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[drama 2005] Peculiar Woman, Peculiar Man. 별난여자, 별난&#45224

Guest jinhee

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Guest kawaiiyuki

I missed a lot :(

Thanks for trying guys.. yeah don't you hate life at times. messes up things that we really want to do. now that you mention it think myapril is the other person on vacation right now. hope she's back soon & snam gets a new computer,

anyway can anyone tell me what happen between HI and her parents the night before the wedding? Oh yeah, did JN get the job and k shopping network yet? and where there any SH and JN moments in the last eps (eps 137)

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I think bicycling off to their honeymoon with all those balloons is so cute. I think the writiers may have purposely done this because when HI was engaged to SH, everything was almost a business relationship with two people from rather well-off families tying the knot. In that relationship, I cannot imagine HI accepting the idea of leaving on a bicycle. In the beginning of the drama, she rejected KW because he was not ambitious enough etc. Like some people in this forum mentioned, HI seemed so uptight when she was with SH and when she started going out with KW everything about her seemed more relaxed. The newlyweds leaving for the honeymoon in this manner seems to highlight the new HI--relaxed, happy and in love! I just hope happiness comes tho JN and SH also. Speaking of SH, he seems a lot more relaxed now too!!

Thanks for reminding me about the Love factor. I almost forgot!!!!! For some reason I think the PD has done a disservice to KW character. To me I still see him as HI did at the beginning: just like his father ... poor and weak!

Looking at the wedding I had to keep redirecting my focus to HI smile because the only thing that kept going through my mind is she is marrying her subordinate and have to go live with and serve his mean ole grannie. She gave up a condo for a cabin!!!! I don't think HI should have married SH but my goodness she should have waited until KW have established himself more. In his present state he is like left over.

I know this it a pro KW forum but you all must admit the PD could have given him more to work with!!!!

OK, I got that out! :sweatingbullets:

Oh, yeah about the balloons.... I would wail even louder if saw those balloons on the bike. Balloons represent fantasy.... marriage is real..... Maybe that's why I'm so dissappointed! It seems like for such a real situation she made such a poor choice.... (mind you, he she was the one who ask him..... right after her failed engagement.... was this a rebound?????)

Again, my point is ... there should have been more substance to KW before marriage.

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Guest Mme. De Giry

To those who wanted screencaps... I'm really sorry this is the best I can do. :tears: I only have the low-quality so they're itsy bitsy tiny, but I hope you can still imagine the story with them. :)

Episode 136


Nara finds out SH found out


Nara dazed


Nara still dazed (Can you tell I felt sorry for her for the first time?)


Not sure what they're talking about...most probably wedding plans


I think SH's trying to call JN...

I can only post *how many* images so I'll post the rest later in between posts cos I don't want to break any rules. :tears: Hope these helped!

*EDIT* Can someone please tell me how many images I'm allowed to post? Thanks a lot! I'll try to do 135 and 134 today if someone posts in between my posts. ;) Can't promise finality of that plan cos I have TONS to do even if it is my day off. Sorry.

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Guest Mme. De Giry

Thank you, panna_apple, now I can post the next 5. :)


...but JN is also trying to call him so they get voicemails?


JN's feet hurt (HI's theory of brand name shoes not giving you sore feet must really be true)


The call came through!


So Suky is happy :D


Suky in a hurry

9 more images to go! :sweatingbullets:

*EDIT* I'll check back later. ;)

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Guest ChiSoju

anyway can anyone tell me what happen between HI and her parents the night before the wedding? Oh yeah, did JN get the job and k shopping network yet? and where there any SH and JN moments in the last eps (eps 137)

Hae-in shared some tender moments with her parents. Yoo-jung is still concerned it seems.

Jong-nam and Suk-hyun play squash. Suk-hyun wins, and Jong-nam falls to the floor in frustration, and pelts him with squash balls. They then share a soft drink with two straws, and while they are face-to-face close together, Jong-nam head-butts him. :crazy::lol:

At the wedding, Jong-nam looks in on the room where Hae-in is getting ready, and sees Doo-man photographing Hae-in and Li-ra. They suggest a photo of Jong-nam and Hae-in. Just as Doo-man is about to take the picture, Suk-hyun enters, and joins the pose. Jong-nam is glad to see him, but seems kind of nervous to be photographed with him.

Also at the wedding, In-bum sees Jong-nam and Suk-hyun together, and graciously shakes Suk-hyun's hand and says a few words, which Suk-hyun accepts.

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Guest ronni

Ep 137 YSI


Ep 137 Screencaps

(I took these from the LQ, so sorry that they aren't the best)

These aren't my translations, just guesses on what was said :)

"Aunt, would you let you kid be with the one he loves?"




"Grrrrr....." :fury:


Grandma comes home hauling some huge bundle of something.


"Give it up, SH"


"Please Grandma!"


JN gets picked up by her stalker ex.


Doesn't everyone carry juice in their purse?


IB yaking at JN about something. Hopefully he's saying he gives up. :phew:


Nasty NR being herself.


more to come.

The big guy gets his wedding invite.


I think he invites the girl with the funny face to go with him.


Who wouldn't love this face?


OD invites "her" man to the wedding.


"Oh, sorry, I gotta work"


SH and JN play squash.




JN falls down. Maybe because there are too many balls on the floor.


After laughing, SH comes to make sure she's ok.


Retaliation is sweet. ;)



JN wipes the sweat from her manly-man's brow.


The drink some sort of green juice.


JN bonks her noggin on his (intentionally)


Tough guy complains.


Little sister attacks KW with a paper face mask.


He calls HI who laughs at him.


Mommy comes in for a slumber part and imparts her mommy wisdom on HI.



Daddy gives HI a book, so she cries.



All dressed up for the big day.




The wedding place.


Random children for hire?


"Hi everybody"


"HI's dad?"




Peeping tom.



Pretty HI.


Big guy comes to get KW.


And drags him away.


Aunt and JN film video congrats.


And here comes back stalker IB.


Aunt takes off, but SH saves JN.


IB: "I hope you two get married soon, too" :o


JN and HI say hi.


Family photo.


OD: "Mr Kim!?!?!"


JM: "Who's your niece?" OD: "Hae-In" JM:"GULP!"


OD: "Brother, look, its my boyfriend"




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Guest professor97

Everyone that's so busy--we understand--it's that time of the year. We had just gotten so spoiled. Thank you so much for your efforts for all of us English speakers. :D

About Kiwoong and Haein and Haein marrying down. I agree Kiwoong doesn't seem real ambitious, but he does work hard. But I would rather marry someone like Ki-woong who is full of life and joy then someone who was well-established and stiff like Sukhyun was at the beginning (not that he wasn't adorable). I have a lot of degrees and I married someone who was very well-established; I also divorced him. Give me joy for life and living over money and status any day. But that's just my opinion. Other people may not feel that way. See I can earn my own money like Haein can--so money has no attraction for me. I'd take Sukhyun as the fisherman over Sukhyun the Vice President (Probably soon to be president) of Well-Being shopping. Little joys are what make life happy.

And I can feel sorry for Nara too, but I think what she is really sorry about is that now her control is unraveling. If the secret gets out she won't be able to control Minsook and Minsook's emotions. She won't be able to prevent Sukhyun from doing as he wants--and how will he feel when he knows he was given up because that is the only way he could live--and his real aunt and uncle took him only if his real parents turned him over.

I am a mother and if it meant the life of my child, I'd give them up too--after I had begged relatives for the money first or looked for any kind of help. I would rather love them from afar then lose them forever.

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Guest dramaok

anyway can anyone tell me what happen between HI and her parents the night before the wedding? Oh yeah, did JN get the job and k shopping network yet? and where there any SH and JN moments in the last eps (eps 137)

i'll come back and answer this later since i haven't seen 137 yet but from the preview i know HI and YJ tell each other tommorrow they must not cry. HI says 'i'm not gonna cry so you don't cry' and mom says the same. (will give more detail later). and BD (dad) says to HI she has given him the best gift in life and opened up the world to him. (again will provide more detail later). it was a real tender moment.

She gave up a condo for a cabin!!!! I don't think HI should have married SH but my goodness she should have waited until KW have established himself more. In his present state he is like left over.

I know this it a pro KW forum but you all must admit the PD could have given him more to work with!!!!

It seems like for such a real situation she made such a poor choice.... (mind you, he she was the one who ask him..... right after her failed engagement.... was this a rebound?????)

Again, my point is ... there should have been more substance to KW before marriage.

i think HI made a wise choice to go with the guy who's only had eyes for her for 10 years and has done things behind her to make her life better without showing off because he truly loves her. there's a saying for woman, that it's better to marry the one that loves you than the one you love because you will be happy being loved than to love. something like that. the point is HI wouldn't have to worry about her husband not loving her like she might have to if she married some brat from higher society who wouldn't appreciate her sacrifices. KW knows fully what HI had to give up and he's gonna spend his life making that up to HI, treasuring her like a gem. as for the cheap wedding. HI insisted on them paying for the wedding and honeymoon with their own money (which they put in a savings account together). i guess it symbolizes the virtue of HI... selflessless and thoughtfulness which koreans love!!! even if it's fantasy only. ^^

*EDIT* Can someone please tell me how many images I'm allowed to post?

thx so much!!!! there's no limit. soompi only has an image rule for signatures and drama forum guideline states to limit reposting of image (as in quoting image) so you can post however many you want. each post has a limit and it will alert you if you post too much to handal in one post. in that case you can wait 5 secs and make a new post, i think.


thx for the ysi and the caps. the captions. lol. i was laughing so hard. haha.

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Guest emceema

:D Who needs a computer? Is it SNAM124? I have an Intel Desktop Board D845PESV Intel Pentium 4 Processor with HT Techonology that I do not use at home. I am willing to give this away if you can remove all the files in it first. So e-mail me and let's make a deal.

Thank you so much for the pictures and funny comments someone has posted. Also the dl for Epi137. When I saw this file, I dl right away before time expired. I tried to dl Epi 135 & 136 but I cannot dl from Creidesca's Club Box even if I dl all the software required. It is written in chinese w/c I don't understand. Besides, there is a membership requirement. So, if anyone can upload Epi 135 & 136 thru YSI same way Epi 137 was uploaded, I will be forever grateful.

Professor: Your wise comments on marriage are very much appreciated. I did marry a guy with lesser education than me and I have never regretted it. My husband has devoted all his love and caring to me and me alone. Like you said, KW will be a devoted husband to HI and will do everything in his power to make her happy.

So it seems that In Boem is saying goodbye to JN and wishing JN and SH get married soon and be happy? That is so nice of him.

Why is the grandmother so against S & J getting married? And what did Minsook say when asked by Sukhyun at the beginning of epi137?

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Guest ronni

what did Minsook say when asked by Sukhyun at the beginning of epi137?

I think basically SH asked MS "Would you allow your child to be with someone he/she loved?" And MS was surprised. NR interupted somehow, but SH insisted to hear MS's response. MS said she would allow it but qualified it (for NR) that she only was meaning for KW and DaJung.

I really want to know the details about why Nara has SukHyun. Why did MS give him to her? If he was sick, that's not a reason to give up your kid. Unless Nara is THAT evil that she wouldn't help unless MS gave her SH. Its hard to tell if Nara is barren or just frigid, how can she have kids when she won't let her husband touch her?

As another mom, I would rather die than give up my son. I am really curious about how the writers are going to explain this.

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Ep 137 Screencaps

(I took these from the LQ, so sorry that they aren't the best)

These aren't my translations, just guesses on what was said :)

JN falls down. Maybe because there are too many balls on the floor.


Whats up with all the balls? :D:D

Good "Translation" ronni! :)

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Guest snam124

:D Who needs a computer? Is it SNAM124? I have an Intel Desktop Board D845PESV Intel Pentium 4 Processor with HT Techonology that I do not use at home. I am willing to give this away if you can remove all the files in it first. So e-mail me and let's make a deal.

Awww- you guys are so sweet!! Thanks for the offer emceema :) I just heard from the Geek Squad Technician and they've replaced my hard drive. Unfortunately I'll have to download all the programs again but the good news is my computer will be back by tomorrow!! :D

Thanks Ronni and Dramaok for helping out with spot translations and screen caps! I hope MyApril and N5Y17Cgirl will be back soon as well :) We miss you!!

yeah! 100 pages!!

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Guest dramaok

hooray to the geek squad!


summary of 137. i did it in a hurry so hopefully it's understandable.

ep. 137.

SH asks MS what she would do if her children insisted on marrying someone she disliked.

MS: i'll probably accept it at the end.

nara: don't you think parents have their reason for rejecting their children's wish. would you agree with SH marrying JN?

MS: i was talking about kiwoong and dajeong.

Nara: (looks at SH) so don't confuse yourself i won't agree with you and jongnam ever.

SH: i'm gonna wait til you do.

grandma comes home with newly bought bundle of dried seaweed.

grandma tells SH how she was stunned by his actions and asks him why he must pick jongnam of all the women in the world, and that his parents didn't raise him to be with a woman like jongnam.

SH says he will be good to his parents with jongnam. grandma continues they have no idea what kind of parents JN came from and they could be convicts or something and what if they come looking for her later on.

SH says JN's parents could be really great people and it's sad as is. grandma sighs saying JN has him totally hooked, then begs SH to forget about JN.

meanwhile IB calls JN on the streets and asks to talk for brief moment. JN pulls out the juice bottles from her purse. IB asks if she always carry them around...

JN: do you have

IB: i came to tell you i hope you can be really happy. i already knew then when you accepted my proposal that your heart wasn't open for me, but i thought we could live on and slowly open your heart, but now i realize i don't have the ability to do such possibility.

JN: i have really done many things wrong against you.

IB: (puts on a cheerful smile) the vice president, even as a man to man, has a lot of charms. the two of you many have a very difficult road ahead of you, i wish the day will come that everyone will bless you.

JN: you're giving me strength...

IB: if the woman i have loved is happy no matter what, then i will happy as well. if you are unhappy then i will probably dearly regret this decision i have made. you must be happy so i won't regret. you have confidence don't you, jongnam ssi?

JN: yes. i will try hard.

IB: and what about the intership abroad i mentioned to your mother last time.

JN: right i heard about it from mom.

IB: one year isn't that long of time.

IB continues to persuade JN to go abroad a year as an investment to her lifelong dream of becoming the best shopping host, and says he should discuss going with SH.

JN stops him and says she doesn't want to give IB any more trouble now or in the future.

nara goes home and is pissed thinking about MS's answer to SH's question.

KW gives wedding invitations to the colleagues at welbeing shopping and the girl colleague asks if they should give money gift to both or just one. KW says just one, but HI says at the double rate.

OD(okdoo) calls JM (does she really have to use that little girl voice all the time even over the phone?) and invites JM to attend her niece's wedding tomorrow at 1pm. JM (um. shouldn't he suspect something by now?) says he also has an important meeting at 1pm tomorrow and suggests they meet the day after tomorrow.

JN and SH play squash ball and they nearly kill each other throwing ball at each other.

SH tells JN KW's wedding is tomorrow, then JN offers drink to SH with 2 straws, one for each. when SH takes a sip JN bangs his forehead with her own and SH says she's a rock.

DJ (dajeong) gives KW a face mask and KW calls HI, calling her 'new bride'. HI says she's not a new bride yet and asks what he's doing. KW asks HI how she feels and says he's worried that the sun might now rise tomorrow morning and HI says not to worry and get a good night sleep.

just then HI's mom YJ comes to her room and HI hangs up phone.

YJ: kiwoong must be feeling like he's got the whole world now. after he sleeps tonight his dream of becoming lee hae in's prince will come true...

HI: mom..

YJ: tonight i wanna sleep with you that's okay right?

HI: i guess we hooked up telepathically since i wanted to sleep with mom too.

YJ: (sighs) is our hae-in really getting married?

HI: i'll come often even after i get married okay?

YJ: but you're gonna be tending your inlaws so what do you mean coming often.

HI: mom...

YJ: but it's good to have your maiden family. whenever you feel tired come and rest all you want okay?

HI: yes mom.

YJ: it'll be hard to live tending to the adults in your inlaws but it'll be a good thing.. the adults there seem to be affectionate.

HI: yes. they're good people. i'll live well mom, okay?

YJ: our hae-in is such a treasure pit that family's gonna really prosper now.

HI: i'll make sure of that mom.

YJ: but still don't be surpressed. say what you want when you need to. (teary) if you get sad and get sick i'll be really brokenhearted.

HI: (teary) mom. actually i had so many things i wanted to say to you but i can't seem to get it right.. just thinking about them makes me wanna cry. mom. i'm not gonna cry, so you don't cry tomorrow mom.

YJ: (crying) why would i cry. at first to be honest i felt shortchanged and upset, but since you want it then i want it too and kiwoong's face is getting cuter. tomorrow i just might be so happy seeing you two marry i might give him a hug.

HI: (smile) where's dad.

YJ: i don't know.

HI: i'll be back after saying hi to dad.

HI goes to dad byeongdoo.

HI: what are you doing.

BD: (BD gives HI jornals) this is the present i'm giving you.

HI: oh it's your diary

BD: it's the diaries about you i've kept since you were born.

HI: i didn't know you had such things.

BD: hae-in ah.. you were the most precious gift the angel from far away bestowed upon me. after you were born each day was more exciting and each day i was more thankful.. until even now.

HI: dad! (cries on BD's shoulder).


next morning everyone gets ready for the big wedding.

grandma jang holds the deceased grandpa's will and tells him it's the wedding day of their eldest grandson.

OD tells BD mr. kim couldnt' make it today and BD says mr. kim must have some gold on his face so it's so hard to see him.

JM asks nara if something's been bugging her lately since she looked worry but nara says as if she didn't have enough to worry about between him and seok hyeon now she has to worry about minsook. JM asks why and nara says she doesn't wanna talk about it.

the wedding's about to happen and when JM is introduced to BD, BD gives JM a weird look (since JM is a cheating type and BD hates that).

KW goes to peep at his bride-to-be. DJ's mentor/friend videographs the wedding and goes around telling ppl to say a word beforehand.

IB arrives at the wedding too and says hi to JN and Jaeok. JO leaves and JN is left with IB alone momentarily when SH arrives and they two men shake their hands. IB wishes SH and JN will have their day soon too. SH says thanks.

OD is outside and sees JM. OD thinks mr. kim came afterall and is about to introduce him to her brother BD....

-------- end 137.

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Guest acire

Thanks Dramaok for eppie 137 translation and to Ronni for screencaps. I really appreciate them! :)

Also in this pic, doesn't Sukhyun look like Jaedo? :huh:


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Guest kawaiiyuki

:D I was so excited to see screen caps and little subtittles next to the pics that i didn't know what to type so i waited until now and came across the spot translation. Thanks so much for everyone posting pics of the eps. I agree with Prof. 97 about us being somewhat spoiled and without snam we feel lost. But not too worry, snam will be joining us shortly again. Maybe this weekend?? :blush: Anyway, thanks again for everyone hard work and posting screen caps and spot translations.

Ps Did you guys notic how KBS was trying to fit lots of info into the preview for 139 the shots zoomed by so fast that i would really see them. but the ones i did catch happen to be of SH and JN. Did you noticed how she wasn't feeling well.When SH and JN were in the park sitting do you think she fell a sleep or fainted? To me it looked like she fainted by the way her head moved on to his shoulder. Aww, we see him carry her to the hospital... ( :P:P We all know what's to come)

Ps(again) if anyone has seen 138.. can anyone tell me what HI wrote to her parents? You know, the note she left for them on her desk.

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