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Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁 [Current SBS Variety Show]'My Little Old Boy'; [completed MBC Drama 2023] "Numbers"; [completed JTBC Drama 2024]"She Is Different Day and Night 낮과 밤이 다른 그녀"


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Omg  GTree has a new logo again!!    The CJH manager said on his IG “Psh4714  Creating a logo is really difficult ...”  :o   I’m glad to know his agency is brainstorming about how to approach with CJH’s growing fan bases.   We know picking up a good project is important  to any actor but managing fan bases is as much needed in keeping up one’s career.   


17 hrs 

안녕하세요, 배우 최진혁 소속사 지트리크리에이티브 입니다. 향후 해외 팬들의 피드백은 각 국가 공식 팬클럽을 통해서만 받을 예정이며, 개인의 피드백이나 특정 개인을 통한 피드백은 받지 않을 것임을 알려드립니다. 또한 피드백은 저희 회사의 페이스북이나 인스타그램 공식 계정을 통해서만 받을 예정입니다. 이는 개인의 의견이 아닌 더 다양한 팬들의 의견을 수렴하고, 더 효율적으로 팬들과 소통하기 위한 조치입니다. 배우 최진혁에 대해 변치 않는 애정과 지지를 보내주심에 항상 감사하며, 항상 배우 최진혁을 위해 노력하겠습니다. 감사합니다.

Hello, this is G-Tree Creative, the management company of actor Choi Jinhyuk. We would like to inform you that from now on, we will ONLY get feedback from fan-clubs which represents each country or region, which means we will NOT get any feedback from an individual fan or get global fans’ feedback through an individual fan. And also, the feedback will be received by official route such as our official Facebook page or Instagram. This is so as to get more diverse opinion, not an individual’s opinion and to communicate more effectively with the fans. Thank you for your unchanging support and love for our actor Choi Jinhyuk. We will always do our best for him. Thank you.




((updated GTree logo))

Psh4714  Creating a logo is really difficult ...” 




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@booha sorry for just reading your posting here & yes me too i can sacrifice a little if it's our Hyukssi hahaha! i really was disappointed too hearing he's decided not to take the HS drama! woah i luv what you got from DC gallery right? i quite enjoyed that drama Goo family book to da max! yes something mellow or romantic drama will be good! :) so G tree will no longer entertain individual posting :( we can u/stand that but on the contrary an individual's support must count right? :)

i'll try not to hv a stressful w/end and same to you all here! TTYL and thx for all the sharing of photos, etc.

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JHssi posted this (#First Eagle shot  # Thank you) 

CJH made ‘eagle’ and he got a certificate for it.  He felt so good that he wanted to share it with the fans. 


‘Eagle shot’ from google: (“What Is the Meaning of an Eagle in Golf?” )   Even after reading it I still don’t quite get it.  But one thing is very clear which is to celebrate.


"The "eagle" has landed, it's time to celebrate! "  eIhptqC.gif


Second IG (alone …  feeling lonely… umm …)  :cold_sweat:

PS This comment by a fan made me smile (‘It sounds like your time to get married has arrived.’) :blush:

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CJH had an interview with ‘Idols of Asia’ Taiwan (Chinese subs).  He mentioned that after the interview he had to be in a Tunnel wrap party.  So I assumed the interview took a place during the last week of Tunnel.   He spoke a few Chinese words.  I wonder how his Chinese is…

崔振赫香港飯團 Choi Jin Hyuk 최진혁 HK Fan Group


【2017.06.07 ★ 崔振赫《我愛偶像》專訪】
【2017.06.07 ★ Choi Jin Hyuk《Idols of Asia》Interview】

實力派男神崔振赫최진혁《隧道》飆演技 自爆除了演員也想挑戰唱歌|我愛偶像 Idols of Asia

《Idols of Asia》 Interview
Choi Jin-hyuk showed his superior acting skills in "Tunnel". He revealed he also wanted to sing more!



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CJH’s latest IG  It’s from the song of PSY- ‘Dream’.   I found the video with eng subs and the blog with the lyrics  in Korean & English.
CJH posted a few lines from the lyrics. He said he truly felt those lines (“지극히 공감/ I identify with these lines”)  
Maybe a relationship was broken and he felt empty??  Or he watched a movie which made him reflective about certain things. Or it was one of those nights he couldn’t sleep so he stared into the dark unblinkingly.   Some comments wondered if he might be having some kind of withdrawal symptoms from Tunnel. Yeah Tunnel was his comeback drama and  I’m sure he tried to live as the KH character  for twenty four hours.  Besides  It had such a grueling schedule.  
((**from the song & translation))
원래 혼자 왔다가 혼자 살다가 .( 'We originally come alone and live alone' )
외로움이 굳은 살이 되어. ('Loneliness becomes a callus' )
어른이 되어가 . 갈 사람은 간다( 'I'm becoming an adult.   People who leave will leave' )

지극히 공감((**his comment))


PSY- Dream ft. XIA of JYJ (English Lyrics)

cr to uploader


The lyrics  in Korean & English:  http://mylovetvxq.blogspot.com/2015/12/lyrics-xiah-junsu-from-ft-psy-dream.html


내게 있을 땐 옆에 있는 게
그게 그렇게 소중함을 소중한지 잊는다
결국 잃는다
결국 실은 나 그렇고 그저 그런 인간이었다
감사한 걸 감사할 줄 모르는
간사한 남사스러운 사람

행복 찾아 왜 먼 산만 바라봤을까
보이는 그대로 믿기 싫어서
믿고 싶은 대로 보기 시작해
외로워지는 지름길인데
괴로워지는 기름칠인데
꿈을 잃거나 이루거나 
그 다음 날을 다시 살아가잖아
걱정하지마 이 모든 게 꿈이야

이 꿈에서 깨어날 때
그 모든 게 그대로 다 그 자리에
있었으면 해 여전했으면 해
그때는 영원했으면 해
언젠가 우리 다시 만날 때
지난날처럼 다시 행복을 위해
노래 부르며 그 노래 들으며
인생이란 꿈에서 깨어날 때

믿기 어려운 일
받아들이기 어려운 현실
원래 혼자 왔다가 혼자 살다가
혼자 떠나가는 외로운 길
외로움이 굳은살이 되어
그만큼 내게 피와 살이 되어
담담해져 가 점점 변해 가
무덤덤해져 나

어른이 되어가  갈 사람은 간다

또 산 사람은 산다
신이 내게 주신 가장 잔인한 감정
그 익숙함에 눈물 말라간다
해가 지면 아쉬워하다
달이 뜨자마자 아름답구나

기쁘면 꿈이 아니길 바라는 나
슬프면 꿈이길 바라는 나

이 꿈에서 깨어날 때
그 모든 게 그대로 다 그 자리에
있었으면 해 여전했으면 해
그때는 영원했으면 해
언젠가 우리 다시 만날 때
지난날처럼 다시 행복을 위해
노래 부르며 그 노래 들으며
인생이란 꿈에서 깨어날 때

만남의 기쁨도 헤어짐의 슬픔도
긴 시간을 스쳐가는 짧은 순간인 것을
만남의 기쁨도 헤어짐의 슬픔도
긴 시간을 스쳐가는 짧은 순간인 것을

Eng Translation:
The fact that you are beside me
This thing I forget how precious that is
At last, I lose you
At last I was just a stupid person
I didn't know how thankful it was
Cunning person

Why was I looking at the distant mountain to look for the happiness
I didn't want to believe things in the way it looked
I started to look things in the way I wanted to look
It was an easy path to the loneliness
It was an easy money to the suffer
Whether to lose the dream or to make the dream come true
You live the next day anyway
Don't worry. All of these are dreams

When you wake up from those
Everything will be in the right place
I wish it would be like that. Stay same as it was in the past
Hope it could be forever then
One day when we meet each other again
For the happiness that existed in the past
Sing and listen to that music
When we wake up from the dream called life

Something that is hard to believe
Reality that is hard to accept
We originally come alone and live alone
And leave alone in the lonely road
Loneliness becomes a callus
And it becomes blood and flesh for me
I'm becoming calm I'm changing
I don't seem to be bothered by anything
I'm becoming an adult, People who leave will leave

People who are alive will live
The cruel sentiment that the god gave me
My tears are dried because I'm used to it
I'm sad when the sun sets
As soon as the moon rises, oh it's beautiful

I hope it won't be a dream when I am happy
I hope it could be a dream when I am sad

When I wake up from this dream
Everything will be in the right place
I wish it would be like that. Stay same as it was in the past
Hope it could be forever then
One day when we meet each other again
For the happiness that existed in the past
Sing and listen to that music
When we wake up from the dream called life

The happiness of meeting and the sadness of parting
It's just a short moment of the long life
The happiness of meeting and the sadness of parting
It's just a short moment of the long

Credit: kbeat





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CJH’s interview with Taiwan MTV ‘Idols of Asia’ made it into news media.   So CJH is going to Japan to promote Tunnel which was sold to Japan. It means some lucky Japanese fans will get to see Jin Hyuk ssi soon. :rolleyes: :)

Choi Jin-hyuk, Taiwan MTV  appearance .. 'Tunnel' effect  


Actor Choi Jin-hyuk appeared in Taiwan MTV "Idols of Asia" and solidified his position as a next generation Korean wave star.

Choi Jin Hyuk, during his appearance in Taiwan MTV "Idols of Asia" which was broadcasted in early June, shared a genuine story about the drama 'Tunnel' and the actor himself.

As Taiwan MTV actively sought for the interview with Choi Jin Hyuk, ‘Idols of Asia’ sent the host over from Taiwan to Korea  in order to shoot the interview with Choi Jin Hyuk.   In Taiwan, the drama 'Tunnel' and Choi Jin Hyuk were featured in the main news program TVBS '宅男的世界' Main News, because there had been a lot of interest in Choi Jin Hyuk and the drama.

During the interview, Choi Jin-hyuk introduced himself in simple Chinese, and carried on the friendly interview with the host smoothly, so that he proved himself worthy of ‘the next generation Korean wave star’.

Choi Jin Hyuk said about 'Tunnel'  “I worked very hard for the drama and I feel very thankful about a good outcome.”   In addition, he expressed respect for the performances of the cast members, including Lee Byung-hee, who played an active role in the 'Tunnel' with Park Kwang-ho and Jeon Seong-sik.   He expressed his affection, saying, "My work is over for the drama but strangely I want to challenge it again."

Not only did the interview receive much attention in Taiwan, but also the broadcast clips registered on YouTube recorded a significant number of hits and watched the halo effect of the 'Tunnel'.    Choi Jin-hyuk's agency, JiTreeCreative, said, "Despite the Korean wave ban, we are surprised and grateful to see the long lingering  effect  by the drama and the character portrayed by Choi Jin Hyuk in Taiwan and other Greater China."   Furthermore, since the 'Tunnel' has been completed with the sale of the rights to Universal Japan, there will be a hot wind of 'Tunnel' with Choi Jin-hyuk in Japan.

Choi Jin-hyuk is preparing for the next work and is on schedule for the 'Tunnel' Japan PR.



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Tunnel will be broadcast on Aug 22 in Japan.  CJH will do promotional activities & a fan meeting  later in Japan.   Also  the agency is looking around for some CFs and his next project.  :)


cr to DC


'Tunnel' starring Choi Jin-hyuk, confirmed formal broadcast on August 22


OCN 'Tunnel' which Choi Jin-hyuk played the lead will be broadcast in Japan.

'Tunnel', which resonated around with the highest ratings in/from/among  the past OCN dramas,  will be broadcast on the CS satellite theater channel of Japan from August 22.   In the current situation where the Korean Wave is stagnated due to the Korean wave ban in China, it is expected that 'Tunnel' will succeed in exporting to Universal Japan and expanding the base of the Korean Wave market by launching the Japanese market in earnest.

It is unusual for the 'tunnel', which is classified as a crime/suspense genre in Korea, to be officially exported to Japan.   It was reported that the main actor Choi Jin-hyuk's reputation and solid story line played a major role for it happening.  Choi Jin-hyuk is a Korean wave star with a high reputation in the Chinese speaking regions  beyond Japan, through the dramas 'Heirs', 'GFB, 'FTLY.    So, because 'Tunnel' is  a comeback  drama for Choi Jin-hyuk after three years absence, the interest in the drama has also risen.

Choi Jin-hyuk has already been invited to participate in the Japanese promotion and a fan meeting related to 'Tunnel'.  "I think his Japan activity will increase in the second half of the year," said an official at the agency JiTreeCreative. "We are coordinating the schedule with the Japanese side  while considering the domestic schedule including the advertisement and the next project."

Another reason why Japan has noticed 'Tunnels' is because they didn’t see  the drama as mere event-driven genre.  ‘Tunnel’ has been perceived as having  strong melo elements which came from the image of the protagonist Park Kwang-ho (Choi Jin-hyuk) who tries to protects his wife and daughter and struggles to return to where he was.   

The agency’s official said, “Since the Japanese market has traditionally preferred Korean-style melodrama,  it was also unusual that the 'Tunnel' was exported.”   “However  ‘Tunnel’  was received as a complex genre because it touches on many emotional lines such from CJH’s  tear-acting.”

Choi Jin-hyuk is continuing his global campaign, appearing in Taiwan's MTV 'Idol of Asia' broadcast in early June.


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@boohani . thx for the posting you 've shared here btw where was that gif or tumblr from? another drama i guess? he looked so handsome :) I miss coming here as always! but last time i was kinda sad to hear he was not taking the HS drama but let's hope there's another project in the offing :) we miss him already since Tunnel!

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@hibiscus23  hellooo  MOCccuX.gif

Hope you had a nice weekend   That gif is from My Daughter to Flower.  such an adoring couple  He is handsome and  younger looking(2012)    haha   Yeah disappointed about HS.  We read earlier GTree said about  CJH’s decision  because of  his schedule conflict.   Now we know that as Tunnel will start to broadcast Aug 22 in Japan,  CJH has to do promotional activities & FM over there.  

 I read in HJW thread that there would be no love line  between two leads.  I don’t know how accurate it is.  But if it is true, I’m very happy CJH didn’t accept HS.  At this point I don’t care what kind of a drama he will choose as long as there will be a lot of lovey  dovey stuff which we didn’t get much in Tunnel.  

HJW’s girls felt MBC wasn’t good at dealing with poor ratings, and, if any drama didn’t get good ratings, MBC tried to force PD/writer to change a script for the viewers’ preferences.  (( However  I’m not sure whether these girls were mistaken with SBS.  HJW’s last drama was SBS ‘the time we were not in love’  which, according these girls, the broadcaster tried to do something with the drama to improve the ratings. ))  It seems these girls are not happy with HS for many reasons.  Oh well…


CJH in love with gooki  :wub:



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Well CJH posted another cute IG (his pet daughter Mongsil: It looks like she isn’t in a good mood and she is ignoring  CJH and so CJH tries cooing her back ‘mongshil mongshil mongmongshilshil’)   and a silly IG (in which Yohan, CJH’s friend, made a silly and funny imitation of a Korean actor,Choi Minsik playing in the movie,’War on Crime’.   

CJH_ globalfanbase  put together 2 CJH IGs with translation and then added the third IG to show the portion of the movie (‘War on Crime’)  **According to winnie, this line is supposed to be famous.




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In the latest IG from JHssi,  some fans wondered whether JH had an accident before and injured his mouth and was recovering.   So I went back to look again at the other IG photo. Yeah  at the time I thought his left lip looked a bit strange.  I wonder if JHssi had some kind of accident,  why didn’t he mention it?  Perhaps he got hit by a golf ball and he was embarrassed?   Yesterday he posted another photo and it seems, from the reflection on his sunglass, he was around a pool.     The left side of his face was covered by sunlight so his left lip couldn’t be seen.   Maybe today’s picture was taken the same day.


(JHssi posted 6/24)


(posted 6/4)


(posted 6/23)


(posted 6/22)




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@booha chingoo am v v sorry for late reply in coming here! missing a lot oredi! :( u know i wld luv to be mingling here but of late i was just tied up n by the time i thot of coming here i was dead tired! :) anyway luv luv all the pix here & his cute doggy! i agree thank  goodness he decided not to do HS upon reading your comment there! let's hope we get to see him again in another drama! woah that intimate photo with his ER co star hmmmh kinda intense eh? hahaha i  hope they team up again, i like her too!

hi hi to all here & hope to be here regularly or more often! hv a gr8 day everyone n thx for all the cute gifs etc.

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5 minutes ago, hibiscus23 said:

@booha chingoo am v v sorry for late reply in coming here! missing a lot oredi! :( u know i wld luv to be mingling here but of late i was just tied up n by the time i thot of coming here i was dead tired! :) anyway luv luv all the pix here & his cute doggy! i agree thank  goodness he decided not to do HS upon reading your comment there! let's hope we get to see him again in another drama! woah that intimate photo with his ER co star hmmmh kinda intense eh? hahaha i  hope they team up again, i like her too!

hi hi to all here & hope to be here regularly or more often! hv a gr8 day everyone n thx for all the cute gifs etc.


Intense is really the right word to describe this scene, gosh how i wish we will see Choi Hyuk and Song Ji Hyo reunite in another drama as the main lead couple again, i would seriously die of excitement and joy, till this day their drama Emergency couple is still my favourite alltime drama, the chemistry between them was out of this world and felt soo real and intense, and can i just remind people that their kissing scenes were fricken damn hot too

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2 hours ago, mary-ann said:


Intense is really the right word to describe this scene, gosh how i wish we will see Choi Hyuk and Song Ji Hyo reunite in another drama as the main lead couple again, i would seriously die of excitement and joy, till this day their drama Emergency couple is still my favourite alltime drama, the chemistry between them was out of this world and felt soo real and intense, and can i just remind people that their kissing scenes were fricken damn hot too

@mary-annhmmm yes indeed, it's also one of my 'unforgettable' medic dramas, usually i kinda let medic dramas passed but since it's with CJH i persevered and yes i echoe your views, i'd luv to see these two again they were soooo cute together in EC n if i find time i wld luv to rewatch that again! hahaha yes again their kissing scenes were so hot n looking real! fingers crossed hope they do another romantic drama! even in real life i'd luv to see these two date :)

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2 hours ago, hibiscus23 said:

@mary-annhmmm yes indeed, it's also one of my 'unforgettable' medic dramas, usually i kinda let medic dramas passed but since it's with CJH i persevered and yes i echoe your views, i'd luv to see these two again they were soooo cute together in EC n if i find time i wld luv to rewatch that again! hahaha yes again their kissing scenes were so hot n looking real! fingers crossed hope they do another romantic drama! even in real life i'd luv to see these two date :)


I feel the same way about medic dramas, i usually skip them, but this caught me attention, it was the first drama I saw with SJH and after that i became a hardcore fan of her and watched all her following dramas, i'm currently also rewatching emergency couple and let's keep our hope high about these two meeting up again in a new project hopefully a drama, i swear if that happens i will be the first to make a shipping thread for them on this forum hehe


By the way look what i found, even the anime version of them is soo cute

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@hibiscus23   Oh I’m sorry to hear that you have been busy. :( Well I myself haven’t been too active in this thread either.:( huhu  Hopefully his next project (like EC) might be able to bring in some excitement and some new fans.  Till then this thread will stay in a semi hibernated state, I guess :(

PS It seems Soompi has become less bustling than before  and doesn’t seem to have as many members as it used to.   I don’t know if it’s just temporary or people are getting tired of Soompi and moving onto a different place. 


So JHssi break time is over?  Hope he had a good rest


this new hair cut,  not so crazy about it :unsure::tongue:  



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