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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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 Thanks putriN and khxy ....tough competition lah...and over my and someone's dead body keke^^ . He looks cute :D

SBS might hear our worries and complaints for the promotions of twtwb eh? it seems they do their best to promote the drama hehe. And i hope twtwb will do well at ratings as it will have a very tough competition against the mega big project iris 2 and rom com civil 7, not that i care much about the rating as long as the drama delivers ..aja, aja, fighting!

Our sweetie :x
Dreaming Kyo
lovely pic
@ dc

There is a news about twtwb OSTs, kangta wrote the lyrics and the music, Yesung sing the songs

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hiiii lovely ladies!!! :D im sneaking yet again to post in my fav thread,hehe..im missing u all and this thread soo much and i cant wait to be active and get back soon!!! 

thank youu alll for the wonderful updates and posts about our girl...u guys are the bestt!! :D

i know im late in telling this, but the HIGHCUT magazine pictorial is simply fabuloussss!!! i was totally blown away by the pics...no wonder she is often touted as one of the most beautiful korean actresses,no wonder critics independent list included her,not once but thrice in the 100 most beautiful people list,no wonder people often hail her as a natural beauty,no wonder fans like us call her a perfect and versatile beauty!! SONG HYE KYO yet again proves that she can look Beautiful in just about ANYTHING!!! just when i thought she looked angelic and serene in ELLE pictorials,she totally blows me away with her sleek sexiness in a totally different avatar for Highcut!!!  :x

this is the cover pic of baidu,smoking hot isnt it? ;-)



and the 4th teaser for our drama is equally riveting and awesome!! im with u guys,even i cant wait for the drama to start and just 5 days more!! wahh time flies fast,it just felt like yesterday,we heard the news about our girl being cast,and now its nearing feb 13th!! waiting for it!! and i see theres one sweet bed scene in the trailer,ahem will we get to see more? okay now i should stop being a pervert bt i couldnt help it..hehe...and one particular scene when JIS ties chain around SHK's neck reminds me of a similar scene from AIMH...  ;;)


By the way its been long since i saw beth here...hoping shel be back soon!! 

have a great day dearies :)

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Yes I really hope this will be more greater then ever.. I do think is rather controversial because of the siblings age but i wait till i know what reason for the scene.. N i don't want some liTtle things like this effect the rating or whatever they believe in measured 4 a success.. Due to the determination of all artist n crew in this drama specially her.. Hhaahh is always her that being attack first the heels than this.. Haahhh

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I have been so busy at work,but going to this forum helps relieve my stress :)I'm so grateful to all our lovely ladies .....putriN,Utkim,Shanda,khxy and Ria::Ruthie,Shaylaman,88okuny88,annejung,gitakawaii,tiny_mu,freshspring,msriz,jjsweeter.miss_shady_vx  and all lovely ladies i miss to mention,you are all awesome!!We have so much wonderful news re:our lady SHG,can't help but feel proud and thankful!Last month she was exquisitely beautiful  inTGM movie,w/ TWTWB she looks so hautingly beautiful, now w/ her High Cut  Bohemian cover....her exotic beauty could give these young kpop singers a run for their money:)I also noticed that she looks good w/ all the gentleman she was paired w/.I am getting hooked w/ the TWTWB couple.They look so ridiculously good  looking and right for each other!Five more days to go!!I hope JIS feels better and w/out too  much pain or discomfort fr.his wound.Ria much as we miss you,hope you are having a good time on your vacation:)

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^hihello ria and beth....... happy to see you gals...... don't mia for too long please...... the celebration is about to begin ! :P

though in me screaming for 13th feb to come fast...... i'm fine too if it's drag a lil longer.... cos once it started airing, it ends fast..... and.......... we have to wait for another 5 years ! no :((


strawberry, i agree with you and i'm not surprised........ i guess she has immuned to all those....... she just do her best....... that's why lmh admire her, she is one courageous lady !

ria, you have good memory........ very fast to relate that scene  ;)

beth, not forgetting her doll-like face for Elle :)

kim, he sure will face tough competition    ;;)

i find it cute Kyo's side still make an effort to reply to him..... saying that Kyo is busy with filming twtwb and they appreciate his remarks......  i thought the prgm is just for fun..... probably being polite, courtesy and respect to him :)



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ria19 said:

and the 4th teaser for our drama is equally riveting and awesome!! im with u guys,even i cant wait for the drama to start and just 5 days more!! wahh time flies fast,it just felt like yesterday,we heard the news about our girl being cast,and now its nearing feb 13th!! waiting for it!! and i see theres one sweet bed scene in the trailer,ahem will we get to see more? okay now i should stop being a pervert bt i couldnt help it..hehe...and one particular scene when JIS ties chain around SHK's neck reminds me of a similar scene from AIMH...  ;;)

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Ria:did not see you sneaking up there girl!!I'm happy to see you though:)Like you ...I'm also bec. a pervert!Keep thinking she has so many kissing scenes in WW ,not to mention...I don't mind it coz I loved HB.I saw one of Utkims 4 th teaser and Shalaymans bed hugs,soo..that is ok for now lol.Hope there are more to come.pls.
putriN:what are those controversies?They can't critisize her enough huh!!That just shows that they are threatened by our  wonder girl SHK:)If it is about the shoes...well, have they not heared about the recent Olympic athlete w/artificial legs, who was able to compete in the track and field,or that young boy who could swim like fish despite not having half of his bilateral arm and legs?NOthing is impossible w/ people who are determined to succeed w/ goals that they want to achieve!She is super rich in the movie,so she can have her own make up artist!!Sorry for MIA,just got busy w/ work,but you, marvelous ladies are always in my thoughts and prayers:)
Utkim:Wow!!I'm so awed and star strucked w/  Kyos pictures above that you posted w/ HC mag.She look like Bridget Bardot,Farrah Fawcet,Sophia Loren and Rachel Welch and Angelina Joulie.....she has all traits of these ladies oozing sex appeal!Even if she does not show a lot of flesh,like others,not that she need too!We do have a lot to celebrate ladies!!!I have my champagne here....we'll have  a blast coz like what you said girl,it might take us another 5 yrs.again,but is her movie w/ J.Woo pushes through,then we have something in store for us:)Happy New Year to ALL!!!
Shanda:can we order this HC mag.fr. your friend again?Thanks for all the translations ,videos and updates:)You are the best!!
Freshspring:thanks for the Gif ,glad that they are having fun despite the cold.I hope nobody among the stars and crew gets sick!!Stay healthy  everybody!!Thanks for all the hard work !Sorry can't contribute any:(SHK rules!!fighting,fighting kyo!!!

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Resin - Shim Eun - ha ahead of citizens 'First Love' Song Hye-kyo, crowned icon # 1

Citizens 'First Love' # 1.  Actor Song Hye-kyo, won the title.

KBS2 'which aired three Empathy Saturday "the national sweetheart BEST 10' with the theme of domestic female entertainers selected as a priority target corner was arranged. 9 am

Song Hye-kyo innocent charm through the drama 'Autumn Tale' ppomnaen topped the day sweetheart citizens 'BEST 10' 1. "Sweetheart" image really feels this MC Kang, Soak - Woo Song Hye-kyo's charm praised.

Lead actress Choi Jin Song Hye-kyo's back second place, Miss resin # 3 won.

In addition, Jeon Ji-hyeon Lee Mi Youn Shim Eun - ha Moon was named the "national sweetheart BEST 10 'priority.

by Google translate:


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Guest jjsweeter0211

Just drop by to say thanks for wonderful updates :x Those High Cut pictures are so beautiful :xI also want to wish everyone have a awesome year ahead! HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR!
All the best!~
cr pics to owner

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Song Hye Gyo beats out Suzy for Nation's First Love title 1360369742_31154151-2.jpg
Article: Song Hye Gyo takes down Suzy and Shim Eun Ha to claim title of #1 'Nation's First Love' icon

TV Daily via Nate

1. [+237, -49] How could you even think of comparing Song Hye Gyo to Suzy?

2. [+174, -33] This is nothing more than the difference between an actress and a singer.

3. [+119, -28] She has everything except height~~

4. [+34, -9] Song Hye Gyo's a natural beauty ㅋㅋ Hasn't touched a thing on her face. Shim Eun Ha and Suzy have gotten some work done ㅋ

5. [+28, -0] They're of a completely different class

6. [+20, -0] Honestly, actresses are on a different level from idols;; You look at actresses and automatically think 'beautiful' but idols without make up sometimes look uglier than non-celebrities

7. [+13, -4] How could a comparison between Song Hye Gyo and Suzy even work.. Like the last time someone compared Nichkhun to Won Bin.. It's like comparing the Samsung CEO's bank account to my bank account.  source: netizen buzz haahahaha that netizens are funny sometimes.. :)>-

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:D .. I think I've kind of agree with tsome of the netizen said.. ;) .. And the results is like another momment of truthness. @utkim ƮҺªЙк'ς. 4 the photos.. Like this much better than be4 it.. N she do like a member of goup idols .. I think she fit well as a member of KARA, or jewellry.. Let's gather all the celebrity fan of her and make a reality show of it.. Wish it can come true [-O<
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@utkim I do hope that sbs knew ours worries here.. So if it's true.. PleaseEe no sad endings n please make it 20 though that I really want is 100 or 1000 episode :D ... And Mr. John Woo please delay till march will u please so she can rest.. 1 month delay or maybe 2 month is fine is been delayed like seems 4ever of waited even TGM had been out already..

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