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[drama 2005] Peculiar Woman, Peculiar Man. 별난여자, 별난&#45224

Guest jinhee

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Guest ronni

Thanks for the eps 143's preview tranlation Ronni. I think some one also translated the preview of eps 143 on page 106. Have a look. :ph34r:

i never translated it, i think? you're confusing me :wacko::unsure::D

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Guest anjandy

This drama is really rating well! But it seems so long so I'm kinda lukewarm to start watching it...

Can anyone tell me if this is really worth watching?

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Guest n5y17cgirl

hope somebody can translate the preview for 144 :)

[ 144 회 ] 2006년 4월 13일 (목)

석현은 기웅의 발령으로 나라를 찾아가지만 나라는 완강하고, 종남이 일로 기웅에게 화풀이했다는 걸 알고 착잡해진다. 종남은 재옥으로부터 석현이 집나간 얘기를 듣고 속상하고, 석현은 큰집과 기웅, 나라의 일로 마음이 안 좋다.

재만은 기웅이 발령이 기정사실화 되자 위로차 큰집을 찾아간다. 아무 것도 모르고 있던 큰집 식구들은 기웅의 발령 소식에 벙치는데..

Ep 144 preview translated:

Upon KW's announcement, SH goes to see Nara, but Nara is stubborn, while he(?) starts to get confused after learning that through work JN was able to relieve some of KW’s anger.

JN gets upset after hearing from JO that SH was kicked out of the house, while SH is unsettled in his feelings toward the big house and KW because of the situation with Nara.

JM goes to the big house to find out the facts about KW’s announcement.

The big house family members who know nothing about KW’s announcement is dumbfounded…

this one was a little harder for me to translate - just b/c sometimes it's hard to tell who's doing what to whom. (Korean has a lot of what we Americans would call "run-on sentences." So when there are several subjects and proper objects in one sentence, it can get confusing... :P )

Ronni--did Jaeok really say that to Jongnam. Oh my gosh, I knew she said something shocking but I would never have thought that she would have said anything like that. Has anyone translated the previews from 144 because it looks like Nara has another trick up her sleeves. It makes me cry to think that Jaeok would say that--my mother's heart would never, ever turn my back on my children. And I know Jaeok is just her adopted mother, but I would not expect her to ever do that.

And also--can someone who has seen the previews see what is on the paper Nara has in her hand?

are you guys talking about that scene in episode 141 where JN and JO are in the kitchen and JO is drinking a glass of water and remembering when she first met JN?

then yes, JN calls her "mom" and JO says "Why am I your mom? I'm ahjuma (to you). Don't call me mom from now on."

haven't watched ep 142 yet or seen the previews, but I'll come back later... need to go eat first - I'm starving! :lol: *runs off to go eat dinner...

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Ronni--did Jaeok really say that to Jongnam. Oh my gosh, I knew she said something shocking but I would never have thought that she would have said anything like that. Has anyone translated the previews from 144 because it looks like Nara has another trick up her sleeves. It makes me cry to think that Jaeok would say that--my mother's heart would never, ever turn my back on my children. And I know Jaeok is just her adopted mother, but I would not expect her to ever do that.

Ronni can tell us what this says:

[ 144 회 ] 2006년 4월 13일 (목)

석현은 기웅의 발령으로 나라를 찾아가지만 나라는 완강하고, 종남이 일로 기웅에게 화풀이했다는 걸 알고 착잡해진다. 종남은 재옥으로부터 석현이 집나간 얘기를 듣고 속상하고, 석현은 큰집과 기웅, 나라의 일로 마음이 안 좋다.

재만은 기웅이 발령이 기정사실화 되자 위로차 큰집을 찾아간다. 아무 것도 모르고 있던 큰집 식구들은 기웅의 발령 소식에 벙치는데..

I hate Nara. I wish the writers would teach her a lesson or FOUR. When Sukhyun gets sick you know she's going to blame Minsook and Jongnam. I wonder if Sukhyun has to leave the house--does that mean he loses his job?

And also--can someone who has seen the previews see what is on the paper Nara has in her hand?

professor97 I so agree with you , hubby and I have adopted children and they are mine and His, they are grown now, but just like anyother mother they drove me nuts at times, disappointed us, but I never was not their mother, never even felt that, I know this is a only in the drama, but in real life I have heard this myself with other adopted parents.....and could not understand it, just my two cents....ya kow JN loves Jaeok and she wanted to take JN on as her daughter.... and love means thu the think and thin, bad and good , I am sorry to day I liked Jaeok in the begining but she is plucking my last nerve here lately.... :w00t:


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Ep 144 preview translated:

Upon KW's announcement, SH goes to see Nara, but Nara is stubborn, while he(?) starts to get confused after learning that through work JN was able to relieve some of KW’s anger.

JN gets upset after hearing from JO that SH was kicked out of the house, while SH is unsettled in his feelings toward the big house and KW because of the situation with Nara.

JM goes to the big house to find out the facts about KW’s announcement.

The big house family members who know nothing about KW’s announcement is dumbfounded…

this one was a little harder for me to translate - just b/c sometimes it's hard to tell who's doing what to whom. (Korean has a lot of what we Americans would call "run-on sentences." So when there are several subjects and proper objects in one sentence, it can get confusing... :P )

are you guys talking about that scene in episode 141 where JN and JO are in the kitchen and JO is drinking a glass of water and remembering when she first met JN?

then yes, JN calls her "mom" and JO says "Why am I your mom? I'm ahjuma (to you). Don't call me mom from now on."

haven't watched ep 142 yet or seen the previews, but I'll come back later... need to go eat first - I'm starving! :lol: *runs off to go eat dinner...

oh my goodness just watched 142 can not wait for someone to translate that with caps for us....Nara is such a mean nasty cold hearted person, I have a daughter in law I am not fond of at all, but would not act like she is with SH.....hummm,hummm, I would just love to slap her face....even tho she is very pretty....lol....sorry but I think she is..lol..now may I ask what is the Upon KW's announcement....mean....I am so lost.....help....lol


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Guest n5y17cgirl

oh my goodness just watched 142 can not wait for someone to translate that with caps for us....Nara is such a mean nasty cold hearted person, I have a daughter in law I am not fond of at all, but would not act like she is with SH.....hummm,hummm, I would just love to slap her face....even tho she is very pretty....lol....sorry but I think she is..lol..now may I ask what is the Upon KW's announcement....mean....I am so lost.....help....lol


yeah I didn't get that part either when I was doing the translating. I felt like I was missing something. hopefully when I watch ep 142 I'll know what this "big announcement" is b/c as of right now I have no idea. dl the episode as we speak...

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Guest pumpkin06

Ep 144 preview translated:

Upon KW's announcement, SH goes to see Nara, but Nara is stubborn, while he(?) starts to get confused after learning that through work JN was able to relieve some of KW’s anger.

JN gets upset after hearing from JO that SH was kicked out of the house, while SH is unsettled in his feelings toward the big house and KW because of the situation with Nara.

JM goes to the big house to find out the facts about KW’s announcement.

The big house family members who know nothing about KW’s announcement is dumbfounded…

this one was a little harder for me to translate - just b/c sometimes it's hard to tell who's doing what to whom. (Korean has a lot of what we Americans would call "run-on sentences." So when there are several subjects and proper objects in one sentence, it can get confusing... :P )

If you don't mind me helping, I can clarify a couple things with translation :) Some are not literal translation of the summary written in Korean for the reason n5y17cgirl stated above (about RO sentences and subject issue).

ep 144)

SH goes to see Nara about KW's appointment to outer district (outside Seoul basically), but Nara won't budge. SH learns that (Nara) is venting/directing her anger regarding JN to KW and feels unsettled.

(this part is the same as above) JN gets upset after hearing from JO that SH was kicked out of the house, while SH is unsettled in his feelings toward the big house and KW because of the situation with Nara.

JM goes to big house to console them after KW's appointment is official.

The big house family members who know nothing about announcement of KW's appointment is dumbfounded…

And here is ep 145 found on KBS viewers comment site... so you don't have to wait till tomorrow.

Despite SH and JM's effort, KW is appointed to BooSan (note: that's a far away city from Seoul if I remember correctly). JN tries to convince SH to go back home, and JO and SH promise to meet. MS is upset at Nara for cutting off (from work) KW unfairly and goes to Nara to complain/inquire/appeal. JO meets SH at the hotel he is staying at. Knowing that there is no other way (or it's inevitable), JO permits their (JN & SH) relationship and tells (SH) to get a place to live with JN. (note: the last sentence is not the direct translation but that's the meaning).


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Guest luv dramas

On the KBFD thread in Hawaii, it seems that KW's announcement has something to do with him transferring to another branch of the company in another country. I think Nara brought it up before when she wanted to get rid of KW because he and HI seemed close. Thought that issue died out when KW got married to HI but maybe not. It also alluded that Nara had something to do with this transfer. However, I am not sure.

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Guest professor97

Yeah Pumpkin is back--oh we missed you and all your keeping abreast of what was happening--boy is there nothing Nara won't do. I am glad Jaoek has come around a bit. Could someone please tell me what Sukhyun said to his mother as he took Jongnam out of the hospital. And can someone please explain to me how Nara could force her to have an abortion. How is that possible. Thank you n5y17cgirl for your translations too--I know this is a hard time of the year for you. So thank you, thank you.

And Pumpkin I'm so happy--just wish the soompi site was working better.

Now I can go back to my writing.

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Guest snam124

Why can't I see the video Mme. De Giry? I'm looking forward to watching it. It says it's a private video or something like that.

Man, I've been having problems accessing this website!! Hopefully this post will go through... :unsure:

Professor- oooh I loved that scene!! I'll try to do a more detailed translation when I get home, but SH tells NR that since she gave him the ultimatum of choosing her or Jong Nam, that he will choose Jong Nam!

And yes, I find it really hard to believe that NR could force JN to have an abortion. That part was pretty ridiculous, but I guess NR felt like she could threaten or scare Jong Nam into listening to her...grrrr. I'm glad Jong Nam was putting up a fight and tells Nara that this is her baby and she could never "erase" it. And our Suky came just in time to rescue his family!! :phew:

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Guest n5y17cgirl

yay! soompi's back. I was going to try and post some screen caps from tues's episodes for you guys, but... poor soompi. :(

thnx for the clarification pumpkin06. after seeing the previews for ep 143, that makes much more sense. when HI asks KW "so what did HR (human resources/personnel) say?" KW did NOT look happy. I can't believe Nara would go through all that trouble just to get him transferred. that's cruel.

and to answer your question professor97, about that piece of paper - it's an itinerary for some upcoming broadcasting event. my guess is that's when Nara will make the official announcement about KW??

that last scene in ep 142, where JN is on the floor pleading with Nara.. telling her she'd rather die than have her baby killed... and all Nara could say was "when'd you call SH? so you could put on this show for his benefit." and JN turns around and sees SH standing right there... brokenhearted, SH tells her to get up off the floor... then SH tells his mom "you once told me to choose: you or JN. well this is the end. I choose JN." and then he walks away with JN... that scene was so heart-wrenching...

glad to have you back, snam124! hope you enjoyed your little trip. :)

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Guest n5y17cgirl

yay! soompi's back. I was going to try and post some screen caps from tues's episodes for you guys last night, but... poor soompi. :(

thnx for the clarification pumpkin06. after seeing the previews for ep 143, that makes much more sense. when HI asks KW "so what did HR (human resources/personnel) say?" KW did NOT look happy. I can't believe Nara would go through all that trouble just to get him transferred. that's cruel.

and to answer your question professor97, about that piece of paper - it's an itinerary for some upcoming broadcasting event. my guess is that's when Nara will make the official announcement about KW??

that last scene in ep 142, where JN is on the floor pleading with Nara.. telling her she'd rather die than have her baby killed... and all Nara could say was "when'd you call SH? so you could put on this show for his benefit." and JN turns around and sees SH standing right there... brokenhearted, SH tells her to get up off the floor... then SH tells his mom "you once told me to choose: you or JN. well this is the end. I choose JN." and then he walks away with JN... that scene was so heart-wrenching...

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Guest ronni

Here's Episode 142 for anyone who hasn't seen it.

For anyone missing any recent episodes, here are some. Please let me know if you need any other episodes; if I have them, I will add them. :)

Here's Episode 142 for anyone who hasn't seen it.

For anyone missing any recent episodes, here are some. Please let me know if you need any other episodes; if I have them, I will add them. :)

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:blush: My small tribute to http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZDAp1idUEVo... :blush:

(Note: Please don't be harsh. I'm a newbie at fanvid making. Enough said. :( )

Thanks to ~*kYo*~! :P

Mme.De Giry the video was great :w00t: That was amazing for being a newbie...

Nara will be alone as she should be. She is not fit to be a mother. As I said in a previous post she thinks of SH as a possession.(sp?)

What is the story with Okidoo husband coming back?Did his new girl friend dump him?

I am glad to see KW and HI are backing SH and JN....

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Guest n5y17cgirl

yay! soompi's back... well, sort of. I'm still having trouble logging on and posting. last night, I was going to try and post some screen caps from tues's episodes for you guys last night, but... poor soompi. :(

thnx for the clarification pumpkin06. after seeing the previews for ep 143, that makes much more sense. when HI asks KW "so what did HR (human resources/personnel) say?" KW did NOT look happy. I can't believe Nara would go through all that trouble just to get him transferred. that's cruel.

and to answer your question professor97, about that piece of paper - it's an itinerary for some upcoming broadcasting event. my guess is that's when Nara will make the official announcement about KW??

that last scene in ep 142, where JN is on the floor pleading with Nara.. telling her she'd rather die than have her baby killed... and all Nara could say was "when'd you call SH? so you could put on this show for his benefit." and JN turns around and sees SH standing right there... brokenhearted, SH tells her to get up off the floor... then SH tells his mom "you once told me to choose: you or JN. well this is the end. I choose JN." and then he walks away with JN... that scene was so heart-wrenching...

good to have you back, snam124! hope you enjoyed your little trip. :)

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:blush: My small tribute to http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZDAp1idUEVo... :blush:

(Note: Please don't be harsh. I'm a newbie at fanvid making. Enough said. :( )

Thanks to ~*kYo*~! :P

Mme.De Giry the video was great :w00t: That was amazing for being a newbie...

Nara will be alone as she should be. She is not fit to be a mother. As I said in a previous post she thinks of SH as a possession.(sp?)

What is the story with Okidoo husband coming back?Did his new girl friend dump him?

I am glad to see KW and HI are backing SH and JN....

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Guest professor97

Yeah--everybody's back :D , but soompi's having problems--I hope these problems go away.

Thanks for answering my questions everyone. Especially for letting us know what Jongnam was saying to the witch. I know tonight is supposed to be when Nara kicks out Sukhyun--oh I can't feel an ounce of pity for her because she is so mean. There doesn't seem to be anything she won't do. She is the most evil character I've ever seen in Korean Drama--bar none. She gives me the creeps.

I too think the writers took a lot of liberty with that almost abortion scene--what doctor is going to perform such an operation on an unwilling mother--that would be a violation of the Hippocratic Oath which Korea uses too.

I am upset that Jaeok has been so mean to Jongnam--where are the moms who love their children enough to support them. Looks as if the only one around is Minsook.

And if Ki-woong gets transferred, what happens to Haein's job--what a witch. Can some character please trip her down the stairs or take the air out of her tires-- :w00t:

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:blush: My small tribute to http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZDAp1idUEVo... :blush:

(Note: Please don't be harsh. I'm a newbie at fanvid making. Enough said. :( )

Thanks to ~*kYo*~! :P

WOW...... :) awesome , just awesome.....I loved it, if I knew how to go about it I would send it to kbs for viewing something I think they should see how well we really like and love the korean dramas here in America.....just my two cents.....may I share it with my friends? I have a friend in KOREA i would love to sent it to....if I am not allowed to ask that here or do that....sorry, but better safe then sorry later....thanks again.


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