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Guest heartkiller

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Guest taehyunjin

well, if any of you ever come to Japan (Osaka) and want to sample a host club, you know who to look up lol. Though I refuse to play translator...

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I just finished watching the great happiness space.

It really opens your eyes.

They all looked sooo tired in the morning after work. I would die >.>

I wanted to give them hugs when they were saying how they didn't know

how to fall in love again.

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Guest hakunamatata

YAOH is in no way like a real host club though it was a little amusing to watch... I hate who they casted for the main character. I think the only reason I watched the entire drama was because of Kiriya Kazuki :wub: lol.

There used to be a documentary on youtube about two hosts challenging each other at on of the CLUB TOP DANDY's. It was actually a similar situation like YAOH. A guy challenges the no.1 guy to take his spot within a month and if it doesn't happen then he promises to quit.

[edit] Couple interesting videos...

- An American girl visiting CLUB AIR

video 02 - Foreign document about host clubs in tokyo

videos - search result for ホストクラブ on youtube. Too lazy to go through them to pick out good ones. Most are just promotional videos from various host sites.

Thank you for the links but I have seen them all already..except from browsing through the last link...

But I am interested to know what about Yaoh that was ehhh..fake? (Not that I am offended or anything just that I would like to know to get the idea :P) Kiriya Kazuki is the one playing Seija? That creepy dude with no sense of fashion?

Do you know of any more documentaries? I would like to see the one about Club Top Dandy :D

Thank you so much for sharing pictures! I love these kind of pictures^^ It shows how they look like without being all dolled up like on the professional ones^^

And once you said Club Genji was the biggest club in Osaka right? But I was on one of the links you gave me and there were several "Club Genji" clubs :S

And I'm sorry..it is very sad but once I read an article and this famous club owner said that he know's too much about women to fall in love again..it is sad but still a bit funny.... are we (women) that terrible? Or are the customers they get that terrible? I thought they had very many different kinds of costumers?

Oh thank you Hosteru Guru :P

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Guest heartkiller

^ i think its the customers they get i mean besides the everyday people who might want to go in just once to see what its like they get prostitutes and of course those girls play their own game to get what they want and it just ends up a big game

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Guest taehyunjin

But I am interested to know what about Yaoh that was ehhh..fake? (Not that I am offended or anything just that I would like to know to get the idea :P) Kiriya Kazuki is the one playing Seija? That creepy dude with no sense of fashion?

Do you know of any more documentaries? I would like to see the one about Club Top Dandy :D

And once you said Club Genji was the biggest club in Osaka right? But I was on one of the links you gave me and there were several "Club Genji" clubs :S

And I'm sorry..it is very sad but once I read an article and this famous club owner said that he know's too much about women to fall in love again..it is sad but still a bit funny.... are we (women) that terrible? Or are the customers they get that terrible? I thought they had very many different kinds of costumers?

Well YAOH is fake because it's a fictional story about hosts in general, especially with the fighting between the workers, etc. As well as the main character going out of his way to help customers (that will likely NEVER happen). The story was cute but VERY fictional. My mistake Kitamura Kazuki played Seiya, perhaps it's just me but I find him to be extremely sexy in that drama.

I don't know any other documentaries, the best thing for you to do is to search youtube. In fact host clubs weren't very popular until recently after clubs started releasing music, etc.

I did not say that CLUB GENJI is the biggest club in Osaka, it is one if not THE most popular club in Osaka. There is in fact only ONE Club Genji in the Kansai area. I am aware that there are other in Tokyo, etc. but they are in no way affiliated.

About hosts being "not able to fall in love again" due to their jobs. Put yourself in their situation. Their job is not easy, they likely get one day off a week where they are stilll technically working, catching customers, scouting for their club, constantly e-mailing and calling their customers. When I was with my boyfriend, every morning he woke up he would call all of his main "big spender" customers to wish them good luck on their work today and invite them to come see him after work. A girl might think that having her host call her every morning makes her special, but after he finished one call he would call the next girl and say the exact same things. Their customers are actually quite demanding, as a host they basically cannot say no to their customers. I have seen situations where customers were yell and force theirs hosts to dance or to sing a certain song or to down and entire bottle of some disgusting alcohol. It's physically and mentally draining.

what is the life span for being a host?

for as long as they want ?

or just before they reach 30???


It depends. There are clubs that cater to older women as well that have attracted hosts in their 30's and above. But I was also told by my friend that's a host that these clubs are really expensive because the men are likely very skilled in one they do. A typical host club for dancing they will do some ridiculous para-para dance, in these other clubs for the elder, the men are skilled in actually dance as well as intellectual conversation. It's also quite often that guys that have been hosts for so long, they decide to open their own clubs, hire a bunch of young boys and just work behind the scenes.

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Guest evon_kame1

wow!! thank you very much for the information !

you really makes us really clear of what host is all about...

thank you!

i guess in Japan is very competitive in every job that they do...

imagining how many populations in Japan ! esp in big cities like Tokyo and Osaka..

it's not easy to survive esp when you are staying away from your families....

to be independent!! T_T

Last year i was in Shinjuku walking passed kabukicho....and i was amazed by those host billboards...

at first i have no idea what's that all about...

and then i was like "OH look, Johnny's JUnior!!" .......

cuz i saw one of them looks like Arashi member...

My friend was like burst out laughing...."Nooooooo!!! they are not Johnny's Junior...They are hosts!"

then i was like "OHHHH i see...!"

haha...that was hilarious moment....for me...!

a bit embarassed as well...haha

a little misunderstanding in japanese world...

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lol, I've seen Club Prince's pv. It was so weird, I don't think that kind of image suites well with them. I like AcQua though, they can really sing.

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Guest evon_kame1

i realise there is a documentary about host which won awards last year..!

after watching the video....eventhough there is no translation for it....

i was like....

"Makes me think a lot....muzukashi ne..."

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Guest Emotions

I'll remember to contact you taehyunjin when I go to Japan. Maybe 10 years from now XD Hehe. I still have to learn how to speak Japanese. Working on it now. Little by little ^-^

It would be a nice experience!

Makoto = sexiness ^_^

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Guest evon_kame1

Thanks for sharing the photos!! they look cool ~!

Seiji's hair grow longer now !!! haha...more pretty !!! haha...

Is Age-OF-EP goin to release their album somewhere next month???

anyone heard of it yet??

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Guest NO NAME?

AGE-OF-EP is releasing their 1st Album 「Vision」 next month, February 27, 2008.

The only track that is included in their album that is from one of their maxi singles & from one of their demo cds is "冷めない夢 (Same Nai Yume)". The rest of the tracks are new. I can't wait to get my hands on the album. I read that a studded heart charm is included.

01.spiral in the love





06.The Game Of Life


08.Time Messenger

09.Clear Heart

10.On Our Side


12.Just Go On




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Guest evon_kame1

".....a studded heart charm is included"

What does that mean?? is it a gift for the new album???

yeah, i think Juza's hair looks a bit weird too...tooooooo girly !! hahaha...i prefer his previous hairstyle!

I can't wait to listen to their new album too !!

too bad that Tohru is not in the group anymore!! i wish 8 od them are together again...!

Tohru has good voice too...but all the members sing well ~!

I heard that Seiji is the owner of AcQua Club?? is it true???

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