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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2025: The Priest 2 (Dark Nuns) Upcoming Dramas 2025: Everything Will Come True (special appearance) & Show Business


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Part 3-
After the premiere of "That Winter", many viewers praised her delicate acting skills and her unchanged beauty. Years do not change a beautiful person rather it allows her to be more mature. From close-ups, we could see how perfect her almost make-up less face is while using her facial expressions to show Oh Young's emotions in  her lonely and dark world.
Director Kim showed her love towards Hye Kyo " She is a lovable child,not only she is beautiful but she also has a big heart. In "That Winter" , she has many emotional and crying scenes,it's really hard to express them all at once,but she has done it perfectly." Song Hye Kyo humbly said " Many praised my beauty but really all credits goes to the lighting crews and camera man,under their magic, the close-ups were done beautifully."

For "That Winter", Hye Kyo learnt to read braille,she walked into the life of a blind and understood their difficulties and pain. After filming ended, she worked with Professor Seo to provide museums with guide books in braille to facilitate blind visitors. She sponsors the fund and Professor Seo is in charge of creating the guide books.This is not her first time donating for cultural purposes.She also sponsored brochures in Korean for museum visitors and contributed arts to Lee Joon Memorial Hall in Holland,hoping that people will pay attention towards overseas' relics.All Korean App at these museums are sponsored by her, but she never once announce it "There's nothing to say about it,i only hope that through these i can help others in need."
"I never experienced my youth,and i did not have any dreams when i was young.I never dreamt of becoming famous or a tv star. Just that during x year, i started acting .I never had a dream/ambition,that's why the things i am doing now can be considered as my only dream.
Year 2000, "The Autumn Love" became the pioneer of Hallyu. Looking back, Song Hye Kyo used the word "rather awkward" to describe this drama that contributed to her popularity and gained nods from millions of viewers. "At that time,i did not know how to act, but i really love " Autumn Love" because my acting was the most simple and pure. "Full House" could be said as the starting point.Previously i had a few dramas, just like a little girl,others would held me by my hands and i would just followed.I did not know where's the happiness in acting, i just did my best. From "Full House" ,i learnt to take my scripts,studied and discussed my character with the director. From " World's Within", I understood how happy it is to be able to act and i have responsibilities towards my character and the drama as a whole." A beautiful person never has pressure towards how she looks, different from what others might think, her beauty regime is simple.For her, everyone will grow old but what makes her sad is when she is not loved by viewers.Thus she makes acting as the most important aspect in her life,and takes the love she gets from viewers as her life's goal.

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Guest chloebelle

khxy...,can't thank you enough for the translation ! The interview just gives me the goosebumps and I'm so speechless at how humble,mature and wise kyo's answer is,she is also so thoughtful towards her fans....it makes me love her much much much even much more...and I'm so proud to be her fan,ONCE KYONATICS FOREVER KYONATICS HERE !!! My most fav lines : " Whenever i received a script, no matter whether it's a Korean project/ overseas project, i would see whether i like it, whether my acting will be believable for the viewers, whether i can make my fans proud. Every time i would have this exact attitude towards my work and it carries me through till now." ....." A beautiful person never has pressure towards how she looks, different from what others might think, her beauty regime is simple.For her, everyone will grow old but what makes her sad is when she is not loved by viewers.Thus she makes acting as the most important aspect in her life,and takes the love she gets from viewers as her life's goal. " Hye Kyo dearie.... [-x Never ever have to be worried about that,we all your KYONATICS are so PROUD OF YOU NO MATTER WHAT ! ....and even if you grow old,KYONATICS WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU !Your feature is Gorgeous but your heart is OUT OF THE WORLD GORGEOUS !!! ~ ONCE KYONATICS FOREVER KYONATICS ~

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Thanks khxy for the great efforts dear, much much appreciated  :-* . Reading the interview, we can see how mature Kyo is, she is much more mature beyond her age and I am THIS proud fan of Kyo, a forever Kyonatics here hehe.

hclover, Takeshi is the next best dear? oh, for me, he is the best *jaw drop*  =P~  . I am dead if hubby read this lah kzp.gif  and i am so happy to hear Kyo certainly will pair up with both hotties 8p9.gif   . I am all for ending up with Takeshi in the movie keke. AJa, Aja!

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freshspring and khxy - kansahamnida a million times :-* great partnership indeed.... who would have thought of such collaboration. the uploader and the translator.. =D> =D> =D> ...all your talents and skills is such a blessing to us non Chinese/non Korean speaking and reading fans of Kyo...much so for those who does not have that much budget to buy dvds or magazines...thank you for your unselfless act of service to your fellow fans....your act is very Kyo-like :-* may your tribe increase!

utkim and chloebelle - your husbands should stay oblivious to this site so that you both will remain safe and alive....hehehe  :D  :D ...you guys make my jaw drop by laughing so hard :D

Kyo is so mature for her age. She must have really gone through a lot to have that kind of wisdom. I really hope and pray that she would find someone who can really make her truly happy coz she really deserves it. I really want a real life happy ever after ending for her.

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@khxy, my beloved, do you know how much I love you? serenade-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862518
I'm curious where are you from? I feel like English is your mother tongue and you know Chinese. Moreover, the thing that you deeply understand Hye Kyo helps you to not only translate the interviews but also convey emotions to the reader perfectly. It will be a major omission in order to understand SHK if we have no these interviews.

We remain 2 parts, right? I still read the translations again and again :x :x :x :x :x

To  my Kim unnie, Let's go party love-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862512
I still remember how unnie was worried when we didn't know whom Hye Kyo would end up with. Unnie also feels those pics is lovely, right? Hi hi, so, unnie and everybody like them, I'm so happy :x

Ria, I love you too, I always love you :*

Kim unnie, please help me, the lady is behind Kim Bum ( he has a movie in China) , Is she the translater of Hye Kyo?

PS: @deaborj dearie, Thanks for your
sweetness which alsways make us happy. Hi hi, although slightly embarrassed :D

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 Hi everyone,you're most welcome for the translations :x.I believe all of us here contribute a little something in a way or another. I hope my translations are still passable and my apologies if there are errors :\">. 
@Freshspring, thanks for your compliment :x and my english is certainly lacking in many ways but i am trying my best :D.Yes, there are 2 more parts and they will be out tonight. I live in Singapore for as long as i can remember so that explains why i am bilingual.;;)

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Follow up from @Jasan post yesterday,
Lee Soon Jae chose Song Hye Kyo when he was asked which younger actress he wish to act in romantic scenes with. He says " She is pretty,we have worked together before and at that time she's so youthful and pretty."
Netizens commented "Lee Soon Jae must have really like Song Hye Kyo"," Lee Soon Jae always chooses Song Hye Kyo " , "Even Lee Soon Jae approves of Song Hye Kyo." etc.

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freshspring, it looks like her dear,  KB seems to start to have a good rel with our dearie and KB is always welcome as he is such a cute boy :D

daeborj, haha, we just talk, can't touch lah keke.. but have to say Kyo had been blessed for all the hotties she had been working with, be it national or international. I bet many actors could only dream to be her haha.

Thanks StarRix for posting the character awards. I haven't watched any of them than Kyo's drama, just dun have time for it :(

Have a nice day, chingus


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Part 4-
Song Hye Kyo revealed that there are similarities between her characters in real life and all the characters that she undertook, however she said she couldn't go back to the past and she refused to repeat herself. " As i am petite and i acted as a young girl when during my debut,many people must have thought that i am a coy but really i am not cute at all. You would never hear cheesy or mushy words coming out from my mouth.It is really awkward when i need to act out cute scenes or make cute expressions during filming.I am a bit rigid,i am very straight forward,know what i like and dislike very clearly and i can't keep secrets.I am really not cute."
" I was 23 when i acted in Full House,,now i am in my 30s. So it is unlikely i will play a demure and cute character in the future.Whether as a woman or as an actress, i have matured and changed." However when choosing a project, she always hold on to the same principles. " It has always been the same.Firstly,i would read the script and see whether i have a connection towards it.Secondly, i would see the Director,we would have a chat and i would determine whether i can put my trust in him/her.He /She must be trustworthy.The only thing that change is, in the past i would picked out a project i personally like and would not think about it much.Now,i have a sense of responsibility towards my character and the movie/drama itself."
After "World's Within" in 2008, she left the small screen temporarily to take part in 2 independent films such as "Fetish" and "Camellia", her characters differed greatly from what she normally portrayed on the small screen, surprising many.In 2011, she was awarded the best actress in Korea's woman film festival for her movie "Today".
"Responsibility" was the word she kept on repeating during this interview," It's not responsibility towards the box office or sales, but towards the movie as a whole---maybe people  do not want to watch or not interested to watch your movie now but in the future when they have a chance to watch they would love to see that sense of responsibility."
For a popular actress in Korea, she is exceptionally humble and love to do charity works in private, and she rarely appears in a product endorsement or publicity. She honestly talked about money and choices "Of course money is important,with money you can buy the things you like,but i have a certain limit to maintain my image.There are some endorsements or public activities that allows you to earn a lot of money but these activities will affect your image greatly.If people always sees me in public activities or cf and watch my drama/movie, maybe they would see me as Song Hye Kyo and not a new and believable character in my drama/movie."
In The Grandmaster and the Crossing, both directors see the elegance and gentleness in Song Hye Kyo. Her high popularity in Asia further determined their choices , but Song Hye Kyo never once thought about " going international" seriously. " Receiving a script,i would assess whether i like it or not,whether my acting will be believable to viewers and whether i will make my fans proud. Every time i would have this exact attitude towards my work and it carries me through till now."
"In my 20s, I have enjoyed all the things that women would love to have,thus i do not have any regret.I have worked hard, loved earnestly and live diligently.From my debut till now,my characters are always the tough and strong ones.As for me now, i am getting stronger,i breathe calmly and my voice has become lower.I think i have found my original voice,just like breathing, calm and natural."
Often travelling overseas for work, she is just like fish in the water,being able to make herself at home wherever she goes.She loves Shanghai and she has tried many Chinese delicacies,she loves to eat Peking roast duck the most.Filming In Beijing,the city where the weather often cause headache to many actresses,it's certainly not a big deal for this natural born beauty.' I exercise everyday,i lead a somewhat discipline lifestyle and my skin is better too.Some of my friends went to Beijing and complained about the weather being too dry.At first, i was worried but after i came i feel that it's still alright ."
From The Grandmaster till The Crossing,working with world renown directors consecutively,friends around her couldn't help but to envy her luck,she also said that it's a good and happy thing." It's been 10 years since Autumn Love, i always travel between China and Korea,last time i always considered myself as a foreigner.Now i don't feel like a stranger anymore.Coming to China, i feel that this is my place too.The staff ,actors and actresses don't treat me as if i am a foreigner too."

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Someone posted on dc (september 24th) that kyo is in korea now.. Maybe she has a schedule there? .... ;;)

@khxy thank you very much for the interviews! You're an awesome kyonatic !!

Waaah i'm such a proud fan of kyo! Fighting hyekyo!!

And thanks everyone for all the updates :)

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Part 5-
Greatly Loved in China, Song Hye Kyo humbly said that is due to her early debut. "I keep coming back to China since Autumn Love,slowly but surely i garnered some fans.So you can say that i have established a certain position compared to other Korean stars,and also have definite fans' groups.I am lucky.There are so many people who want this, but i got this earlier ,so i did it."
There are many reasons on why she is loved by many,but more often than not this is due to her attentiveness over small details that is often overlooked.The Grandmaster was chosen as the opening film for the Chinese film festival in Korea.Before walking the red carpet, she has her own ideas for her outfit that day and rejecting ideas thrown by her stylists.She wanted to keep it simple with just a simple accessories, "This event is to celebrate the Chinese Film Festival, it will be rude and inappropriate if i were the one that receives the limelight."
To keep it simple, Song Hye Kyo only wore a simple earrings to complete her white dress. In today's society where actresses  compete and try to outdo each other,she is truly second to none, sacrificing her own appearance to let others shine especially when the event was held in her home country.She simply said " I cannot tolerate impoliteness,friends or people that i know,including staff and crew,i absolutely don't like it if they are impolite or rude towards others or certain matters.I am more conservative in this area, politeness is a tradition."
Since young, Song Hye Kyo doesn't like  changes "My life and lifestyle hasn't changed much." Just like a Scorpio, she is deep rooted to the ground. "If i don't like it,i would not show any interest at all." She remains polite to strangers while keeping a distance from them,she is not as sociable as other actresses,only with close friends, she will turn into bubbly Song Hye Kyo." Maybe because i have been an actress since young,it's been 17 years, i know how to protect myself.If i read any gossips about me in the past,i would be upset,now i have passed that stage.I don't really care about those false gossips,it doesn't matter anymore." As she is now in her 30s,fans of Song Hye Kyo has changed her nickname from "Song Hye Kyo sister" to "Goddess",talking about this,she laughed " If they called me 'goddess' from the start, it will be better"
Song Hye Kyo officially stepped into Hallyu stars list when she starred in "All In" in 2003. Full House propelled her status further to a top star. Since then, she rejected many projects that helped other actresses paved their ways to popularity. She, on the other hand, waited for the right project to come by that allows her to show her mature self.
Her 17 years of experience and lessons in this industry has allowed competitions for roles and all the ups and downs in this business to gradually deviate away from her."If i let a project passed by and it landed on other actress and somehow the drama/movie was successful, i would not regret. It just meant that the drama/movie was meant for her, because of her it's successful and it's her win.It's not that i lost, rather it's just because i was not fated to be a part of the drama/movie.I believe this also applies for friendships, of course it's unbearable to lose him but i wouldn't think about the past.I would just tell myself that our fate has ended and it's only natural for him to leave ."
After a long journey, Song Hye Kyo is back,becoming an actress,both her movie and drama were a big success. She doesn't give in to all the gossips, instead she uses her acting to gain applause from the audience. and she once again successfully received loved from the audience.
Growing up with her mom by her side, her mom's advise keeps on replaying in her mind " Don't be greedy, don't be greedy towards the things that you can't get;do not insist, if you force yourself , the consequence may be worse off."
Beauty,talent,diligence and popularity, she seems to have it all. This Asian's sweetheart loves to spend time in the kitchen whenever the time allows.Spending quality time with her mom,and regarding her better half whom everyone has been waiting for to appear, how does her prince charming looks like,i thought about it before.As for the questions that provide no answers, she is more than willing to leave it to fate.
-end of translations-

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Thanks khxy dearie for your hard work cute2-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862498
Hi hi, thanks ss.Kim for replying me :x

^ mamie, yes, yes, doesn't look like a noona embarrassed4-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862503 Thanks dear for the nice pic :x

"The crossing" updates:


Words in the pic below:    太平轮: "Tai Ping Lun"
                                            吴宇森:  John Woo



Director John Woo:


@as labeled

One of the filming locations is filmed in this video:

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Guest graaccee02

wow!! Song Hye Kyo is so amazing...!she's one lovely woman ,down to earth , possesses true beauty just overly gorgeous inside and out!!  proud of her ..!! :)
am so glad that language barrier is not a problem for us here..!! thank you khxy for the translation ..!! that's a big help..!!
 you did a great job!! we appreciate all your effort..!!!  ... till next time..!! :)

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