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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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O Oh, how could we have forgotten our dear anette who lives and breathes AIMH :sweatingbullets: Count her in will ya utkim since there is one more spot left, remember YOUR name has been taken off the list :lol:

Oh the only one spot left has been taken up alrdy :tears: then wat abt me?? Is there any slots left Eden9 moderator(Putrin)?

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i think pd Yoon is like the korean version of Steven Spielberg :lol: all these stars are going to his wedding


there are some growing anxiety brewing up in several of SSH's websites :lol: people are curious what's gonna happen with HKssi if anything at all...the memory of the interview of pd Yoon did saying he has a special place in his heart for SSH and SHK is still very vivid in our minds since then :sweatingbullets:

but whoever HKssi chooses if she's happy, everyone should be happy too :)

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Guest silver_beam

What a sudden lively mood here! Next watch will be on Hye Kyo's expression at the wedding, if she's bubbly with joy then it is a good sign of approaching her happiness she was searching for somebody who could cheer her up.

Sideline abit, do you observe both she and Eden9 have a tinge of Eurasian, they dont look 100% Korean?

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^agree..... she does look mixed :rolleyes:

annoymous35, you and me are DEFINITE members.... no registration is needed :lol:


Ever since his debut MISS. BEAUTY. Song Hye Kyo from place to keep BEAUTY. Natural skin and perfect makeup, and hair style to the topic. Beauty Secret asked her. Song Hye Kyo, they moved the world, beauty, pouch, natural makeup, Elle, elle.co.kr::

Beauty of Song Hye Kyo



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John had wanted to take art film "1949" will go to Tianjin viewfinder 吴宇森要拍文艺片 《1949》将赴天津取景

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年01月07日10:15 每日新报 John had wanted to take art film "1949" will go to Tianjin viewfinder http://www.sina.com.cn 2009 on 07 day 01 years 10:15每日新报


Hong Kong Daily News reporter王轶斐】 【hearing "Red Cliff (Part Two)", the John Woo will be filming the epic literary large "1949", in this from the Song (), Michelle Yeoh, Zhang Zhen,谭耀文(blog),郑浩南as the leading actor, film, John Woo will be the first to express their understanding of literature, art and film. John recently in an interview with reporters said, "1949" has thought-provoking the feelings of paragraph 3 of the story of the film will be shot in several cities in China, while making the first stop in Tianjin will be locked.

Accustomed to large tracts of commercial film John Woo frankly: "I make everybody else feel good at the most commercial films, in fact, I have an idea long overdue, and that is to shoot a film in my mind, artistic, Let us have a look and I love making films. "1949," the story I would like for a long time, but also preparations for a long time, which for me is a very important film, I do not exclude the definition of the type of movie, it is a theatrical piece. "" 1949 "At present delineation of a number of starring, Song,郑浩南,谭耀文and Michelle Yeoh, who will play three stories, while another has not been published, the female lead has become the biggest suspense film. 目前故事的角色组合为宋慧乔和张震,杨紫琼与郑浩南。 At present, the story of the role of combination of Song and Zhang Zhen, Michelle Yeoh and郑浩南. According to郑浩南revealed that the film's many戏份abuse is on board, the directors to cause the ship to fight the East Titanic () number. Spent tens of millions of money, to restore the context of that era presence. John Woo did not deny this, but said the video will be more things to prepare.

"1949" will highlight the historical background, where John Woo will also become the focus of the viewfinder, he did not care about, "we see everywhere King, and ultimately selected Tianjin, Nanjing and Taiwan regions, around the scene and has a different style but I would refer them to integrate into the movie. "Although John Woo and did not disclose where the filming will be which paragraph story, but he definitely said:" The video is now the preparations for a very smoothly, and is expected to begin shooting this summer, before the end of 2009 in the completion of filming, first of all, we will shoot to Tianjin. "According to informed sources, a collection of the best countries in the construction of Tianjin, the liberation of North Road may become a" 1949 "of the viewfinder, the previous films have been shot at this.


2uss, is she :blush: ?

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2uss, is she :blush: ?

muh seon su ri yah?? :huh:

regarding what i posted above?? ...nae!! she and sunie are looked on in a special way by pd Yoon ;):sweatingbullets:

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Yes, madness! But who causes it???

Was it me, Jan :o ?

annoymous35, you and me are DEFINITE members.... no registration is needed :lol:

Registration is needed for only someone like me :P:lol:


Have fun, guys :D. Hoping when I'm back to the thread for couple days, we get more good news

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^kim, you'll be "mia" for few days? :(

NO..... don't tell me you're invited too :w00t:

finally got it, she was in Sydney for 3-days shooting! :sweatingbullets:


it seems not for BBK nor Hazeline..... Beauty Trip ?? :wacko:

calling silverbeam..... no sighting of her ? :unsure:


she's waiting for SSH to ask her out... THAT SLOW POLK!! SHssi ask her out already!!!! :P

i'm just kiddn' ...or maybe i'm not.. :sweatingbullets::lol:;)

hi 2uss.... this is interesting..... care to share with us :sweatingbullets:

i like that.... so funny.... "SLOW POLK!" :lol:

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Guest silver_beam

No news, no updates, no feedback & Australia is so huge, where was she - Sydney, Melbourne, Brsibane - nobody has any clue? She came and gone in a flash, from Aussie to Japan to China and by now should be back to Korea since she left for China on 31 Dec i.e. a week ago.

Enjoy the tandem now afterwhich doubt there is any pandemonium till she starts shooting in June. Doubt you will get your 2 other wishes realised, she will be fully ocuupied 2nd half of the year travelling overseas for her filiming of 1949. Unless the premieres are before June then you have a tinge of hope left. She should be ready to enjoy 4 months recuperating from her hectic schedules.

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No news, no updates, no feedback & Australia is so huge, where was she - Sydney, Melbourne, Brsibane - nobody has any clue? She came and gone in a flash, from Aussie to Japan to China and by now should be back to Korea since she left for China on 31 Dec i.e. a week ago.

Enjoy the tandem now afterwhich doubt there is any pandemonium till she starts shooting in June. Doubt you will get your 2 other wishes realised, she will be fully ocuupied 2nd half of the year travelling overseas for her filiming of 1949. Unless the premieres are before June then you have a tinge of hope left. She should be ready to enjoy 4 months recuperating from her hectic schedules.

from baidu link that i've posted..... she was in SYDNEY :rolleyes:

edit : oops sorry.... i got what you meant.... before this news came out -_-

may have chance in "I'm Happy" but may not in "Mother" <_<

but now, i'm doubting all my last 3 wishes.... looks like "Gone With the Wind" and i can "Kiss Goodbye" :tears:

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Guest silver_beam

from baidu link that i've posted..... she was in SYDNEY :rolleyes:

edit : oops sorry.... i got what you meant.... before this news came out -_-

may have chance in "I'm Happy" but may not in "Mother" <_<

but now, i'm doubting all my last 3 wishes.... looks like "Gone With the Wind" and i can "Kiss Goodbye" :tears:

Why the sudden lost of confidence in your 2nd wish, you received bad news?

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What a sudden lively mood here! Next watch will be on Hye Kyo's expression at the wedding, if she's bubbly with joy then it is a good sign of approaching her happiness she was searching for somebody who could cheer her up.

Sideline abit, do you observe both she and Eden9 have a tinge of Eurasian, they dont look 100% Korean?

Me and my sisters always thought that SHK and WB looks mixed. I'm glad someone else paid attention to that small detail :)

Here's some of HyeKyo's old pictures that made me think about the whole Eurasian thing, enjoy!




Especially on this particular one


Bonus! :rolleyes: :blush: :sweatingbullets:



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Some nerdy at baidu playing prank with shocking news that SHK passed away in Tokyo last night. Whoever that wicked posts it ought to be sued for slander.

That news is just foul! Eden 9 better issue a clarification on this issue. Before it gets out of hand. I hope SHG is OK and safe. Whoever is that poster should be punished. :fury:

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Guest silver_beam

That news is just foul! Eden 9 better issue a clarification on this issue. Before it gets out of hand. I hope SHG is OK and safe. Whoever is that poster should be punished. :fury:

Check with the moderator of that site to delete it immediately, anyone who is a registered member there can assist? Scary, SHG wasnt in Tokyo, she left and went to China end Dec.

Check with the moderator of that site to delete it immediately, anyone who is a registered member there can assist? Scary, SHG wasnt in Tokyo, she left and went to China end Dec.

Several weird messages (one of it was very damaging} from the same person have just been deleted, wow that was efficient by the moderator, sigh of relief!

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from baidu link that i've posted..... she was in SYDNEY :rolleyes:

edit : oops sorry.... i got what you meant.... before this news came out -_-

may have chance in "I'm Happy" but may not in "Mother" <_<

but now, i'm doubting all my last 3 wishes.... looks like "Gone With the Wind" and i can "Kiss Goodbye" :tears:

hi putriN...would you kindly explain ths dear.. :wacko:

have you read my previous post ? do you think our dear girl 'still' not ready yet ?

please..please hye kyo dearie... don't run again... :phew:

silver beam, No, no..... nothing of that sort :)

it is BBK CF :rolleyes:



edit : what ? that person is too much :angry:

it's her (re)new CF putriN ?

thanks for the pics mella

what kind of 'sick' people could make a rumor like that ??? :angry:

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Guest Janie Simply

The vid sure reminds me of a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air... Oh, it's BBK, lovely, my lovely CF Queen!


Here is an account from yesterday shared by one of the bts workers during this cf shooting. Of course she wasn't allowed to reveal what the "CF" was for and asked fans to wait patiently for it to be revealed :rolleyes: Glad we didn't have to wait for long!

Here's some special bts moments (one has to know chinese to appreciate it) she and her team had in working with SHK plus sunny pics of Australia she likes to share... and oh she mentioned the hair thingy was indeed a wig :P so deka was right ;)


credit:豆腐芝麻/Xiaiqiao of Baidu

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^agree..... she does look mixed :rolleyes:

annoymous35, you and me are DEFINITE members.... no registration is needed :lol:

Oh really hurray!! Putrin dear i shall be ur secretary for Eden9 couple then haha :rolleyes:

Shk looks awesome in her CF hands down she definitely the CF queen and agree to those who compliment that SHK and her boss had this eaurasian looks eventho WB had a tanned skin but he had this bit of "angmoh" looks in him which make him look mixed so does SHK she had this beautiful mixture of asian yet with a tinge a of "angmoh-ness" charm in her :)

Those stupid pple who wrote those crappy news abt SHK at baidu had nothing else better to do <_<

Mella thanks for those bonus pics, Deka congrats on ur sucessful first spot on to that wig SHK is wearing sharp eyes u have huh haha

Btw is SHK back in korea now alrdy??

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