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Your Ideal Guy

Guest ZeroFungus

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Guest xXJaeJoongSarangXx

hmmm for me...

* 5'10" at least. But for some reason, I seem to attract all the short guys (like, 5'5") =/

* Does not dye his hair

* Is not stick skinny or scary muscular

* No metrosexuals!! You can't take longer than me to do your hair nor can you share my lip gloss O_O

* I don't like pierced ears unless it's for the punk-ish look. I hate those long cross earrings!! ugh. x_x

* Nice smile

haha Asian guys these days are so metrosexual! Looking polished is awesome... but must you stop at every mirror you see!?

LOL but i think boys that look at the mirror often is so damn cute!!

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Guest sacreble

My Ideal :P

175 - 185 cm - somewhere between!

19-26 years old

Black hair

Asian !!!

1 tattoo

100% heterosexual

middle long hair - geez.. I so fall for huys with long hair.

not too muscular.

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Guest precious4e

hmm I think any guy that just has style is hot lol.

Doesn't particularly matter what style as long as it fits them.

I do prefer nice builds (not saying they need to be muscular but just have a nice frame)

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Guest averagejoette

Straight Long black hair, lip ring and ear piercings, thin, tattoos on back arm or neck, 5'5"<Height<6'0"

A bitter looking smile, but a really good heart.

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Guest SeLcaQueen

*hmph* Someone should make the "Ideal Asian Girl Look" thread. ;o

i'm actuaLLy thinking the same just to make it fair with the boys!

i'm a girL btw.. :D

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Guest sassy-grl

Eh as much as my friends love them, I just can't get myself to like the long-haired, skinny, pale, somewhat effeminate SuJu/DBSK guys everybody's in love with.

My ideal Asian guy is at least 6', muscular, and somewhat tanned...a manly, chiseled face and a six-pack wouldn't be bad, either :sweatingbullets:

It's weird...I know a lot of guys who look like this, but I can't think of any celebrities. Maybe Satoshi Tsumabuki? Gong Yoo?

Ha! I'm in the SAME boat as you are. I don't like the "pretty" boys, I'm more into an actual MAN kind of look. Maybe that's cuz I'm in my 20's...haha. Face-wise, I really like the boy-next-door, simple but sweet kind of look, like...Go Soo. He's not HOT, he's just really sweet-looking, and I love that!

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my IdEAL asian guy

CHOI SEUNG HYUN.. and i think KWON JI YONG.. heck.. all of the BIG BANG boys

are IDEAL enough for me.. i<3 them

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Guest kissmaiazz89

hmm... its hard to picture my ideal looking man cuz i like most all types~xD

first HAS to be ATLEAST 5'8" (im short!!) to 5'11" i dont like extremely tall guys since im already so small!(5'0")=[

has short to medium style hair( doesnt matter what color as long as it looks good on him & i hate long hair on guys...makes me jealous of his hair, lol)

HAS TO have a nice body!(as long as u have somewhat defined looking muscles i like!)

HAS TO ATLEAST HUMOR me or be able to handle scarasm(im very scarcastic...^^*)

HAS a nice smile

HAS NICE skin(nice meaning only one or two small pimples none is best though~)

HAS "piano" hands, i myself dont have them so i want my partner to have them so atleast i can look and touch them

can speak his mind but CAN ADMIT THAT HE'S WRONG SOMETIMES!!! a key characteristic he needs in my book!

has a nice size d*ck!... im a virgin but if i marry this "ideal" guy i wanna know he can satisfy me~kekeke

i dont care if he has peircings or tattoos but as long as he isnt covered in them (david beckham is an exception...<3)

i dont care if he is pale or tan or has double eyelids or not, as long as he looks comfortable with himself and looks hot~

i guess he's asian and perfer korean for now, but if i really like him i dont care what nationality he is...)

NO metrosexual guys, i like my men manly!!!xD (however i DO like guys that dress well and can cook....?!)

fashion wise, as long as he looks hot in what he wears i could care less(his birthday suit aka nothing on would be nice too~xDim a perv...^_^v)

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Guest lucky_me_noodle

Personality: As long as he isn't a playa/womanizer those guys disgust me especially wannabe pimps

Look Wise: As long as it ain't the grungy look like oh ho I haven't taken a bath nor shaved for weeks I'm so macho look.

Hip-hop style is ok but the gangster look with the gold teeth.. pass

A least 5 inches taller then me.

A nice body.

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hmm... its hard to picture my ideal looking man cuz i like most all types~xD

first HAS to be ATLEAST 5'8" (im short!!) to 5'11" i dont like extremely tall guys since im already so small!(5'0")=[

has short to medium style hair( doesnt matter what color as long as it looks good on him & i hate long hair on guys...makes me jealous of his hair, lol)

HAS TO have a nice body!(as long as u have somewhat defined looking muscles i like!)

HAS TO ATLEAST HUMOR me or be able to handle scarasm(im very scarcastic...^^*)

HAS a nice smile

HAS NICE skin(nice meaning only one or two small pimples none is best though~)

HAS "piano" hands, i myself dont have them so i want my partner to have them so atleast i can look and touch them

can speak his mind but CAN ADMIT THAT HE'S WRONG SOMETIMES!!! a key characteristic he needs in my book!

has a nice size d*ck!... im a virgin but if i marry this "ideal" guy i wanna know he can satisfy me~kekeke

i dont care if he has peircings or tattoos but as long as he isnt covered in them (david beckham is an exception...<3)

i dont care if he is pale or tan or has double eyelids or not, as long as he looks comfortable with himself and looks hot~

i guess he's asian and perfer korean for now, but if i really like him i dont care what nationality he is...)

NO metrosexual guys, i like my men manly!!!xD (however i DO like guys that dress well and can cook....?!)

fashion wise, as long as he looks hot in what he wears i could care less(his birthday suit aka nothing on would be nice too~xDim a perv...^_^v)

LOL! :lol::phew:

- A guy no shorter then 5'8

- nice stomach

- not that smart, but not that dumb neither B)

- doesn't smoke

- squishy richard simmons

- cute face

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Guest Hysteric_C

My Ideal Guy:

1. Has to be taller than me. (I'm 5"0 so ... >.<;;)

2. Can't weigh less than me. D:

3. Someone who stares at me a lot. >w<;;

4. Black/Dark hair.

5. Wears cool sneakers! XD

6. Likes music.

7. Knows when to be serious.

8. Pays a lot of attention to me. (I find it soo cute when I guy walks into a room full of girls but the first one he greets is you. *swoons*)

9. Must must must must must must MUST be a gentleman.

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Guest mai_anne

Tall and built..a hot bod~!!!


funny(goofy) but also serious

hardworking!! can't stand lazinesss!!

nice style.

music lover

and is good at making music....if anyone knows what I mean...HAH! XD




a guy who can cook is sexyyyy

loves and gets a long with kids.

charming and romantic~

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Guest ZIPzoomZAP


- black hair, kind of long like kim jaejoong

- tall

- i want them to NOT be skinny, I think it is just creepy. I think it is kind of cute if they are a little chubby and normal or fit is good. diesal is a little scary, but if its not terminator status then ill live... but i dont want overweight :P

- tall -- 5'7 or taller, I am like 5'6-5'7 so I want someone taller

- i like pale skin, but fair normal is okay. i am not a big fan of tan.

- i like bushy eyebrows

- i kind of prefer single eyelids, but its doesnt matter [at all]

- big eyes

- NO FACIAL HAIR -- i hate pre-pubecent mustaches

- high cheekbones please

- big lips


- fobby <33

- i like blazers and hoodies [bANC and BAPE is good :)]

- nice jeans



- CHEAP -- haaha, i think its so cute

- big appetite

- funny

- sarcasm <33

- happy

- CAN BREAKDANCE [not nessessary but it sure if awesomeee]

- plays soccer or some sort of sport [not nessessary]

wow, i answered questions that werent even asked XD

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