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[drama 2005] Peculiar Woman, Peculiar Man. 별난여자, 별난&#45224

Guest jinhee

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Guest kawaiiyuki

:lol::blink: I hope everything turns out well. All i know is that Nara is digging her own grave. Now that she's driven everyone she'll have no one to turn to. Hasn't she heard of the saying "Keep your frinds close but your enemies closer" (I think the saying goes something like that :sweatingbullets: ) But anything happen's to SH i'm sure Mk will let JN stay with her. I can't wait till JN and SH get there own place. Think that they should have done that a while back but it's never to late. I mean this wouldn't be the first time they live together.

OH yeah, does anyone know if any of the co-workers at wel-being know about SH and JN's relationship? How does Nara have so much power at Wel-being? I thought that her husband is the CEO? Sigh... :mellow:

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Guest ronni

I'm actually really looking forward to the fall of evil Nara. I hope its quite an ugly one, not just a one episode "yesterday-i-hated-you-but-today-i-love-you" sort of about face that some dramas do. With the overall theme of this drama, I am expecting a happy ending, though.... :D

I uploaded some more episodes at filefront. Here's the link.

And oh, this is something my sister is getting tired of me wondering---but I'll wonder again anyway---why was SH's expression (when JO told him to get a place with JN) like he was thinking, "Huh? I have to find a place? Can't I just bunk in with you?" Was the sequencing in the previews right? Or did JO say something else for him to give her that look? I don't know, it's really trivial, but it's really bothering me. :(

You know how that one episode ended right when Sukhyun found out Jongnam was pregnant, and Sukhyun looked mad? But in the next episode he was all happy about it? I think this is probably something like that. I hope, anyway.

How does Nara have so much power at Wel-being? I thought that her husband is the CEO? Sigh... :mellow:

I think Jaeman is the CEO but Nara (or her family?) is the owner of the company. Hence she thinks she's better than any of her in-laws.

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Guest cand12

Don't know if im allowed to ask this...

But, wondering where I can find ENGLISH subtitle for Peculiar Woman, Peculiar Man??

I can't seem to find it at D-addicts.

Appreciate any replies.

Thanks heaps

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Guest ChiSoju

For reference, here is a little map of Korea:


Seoul is in the Northwest, and Busan is in the Southeast. Korea is very mountainous, so it takes several hours to drive between the two.

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Guest pumpkin06

Here are ep 146 and 147 fresh off the KBS forum... (remember that rather than literal translation, I went for what it means to make it easy for me to translate..it's easier/faster for me so that you guys can get it sooner :)

ep 146)

MS has a big fight with Nara regarding KW's transfer, and KW leaves (quits) Wellbeing Home Shopping. SH and JN have a small ceramony just by themselves at a church and starts their lives as a newlywed couple. At the time, Nara goes to a hotel to see SH, and after finding out that SH checked out 3 days ago, she wonders what's going on.

ep 147)

Thinking maybe, Nara follows SH (I assume from work), sees JN coming out of their new home, and is shocked. Feeling his family's sympathy, KW tries to find a new way for himself (regarding job/career). On his way to see Nara with JN, SH falls down on the street...

I think this is where SH's disease comes back due to all the stress as the writer already said in an interview. Get your tissues handy by your side :tears: Oh, viewers think KW will eventually have his own successful business lauching his diet lunch box idea (one that SH dropped from the contest).

Despite melodramatic plots, I do like the faster pace of the show... Although I usually see the preview sooner (at the forum) than the official KBS preview site, I can't post them as soon as I see them due to problems with Soompi site (it's worse last few days). I hope this post goes through...

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Guest Babigrl

who's that cute new guy!? jongnam's new president or whatever! what's his name!? OMg i think he's cute hehe his smile is attractive :)

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SH falls down on the street...

Please I hope that SH's disease doesn't come back! I want SH and JN to be together and get back at Nara. :tears:

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Guest grrly

I just read the episode posted above and a thought came to me...

What if Nara declines to help SH with his treatment unless JN aborts the baby...If she does that, man she's an evil mother.... What if JN chooses SH and aborts the baby...I hope this won't happen at all.

On the other hand this could turn her (NR's) heart and finally accept JN and the baby..

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Guest cynkawahara

If anyone still needs a YSI link, here it is~

episode 42

Tried positng for the past 2 days but had difficulty connecting thru to Soompi.

Enjoy reading everyones posts...thank you.

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Guest ChiSoju

who's that cute new guy!? jongnam's new president or whatever! what's his name!? OMg i think he's cute hehe his smile is attractive :)

Do you possibly mean In-bum? Look back several pages, and you'll find out about him. Several people didn't care for him; others, such as myself, did like him.

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Guest Happy_Day

omg, i can totally predict what will happen!!

maybe.. just maybe..

SH will get is old disease back.. and he will be all weak and wanting JN by him.. so nara finally relents? because i mean, she does love her son.


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Guest professor97

Thank you Pumpkin for telling us what the latest previews are. Wonder why they have slowed the previews down to only two at a time. I guess its just creates a ratings hit when you torture the audience. Nara is a witch--why doesn't she get sick with an illness? Oh wait, I forgot she's too evil for even the germs to want to get near her. :crazy:

Can anyone tell us what Nara and Sukhyun were saying to each other that caused Nara to start hitting him. It creeped me out to see the preview of her smelling his shirts--she is strange. I was hoping he would have said, "Listen I know you are not my real mother--I'm going over to see Minsook." :D

You know if Sukhyun has to be hospitalized that Nara will try and keep Jongnam away from his bedside. Why can't they just make Nara suffer for about a week and a half? It would be so wonderful if her heart hurt one-half as much as all the hearts she has hurt. Wonder what Haein's mother will say to her friend when she finds that she has had Ki-woong transferred? I hope she screams at her. I hope Nara has no one left. I'm sick of Jae-min shuffling his feet around her and being afraid. What's wrong with him? :tongue2:

Well now with the entrance of Okdoo's child, we are all set up for the traditional KD plotline of the kid who gets lost or runs away. We know the hospital scene (I mean the drawn out one like in MSMD or My Precious Child or Yellow Handerkerchief) is coming up very soon and there will be the wait to see if Sukhyun can be saved. I love KDramas, but there really is a sort of formula they all follow--but I don't care. This is great romantic one. I liked MSMD till the ending which was lame, but I think there is more passion between Jongnam and Sukhyun because the actress who plays Jongnam is so lively and the actress who played In-Young was a lot less energetic and slightly boring although very pretty.

Well it's 3 o'clock in the morning--guess I'll go back to my writing and wait to see what everyone has to say tomorrow!

Pumpkin, now the site is working better hope you can fill us in about what to expect.

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Just read the preview off the the page (sorry have trouble qouting some pple at times.) Yes, Sh and JN get married!! :D :blush: :lol: Totally think that they should have done it a long time ago. I guess they couldn't wait for people to give them their blessing. I thought maybe they could at least ask KW and HI to show up. But it doesn't matter as long as they are married. Maybe that's what JN's mom told him to do. MAybe that's the reason for the shocked look on his face.

Oh no, SH's sickness returns... SO Fast. Couldn't the stupid germs wait a little longer. :tears: Hope he get's better. But no matter what JN will be by his side. :blush:

As for NAra ... yeah, i agree with Prof. 97. She looked totally freaky smelling SH's clothes. That's with that. She looked that the crazy guy for the Charlie's Angel's movie that smelled the hair of women that he wripped out. :w00t: She's got the have something planed when SH get's sick... She always does.... If she doesn't she'll think of one and FAST! :unsure:

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Guest professor97

Yes, I think she'll take the opportunity to try to bar Jongnam and Minsook from his room and then she'll go to court to file annulment papers while Sukhyun is having life-saving surgery--what better time to keep him from stopping her Nasty Nara plans. And I thought Ki-joon's mother was bad in MSMD--she was definitely an amateur in comparison with that :crazy::w00t::wacko::vicx: :fury: Nara. You know what I mean.

Heh maybe Ki-wong and Sukhyun can go into business together!

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Guest snam124

As for NAra ... yeah, i agree with Prof. 97. She looked totally freaky smelling SH's clothes. That's with that. She looked that the crazy guy for the Charlie's Angel's movie that smelled the hair of women that he wripped out. :w00t:

LOL! I haven't seen that scene yet since I can't seem to watch the vod's anymore on kbs but I can just picture Nara doing that! And yes, the creepy guy from Charlie's Angels is a perfect comparison!! :crazy:

You know what I mean.

Heh maybe Ki-wong and Sukhyun can go into business together!

Professor- what a great idea!! SukHyun can invest in KiWoong's business and partner up with him!! The previews show SH on his knees pleading with his mom. I hope he doesn't lose his job after Nara finds out he and JN married :o Oh and the dreaded hospital scene is coming up folks! Poor SH collapses on the street so brace yourselves for some tear jerking scenes!! :tears::(

And to answer your question, SH goes to Nara to find out why she ordered KW's transfer to Pusan and they get into a huge argument over him and JN. SH tells her, "It's wrong for you to take out your anger for Jong Nam on innocent KW. I made the mistake of telling you that Aunt MinSook told me about you taking Jong Nam to the hospital." Nara says, "So now that Aunt Minsook is on your side, is there nothing you can see? Get out of here! Get out of here!!" (while hitting SH)

And oh, this is something my sister is getting tired of me wondering---but I'll wonder again anyway---why was SH's expression (when JO told him to get a place with JN) like he was thinking, "Huh? I have to find a place? Can't I just bunk in with you?" Was the sequencing in the previews right? Or did JO say something else for him to give her that look? I don't know, it's really trivial, but it's really bothering me. :(

I know, ~*kYo*~, say NO to characters dying in k-dramas!!! Unless of course if the character we're talking about has the Nara syndrome, then go right ahead! She really did look like a perve... I think those were SH's shirts too. Eeew... Nara really has done it. :crazy:

To me it looked like SH was too stunned that someone is actually approving of him and JN. It was more like "Huh? Am I hearing you right??" hehe :D

And YES, can someone please KILL NARA??? I like Professor's idea of OkDoo killing her but I really think she's getting back with her ex-hubby.

~is anyone planning to post screen caps for 142? I just don't want to double post if someone was planning to. I could work on 143 then.... ;)

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^^^ ooohhh can you post the caps for 142 & 143 :)

i just saw the new preview at KBS...and i just can't wait for those episodes to come...SK and JN looked so happy together (i just love when couples dress up alike), oh why oh why does SK has to get sick again? :(

Here are some of the screen caps from KBS.com for next week's episodes

SK and JN's married life...finally...i'm loving their couple clothes :)




Sk and JN's wedding :blush:




my most dreaded moment :tears:


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Guest emceema


Mme de Giry: I'm a few pages late but I would like to CONGRATULATE you for a very emotional, awesome, heart-rending, delightful, fantastic, lovable, romantic (...running out of adjectives) Music Video of our beloved Sukhyun and Jongnam. I'm so glad that you're such a hopeless romantic like me. :):D:lol:

I would to express my gratitude to the people who translate into english or do a summary of each episode, screen caps and download links.

I'm so relieved to see the preview that they got married. There is now legitimacy in their relationship. Somebody posted that what if when Sukhyun get sick and in the hospital, NN would prevent JN to come and see him. I don't think this would happen because, if Sukhyun got sick after they get married, the wife has the responsibility of guardianship. So JN is the one who could prevent NN coming into the hospital, unless the law in Korea is different from the US. If I were JN, I would get a restraining order of 1,000 miles away from the hospital where NN can go. :w00t:

Regarding that preview where NN was holding Sukhyun's clothes and smelling them, it reminds me of FATAL ATTRACTIOn where the obssessed woman lost her sanity and did everything evil to get her revenge. If the writers are thinking this way .......... wait, is this why they titled it Bizzarre Bunch? :w00t::w00t::w00t:

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