송 된다.
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Guest meelis

I found the full transcript of the Taxi show in English, but only Part I, still looking for Part II:(sorry, it's long, but the spoiler isn't cooperating today)
It began the show with 2 hosts, Gong Hyung Jin and Lee Young Ja, were on the taxi on the way to pick up their guest. It was funny that GHJ saw that LYJ brought along a picnic with her which was the second time. The first time LYJ brought a picnic was when they were having Jang Dong Gun as their guest. LYJ said about their guest that “I like him that much.” GHJ complained that he has been on this show with LYJ for two years, but she has never brought him the picnic. LYJ was very excited that she couldn’t wait to meet their guest. Then, they saw their guest waited by the sidewalk.

The show gave the following introduction for today’s guest.
Big and bright eyes. Sharp nose. Sexy lip.
He is good looking and he has good acting skill.
He is an epitome of Korean actor.
A guy’s guy, Joo Jin Mo.

They both went out of the car to greet Joo Jin Mo. GHJ hugged him very tight since they are very good friends and LYJ asked whether she could hug JJM too and she did happily. She told JJM that she brought him the picnic and she put it on the trunk of the car. JJM asked her whether she cooked them herself and she said yes with the big smile. When saw what she brought him, he said to GHJ “You must have told her I’ve been working out.” She brought him chicken breasts, bananas, and sweet potatoes. JJM took a banana to eat. LYJ asked him whether it was true that he ate only chicken breasts, bananas, and sweet potatoes and JJM said “Yes, I’ve been on the strictly diet and these are what I have. I have to abstain from my favorite flavorful food.”

LYJ began with the topic of JJM’s 6-pack picture on the internet. He said “I had no idea that it will be on the internet. I wanted to show it off to my friends how my hard work out turn out. But now every person in Korea has seen it.” LYJ said the picture made women swoon and it must be very hard to get the abs like these and asked how long it takes him to get this ab. JJM answered that it took 4 weeks then GHJ said that JJM has worked out 3 times a day and JJM even refused him when he called him out for a drink. Then, LYJ asked to touch JJM’s abs and she did and said “It’s like a washboard.” GHJ grabbed her hands and moved hers up and down to feel JJM abs.


LYJ gave GHJ a chance to catch up with JJM alone without her by let them went on the taxi together for a block while she would be on the staff’s van. When JJM got in the taxi, he looked around and said “Wow!” and asked GHJ “Are we being film?” and GHJ said “Yes.” GHJ thanked JJM for being on the Taxi. JJM said “I’m always nervous when I’m in front of the camera. But I’m not nervous now.” GHJ asked him “Why?” JJM said “I’m nervous and burdened when I’m in front of the camera that I can’t wink and sleep that’s why I’m so sleepy now. I’m afraid I’ll blab or let my tongue slip.” GHJ told him to be himself and JJM replied “That’s the last thing the viewers want to see.” Then, they both laughed.

GHJ asked about JJM’s movie whether it has been premier yet or not. JJM replied “Not yet.” GHJ asked “Why people are so interested in this movie?” JJM said “It may be because there are all male casts.” And he told whom he was with in the movie; SSH, KKW and JHS. GHJ said he used to work with director Song Hae Seong in ‘Failing’ and he used to call him “Joo Jin Mo” because he looked alike JJM. JJM said he has never noticed about it before. He remembered that there was when he went out drinking with the director and the waitress asked whether they are related. Then he said “That’s why I was the lead actor virtually that I got the most screen-time.” 

GHJ asked “Do you remember how grueling you were when we met at JDG’s place after you came back from Thailand? We were shock to see you looked tan and sunken.” JJM replied “Yes. You could see with the hat.” GHJ said “Yes, your head is small. You have such a small head.” JJM said that when he was shot picture with the other casts and he was next to JHS, he could see that his head is small. Also, when they were drinking together, they ranked the size of their heads. Then, GHJ said “Yours is the smallest. It is small.” JJM said that the actress always step back when taking picture with him so that their heads won’t look so big.” LYJ watched the show from the staff’s van said he must be boasting and he seemed to forget about the camera.

JJM said that he has been on the strictly diet and really into the rice wine lately. GHJ said that JJM has never asked him to have the rice wine with him and then he asked whether JJM could remember texting him asking him out for a drink. GHJ said it was such a cute message so he knew it was from JJM and then he spoke in a little childish voice that made JJM smile. JJM said “I’ve been very lonely these days.” GHJ said “It has been 7 years since you had a girlfriend, hasn’t it?” JJM said “We used to hang out together drinking and going to karaoke. But after JDG got married, he is no longer available.” GHJ agreed with him. JJM continued “I focused on building my body that I didn’t contact anybody and exercised very hard alone for 4 weeks and I even worried that I was going crazy.”

GHJ asked “Will you be on the variety show to promote ABT?” JJM said “I’m very nervous and burdened to be on the variety show. When I told the promotion team that I would be on ‘Taxi’, they were happy and booked me for the other shows.” GHJ asked him what show he would be in and he replied Kang Ho Dong’s Golden Fishery and then they both laughed. GHJ said “Okay. Let’s practice.” Then he spoke in the little funny voice “I heard you’re scared to be on our show, why is that?” JJM replied “I feel very burdened and nervous. I feel like having butterflies in my stomach.” GHJ said “You must have an aversion to appear in front of other people.” JJM said “No. I just…” then he seemed at a loss what to say for awhile before he continued “You see? There’re a lot of things I want to say, but it won’t come out as I want.” And they laughed.


LYJ came to joined them on the taxi and asked JJM where he wanted to go and what he wanted to do and JJM replied “I’ve been hanging out with these guy since I became an actor and we mostly go partying at night so I don’t have chance to get around much. I’d like to go to the place that full of young people. Also, I’m very bad at shopping that I haven’t shopped in 10 years.” LYJ asked him why and then he replied “I feel uncomfortable when people start noticing me and talking to me. Sometimes I just wanted to walk around and do window-shopping, then people noticed me and looked at me made me feel uncomfortable and I felt like I have to buy something even I didn’t want it. So I don’t go out shopping. I want to go to crowded place to greet people.” Then, he turned to GHJ “We’ve never been to Ewha University. All the pretty girls I knew were from Ewha, and there are many boutiques and cafes around.” LYJ said “Okay. Let’s go to Ewha University to fulfill JJM’s dream.” Then, GHJ said “I’ll introduce you to some girls.” That made JJM said ‘Okay!” with a big smile. LYJ asked JJM what he wanted to do there that he replied “I want to have iced coffee and walk and shop around.”

LYJ said that since they are good friends and GHJ knows JJM very well, she was afraid that GHJ would say it all. JJM agreed and said that he was afraid about what GHJ was going to say about him too. Then, LYJ asked GHJ to pledge that he would not say anything when JJM talked about something that he knew. Then, LYJ asked JJM to take a nap that confused him and she said he was on the taxi so that he could take a nap. She told him that she would wake him up when she wanted to ask him question and she lied down on the back seat. GHJ also said to him that he could catch up with his sleep while he was on the taxi. JJM said “I’m confused. I’m very nervous right now.” LYJ comforted him that “Why nervous? You have an amazing profile.” JJM replied “Really? I’m confused. This show is not like the other show you do whatever you want.” GHJ said “That’s why other guests had such good time on our show that they didn’t want to leave.” 

LYJ asked JJM why he didn’t appear on the variety show or he thought that top stars could not be on the variety show. JJM replied “I feel nervous and burdened. I don’t know what to talk about. I don’t want to say something I should not. So I refuse to be on the variety show. GHJ pressured me to be on Taxi and I was afraid that he would avoid me for a year if I refused. So I accepted to be on Taxi.” GHJ said “No, I didn’t pressure you. Tell them the truth.” JJM said “I was thinking about it for a long time and finally the opportunity came along so I accepted to be on Taxi.” Then, GHJ talked about Park Joon Hoong that he liked this show very much that he told his actor friends about GHJ and LYJ.


LYJ told JJM that she would ask him questions and it was okay if he didn't want to answer any question or if he got mad, he could jump out of the car. Then, she began “You’re single man at thirties. Do you live alone, or with family, or with your girlfriend?” GHJ interrupted “Living with your girlfriend is nothing to hide.” JJM was a bit awkward and he replied “I used to live with my sisters for ten years and then when they got married I live alone.” LYJ said “So he lives alone with no girlfriend. We just made it up.” Then, she asked “Do you live in a mansion, a villa, or an apartment?” JJM replied “My family lives in Ilsan and the troupe used to finish around 2 – 3 a.m. and it cost a lot for taxi. I couldn’t ask my family or my friends for money. I shot a commercial that was quite successful and I got some money so I rented a room and that was when I left my parent’s house.”

LYJ asked JJM who does his house shores and he replied “When I was living with my sisters, they did all the house shores. They cooked and they cleaned. Now, I don’t do it much. I do my own dishes. I’ve been cooking a lot lately.” Then, she asked how about his underwear and he said “I put everything together in the washing machine and my white shirt became dark white.” She advised “You should separate the white cloth and the color ones.” JJM admitted “Yes, I should, but I didn’t. So now I give everything to the laundry which is not cheap at all.”

LYJ asked about his cooking that what dish he cooks and JJM replied “I like cooking stews with fish, vegetable and kimchi or spicy ham. Taste matters to me and I find that my stew tastes good and the other must like it too, even JDG likes my stew. It was the first time when he visited my place. He said he was hungry and asked whether we should order some food. I told him I would cook, and then I prepared all the side dishes, cooked the rice and stew. He was very surprised that it tasted so good and he liked it a lot. He also asked me what I put into the stew, what was the secret ingredient.” LYJ said she was surprised that he could cook stew well because she thought that most guys would be cooking instant noodle. Then, JJM said “Should I say something here? Well, the secret ingredient was instant noodle seasoning. JDG hasn’t known about it until now.” And GHJ said “I don’t know it too. Oh, instant noodle seasoning, the solution of any food related problem.” JJM said “But I don’t use it now. I don’t put it in my stew anymore.” Then, he continued “I used to cook instant noodle for nearly one and a half year.” LYG said he must be an expert in cooking instant noodle and he said “I can cook instant noodle to suit people individual preference.” LYG asked him how he would cook instant noodle for GHJ and he replied “He has liberal mind and he appreciate good food. I won’t put too much water and I will put egg and won’t cook for too long because he likes his noodle hard. Then, I’ll garnish with spring onion.” GHJ was very surprised that JJM totally got it right about how he wanted his instant noodle to be cooked.

LYJ asked JJM to suggest dish for their viewers. She said “Our show comes late at night and most of our viewers are single women who have no one but a dog to come home to after work. Please suggest some dishes for them.” JJM said “They need a drink not noodle. I have a glass of wine at home when I have sometime alone. I don’t have veranda but glass wall.” And GHJ said, “Overlook Han River.” JJM said “Yes. I’ve just moved to my new place in Yeouido. There was one night when it rained and I felt down, I decided to cook kimchi fried rice. I poured the oil not the normal one, but grape seed oil into the pan. I chopped kimchi into small pieces and I mashed tuna with onion and I put it ham, bacon and ketchup. I mixed them all together. Then, I put it into the pan and fried it until it was crispy. I made it like a pizza that I even sliced it like pizza and had it with wine.” 

LYJ asked him who buy all the ingredients and he said “I ask my managers to do it for me. I don’t like it when I walk into the shop and middle-aged women talk to me and pat me on my bottom.” LYJ asked whether they pat his bottom with left or right hands and he said he couldn’t remember and he continued “I even got batteries once.” LYJ asked him why and he replied “I went to buy some ingredients but they started looking at me and talking to me. I was standing at batteries shelf so I bought it and left.” LYJ said “Since your managers do the shopping for you, do you know what is new in the market like new instant noodle?” JJM said “No.” LYJ asked “Do you regret it?” JJM said “Yes, I do. I’ll go out to the market when it becomes too much for me. I’ll go after 2 in the morning.” LYJ asked whether there were any shop open at that hour and he said there was a few.

Then, they needed to stop to have the staff changing the roll of film. Before they got out of the car, JJM said “My mouth hurts so much from talking too much after being on my own for weeks.” GHJ told LYJ that JJM sings when he drinks. He said JDG and WB will be on drum while he (GHJ) and the other guy (I can’t remember his name) will play guitar and JJM will sing.


Then, they continued their ride. LYJ asked GHJ “Since you are closed friends, is there anything you want to know or don’t understand and want to ask JJM? You can ask two questions.” GHJ began his question “JJM, you are a very good pitcher and you pitch very well. But why do you break down whenever you throw the dead ball or there is a safe catch.” JJM nodded and said “Because GHJ scares me. I thought he would pacify me but he yelled “Hey! Throw it properly.”” And they both laughed before JJM continued “I know he is competitive and hot-tempered. He means well that he wants me to improve my skills.” Then, LYJ said “There was an ad about your baseball team with JGD, GHJ and other guys, but not you. Do you feel you are an outcast? JJM replied “Yes, I feel like an outcast. I thought they would do the other one since there are more than 10 actors in our team and I thought I would be in the next one.” LYJ said “But there was not.” And GHJ said “That was the first and the last one.”

LYJ asked GHJ “GHJ, you are a captain. Don’t you know the players’ feelings?” GHJ replied “Yes, I know. You know, the contractor wanted JJM to be captain, but he was not available so I got to be captain.” JJM said “Yes, I was in the wood shooting A Frozen Flower. And my cell phone didn’t have any reception.” Then, GHJ said “I heard that the contractor preferred GHJ to JJM.” LYJ wanted to move to the next topic but GHJ said he still had the second question so he asked JJM “There was once I yelled at him “Be confident. Don’t be tense.” He didn’t talk to me for a month. I didn’t know that he was so upset until JDG told me. Why?” JJM replied “I was not mad or upset at you, but I was frustrated and disappointed that I let you down. I told myself that I got to work on this on my own. I had to work hard and improve my skills and I would come back better to make you proud.” GHJ said “You should tell me.” JJM said “JDG is the mediator between us when there is a problem. He will talk to each of us separately and explain the situation each of us. That’s how the problem is solved” GHJ told JJM that “I’m sorry. I should have not yelled at an old friend like that.”

LYJ said to JJM that it was his turn to ask GHJ anything “You can ask anything you want to know or any misunderstanding.” JJM said “I’m direct and I won’t leave the string untied. I won’t talk about anything I should not talk about.” LYJ said “What is it? What can’t you talk about? Is it something that going to hurt your friendships?” JJM said “No. I’m just happy with our friendships right now and I don’t want anything to change the way it is.” LYJ “So what is the topic that you won’t talk about among you guys?” JJM said softly “Money or financial issue.” GHJ said “Oh, you shouldn’t say that. I’ll borrow you some money in the future.” JJM said “Actor earns money from film and commercial. The paycheck can be increased or decreased depends on the situation. There was a year when I had only one film and I had to live on one paycheck for a year. I did calculate how much I could spend each month. Actor doesn’t earn that much money as people think.” GHJ teased JJM that he understated and JJM said “I do earn more than you.” That made LYJ laughed. 

JJM continued “We don’t meet each other to talk about our problems. We call each other out for drinks to have the good time together and when the mood is right we can talk about our problems. We know that we can lean on each other.” GHJ said to LYJ “You know, sometimes we have an emergency that we need money. I know I can ask JJM to lend me some money and I tell him when I’ll be able to return it. But I can’t.” LYJ said “It’s because you are both well-known actors that image is important to both of you. You could do it if you were young.” Then, she turned to JJM and asked “Your groups are very close. How could you become friends?” JJM replied “Normally we build the friendship during the shooting, but I’ve never worked with JDG or the other guys. We’ve met for drink and we got close. We become close to the extent that we know each other thought.” LYJ asked JJM “So who don’t you want to lend money?” JJM replied “I don’t have an answer to that. I’ve never thought about it.” LYJ said “You can think about it now.” JJM said “No. I don’t want to answer this question.”


Then, they arrived at Ewha and they looked around and talked about the changes. LYJ asked JJM “We are here at Ewha. What do you think?” JJM replied “It has changed a lot, but still crowded. So where are we going?” GHJ stopped the car and he rolled down his window to greet a group of female foreigners “Hi!” and they turned to look at him Then, JJM quickly told GHJ that “Let’s just go. I’m not good at English.” He looked so worried that LYJ said “I heard that you are not good at Korean either.” GHJ continued driving further into the university when they saw 3 female students on the sidewalk. LYJ told JJM to roll down his window to ask for direction and he did as told. Those students were so shocked seeing him and LYJ asked them the direction and “What do you think about JJM?” They said “He is very handsome.” GHJ asked them what they think about him and they said “You’re good-looking.” GHJ asked them “Who do you like the most?” and they said “Both of you.” JJM thanked them and they continued driving into the university. JJM said “Because it is Woman University that it is very clean.”

LYJ asked JJM that “What school did you graduate from?” JJM was a bit reluctant before saying “It’s not important.” Then, GHJ said “You are my junior. You are late comer and you are my junior now.” LYJ asked “What are you talking about? Tell me.” GHJ said “He is my junior. He is the class of 2010.” LYJ asked JJM “What do you study?” JJM replied “I didn’t major in film and I have a lot of hand-on experiences so that I decided to study about film at Chung-ang University.” LYJ said “Wow! What was your major?” JJM said “I studied Athletes. I want to delve into film and I want to learn about directing because my ultimate goal is to direct the film.” LYJ “You want to be the director. Most freshmen are about 19-20 years old. Is there any problem getting along with them?” JJM said “I thought there might be the generation gap at first, but they are broadminded that they can accept strong opinion. I took the whole freshmen class to dinner once. I took them to have charcoal broiled beef because that’s what we have close to the campus. I asked the owner to bring us the most expensive and delicious one. Yeah!” GHJ said “Wow! You are so generous. How many did you order?” JJM replied “About 40-50 portions.” LYJ asked “What did they feel? Did they enjoy it?” JJM grinned and replied “They loved it. We had a good time. I signed about 100 autographs. I couldn’t remember much because we drank a lot that night and I even couldn’t go to Busan for the shooting the next day. I’ve never done that before.” GHJ said “Yes. You’ve never done it before.” LYJ said “You shouldn’t miss the shooting.” JJM said “I had a kind of feeling that it would happen like this so I told the team in advance. So they changed my schedule.” 

LYJ said “It is nice to talk about school inside the school. So how is your school life?” JJM said “I have such a perception since I see a lot of pretty people in acting department, but it is not like that.” LYJ interrupted “Be careful. Your friends may watch this.” Then, JJM looked at the camera and said “Friends, I’m sorry. They are more like scholar but they study very hard.” LYJ said “They are studious.” JJM turned to GHJ and said “Acting and Film departments used to be together, but they are not now.” LYJ asked JJM “Have you gone on trip with them?” JJM replied “I didn’t because I was in Thailand shooting the movie.” LYJ asked “Do you want to go on trip with them?” JJM replied “Yes, I want to.” LYJ said “Wow! You can become a campus couple this way.” JJM said “I wish it could, but I don’t think it will happen. Look at them.” 

LYJ asked JJM how he felt since they were at Ewha and he replied with a smile “My heart flutter. But I’ve seen anyone yet.” GHJ said “Ha, you want them all under your arms right?” LYJ asked JJM “What did you dream about doing when you were a high-school boy?” JJM replied “I wanted to have iced coffee and walk around with her.” LYJ asked “Do you want to have some rice cake?” JJM replied right away “Yes, I’d love to have some.” LYJ said “Aren’t you on the diet?” JJM said “It’s okay. I’m not that strict now.” that made them all laughed.

Then, they came out the university to where there were a lot of people (mostly females) waiting to see JJM. GHJ said “Let’s greet them.” and he rolled down his window and JJM said “They are foreigners. Let’s go.” and he turned away. GHJ said “They are students.” The crowd tried to see JJM and greet him that made him very nervous. GHJ said “Look at him. Can you see his blush? He is so shy that he cannot meet their eyes.” LYJ asked JJM why he was so shy and he replied “I’m so nervous right now. I want to come here myself.” LYJ said “Don’t you expect to have a passionate meet? Are you surprised to be greeted like this?” JJM said “I don’t think it’s going to be like this.” GHJ said to JJM “They come to greet me not you.” Then, JJM said with a grin “It is nice to be surrounded by female students.”

This is the end of Part I...

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"LYJ asked him who buy all the ingredients and he said “I ask my managers to do it for me. I don’t like it when I walk into the shop and middle-aged women talk to me and pat me on my bottom.” LYJ asked whether they pat his bottom with left or right hands and he said he couldn’t remember and he continued “I even got batteries once.”

Hahaha..., I can' stop laughing. Do middle-aged women in Korea do that often? Or they just treat him as their kids?

Can you believe it?  In Taiwan, after ETTV finished the rerun of Empress Ki last week, CTS began to rerun it every Monday to Friday at 9PM today.

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Guest meelis

WOW, thanks for the confirmation, @lucy13880! :-* Can't wait for the trailers... and, @salijoo, we'll get The Hand part 3 or 4. ;))

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