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Twilight The Movie

Guest yurikah

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Guest tknoodles

^ GAH xD

I didn't think of that (I didn't know Robert's age lol)

that would most definitely be a problem... since he isn't supposed to age a day D:

oh dear...

maybe that's why they're rushing it so?

2 year gap for a sequel isn't bad for a movie.

maybe they should get right to filming-- like NAO #__#

kinda like what they did with Pirates of the Caribbean; filming back to back for 2-3 movies :3

that would be ideal & absolutely spectacular. xD

That's really what I'm hoping for. Hopefully they'll film all 3 movies at once sort of like the lord of the rings and pirates. Not only will everything look consistent, but the movies will be released faster.

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That's really what I'm hoping for. Hopefully they'll film all 3 movies at once sort of like the lord of the rings and pirates. Not only will everything look consistent, but the movies will be released faster.

*sigh* one can only hope D:

I think someone should suggest this to Stephenie & the crew :lol:

I'm sure they'd take it in to consideration...

or perhaps they've already thought about it?

we really need an insider on this. lol

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Guest jessyjess

That's really what I'm hoping for. Hopefully they'll film all 3 movies at once sort of like the lord of the rings and pirates. Not only will everything look consistent, but the movies will be released faster.

They actually said that if they DO decide to do the rest of the books, they will be doing that.

And an interview with Taylor on set.


He's such a cutie and can totally kick richard simmons. Hehehehe.

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^ i hope they do...

but half of me wished they would take their time to make a good movie...

pirates #3 movie to me was a total waste of my money...

im worried that they would rush it and come out with a craptastic movie


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Guest x_estherrrrrr_x

dude. i just realized the guy playing edward cullen was cedric diggory in hp!



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Guest lshluvr

I'm still kinda worried about Robert. He'll be 24 by 2010, and if it takes the same amount of time for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, he'll be 26-28 years old! Take a look at the Harry Potter kids, look how much they've grown within a year. I dunno man, what if Robert ages quickly too....???

Omg...he's gonna be so old! Rob needs to quit smoking and drinking. Does he smoke? Well...I saw him drink and drinking probably doesn't help slow down the aging process.

They actually said that if they DO decide to do the rest of the books, they will be doing that.

And an interview with Taylor on set.


He's such a cutie and can totally kick richard simmons. Hehehehe.

Thanks for the post! Dang...he's so funny. Especially with all the 'ya know's hahaha. I was trying to guess when he'd say 'ya know' hahaha.

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Guest 1S0ULL

^ Rob smokes ? ohh wells .

Even Kristen ??

^ i hope they do...

but half of me wished they would take their time to make a good movie...

pirates #3 movie to me was a total waste of my money...

im worried that they would rush it and come out with a craptastic movie


That is exactly what I'm scared of .

I really don't want them to rush it . . ):

Movies always turn out crap when they rush it...

Omg...he's gonna be so old! Rob needs to quit smoking and drinking. Does he smoke? Well...I saw him drink and drinking probably doesn't help slow down the aging process.

Thanks for the post! Dang...he's so funny. Especially with all the 'ya know's hahaha. I was trying to guess when he'd say 'ya know' hahaha.

He's an alcoholic ?

Or he's a controlled drinker . . cause they're two different things .

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You guys are talking about Robert Pattinson being too old to be Edward but the thing is..

Edward supposedly doesn't look like a 17 year old anyway in Twilight so i dont think it will matter that much

everyones going to have to age i mean its not like Stephanie Meyer can cast a 17 year old to act as Edward

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Guest tknoodles

i don't think that filming all the movies at once will make the movie crappy. Pirates sucked because the plot in itself wasn't all that great to begin with. If you take a look at Lord of the Rings which filmed simultaneously, it wasn't crappy at all, but a masterpiece. Why? Because the director and producers stayed true to the novels that J.R.R Tolkien wrote. Similarly, if the director and producers of Twilight stay true to the novels of Stephenie, the movies won't turn out crappy.

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Guest lshluvr

^^ yes Rob does smoke, well actually they all do with the exception of Ashley

Aww dang. Then they're ALL going to get older faster!

Does Taylor smoke? :unsure:

He's an alcoholic ?

Or he's a controlled drinker . . cause they're two different things .

I think controlled. Hahaha I didn't mean like alcoholic :sweatingbullets: Or maybe he is one and we just don't know it :mellow:

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Guest babieblue545

NEW MOON due in 2010?!?!?!

omgomgomg xD

& to know they filmed in Vancouver, WA T___T

that's where I used to live D:

should've gone up for a visit :lol:

ahh, I can't wait for this movie.

it's going to blow. my. mind. <333

I don't remember them saying they filmed in Vancouver, WA. They were originally supposed to film in Vancouver, BC, but instead, they filmed in Portland, Oregon. It's either that or I'm making this up 'cause I haven't gotten any sleep =='

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Guest Ax016

OMG! if they would only do a few scenes Vancouver, BC that would make my day. plus in just a few months it'll be the rainy season so it'll be optimal conditions hahaa. but now that i think about it, it would mostly be Jacob scene since all the Edward scenes would basically be indoors or Volterra.

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Guest Shoes

Just recently got into this series, so I came to check out the cast. Looks pretty good! I heard Robert Pattinson was from HP and I was like, which character was he?!?! But I realized he was Cedric. omg I loved Cedric! He's absolutely perfect for this role. ^^ Kirsten didn't look like how I imagined Bella at first, but she's growing on me. Can't wait to see this!

EDIT: Hahah I just sifted through all the old posts on the first 10 pages...looks like lots of people did not like the casting choice at first! I don't know about you guys, maybe I'm biased because by this point there's already so much Twilight material released, but he embodies Edward.

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Guest Minnie-chan



I just bought the first book the other day AND I LOVE IT SOOOOOOO MUCH

I cant believe it's being made into a movie...i'm so late lol


*awaits for it* xD

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Guest jessyjess

Aww dang. Then they're ALL going to get older faster!

Does Taylor smoke? :unsure:

I actually have no clue if he does but it doesn't seem like he does.

I don't remember them saying they filmed in Vancouver, WA. They were originally supposed to film in Vancouver, BC, but instead, they filmed in Portland, Oregon. It's either that or I'm making this up 'cause I haven't gotten any sleep =='

And they actually did so a bit of filming in Vancouver, WA.

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Guest Dael.K

wow it's been too long.

i've been away from home and i finally

got the opportunity to get on soompi

haha and the first thing on my mind is

"twilight forum!!!"

GAHH this is way too lovely there

were so many updates to look forward to

and now i am caught up.

hey jessy! it's been a long time! and dang

they made taylor look like a man literally

thanks for all the updates


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Twilight Poster at Comic Con and also 3 cut outs of the Nomads!


my friend vic just landed in San Diego (and is planning to go to Comic-Con)!!!

I can't wait till she tells me what is going on!

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