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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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hello again :-h
I watched camellia love for sale yesterday but I watched it without english sub.  I'm wondering if anyone knows where I can get the subs for it.  I find the movie really I mean really weird but I want to watch it with subs in order for me to understand why it's so weird lol.  There must be something about the movie the drew SHK.  Is it because it's so different from her other roles? 
I found hwang jin yi and my girl and I on netflix and watched it earlier.  I like both of them. 
My girl and I the grandpa made me cry :( The story is ok 
But I love hwang jin yi.  Why did I just watched it today when it came out years ago? I'm not a big korean movie fan.  But since I was bored and viola netflix has couple of her movies and dramas I thought I'd watch the movies.  SHK is really pretty I hope she does a historical drama.  It seems like she didn't age.  Hwang jin yi was years ago but she still looks the same.  Maybe the make up is different but she still retained her youthfulness. 
SHK improved a lot in her acting. I can tell the difference.  I'm glad all her hard work paid off.
Another question SHK did a drama called Sunshine pours down with jo hyun jae (i like him)  Anyone know where I can watch it? Since I'm waiting for her next project I want to watch movies and dramas SHK has starred in that I haven't watched :D thanks for  in advance for those who can answer my questions :D

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i can imagine now how the pressure they felt related with their personal life and career..
Hye Kyo must be very exciting to express everything related to her recently success project.. i dont know exactly how they feel.. but i think.. it is so hard to be in entertainment industry..
i admire her more.. and wish her smile more pretty than usually.. wink to her anti fan and quickly find another drama for us ;)

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@pearlysweetyangela thanks dear for being here :) I find peace here too. This thread will give you the comfort, always leaving the sensitive issues behind as quickly as possible.
Because TWTWB is a valuable work, people will still love it. Because it is made up by the contribution of many people, there is no marginal factor can break it down. Time will prove that to be true :*

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nice to see you here @freshspring.. glad to read those welcome words..
i wish your lovely post about hye kyo will comfort my day .. :)
twtwb will always be my number one excellent drama, jis will always be my top one excellent k actor, and shk will always placed right beside JIS in my heart..
I just love both of them.. for their good looking and talented factor of course.

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Guest lionel1430292475

Thats why i never take my mind to be a shipper :D .I thing its almost seems like a shiper of LMJ and GY in drama "BIG", because every conpress and bts they are look very closed but "bang" the shipper almost die because LMJ and LBH announce their relationship.LOL 

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^that's the part and parcel of watching k-dramas...... we tend to be over obsessed to the OTP but i'm sure we will get over it in a matter of time.... lesson to learn, before we start into any drama, built up a wall like Kyo did at the pc..... jkg   :P


freshhspring, thanks for the twtwb pics..... she surely can portray a sad and lonely girl with that kind of expression..... just by looking at it makes me want to cry.... and that's only one of the many scenes...... really hope that she win the baeksang award and of cos, PD Kim too. 


thanks to guys and gals for the warmth and fun postings.... truly enjoy them ;)

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Guest marshmelliey

oennie is a beautiful angel who's loves puppies so much :x                                           tumblr_mlsp0ul6Zo1r03tuuo1_250.gif   tumblr_mlsov5MSPc1r03tuuo1_400.gif 

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Guest xDucheZ21

Hello ;) this will be my first time on posting something in this thread. I've been lurking for almost 3 weeks now. Yah, I'm just a new SHG fan ♥ because of TWTWB haha! I wanna ask something. Does someone know where can I find her movie Make Yourself at home AKA Fetish ? I really wanna watch this ;c Thanks in advance. :-*

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Oh no Putrin sajangnim.... =)) =)) :)) =)) Don't ever take me seriously.. ;)) I'm just being my nuisance self..
I might be under impeachment sooner since I'm a better follower..:)) I'm afraid SHK thread views will drop and be over taken by other actress/actors just because I have nothing to contribute in here... :))

I'm just trying to break some ice since a lot where down and shock since yesterday... :(
Please wear your boots back...You fit in it perfectly... :-bdPlus I HATE high heels.... :D

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Guest tnguye

Hey guys, I looking for the links online of Love for Sale of Song Hye Kyo. Does anyone here know the download link or online links? Thanks :)

Heard the chemistry of the lead is sizzling hehe

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Guest Laila085

The chemistry KDW-SHK in love for sale was amazing, but it doesn't mean it was better than O2 or H2's chemistry. Just want to point out.

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Just a thought. I think the bottomline why there are shippers for couples after they do a project together is because we fall in love in the characters that they play and not on the actors per se. 
I will  keep supporting and loving SHG- as stand-alone or regardless of who she is with.

:) :) :) Nice and Blessed weekend to all.  

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Guest mrboggeyman1

After reading that the cast of twtwb will be going around asia to promote i thought that I might have chance to catch SHK beauty again but im getting more and more pessimistic since tonight will be airing episode 14(if I'm not wrong).

Last episode will air next week sob... Hope of SHK coming to sg is fading. :(( :(( :((

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Guest snowflower23_1

anette said: Just a thought. I think the bottomline why there are shippers for couples after they do a project together is because we fall in love in the characters that they play and not on the actors per se. 
iI will  keep supporting and loving SHG- as stand-alone or regardless of who she is with.

:) :) :) i Nice and Blessed weekend to all.   I second you on this. Support Shg regardless of who she is with( but please with some cute who will love her and protect her) Laila085 said: The chemistry KDW-SHK in love for sale was amazing, but it doesn't mean it was better than O2 or H2's chemistry. Just want to point out.

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