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- Makeover Thread -

Guest JF21©

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Guest ilemsera


my picturee

Could you make my hair a lighter brown/blondish color - example 1 example 2

& maybe with hazel eyes, something light.

& yeah, any nice extra touches.



-blond brown hair

-larger eyes

-lip plump

-lighter eyes

-changed brow colors

-changed jawline

-eyeliner/falsies/brown eyeshadow/pink lipstick

sorry for all the changes! i got a little carried away!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest blackjackVip



1. This hair color:


2. Dark green eyes or Dark gray eyes (whichever would look good)

- I just really wanna know if that hair color would suit me...teehee :lol:

Thank you in advance!! :)


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Guest LindseyAlyssa

I have a request ^^"


:Mascara treatment:

:circle lens:

:slight acne removal:

:hair color below:


Thank you so much ^___^ <3

You can have fun with the picture as well.

Let the creative juices flow! :]

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Guest iPhets


my picture:


(im using dropbox and dont know how to do thumbnails on it, sorry)

can anyone please try putting on me:

-heavy or medium eye liner

-longer lashes (top & bottom)

-reshape my eyebrows & make them darker..maybe just a decent shade, not too dark, whatever you think looks better! =)

-grey eyes if possible

-light brown hair, this color: http://www.wiggoddess.com/images/18-22.jpg

i hope thats not too much ><"" feel free to play around with the picture if you want to as well!

thank you in advance ^_^

(i just want to see what i would look like because im planning to do these things, lol.)

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Guest Miimie


I would like to know what i'd look like with side swept bangs or double eyelids~

Or just do whatever you want XD


If the pictures are not good quality and not easy to edit,

I also have big big big big studio pics

Studio Picture 1

Studio Picture 2

They're really big so beware!

Here you go :3 I hope you enjoy !


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Guest AlwaysSearching


I have a request ^^"


:Mascara treatment:

:circle lens:

:slight acne removal:

:hair color below:


Thank you so much ^___^ <3

You can have fun with the picture as well.

Let the creative juices flow! :]

Ok so I gave you Blue circle lenses, lashes, and evened out your skin.

On the one labeled "after" I made your hair a bit redder and on the close cropped one i put like a blonde wig on you did it that way because it was easier to do that then change your actually colour and it's cropped because it looked funny neck down LOL hope you like



sorry 4 large pics!!! -_-

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Guest <3StrawberryPocky<3



Can you do:

- eyebrow shape

- eyebrow shade

- soft light pink color on lips

- eyeliner

- eyelash

- blemish removal

Thank you! (:

I finally got into the photoshopping mood again! Lol.I changed the lighting of the picture to make your pink cheeks stand out more! Hopefully you don't think I massacred your face! :lol:


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hope you like it!

sorry if the hair's kinda weird ><"

it's just when you're doing hair change, it works best if the picture's HQ-ish ><" but hope you still like it! =D

i also added some make-up touches =D




hope you like it!

i added some extra make-up touches if it's okay =D

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Guest f0reveralways




1. light auburn/red hair. OR brown/blonde highlights

2. light brown eyes (or another eye color that would look nice)

2. lighter skin

anything else you'd suggest would be fine =) but those are just my requests


link to full sized middle picture: http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/6133/59905163.jpg

link to full sized right picture: http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/6559/13487928.jpg

i hope it looks somewhat natural. lol. i had the hardest time trying to do the highlights :mellow: oh well :)





Can you do:

- eyebrow shape

- eyebrow shade

- soft light pink color on lips

- eyeliner

- eyelash

- blemish removal

Thank you! (:


link to full sized middle picture: http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/8507/89527058.jpg

link to full sized right picture: http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/4016/55417362.jpg

when i was working on your picture, my computer just RANDOMLY SHUT DOWN. D:< so i had to start over and do it again :( so here it is! (my second attempt) sorry if it looks freaky and unnatural. i realize i kind of went heavy on the eyeliner.. heh ^_^

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