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[[Alice `N I N E]]

Guest JASON;

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Guest 三日のモリっ&#

thanks for the clip <3 hahaa

saga and tora are so cute in there, so jumpy~~

it's funny when they try to say "alice nine" instead of the usual "arisu nain" (the new intro sounds strangely quite nice haha)


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Guest fallen-anjoOL

The A to U tour is continuing on the 20th. o__o' I sure hope that Tora doesn't exert himself too much. D: (He should go easy on the headbanging xD)

+ They're filming a PV today ~

I really hope Tora made the right decision to continue... but he really is dedicated to his music. :3

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Guest miranduh

^ yeah their love for music is amazzzzzing ♥♥♥

i don't know...i never want alicenine to change >_< (being a selfish fan)

but i really hope Tora fully recovers before deciding to play again instead of making his condition worse

because being an artist is reallly hectic and hardly any rest -_- and even if you do rest

it's usually on the tourbus and everything ~_~

ganbatte Tora + alicenine!!!! =)

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it's funny when they try to say "alice nine" instead of the usual "arisu nain" (the new intro sounds strangely quite nice haha)


yeh i thought that was so cute xD haha

The A to U tour is continuing on the 20th. o__o' I sure hope that Tora doesn't exert himself too much. D: (He should go easy on the headbanging xD)

+ They're filming a PV today ~

I really hope Tora made the right decision to continue... but he really is dedicated to his music. :3

really? 20th as in tomorrow? o_O that's really soon! i hope Tora is ok about continuing! their health comes first! ><

ohh PV, im looking forward to it.

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Guest syunikiss

tora-kun T___________________________________________________________________T

i really hope he`s not just saying he feels better just to perform for everyone


2008年01月19日(土) 18時59分17秒



A wonderful mic and mirrorball

I'm happy that good things can be made on schedule

Everytime I see catering countrymen, I'm always reminded of Tora's mother

Mothers are great, ne~


2008-01-19 16:58:21



There is a person who is a victim of oysters ...

Everyone, please take care as well ...


2008-01-19 18:12:10



Taking a breather during the photoshoot

But drinking too much coffee isn`t good~


2008-01-19 19:23:54



Preparing to change my clothes, OK!!!

I'll do my best !



that is ONE blinged up mic! i`m guessing they`re shotting the PV for MIRRORBALL?

and nao`s clothes look so .... glamorous xDDD

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^Thank you! For the translation o_o.. Their blogs blogs alsways sound so..xDD cute. Pahahaha.

Anyway, I'm pretty new to these folks, so I have no idea what the heck is goin' on with them right now :'D

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Guest fallen-anjoOL

Roflols. xDD I laughed when I saw the mic. :lol: Now I'm really curious as to what the PV is going to look like. >D

Ahahs, for some reason, I was reminded of Shou's glasses in the 'Blue Planet' PV. :P First that, then this mic. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the translations, syunikiss. (:

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Guest understanding_fiction

2008-01-09 23:28:57



"Little Boy Hiroto and The Wisdom Tooth"


I'm a wisdom tooth.

I mean, I'm Hiroto.


What's a wisdom tooth you ask?

Well in the year 2008,

Little Boy Hiroto spoke with Wisdom Tooth for the first time at the beginning of the year.

Little Boy Hiroto

"Well~ even though I've been alone lately, I feel as if there's been someone here with me. Still~ there used to be someone on my shoulder before, a tiny old elf that made my shoulders stiff. But he returned to his country on New Year, so I wonder what the hell it could be this time."

Little Boy Hiroto therefore glanced beside him but there wasn't anyone.

Little Boy Hiroto

"That's strange, I'm certain I can feel a presence but there isn't anyone."


Little Boy Hiroto

"Wha--what's this! This presence! Oh! I can hear something inside my mouth!!!!! Wo--woaaah!"

What Little Boy Hiroto felt inside his mouth, he feared it could be a dangerous spirit that would appear suddenly as countless crows as dark as the dead of the night flying out of his mouth, so he peered cautiously at the inside of his mouth through a mirror.

"Yay! At last we meet!! I'm the wisdom tooth! It seems like you hadn't noticed, but even though I kept silent, I've been here all along and therefore we've been living together!!!!"

Little Boy Hiroto

"Tha--that's right I guess. I had heard a rumor, but there's truly something inside my mouth, this is my greatest surprise this year."

Wisdom Tooth

"It isn't this year's greatest surprise yet, the year has barely just begun!"

Little Boy Hiroto

(Wisdom Tooth seems like a good guy with a surprisingly high spirit, more than what I heard in the rumor)

Little Boy Hiroto

"By the way, why are you suddenly appearing to me now? Also, ever since you materialized, the inside of my mouth has been painful, I wonder if it has anything to do with this?"

Wisdom Tooth


Wisdom Tooth seemed lonely.

Wisdom Tooth

"I'm a tooth inside your mouth so I've been living silently. I know everything about you. That's right, it was around your last years in elementary school that you developped an interest for music. Being the type of person who never gives up no matter what he's doing, I was a bit worried too. But one day, I saw you looking so happy while you listen to some CD. Even now I still haven't forgotten how you seemed so excited at that time. After this, you continued to listen to music as if you were obsessed by it, and before I even knew it, you were making your own music and band. This music that comes from you, the sound of your guitar when you play it, they flow through your bones and become carved into me. When you seemed happy, as well as when you chewed thoroughly with your mollars, I truly felt happy.

Well..... I wanted to chew with you forever after this."

(Then Little Boy Hiroto whispered "But you're already chewing with me aren't you?" in his heart, but the words didn't come out.)

Little Boy Hiroto

"Why is that? Isn't it alright if it stays this way after this?

Maybe your materialization and the pain aren't related at all?"

Wisdom Tooth

"Well,,, this is my fate."

Little Boy Hiroto

"What do you mean?! What sort of fate is this!!"

Wisdom Tooth

"When I'm here like this, I'm accidentally attacking your body.

It wasn't my intention...

Therefore, it would be better if I wasn't here.

It seems it's possible in some cases for people to keep their wisdom teeth all their lives but I'm different, that's deplorable.

Therefore I materialized in order to tell you a last goodbye..."

Little Boy Hiroto

"I see...."

Wisdom Tooth

"But when I'll be taken away from you, it'll cause you an injury.

You're going on an important tour with your band tomorrow aren't you?

I wouldn't want you to be injured while you should be enjoying yourself the most..

Therefore, it's probably going to be a bit uncomfortable, but until the tour is over, until that time,

I guess I could stay here for just a little longer?

I guess I could feel your music flow and your friends who take care of you for a last time?"

These words filled Little Boy Hiroto with inexpressible feelings.

Little Boy Hiroto

"...I understand. Let's enjoy being together, even if there's only a bit of time left."

Wisdom Tooth

"Yoroshiku ne!!!"

Then Little Boy Hiroto swore on his heart.

When the tour will be over, when time will come for them to part, from the bottom of my heart

I will tell Wisdom Tooth

Thank you.


NOTE: This is by far the weirdest thing I ever had to translate.

Tags: hiroto, january 2008

from alicenine. diaries

;3 this is probably the weirdest entry ever xDDDD

from about 1wk and a half ago ;3

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Guest fallen-anjoOL

^ Ahahs! I read that when it was posted. :lol:

It was.. the most weirdest entry I have ever read. :3

Imagine.. he starts writing children's books. xDD

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