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Arirang Labels Kara And Battle As "not Successful"

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Guest Mirae-chan

I saw this yesterday and got really pissed off.. Arirang is just trying to get at their companies, like KARA's from DSP..

what a cheap shot <_< KARA is freaking talented <333

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Guest pillowbox

actually its wrong of them saying that they are not successful, i am a big fan of them. Its quite true though how they are not as popular as the wonder girls. I actually prefered kara more than wg, but im neutral about them about. As for battle, I think it is difficult for them to rise in fame due to the massive amount of boybands out there being that most of them are from sm. Battle are talented and they are suppose to be the second generation of Shinhwa, but i think it will be hard for them to live up to that standard due to dbsk, super junior and big bang. Good luck to them though! (=

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All I really have to say about this is...no.

I am by no means a KARA or Battle fan, but I wouldn't say that they're FAILURES.

I'd say Sunghee of KARA has a whole bunch of talent, and the members of Battle beat out Big Bang's SEUNGRI, who's talent is now known by everybody.

That crosses out the "no-talent" issue.

It's not that they aren't popular. It's just that they aren't AS popular or well-known as Big Bang, SNSD, FT Island, or Wonder Girls, and their popularity is very hard to follow.

This article is just crap.

Enough said.

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Guest hypnotized

they're not exactly failures, just not as successful as other groups

i think KARA has really nice vocals, Battle's alright i guess ...

new promotion, new record label then *kaboom* youre famous :)

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I'm both a Kara and Battle fan...I actually like Kara better than SNSD, and Battle better than FT Island, etc etc.

I think Arirang is going overboard, calling them failures. Both groups DO HAVE musical skills, talents and creativity. Arirang apparently thinks POPULARITY = SKILLS & TALENT.... They need to apologize to fans for being rude and careless about what they said.

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It is true, but it was rather a put-down to call them "failures"...so rude of them. What they need the most right now is encouragement, and especially advice for the management companies, not to lower their self esteems by these type of articles and comments. Both Battle and Kara are talented, I think the only problem is mostly directed towards their management companies due to the lack of promotion etc., it's not any of the group's fault, but rather their management's fault for not being able to promote them up to par with WG, Big Bag, SNSD, etc. Either they lack the experience of management or the songs they wrote were not catchy enough, and of course there's so many other possibilities.

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Guest bbyESTHER_xp

i find that really untrue.

honestly, i think KARA has more musical talent that WG.

WG were basically really successful for their song..and i like them but i like kara just as well..

and you're right, at least kara and battle were known.

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Guest *kyuhyunnie*

KARA AND BATTLE just got bad promotion(did I spell it wrong?)

Truthful BATTLE got some nice voice. JYP,YG, AND SM are legend of course their groups be more successful.

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Guest loving_D

i just think goodenter has done a bad job promoting battle so far. it's not their fault. YG and JYP have done a much better job promoting for big bang and wonder girls.

the word failure is just too harsh.

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I think they focus on popularity too much.

In what way did they fail ? It's not like they don't have fans anymore or something. I find that really weird. It's just that Kara and Battle stopped promoting for a while.

Arirang kinda crossed the line there ...

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Thats straight up messed up.

Ima be honest, Kara and battle are not very popular, but that does not deem them as failures.

They are very sucessful, just not as big as the other 4.

there is no way they could compare them to that.

They have all the musical skills in the world.

It's also because they aren't promoted as well.

it's just wrong for someone to say they are not successful because they aren't as popular as the others.

if they weren't successful, they'd be at home working.

not off in studios producing music or attending award shows && ect.

it's just not right... and i find it annoying.

no one has the right to judge unless they've been under the spot light.

-- lisa

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Guest iLOVEYB_x

such a rude article. >=[ how an they say that KARA and Battle are failures. such a strong and harsh word. :tears:

KARA aren't that popular. that doesnt mean that they're failures. and i LOVE their songs. =]

i can see why Big Bang is in the SUCCESSFUL section. =D

i find that really untrue.

honestly, i think KARA has more musical talent that WG.

WG were basically really successful for their song..and i like them but i like kara just as well..

and you're right, at least kara and battle were known.

now please dont attack me people, but i agree. WG became succesful for TELL ME and IRONY.

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This is not a thread to go "honestly I think so and so is better then so and so"

That is NOT the point of this thread. If you do think so and so or whatever is better then this group keep it to yourselves because eventually it'll lead to bashing.

Promotion. That's the thing that both KARA and Battle need. I'm sure that both groups do their best and put a lot of their efforts. You can't say that this group works harder then this because honestly we don't know for sure because we don't work with them or are acquainted with them in any way.

In what way did they fail ? It's not like they don't have fans anymore or something. I find that really weird. It's just that Kara and Battle stopped promoting for a while.

I agree. They didn't fail, it's just that their success doesn't compare with the other groups, but hey they have fans.

If KARA or Battle sees this I hope that it'll motivate both groups to work harder (not like they already don't). To have a successful and hot comeback to prove to Arirang and that they can be successful.

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Guest xx_dreamer_xx

even though im not a fan of KARA ..

i think they can actually sing really good. (:

BATTLE isnt as .. "popular" as other boybands ..

but i think they're still good in singing.

i find this article rude ..

just because they're not as popular ..

they assume that they're not talented. :\

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