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Song Hye Kyo 송혜교 Hyebaragi ~Upcoming Movie 2024: Dark Nuns /Upcoming Drama 2024:Show Business/Special Appearance Drama 2025: Everything Will Come True


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@ria: Welcome back to you, I was afraid that you would come back later :( But now,  everything is ok :) Interview videos are wonderful, right? 8-> I have watched the interview video of SHK&JIS many times, especially when they smile at each other :D
thanks kim & putriN for favorite SCs :*
@Su-Hae: :-h I'm glad to see you too. I have just been on the Full house thread which you post above and have seen your post there.
I posted a comment on that thread though I thought it was no longer active :)
some gif from baidu:



Give you a present :) This is the first gift which is made by me, it's not hard as I thought :">


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kim: thanks for the welcome dearie  >:D< hehe,yeah lots of backlogging to do...and im enjoying every bit of it...

putriN: thanks for the welcome :D and yeah hope they release more stills of the awesome four...

freshspring: thanks for welcoming dear,and yes u bet i loved the videoo soo much...wow,its awesome how JIS and SHK look soo easy and comfortable together...i like how they are smiling and praising each other effortlessly....im falling head over heels in love C2 couple,someone save me,hehe...iv always knows JIS is a terrific actor,but never expected him to be so modest and down to earth...i loved how he said "SHK is in this drama,so please expect more" awww such a sweetie.

and SONG HYE KYO once again proved she is not only a woman with pretty face but also a pretty heart..loved how our girl said she would like to break the prejudice against visually impaired people and do more for them..tats my IDOL.. :x 

@ginachan: very sorry for the late acknowledgement,but i can never let this pass... thank you soo much for the AIMH making video..u have no idea how much happy u made me...just watching the video makes me miss the couple soooooo much..ah WONBIN and SONG HYE KYO...i love these to with all my heart and soul,it hurts badly, that we never got a chance to see them together again onscreen..but i havent lost hope...patience patience!!

Su-hae: hii,iv seen ur posts before in this thread and its great to see you back here again..reg the video downloading,i usually download her youtube videos using VDownloader,and youku videos from baidu using youku downloader software..u might like to try it too.hope my suggestion helped :)

and sorry for the repost,but im loving this pic soo much... ;;) 


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Hi Utkim, Putrin, Freshspring and Ria :) 
Thank you so much for the warm welcome :)) @ Freshspring yes I have read your comment in FH thread. Thanks Ria ^^ 
Viewing SHK's photos makes me soooo happy ^__^  Thank you for the photos Utkim, Putrin and Freshspring ^^

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Under Wong Kar-wai’s heavy-handed editing, Chang Chen, Song Hye-kyo, and Julian Cheung Chi-lam have little screen time in ‘The Grandmaster’, despite extended filming. Taiwanese actor Chang Chen, trained for three years under a Baji master for his role; however, he ended up appearing in only three scenes in the film. Chang said, “I know Wong Kar-wai’s style, so I have expected this.” South Korean actress Song Hye-kyo, who has been noticeably absent from the film’s promotional events, plays Ip Man’s wife has one line in the entire film, “Is it that cold in Foshan?”, while Julian Cheung only appears for a few seconds.


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New stills of TWTWB,together with new trailer.How can they be so compatible???
source:baidu& daum
edit:your most welcome @putriN, we posted at the same time hehe. JIS apparently makes our hearts waver.
edit2: @utkim soon soon Kim,it's just a matter of time haha.

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^ Thanks dearie.

putriN, that pic was lovely...so many lovely scenes ...whoa, i'm sold ahha

from twtwb thread, youtube link

edit: khxy, he makes your heart waver? hahah, not mine yet, but i like what i see kekek

edit2 : kikiki, i think so too, it's the matter of time...let's see how long it takes for me haha.

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^exactly dearie, don't need to bargain........ why he's so handsome, so good-looking, so...... so...... to kyo ;)






heartbreaking   sad_zps4d8b8576.gif2.jpg


edit : khxy, oh yes, i guess we posted at the same time...... hearts waver, flutter.... hehee

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eh, did i see right..... someone had an avie after so long hehe..... khxy, congrats dear !..... finally you are covered :P:)>-

i saw chinese trans for the teaser 2 at baidu...... please my dear    ;;)

 oops sorry....... your sleeping time smiley_sleep.gif


gifs  :)






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oh my gosh, I just came back from a playdate at the park with my son, checked all of my usual SHK sites, and what do I find? A new teaser for TWTWB!! I am still recovering from my heart attack!!  :x Why can't it be February 13th already??! Oh, and JIS has def. won me over!! It sure did not take long, but he has me.  :x

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Translations for teaser 2:
SHK: It's a promise,if i were to stay by your side,you must stay by my side forever.(text : Bright&shiny)JIS:do you know why i come here?it's because of you,because i believe in you.(text :pain,suffering,sadness)JIS:how long do you want to hide from everyone?till when?SHK:you say it's not belittling?you say to recognise the difference of each person?(text:forget everything)SHK:don't leave,stay by my side.(text:love at the moment)JIS: yes,i will stay by your side
Yes @putriN, after so long right? hehe better late than never

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oooooh.....new teaser!!! alrite,im totally with you ladies,count me in too as one of the newly joined member of JIS's fanclub... im sure our kim will join the club soon,hehe.. :-P this man is simply irresistable...and agree with khxy...how could anyone look soo adorable together? SHK and JIS look oh sooooo gorgeous,adorable,lovely and what not together,that i could'nt help but fall head over heels in love with the C2 couple..feb 13th,u better come right away...i literally cant wait for more action :D

And i cant help but rave about how gorgeous our girl looks and how impressive her acting is...She is completely in her element and by just looking at the teasers and preview is enough for me to say that SONG HYE KYO is goin to rock this role!!! 

thanks for all the updates dearies.. about the teaser, it is soo beautiful...look at the cinematography,waah breathtaking and add to that two incredibly good looking and talented stars(JIS & SHK),it sure is a WIN... :-bd 



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