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Twilight The Movie

Guest yurikah

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Yesss. I'm so excited. I'll be looking forward to them at the VMA's now.

The meadow picture is just too cute. Haha, Catherine Hardwicke is so funny.

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Guest ohmysanity

I've never read Twilight.

I love vampires, but I never had the urge to pick up this book. I'll go watch the movie though, since I love CEDRIC DIGGORY. You know, Edward Cullen. <3

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Guest sweet_hunny

Ooh now I have a reason to watch the VMAs :lol:! Hahahaha oh Catherine is such a goofball! She's one of the few directors that's just chill and not too hard to work with from the looks of it.

Good thing there are more Taylor updates.

I was watching E! News yesterday where Peter (Carlisle) was on at a party for the 91210 thing (because he's wife is appearing in the series) and all I could yell out was "AHH! OH MY DAMN IT'S CARLISLE ON TV" :lol:. Luckily I was home alone hehe.

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they did a sneek peak on Twilight... (only showed the trailer) but it was good publicity!!!

its even on their main PAGE!!!



OHH Lookie~ i made another page!

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Guest sweet_hunny

^You got that right!

Yea I saw it on Access on TV too :lol:! This time my parents were giving me "WTF?" glares for my screeching of Edward Cullen.

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Spiffy Girl please do not quote pictures!!!

anyway... i just noticed that in the revised script...

that there is a voice over when there is also a flashback... so does that mean they added onto that scene? but its Edward explaining his transformation into a vamp. so hmmm

im just bored and thinking a lot...




shows a clip of Taylor doing some martial arts moves when he was younger


scan 1

scan 2

scan 3

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Guest gladmorous

i seriously cant wait for this movie. it sucha good book by stephenie meyer. once you read, that's it, you'll be addicted. Lol!

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Guest aesthetica

OMG i actually really love the cast :]

just picked up the BOOK 2 days ago but i finished already, its THAT good <3

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awwww this movie is defnitely hyped up, let's just hope that it'll be as good as we aniticipated ^____^;

this is gonna be another mistake since we're hyping it up too much. kstew can't capture bella's obsession. basically the chemistry won't be enough.

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Guest bbylah

oh myy~ i looked at this thread before and just ignored

it because of the girl that played bella. i didn't like her at all!

but now that i look at her. she's pretty alright. i can imagine her

as bella now. and i have to say, they do make a pretty alright couple

edward *melts* so cutee~ haha can't wait till this movie comes out!

i'm making my cousin take me with him! he got all obsessed with it!

the surprising thing is, he finished the 4th book when i read

before him. lucky weirdling! ROFL hehe~

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Guest vi4vi2002

I noticed that Robert have a habit of touching his hair when he talks. Maybe he does that because he is nervous. I find it kinda cute.

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