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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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^ haha, that was a pretty fast changing of mind jjeennyy hihihi.gif. From don't know whether to be sad or happy to excited then hollywood :lol: . You go girl! For info jjeennyy, JW is a total dif than WKR, i think last time he made "Red Cliff", it took 1/2 year ;) . I think it won't be a second TGM.

khxy, Thanks for the news, we can say now it's very much confirmed by Dir JW that Kyo IS IN and you might mean JW had an interview in Venice and not Cannes right? Wish Kyo always the best!

laila, I sec with you ^_^

2 SCs I make, and may I ask, is she standing by the "Han River"

naughty-2.gif ?



edit: on a second thot, Kyo must have done with TGM 2efacd5850b9e30bc7c144e.gif

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^gah... she is so lovely :wub::wub::wub:

yah, i think should be Venice Film Festival... it's currently ongoing :)

^ weee, a new project for HK and with Dir John Woo, yohooo :w00t: . Praying hard this movie wouldnt take more than a half year, please not another The Grand Master. Wanna bet this movie will be out before TGM, keke ?

putriN and kim, do you think korean media cares what they are reporting, last time i remember it was 1 report about her new movie "today" while 20-30 reports about the kiss in camellia :phew: ? nahhh..i dun think so, pple loves reading and writing craps than her works, thats for sure.

Thank you to SKHers for all the updating

kah kah kah.... NO director can beat that director shooting timeframe... he may take your challenge and make sure to premiere TGM before 1949 :lol:

you remember right dear, that day, the kiss news really camouflage "Today" news.... i believe the local medias did read your post and repent it today :D Many articles on confirming release date for "Today" is 27 Oct 11 by the film's distributor Lotte Entertainment.



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There is a saying, there is a will, there is a way..something like that dearie and i believe if she is in, mr. JW will surely make it work for her ;) .

New "Be waterful CF, nr 3? I haven't watched it yet, gotta go and it takes times to load :P



*quoted image*

i agree with you... he'll do anything... from the way he talked, he really wants her to be in this movie :rolleyes:

yes, looks like no. 3 "Be Waterful" CF... i like it when she acts herself in the CF shooting... she looks more relax and natural... these exude her beauty best :wub:

Hello,it's kinda confirmed that hye kyo will be in 1949,JW said it himself during an interview at cannes film festival.He said that hye kyo has elegance and class that suits the character she's potraying which is an upper class shanghai girl. Hye kyo will speak a few shanghai dialect too but mainly she will converse in mandarin.JW also adds that hye kyo has rejected other projects and now focus in learning mandarin.


Hello dear, thanks for the gist.... it really helps us a lot in understanding her upcoming role :)

we can take it that he acts as her spokeperson... even mentioned she rejected other projects... he know better huh :P

WOW, coming out from his mouth.... she has elegance and class ! :rolleyes:

Don't know whether to be happy or sad with her latest movie..

Another chinese film..

Will that mean she'll shoot another TGM long shooting production?

i feel the same... but this kind of opportunity is difficult to pass since it comes from the director that she wish to work with... i wish it comes maybe later part of next year, but anyway, we wouldn't know exactly when is the right time for this or that.

i'm not worry on the shooting period for his movie... so far his reputation on this quite good, i mean reasonable hehe... and i understand that he will be shooting a new movie early next year or rather right after this one... so no worry for us :)

after taking this chinese movie, i have a strong feeling she'll do a drama next year as what reported earlier... in fact that report from her official side is accurate, ie. she'll do a movie in later part of this year and a drama next year... it's only that it mentioned local movie... i believe this is the part that Director JW mentioned that she rejected other projects ^_^

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Guest jjeennyyccaa

^ haha, that was a pretty fast changing of mind jjeennyy *quoted image*. From don't know whether to be sad or happy to excited then hollywood :lol: . You go girl! For info jjeennyy, JW is a total dif than WKR, i think last time he made "Red Cliff", it took 1/2 year ;) . I think it won't be a second TGM.

hahaha...it seems when it comes to Kyo you have to accept whatever project she wants no matter how mixed emotions you have with the project so I just can't help to react on impulse...Next time I'll googled it first.... blush.gif

Thanks Putrin and Kim for always being so reliable and setting my heart at ease....It would be difficult to get updates from my fave actress if it weren't for both of you....your like the pilars of this thread... :lol:

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^ aww, you make me blush and be unsure what i should say hehe blush.gif . Thanks jjeenny, I think we all are equally important to make the thread infomative and lively..what could putriN and kim post and talk if no one reply here, the thread could be dead dearie and it has always been a pleasure to share everything about Kyo with all chingus here :D . Fighting!

I agree with putriN that this opportunity doesn't happen everyday and she can't let this chance pass. Although I do prefer a dosmetic project, I think this is a good choice as well. How many actors out there wish to work with John Woo and how many korean stars had this chance? i guess it's few. Come to think of it, this project was introduced to us since May 2008, then it was down in 2009 and now on her hand again, I suppose it must be fated then ;) . I just pity CC, he can't fullfill his wish, a kiss with Kyo, as he said "the more, the merrier" :lol: . Personally I like JW's movies a lot, his style seems to be completely dif from WKR, the directing, visual effects etc...and I think it's a great experience and challenge for Kyo...and i'm sorry to say it again, I love war , tragic love stories hehe..so, I'm IN :D .

putriN, thanks for the news dearie.


Song Hye-kyo comes back with "La Quotidienne" on Oct 27th

Actress Song Hye-kyo's come back movie "La Quotidienne" will be released on October 27th.

This movie is about a documentary producer who forgives a 17 year old teenager who killed her fiancé.

A year later, her forgiveness brings an unexpected event and she goes through confusion and sadness but finds brilliant inspiration in the end.

"La Quotidienne" is made by director Lee Jeong-hyang and the main role is played by Asian star Song Hye-kyo.


A tentative Today's poster :D




Can't wait to see Kyo's performances in " La Qoutidienne"..I believe it will be a beautiful movie.

la quot-ti-di-enne...goodness, coudn't they find an easier title? I still prefer "Nobody Somebody" , a meaningfull title .

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^thanks kim... i can't say better :D

don't know why a foreign language is used for the movie title huh... yah, not easy to say it... me no french tongue, quite a mouthful blush.gif yes, still prefer Nobody Somebody... there must be a reason for the director to change it... i believe we'll know at the press event :)

i'm so excited after reading the synopsis... really can't wait... esp...

@hancinema- But finds brilliant inspiration in the end.......

@soompinews- Her interviews with victims unravel the pain of those who live with the consequences of her act of her mercy.......

Song Hye Gyo Comes Back on the Film "La Quotidienne"


Song Hye Gyo comes back to the scene through the film “La Quotidienne,” opening in cinemas this fall. It is the actress’s first film in wide release after starring with Kang Dong Won in a segment of the 2010 Pusan International Film Festival entry, omnibus film “Camellia.”

In “La Quotidienne,” Song plays Da Hae, a documentary director who loses her fiancé in a hit and run accident. Strongly influenced by her Catholic belief, she pardons the 15-year-old culprit. A year later, she films a documentary to crusade with the Catholic Church for the abolishment of the death penalty. Her interviews with victims unravel the pain of those who live with the consequences of her act of her mercy.

Song Chang Ui, most recently of “Heartstrings,” Eugene’s husband Ki Tae Young, and child actress Nam Ji Hyun co-star.

“La Quotidienne” hits the theaters on October 27.

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i think we may get to see our dear girl at BIFF this year.... and her oppa Jang too :w00t:


Jang Dong-gun, Song Hye-kyo, the feast of the Pusan ​​International Film Festival float .. ★


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^ Thanks putriN, did I tell you the movie theme "Today" is just right at my heart dear blush.gif ?

News today is saying movie "Today" of Kyo and "My Way" of JDG has reported a meeting at Pusan Film Festival on the 6th Oct-14th, and we are supposed to see Kyo and JDG at the gala presentation (of cos not together) :w00t: . They will announce on the 9th .



edit: oh putriN, we posted at the same time hehe.

hehe, I know that pic wasn't attached to that link :lol:

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^oops! we post at the same time dearie.... blush.gif

gah... so excited to see them again though yah, i believe not on the same stage :D

eh, you naughty girl just like oppa... that's not the pic attached to the link :lol:

dear kyo, please be at the gala presentation... it's been ages we've not seen you at a red carpet event :blink:

exactly kim, the words from the articles already managed to move our hearts.... Director Lee really works wonders :)

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An official from "Today" said, in the movie, Kyo is without or little make-up with a modest appearance... her clothes will be ordinary street clothes :)




this article i'm not sure... maybe comparing her PD profession in Ww and Today :unsure:



edit : today, her local site full of articles on her still cut from the movie.

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Today's teaser w00t.gifw00t.gif



It's still loading for me, i don't know how good it is. but here is a sc i make


btw, i read at naver's Today yesterday and 1 of the poster said he/she had watched the preview and said it was so good as expected. don't know how true it is, but it makes me smile :D . here was what the poster said.

영화 "오늘" 시사봤습니다. 기대만큼 참 괜찮은영화였습니다. 아자아자 화이팅!!!


edit: i have watched the trailer.....OMG.....her tears tears.giftears.gif


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Guest Laila085

God...I ve watched the trailer at least x10 times, its sooo good and my eyes are tearing tears.gif . HK is sooo good ..whoa, cant wait for this w00t.gif . Im so glad she took this role and she didnt mind cutting her salary on the dir's request...thats our HK :wub:

From nate


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I hope you guys don't get bored of my posts :sweatingbullets:

Stills from Camellia :wub:






@oceanluv at KDW's thread

There is a pretty great report about "Today", unfortunately I can't seem be able to translate. I just post the link here, hopefully some kind friends out there can make a better trans.


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hope nobody hates me cuz of my previous comment..

sorry but that's just what i think and I felt good that i exercised my freedom of expression..kkk

her acting in "Today" was just so great..I hope she earns an award for this~~~i was moved to tears, she's totally awesome! let's keep voting for her on:


FIGHTING!! :wub:

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