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Girls With Guy's Hairstyles.

Guest iya.donghae

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Guest krngirl26

^wow! good cause! I'd never have the courage D:

but you're really pretty so i think anything would work haha :)

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Guest 0908

Ah Gatsby.

I'm curious, do all the girls here use Gatsby to style hair? Because I noticed that it's pretty popular in this forum. I wouldn't know because I never tried it yet.


Ruki, you're my hair idol. I would love to meet the GazettE's hair stylist D:

I'm not so sure.

But Gatsby is a very popular product.

So, wanted to try it out and see what it's capable of.

Ohh Ruki.

I find his smiles/laughs adorable.

Aaaand your outfit is love.

Girls with guys' hairstyles?.. Mmm.. I find it cute when I see a girl like that.. And they also try to wear what men usually wear.. At first I thought they're boys and yet when you talk to them and know them more, you could actually see them as very feminine and girly too.. It's nice that they can pull off this style..

Funny that you mention that.

From my appearance, I may seem boyish but once you get to know me more, my femininity unleashes. :P


Thanks :)


sorry dont have another pic besides this to show how my hair looked before I cut it, but my layers were growing out and my hair looked pretty girly.

Now to this ->



Bleh. Hair update. I trimmed/cut my own hair again this time and made the sides a bit shorter, and cut my bangs as well. I think I accidentally cut my bangs too short, but maybe I'll post it later. I'm more used to swept side bangs instead of straight ones going down.

Dude, did you name your 'after' photos 'homo' ?

Because when I quoted your post, I found that in your photo links, haha. :lol:

I actually own some of the Short Sexy Hair products.

It's pretty good, but I don't use them too often.

I don't know if it's just me, but some of them smell like mouthwash. -_-

Mm, yeah your hair is looking really girly.

Have you ever had a really short cut?

i got my head shaved (setting 1 on the razor i think..) for this cancer fundraiser at my school. big change, cause my hair was pretty long before.

me like a month ago:


now that it's growing out, it goes through a lot of phases where it'll be cute for a while, then awkward, then cute, then awkward.....haha. still cant do much with it yet.


That's kind of you to do that. ^_^

I should do something similar in the future.


Wanted to kill some time before class, so took this.


My hair is getting to the point where I can't style it anymore.

It's growing fast and thick.

Oh and by the way, have any of you watched one of Utada Hikaru's personal videos, where she says that in Japan fast hair growth is a sign of a dirty mind?

That's...obviously a lie...right? :mellow:

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Elegance: HAHA I think you're like the 1st person on this thread who noticed my weird names. I always name my photos "wtf" "homo" "lolol" or random crap like that. :)

I don't think they smell like mouthwash. Or maybe it's different from mine?

And haha I know, I plan on cutting it again and I want to, just don't know when.

Yes, the shortest I got cut is the example on my avatar...and I posted that pic on this thread a long time ago.

I miss it kinda

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Guest mikamoui


Wanted to kill some time before class, so took this.

%7Boption%7D hairupdate.jpg

My hair is getting to the point where I can't style it anymore.

It's growing fast and thick.

Oh and by the way, have any of you watched one of Utada Hikaru's personal videos, where she says that in Japan fast hair growth is a sign of a dirty mind?

That's...obviously a lie...right? :mellow:

You must have a dirty mind! haha. Your hair still looks pretty good. I like. Your outfit = hawt

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Guest 0908


Elegance: HAHA I think you're like the 1st person on this thread who noticed my weird names. I always name my photos "wtf" "homo" "lolol" or random crap like that. :)

I don't think they smell like mouthwash. Or maybe it's different from mine?

And haha I know, I plan on cutting it again and I want to, just don't know when.

Yes, the shortest I got cut is the example on my avatar...and I posted that pic on this thread a long time ago.

I miss it kinda

Oh really?

Haha, yeah well I just now noticed your names.

When I'm really lazy I just type whatever, like 'djaghjbhsg345689347q38y' that kind.

Hm, yeah they're probably different.

Oh~ so you have cut it short, guess I haven't seen it in this thread, or probably forgot.

So do you prefer long or short hair in general?

Because you rock both styles. :D

You must have a dirty mind! haha. Your hair still looks pretty good. I like. Your outfit = hawt

I hope not, I'm an angel.:)

Thanks, I think I'm going to try out a different style now. ~

Need to get it cut a bit short, layered and thinned out first.

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^so..does that mean i need a dirty mind for my hair to grow faster?!

ACK! i just got my hair cut

but T___T it doesnt look anything near Park Yong Hees hair! :o




haha dont laugh at my face i look weird D:

my back hair is sooo super short ..i cant bare to look at it T__________T;

i need it to grow like 2 inch before july so i can get it cut in korea again D:

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Guest NO NAME?

Ha thanks. Oh really? I actually use cheap-o American brands that I buy at the grocery stores. Haha. Right now, I'm using VO5 Extreme Style Texturizing Gum + TIGI Bed Head Hard Head Hair Spray.

Long hair :o *wants*

Big sexy hair. Sounds familiar. Those products are in red right? I was about to buy one of those huge bottles of hairspray because it was on sale a few days ago.

Wow. Shaving your head for a good cause :D I don't have the courage to do that.

What do you think of it? Gatsby?

Ahaha. I was feeling like an a.b.s. member that day.

Your outfit is ♥ + the hair. I've never heard of that. My hair grows out fast though :mellow:

Aw, your bangs got cut short that it doesn't cover half of your face. But I think your new hairstyle looks cute on you. Doesn't your neck feel naked?

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Guest 0908

^so..does that mean i need a dirty mind for my hair to grow faster?!

ACK! i just got my hair cut

but T___T it doesnt look anything near Park Yong Hees hair! :o




haha dont laugh at my face i look weird D:

my back hair is sooo super short ..i cant bare to look at it T__________T;

i need it to grow like 2 inch before july so i can get it cut in korea again D:

Laugh out loud. ~

Haha, I'm not so sure.

But you can...err try? :P

Oh god.

It does look like Yong Hee's hair!

Except you don't have your bangs long enough like hers.

I don't like having a short back either...

But it seems fresher?

What do you think of it? Gatsby?

Ahaha. I was feeling like an a.b.s. member that day.

Your outfit is ♥ + the hair. I've never heard of that. My hair grows out fast though :mellow:

Well, I haven't experimented with the other colors, just the green one.

So can't call it a winner yet.

But what I like about it, is that non-sticky feeling you get when you apply it on your hair.

Plus that wonderful scent.

The green one has this green apple smell. [Not sure about the others.]

But if you're thinking of buying some just to try out, then make sure you read that Gatsby chart.

Or watch the videos that explain how each color is used.


It does?

Is there something you want to confess to the world? :P

Haha, j/k ~

Utada Hikaru, says her hair grows out pretty fast as well.

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Guest skootova

I finally got a haircut!

Now all I just have to hurry up and learn how to style it. >_<;;


Sorry about the weird facial expressions and the awkward poses.

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Guest 0908

I finally got a haircut!

Now all I just have to hurry up and learn how to style it. >_<;;


Sorry about the weird facial expressions and the awkward poses.

Ah, aren't the bangs a bit too long?

Or is that how you like them to be?

Haha, just play around with your hair, and see what style you like best.

And, you don't need to buy any expensive hair product either.

Start off with something cheap and then work your way up if you want to. :)

EDIT: Your signature.

I spy sexy suits. :P

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Guest Raix

Ruki is sexy :3

Anywaaaaayyyy...I wish I had something to post but no. T_________T I tried cutting my bangs cause they were side swept and starting to blind me on the right xD So they're straight now...not blunt but straight HAHA I'm glad I didn't butcher it too bad but I find I keep finding long strands left over and I have to trim again. I'mma end up with half a fringe soon xD

yumix: I love razored styles for some reason. Like...is that even the right word? hahaha I mean like yours. =x

NO NAME?: mm..I use purple gatsby. Only because I went through like 5 different products I could get in supermarkets here and they all failed. Probably cause I had no clue what I was doing and kept buying gel and...candlewax stuff HAHA If I tried I'm sure I could find something better but it works for now so I'm staying with it.

`Elegance: I looove what you're wearing =D I know what you mean by the hair getting too thick. Mine got uncomfortable to style in 2 weeks x_x But I'm trying my best to stop myself from getting it cut hahaha

Nana.YahXD: You need the bangs for Park YongHee's hair xD The "ZMG i can't see through one eye" bangs =D It looks fine =) I'm sure the back isn't too bad either. Have fun with styling it while it's still short. I think its cute ^^

skootova: As mentioned before, play with it. It's the best part hahaha Yeah, you don't need expensive products if you get the right type, when you find something that works with you, stick with it.

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Guest skootova

`Elegance: Yeah I was thinking of getting them trimmed sooner or later.

By the way, I love your hair & your outfit. (;

Raix: Okay~ thanks for the advice.

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LOL I KNOW T______________T my bangs! but my bangs grow super fast haha so im not that worried about it im sure i'll get the bangs soon

then style it. thanks!

LOL! yesh i keep feeling a breeze hahaha


hahaha thanks my friend was joking and said

"now you can totally pose as my b/f" HAAHAHA WOW


LOL! seriously i thought it looked nothing like her cut it pisses me off so badly

when i first saw it..T___T;

yeah i think its the bangs and the fact she has like really straight silky looking hair..

unlike mine -___-;;

hahahafresh yes :D



everyones saying that about the bangs lol

i guess the bangs do alot hahaha

hahah thanks but the top is alittle too long for me to really style T____T;

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Guest SHINEjaejoong

I finally got a haircut!

Now all I just have to hurry up and learn how to style it. >_<;;


Sorry about the weird facial expressions and the awkward poses.

WOW, you look really cool. If you were a guy, I think I would fall head over heels for you. Its a compliment!:D (Not that much if you see how I look like though.)

Wanted to kill some time before class, so took this.


My hair is getting to the point where I can't style it anymore.

It's growing fast and thick.

Oh and by the way, have any of you watched one of Utada Hikaru's personal videos, where she says that in Japan fast hair growth is a sign of a dirty mind?

That's...obviously a lie...right? :mellow:

WOW! You look sooooo hot! I dont care if you are a guy or a girl, still hot. Your haircut reminds me of Yesung, when he had his haircut kind of like that before the whole comeback thingy. Your outfit looks hot....*drools*

Hope im not making ya blush! :D

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Guest Lestrange-

No offense, but some of the girls with the boycuts look like guys.

I'm not trying to be sexist, but unless you have a REALLY feminine face, it will look bad on you. :vicx:

Like, for the girls who don't have double eyelids, it will look bad.

Because single eyelids look sort of manly.

I'm not hating - I have them too. It's just the sad truth.

But there are obviously exceptions.

Some people can pull it off flawlessly.

Styling plays a huge role, as well.

It's a risk, good luck to all of you!

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Guest kimmi.kami

Ohoh! I had my haircut like a guy once.

My friends thought I was a guy for a few seconds.

i remembered i thought i saw a hot guy...but when i got closer it was actually a girl!

._. this is what i get if i dont wear my glasses >_>

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Guest adriennelee

i'm so glad i found this thread haha

for a while, i thought i was the only one who liked guy cuts on girls :x


i grew out my hair for a while and it looked pretty messy...

so i ended walking into the salon today and cutting 3 inches off + new bangs? haha

it's not exactly a boy cut either...

i'm not really sure how i should style it :x




on the right




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Guest kor3an__

I used to have Boyish hair like...since grade 9 till....a few months ago? lol because I started growing it.

I think it looks nice on some girls..and plus it's so much easier to take care of. ^_^

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